Been awhile since I last prepared a non bake kinda cheesecake... I call this type of cheesecake... easy peasy cheesecake lol... so easy and non fussy... so delicious and not too heavy on ur tummy... most important thing is to let it set overnight or for at least 5hrs in ur fridge...

Now this recipe uses Baileys coffee liquor which I dont use... hb said.. once upon a time bef he was known as Shahmeer... he used to drink Irish coffee liquor which is Baileys.. "its creamy, tastes of coffee and smoooth"... when he got home fm work, I told him that i had prepared Baileys cheesecake.. guess what he said with that cheeky smile?? woooahhhh really ah?? muahahah

Well if u wanna use it.. by all means... some ppl use rum essence.. some ppl use kahlua or any other type of liquor.. sooo really... its all up to ur preference... original recipe is fm Stefanie of KC..
1 small pack Malteser candies - crushed
About 12 digestive biscuits - crushed
50g butter - melted (i used 80g)
250g Philadelphia cream cheese - softened
1 tsp vanilla essence
25ml to 30ml Baileys (i ommited)
200ml dairy whipping cream
1/2 cup caster sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 cup boiling water
1 1/2 tbsp gelatine powder
1 tbsp butter
50g dark chocolate (I used valrhona 70%)

For base.... mix crushed Maltesers and digestive biscuit with melted butter together. Press and smooth evenly in an 8-inch springform pan. Place in a freezer while you get on with the filling... abt half an hour or so...
In boiling water,sprinkle gelatine evenly,leave to "bloom" for 2 minutes. Stir to dissolve. (i mix gelatine and boiling water, stir and micro it for 20 sec on high)
In microwave.. melt butter and chocolate in 30 sec bursts...stir to combine... (i micro it for a minute on high... every 30 sec i wud take it out and stir)
In your mixer or using a whisk ... whip cream till stiff peaks form - chill.
In a mixer (no need to wash after whipping cream) or food processor,cream the cheese and sugar on high speed till smooth,beat in lemon juice and vanilla.
Stir gelatine mixture,(while resting,some gelatine will settle to the bottom...) and beat in to combine.
Fold in whipped cream...remove tin from freezer.
Pour about 1/4 of batter into chocolate mixture,stir to mix....
Mix in Baileys with white batter.
Pour about half of white batter into tin,add half of chocolate batter,swirl to combine.
Add other half of white batter,top with spoonfuls of remaining chocolate batter,swirling to marble patterns.
Chill overnight.
To serve,run a knife along the sides of the cake,unmould,and slice.

Oh bef i go... let me intro u to a newbie in my pantry... her name is Ms Sunbeam.. bought and exported out of Aussie Land lol... well honestly?? I bought it when we were in Aust but didnt get to use it till a few weeks ago... love it love it love it!!!

This was our (Sonia and mom) quickie lunch today... turkey ham toasted sandwich ... mmmmmmmm niceeeeee!!

Hi Rima..
fantastically delicious looking cheesecake..u sure are talented :)
and nice photos too..looks like those u see from hotel bakeries la...really..i like it..
Awwww Yat.. ty dear.. ur too kind with ur words.. i hv this feeling that its gonna be a good day today heheh .. hv a great weekend ok!
Oh..wow..cheesecake my favorite yumm.
Ours too SJB... :)
Kak Rima,
Thanks for this amazing recipe! I've tried making it last Friday and it was HEAVEN! Everybody just loved it. Best cheesecake ever! :)
I have a question tho. The whipping cream needs to be whipped just lightly before using? Can I simply use it straight from the box? I think I over-whipped mine and that's why the batter didn't get as liquidy as yours (making it difficult for the swirls :D)
U did?? woahhh long time tak buat ini cheesecake.. i remember my hb punya lah suka.. but again he suka anything that is rich pong hahha.. anyway the whipping cream that i used are usually double cream and u hv to whisk it till med stiff peak..
hi, can i know where can i get Malteser candies? BTW ur cheesecake looks WOW!!!
Ty Anonymous
U can get it fm any supermarket.. its malteser chocolate.. red packaging..
wow! ur cheesecake is juz making me drool...juz one qn though...can i use instand jelly powder instead of gelatine powder for this recipe? Thanks!
i wud not advise it but u can gv it a try.. i think if u use instant jelly powder ur cheesecake will somehow turn a little harder?? gelatine powder is use mainly for chilled cheesecake and mousse.. err amonng others lah hehe
Tried it yesterday so yum2 bt x as nice as urs? Mcm mana ur top so flat huh? I mean d cake. Btw how ur cat? Lama x dgr cerita
Hmmm u didnt get a flat surface?? hmm i dont even know how but i guess if ur cheese batter is smooth u will get a flat top..
Sasha is fine.. shes sleeping right next to me right now since my hb is in jakarta hehe
Hi Rima,
Thanks for the recipe. BTW, is there any other chocolate that I can replace for Malteser candies?
Hi Wati
hmm i think u can just omit it if u dont want to go and get it... u can also use oreo if u like...
Made this for Mother's Day. It was heavenly!! Thank so much for the recipe!
Thanks for the recipe ! I did it gluten free and with mascarpone
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