Time: 8:38pm
Weather: 19C
Venue: Barcelona
Mood: Relax... feet aching lol

Weather: 19C
Venue: Barcelona
Mood: Relax... feet aching lol
Peak Agenda: We hv been exploring Barcelona and the best way to do it is on foot.. yep yep i hv been walking.. its good cos i can see my thigh kissing each other when i'm standing naked in the bathroom .. ewwwww what a sight!! hahahha
So anywayyyyy.. yesterday i took like a zillion bad photos hahhaa.. i am just so bad at taking pics of buildings.. hb is good at it and i will just hv to wait till he's back fm Berlin.. which is by the way tmrw.. yeeehhhaaa.. (its just not the same to explore a new place without ur other half and that's a fact..)
We did lots these 2 days.. Barcelona is totally different fm other places that i hv been to.. am fascinated by the city simply bec there are many things to see.. wherever u walk there will be little lanes which lead u to many many shops .. err for example yah since us girls are into shopping hehehe.. so many stuff that i would love to share and i will hv to do it in several parts..
Going to start with La Boqueria Market.. i love going to markets wherever i go.. there is something abt markets which attracts me, so the first thing i did bef i flew to Barcelona was to google if there is one and true enough there is.. when we got there it felt as tho i'm at Central Market, Adelaide.. it's colourful and attracts locals and tourists.
The market is divided into different sections like Meats, Dried Fruits, Fruits and Vegetables, Seafood, Seeds and Cereals, Olives, Fish, Creperie etc etc etc There are some tapa bars where you can sit and eat something or just enjoy a fresh orange/fruit juice. ....And, of course many cafes, where we had our coffee fix.
The origin of the market dates back to the 13th century when it was an open-air market in front of one of the gates of the old city wall (plaza de la Boqueria). It was only in 1826 when the state officially recognized the market and created an official market. The metal roof was set up in 1914. The position of the market (in the middle of Les Ramblas) makes it the most popular in Barcelona among visitors, tourists and locals.

Sonia wakes up as early as 4am and will ask for breakfast.. yesterday she asked for scrambled eggs.. so here she is eating her brekkie at half past 4..

Coffee and dessert... cakes.. pastries.. yadda yadda yadda... u can never make me stop fm checking out what they hv.. can u see their macs?? no feet macs hahaha - still looks niceeee

Sonia is following in my footsteps.. she will stop to look at pastry shops and will gv me that smile hehehe

..... And who is this guy?? err err i cant help it folks.. i had to take a pic of this cutie pie.. ohhhh my Enrique Iglesias kahkahkah.. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Rima...melting betul tengok those truffles...chocs..! plus the fruits...adoi remind me masa my study time betul..Post more pix please..!
Akak niiii! Mmg kurang kerja! Wakakaka but i loike it!!! Ambik gmbr byk2 mmg hensem lerrrr si dia yg berbaju hitam, btw Mac akak lg cun ;) nk tanyer akak masa akak Bg kita Mac kn ada filling yg masam2 tuuuuu tp lupa kaler apa, sedappppp!!! Kita dah buat Mac semalam, tp kaki pendek lol ahahaha nanti bgtau eak :D
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....nice pic rimaa....moga semuanya selamat..
sungguh diva rambut Sonia di pagi hari...serupa ai with my pesen seripah aini ahaksss!! ehhh dun forget taw pics of the beautiful buildings...am waiting! err...gambar mamat ensem tu u can kim salam peluk cium dari ai..muahahhaha...kalo tua sikit leh kim salam jer..tak yah peluk cium!!wahkahkah..sudeenly terigin plak ai nak pakai baju matador yg kilat2 kaler maler dgn cape kaler merah...agak2 kalo pakai jalan raya musti cun gilers kan... ;)
Wah pagi betul Sonia b/fast.. Macam makan sahur pulak heheheee..
Bestnyeeeee.. seronok dapat pergi bercuti dan jalan2 mcm ni...
Wow! I'm falling in love with the market! The cherries nampak so succulent. kalau beli cherries here in msia, kecik2, pastu dah kecut2.
Another week of walking, those thighs will be kissing each other goodbye :D
sempat lg ngorat bila gi pasar ek.. hihhi... wahhhhh syoknyer dpt gi pasar gitu kan.. macam2 adaaaaaaaaa... tengok fruits, seafood... haishhh... tp yg best dlm tengok fruits tu, nampak 1 bj buah yg familiar.. durian!! hehe ada gak kat sana ya..
rima, buah apa (dlm gambar yg sama dgn durian tu) yg terletak atas that big & yummy strawberies? pelik jer rupa tu..
hahaha sempat meng-usha.. haha!
Kak Rima....I enjoy the picture...mmm bile la nak menapak ke sane....:).....more pic pls......
Owh....I know where sonia got her addiction to gummies from? :) muahahhahaa....
Love those pics and not forgetting the 'hunk' LOL. X dpt pegi tgk gmbr pun jd lah... huhuhu
enrique iglesias ye..
comfort zone + enrique iglesias = perfect moment.
cantikkknya gambar........
Uhhh... I want those gummies! Bestnye Rimaaa... The fruits, the food, err... And the people too... *wink*
Nice pics Rima. Keep posting more pics and stories pls. Would be great if you included more travel tips such as how to book the apartment,etc etc etc. Will be useful if we plan to visit barca in future.
Take care.
Wow i cud die inside those market,so wonderful.Tak sangka kat sana pun adas jual durian!!! Berapa 1 biji?
Princess Sonia, u r so cute. 8th picture: the what is the name of green fruit besides strawberry? Lovely seafood, what are cooking tonite? Maybe lobster with lemon garlic sauce. Yummy!
handsomenyer mamat tu! hahaha.. syyyy
Kak Rima,
Ada permintaan,take one cat photo for me, can aaaa? He...he...
Mika + Suzy
lorrr... no feet macs??? just made a batch this morning..no feet.. x sanggup mkn, trus masuk tong... jelesnya tgk buah kat sana....montel2
Waaahh... Jln kat market dah best, tempat lain mesti lagi seronok. 19deg rather cold tapi Sonia looks strong & very cute.
So cute! And everything looks so delicious!
salam rima - enjoy ur day! and nice pics
semuanya cun!! suka banget! tq sis
Waaaaaaaaaa...tu diaa Sonia...bekfes jam 4 pg..hahaha...mcm kebulur ke apa ke Rima, dia x amik dinner ke mlm tuh? hehhee...Waaaah akak pun kalau jalan2 kan..byk sgt lorong nak masuk kan...cik abg mcm senyum terpaksa dah kasi isyarat...Waaah mewah betuii pasar mcm tu..stoberi gedabak besar...silap makan tercekik..hehehe...Waaah main2 mata ke Rima..hehehehe
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