Show has to go on no matter how busy we are... yesterday I started as early as 6am.. we were a little late and by the time I finally got to sip on my cuppa it was almost 9am.. knew that its gonna be one long day.. got home.. cooked and started preparing my french buttercream and lemon cream for my mac fillings..
Started baking lapis legit for an order right after Asar and by the time i was done.. it was almost 8pm.. midnight came and i had one more thing that needed doing.. pipe fillings for my macs.. cant wait for the long wkend!
So ok.. i hv been wanting to do Ispahan for the longest time.. i finally baked my mac shells on Tuesday when hubs gave me the big ridge mac sheets that he had ordered 3wks ago.. yayyyy my macs came out perfect.. am really really happy with my mastrad mac sheets!
You can use just abt any mac recipe that u feel comfy with.. am using french method simply bec it works well with me.. u can of cos use the recipe that i saw here.. to each his own..
Last evening:
Hubby: .... "Do you know where Ispahan is? ...its actually spelled with an "F"... Isfahan..." ...
"..its not far from Tehran in Iran"...
"aaaahhhhh..." that is where the name comes from... there is even a Ispahan Rose and they produce Rosewater there... so I guess that must have been Lenotre's inspiration for this macaron....(made popular by Pierre Herme)...

Rose Petal Cream
Italian Meringue:
125 grams egg whites
15 grams sugar
250 grams sugar
75 grams water
Boil the sugar and water to 245F, after syrup reaches 220 F start whipping the egg whites and sugar to soft peaks. At 245F pour the sugar syrup on the meringue and let it cool on 2nd speed. Once cool, reduce speed to 1st speed until use.
English cream
180 grams Milk
140 grams egg yolk
180 grams sugar
Boil the milk. Pour half of the milk into the egg yolks and sugar mixture, stir and add this mixture back into the remaining milk. Heat while continually stirring until the mixture can coat the back of the spoon. Cool the mixture in a mixer at high speed until it becomes light and airy.
To complete the rose petal cream:
900 grams butter
8 grams rose essence
56 grams rose syrup
500 grams English cream
350 grams Italian Meringue
Cream the butter. Add the English cream and the rose essence and syrup. Mix well before folding in the Italian Meringue.

To Assemble:
Lychees, raspberries, rose macaron biscuit, rose petal cream.
Cut up the lychees into small chunks and drain for 2 days otherwise your macaron biscuit will become too soggy.
.... and oh yes.. I decided to use my all time fav french buttercream recipe that i got fm Lenotre.. added a few drops of rose essence/ rosewater and thats it... i must admit that i hv never tasted anything like this bef.. u taste the rose french buttercream, lychee and raspberry in one bite and its simply gorgeous...

Ispahan Rose.. Pic courtesy of Tribe

Salam & Slmt pagi Rima...
Im a silent viewer... tapi pagi nie x tahan rasa.. really like ur photo shots & food here :)
so sweet! :)
Mornink kak rima....
fuhhh marbeles la kak...cantik dan sedap!!!i still got prob when i maked mac...still no kaki la kak my mac...hehe
Your husband was correct, Isfahan is the right one, pronounce with F - the second largest city after Tehran :) My husband is Isfahanian, he was laughing when I told about Isfahan Macaron, because there is no such a thing overthere. Yes they have a very great smell of Rose Water syrup :)
Your pictures are beautiful, Rima
Salam...these babies are sooo sweet...:-)) sungguh cantik!!
- Fatimah
Morning mama
Ty.. Pic was taken using my sis 450D n ade yg I pakai instagram.. Not as sharp but better then nothing..
ur hub ordered mac sheet? order kt mana kak?
Sweet macam tuan nye tak? Haha
Morning Asmah..
Jgn putus asa.. Once Mac dah pakai skirt ropol ropol.. Macam macam flavours kita boleh buat.. It's endless gitu
Moms little one
Not just that.. He also told me abt the rose hahaha.. That's my hubs.. Everywhere we go.. I tak payah pakai tour guide cos dia jenis suka membaca.. I only suka mendengar hahaha
The taste is superb too.. Great combination!
Fm my supplier.. If u want.. U can buy it fm my store.. Will hv it back in stock soon!
Drenched in drool. nuf said.
Huhu ur Maggie goreng nampak sedap.. Nak beli cintan brand lah!
Lahhh .. Pi lap sikit.. Berkecah ni hahaha
K. Rima: Yeayyy... bile tu agak2nye ye?
hi rimmmm... rindu sama kamu! aritu masa peknen aku teringinnnnnn nak makan si mac nih... pehtu teringat kat ko.. nak order segan, jadiknyer aku menapak g kl carik macaron kat klcc. punyer la jauhhh... hahaha.. pueh ati wpon 10 biji ceconet 30hinggit.. berebut2 ngan budak2! hahahaha
K Rima,
What a great post you have here.. Never heard of Ispahsn before.. Now you make me want to order them hehe
hi rima! i made this a couple of mths back and the kids loved them! siap berebut dgn bapak dia!
I will notify u ok.. Tks!
Wooahhhhhh I windu sama u also.. Bukan main jauh nak beli macs.. Nowadays ramai yg dah Pandai bake macs.. If dah ade perebutan macs.. Harus lah mama dia bake macs.. hehe..
When I first went to Paris .. Many years ago I dah nampak benda ni.. Sampai lah my last trip.. Masih jugak tak beli.. Since my hubs ordered the bigger ridge.. I thought why not bake ispahan macs.. One recipe I get 8 big macs.. Cukup lah buat kita one family
Nak order? Pi buat sendiri hahaha
I baked the shells bef but the shape tak bulat cam gini.. Macam tak perfect round.. Since I hv the bigger ridge now.. I decided to bake it again n it came out perfect.. Tu yg I buat ispahan ni.. Sungguh sedap the fillings.. Ngam dgn lychees n raspberry
I am sitting dumbfounded over here and am sweating profusely. Whylah agaknya ya??
BTW, you ada contact Yat tak? Is she ok??
Hehe next time I turun Empire maybe?
Tak tahu Apasal she tak update blog.. Hope she's ok :(
Hahaha.. I ketuk pintu you jap lagi, bawak tupperware :P nak gak merasa your magic touch aka air tangan :p
nway, maybe I order the mac sheet je.. tunggu end of the year, I masuk umah baru, and dpt oven baru..oven skang kecik x muat..bleuk
As'salam Rima
Alahai..meuntuh jiwa k.ct bila tengok kaler pink Mac tu, rasanya macam nak cekup masuk dalam mulut terus..hehehe
sangat2 cantik suka :)
SubhanaAllah.....cantiiknyaaaa laaaa macs with filling ready-to-serve tu Rima oiii...adeeei x tahan tengok...teringat2 rasa macs ni.. Tunggu Najwa balik end of April ni..akak usha dia suh buat lgk...hahahhaa... maknya dah malas nak baking2 yg complicated ni Rima, hehe... Tahniah la dpt mastrad mac sheets baru eh...makin rajin n mantopss lgk mac you... ^__^
Kak Rima..!!! I miss your macs..!!! Hahahaa... Abeh abeh ade benda nie plak kat sini... Ya salammm... I tunggu kat guardhouse je la.... Hahahahah.....
U ambik order tak kalau I nak order yg nie? Geram sey tgk! hehehehe
Hehehe if u want I can always bake it for u.. Tinggal bayar ajer terus dapat rasa hahaha
Tak leh satu ngap.. Benda ni tinggi n besar.. nanti cramp mulut mu hahaha.. Memang sedap.. Serasi dgn the Mac shells
Best kan ade anak Dara.. Nanti if Sonia besar.. Ku maybe dah retire.. Harus lah Sonia continue blogging n baking hehe
SMS me bef u come.. Ur order is ready for ur collection.. haha
Insyallah.. Drop me an email ok.. Tks!
thanks for very nice recipe
uwaaaaaa...kt sini byk lg gambo dia...sungguh menggoda kan rima, ai sgt terguder ngan gambo yg u dh ngap kt fb tu, hehehe
Loveliest! Don't know what else to type seriously, scrolling up and down to catch more glances at your pics...hehe! :)
Don't know what to say.. Just "wow, wee, woo" ... Asal you jauh sangat Rima, kalau tak boleh ai rasa air tangan you ni..
I just stumbled on your blog! Can't believe i didn't find it earlier! Lovely pictures Rima! Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful recipe! Thank you for sharing it with us! Now it's stuck in my head and I really have to bake this wonderful treats!
It looks delish! What kind of macaron mat do you use?
its Mastrad mac sheets.. u can get it in my store if ur interested :op
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