
That chapter is over and OUT...never to enter again...

Just thought i'd share this little news.. u know what happened in Barca, and to me whatever happen there.. i will leave there.. be it good or bad... however a few days ago bef i put Sonia to bed .. Sonia and i had this conversation which made me feel sad for a reason.. a reason that at that time made me feel so so upset that i wished Sonia had never gotten to know any other bibik other than my own two sisters.. i know it sounds bad but thats how i felt that day when someone crushed my innocent girl's heart!

Sonia: "Mama .. i want my ipad"
Me : "Your ipad?? papa said he will get it for u once the stock is in"
Sonia: "Hmmm.. Bibik took it away.. bibik wants to play with Sonia's ipad.. maybe if Sonia says.. pleeeeease bibik .. can i hv my ipad back?... maybe bibik will gv back my ipad"

I went quiet....

Sonia: "Mama.. maybe Sonia say pleeeeaassssssse bibik.. bibik will gv me my ipad"

She repeated that sentence a couple of times bef she finally drank her milk and went straight to bed.. I got tears in my eyes that night.. I tried not to show it to her or she would ask me why i felt sad... :o(

That night i felt so lousy.. i felt angry.. i felt like giving that woman a tight slap.. it was the same day that i had piped close to 1000 mac shells.. i was tired and hb wasnt around to comfort me.. :o{ How someone can treat a 3 year old with such guilt-free and inconsiderate actions is beyond me...

Hb flew in fm Hanoi safely Friday evening.. told him what happened and we drove straight to one of the Apple outlets fm the airport and guess what??!! We managed to secure the long awaited ipad2... FINALLY.. we were lucky that evening and u shud see the look on Sonia's face.. her eyes lit up instantly and said "thank you papa" right after hb handed it to her...

Mama and Papa are happy... Sonia is happy too... hopefully after this she will not talk abt what happen in Barca anymore..

Bef i go i wud appreciate if we just drop this touchy subject.. Sonia got what she wanted and lets bygone be bygone.. we grow fm what happens..


anakcikbob said...

let's forget. [but forgive, think bout it wisely]

hoping that 'she' grow from what happen too.. :(

Rima said...

whatever it is.. she better stay away fm us.. especially me lol

ijayuji said...

Im so Happy too sonia!!! Doesnt mean auntie want to pau pau ok hihihi Poor sonia... Cuba akak kasi 'puii' akak kat bibik tanduk 2 tuuuu hihihi aiyaaaa! Bila ingat2 balik kan HOW COULD!!!! Huh! Biar DIA yg balas balik perbuatannyer yg memalukn tuuu haish! Let's forget ya sonia ;)

Mat Gebu said...

Hmmmmm.....grrr gerammm..ada tak rasa macam nak bake itu bibik dalam oven?...

Ribbon and Circus said...

It's funny how friends become family and some family become strangers.. you're not the only one with this sis.. i somehow understand ur situation.. anyway, let's move on! :D

yeay! Sonia finally got the latest iPad..Adam pun suka main piano apps tu haha dah takde ABC, 123 apps dah ;p

Mylady said...

Hi Rima,

I've been your silence reader for quite some time, admiring your cakes and macs..oh my!!..they look sooo good!!.Wah..aunty jeles la dengan Sonia..aunty only have IPad, but Sonia lagi advance, got IPad2..:-)
Anyway Rima, good for you to just forget it..kalau tak, nanti makan hati jek..:-)

zarin said...

alalalaaa sedihnya bila dengar sonia ckp mcm tu... anyway m happy for sonia tooo...thank you mama n papa hikhik

K.Nor said...

seronok tengok si anak dara dah cheer up again :)

lemongrass said...

do not play play with a Mummy tiger kan! hehehe.
I'm glad Sonia is very happy now with iPad2 lagi. Much more canggih than her old one definitely :-D.

Rima said...

No point even talking abt her anymore.. as far as i know.. sonia only has 2 bibiks

Rima said...

Cik Mat
kahkahkah.. u very funny! eh i never thought of that.. kenapa tak habat siang siang.. if i know i do that! on oven .. dah tu set to highest temp then bake.. 45 mins later .. done.. poof... gone! hahaha

Rima said...

Tell me abt it.. honestly we hv never been close with her.. in fact we only started talking to her again after we got sonia.. thought finally she grows up.. rupe nye tidak.. haizz

Sonis lovesss to do the cupcakes thingy.. as what she will always say.. mama first i bake then i put sprinkles heheh

Piano is one of her fav too.. she will press and sing at the same time hahaha

Rima said...

welcome welcome and ty for leaving footprints..

I am that sort.. tak kuasa but bila sonia mention sure i akan teringat and i will hv that aggitated look.. now that she got a new one i am hoping she will not mention anything abt that incident..

Rima said...

Innocent child = tak faham = she thinks good things abt her bibik all the time = mama rasa macam aggitated pulak hahahha

CS said...

Sonia kecik2 dah ada iPad2. Aunty ada iPot n iPan aje, tu pun mcm selalu kena gantong. Jom kita exchange suka sama suka?

Guess what? You were in my dreams yest. Long story short, you jamu kitorang mcm2 makanan but no desserts in sight. You kata your mum in law yang masak the food.

As for your expat bibik tu, she will come back crawling to you; and you will be on the crossroad whether to forgive n forget; or to just say "no dice" to her. Dugaan ... sigh..

Rima said...

ah ah.. at least she will not mention or even say something like that anymore..

norgee said...

Kak Rima,
simpati ngan adik bila tgk dia senyum je main ngan ipad tu...mesti dia dah forgive n forget apa yg dah berlaku...hehe..kali ni jgn kasi bibik main ngn ipad yer..heh2..

be happy Sonia!

azdra-azdra said...

kak rima,

been silent reader this all time.. :)

sonia darling,

ur ipad2 is so much better than aunty's galaxy tab.. ;) muahhss

p/s: i cannot imagine if somebody do that to my children.. i might turn into greenish thing and go meroyan.. heheheheh

sabar yer kak rima...*hugs*

Rima said...

Dont play play wokey.. her bibik was lucky i tak saksi babak babak waktu dia curi itew ipad dari sonia.. i was in the toilet waktu tu.. if i ade kat situ sure my claws will terkeluar and sure her head kena baham by me hahhha

Guess what.. her ipad2 dah de scratches pun.. the very second day.. she was holding on her ipad and panjat atas jamban at the same time.. konon nak look at herself kat mirror with her new ipad.. it slipped and jatuh on lantai.. ish ish

Rima said...

muahahha eh cik som tu sah sah .. double confirm menunjuk kan yg we all ni tak de good relationship dgn meka meka ni.. how can tak de dessert hehehe

I went thru that once after a few years of not having to deal with that woman anymore.. she came back and i had to just forget and forgive cos of sonia.. now she did it again.. and this time it involves sonia punya feelings.. i dont think i will be able to do it again for the second time..

Yan said...

whatever it takes to make our lil ones happy kan... itu yang penting. and ur lil sonia is lucky coz she got parents that can actually buy her a new ipad. kalau tak mesti sedih...
anyway, have a good rest in KL Rima. will be missing ur bakes...

Rima said...

LOL .. ah ah.. next time .. no sharing cos no caring anymore haha

Rima said...

Yep anything to stop her fm asking me the same question over and over again .. saying the same sentence again and again.. we are lucky to hv sonia in our life after 5yrs into our marriage.. shukur alhamdullilah..

izahdaut said...

rupanya kejadian tu sonia nak dapat ipad lagi bestt..

cheer up girl!!

SJB aka SUELYN J-B. said...

Bibik curi Sonia's Ipad? Astaga!!.

CTZee said...

Lots of reasons to celebrate...hb's return, KL trip, Sonia's iPad 2. Alhamdullillah....wooHoo...

Over n onward K.Rima.

Sizuka said...


I got tears in my eyes too when I read your conversation with Sonia. If ipad2 cost RM2, I'd buy Sonia at least 100 of those.. unfortunately, it's so expensive. *hugs Sonia*.. I'm happy that she's one happy girl now :)

ps : hubby had to wait 3 weeks for his ipad2. lucky Sonia for not having to wait at all! :)

Rima said...

what to do kan.. shes hook to it and of cos she will tanya pasal benda tu and bec yg present kan dia is her own bibik she mesti will associate bibik dia dgn her ipad.. now no more cos papa bought it for her and she kept on saying.. papa bought for sonia ipad hehe

Rima said...

Why is it each time u type in astaga it makes me laugh?? hahha i can imagine how u sounded like bila u said that word kahkahkah

Rima said...

Yep.. alhamdullilah and not forgetting hb got his profit sharing this month wooohooooo.. mak suka! hehe

Rima said...

we had to wait.. when we flew into singapore fm barcelona.. kita terus go to apple center and they said no stock for ipad2.. so we had wait for almost 2wks and lucky last friday when we went there benda tu ade but tinggal satu aje.. dgn cepat kita pi beli kan dia.. dah rezki dak sonia ..

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulilah,ni nama nya rezeki budak,so happy tt Sonia finally dapat ipad2.It is true when it involve innocent kids our hearts cud melt.Pasal yang keluar kuku nak terkam,nampak gaya superwoman dah jadi catwoman.Meow.Kwang3

Edi said...

that's so wise of you, rima.
hugs to sonia.

Rima said...

If only body pun macam catwoman kahkahkah

Rima said...

If dah tua kerepot masih tak wise wise pun tak tahu nak cakap ape.. mak dah tua.. so lebih tak kuasa dari kuasa hehe

ninazsyafinaz said...

Salam sis..whoaaa Sonia..U got it girl!!! kat sini long q! :( o btw nak share sumtime..hari tuh I cub abuat Mac follow ur receipe French Mac..keluar kaki sebelah jerk..another side tak keluar..hahahha..tak faham..but I will try again..I remember your words while u in Barca.." Dun worry kalau mac kita buat tak cantik.." :)) Thankyou for the receipe btw.

Zee B. said...

I feel so sad hearing Sonia's words.But yay to the new Ipad.I am waiting for my daughter's 6th birthday in August to get her one since she has been bugging me for it.Macam mane eh budak budak sekarang knows about ipad ni semua.Sabar Rima,ini semua dugaan kita kat dunia ni.Someday "she"will have a child of her own and will understand the hurt a mother feels when someone mess with her child.Eventually you may forgive her some day,but not forget about what she did to this lovely little princess.I hope things work out for you guys.

Rima said...

Yep.. i kept on telling myself that its ok.. its ok.. its ok if tak cantik but kan to be honest if ur baking for someone.. macam mana pun harus buat yg terbaik.. kat barca memang yg dijual semua nye buruks kahkahkah

U kira dah ok lah kan.. at least keluar jugak kaki dia.. the first time i did.. ya rabbi.. buruk nye.. sampai macam volcano hahaha

Rima said...

Insyallah.. dulu also i macam tak leh lupa and maaf kan dia.. eventually u terpaksa jugak lah kan cos of sonia.. this time round.. entah lah.. forgive kita harus lah kan.. forget.. hmmm biar mak pikir dulu hehehe

Budak sekarang ni lain sikit.. look at sonia lah.. dia yg ajar i how to bake and decorate cupcakes on her ipad hehehe

Yat Maria said...


kekadang...nyamuk, lalat or langau, balunkan ajer ngan baygone ke mortein size miyak tanah...dah ilang..baru malam nak gi PO collect menda..semalam brader datang tak dak orang kat umah, so brader tu tinggalkan ai love letter...nasib baik u tak tulis Yat Maria..muahahahha

Nuqman Harris Sharmizi said...

alahai sonia plak ajar mama dia bake & decorate ye..nowdays children really over pandainya

Rima said...

I think if i yg pi antar sure i will write down yat maria hahah.. my hb yg buat kerja kerja mengepos.. i cuma bagi arahan ahakss

Yes i got what u mean.. harus pakai minyak tanah.. dah tu bakar muahahahha .. eeekkk so evil!

Rima said...

eh eh macam mana boleh terlepas ini comment.. well i dah pula tukar colour turquoise waktu she exchange some words dgn my hb.. dont want to masuk campur tu yg i pi masuk dalam toilet.. tau tau ipad anak ku sudah diambil.. haizz

Rima said...

Hehhe over kan.. but honestly its fun lah playing with all this application hehehe

Jun said...

wowww woooowww...i've been missing a lot since....hehe, a few days x blogging. nway, glad dat sonia is happy again..u shud too ok dear? nnti sakit ati lama2 susah...hmmm, aunty jun ni pon x d ipad...darlinggggg! nak ipad2 mcm sonia, opps! hehehe

Rima said...

Kita dah tua.. buat ape nak simpan simpan.. nanti got wrinkle u know hehehe

Ummi said...

Owh....poor Sonia! So sweet when asking for a new ipad....kiiijaaamm betul itu bibik...kalau auntie dpt...auntie cungkil biji mata dia eh Sonia....Sweet Sonia, I glad you're happy now! Rima, you take care too eh, have a good rest!

Nur68 said...

As'salam Rima
Sonia is a very smart little angel but those words coming from that her is indeed heartwrenching for me. Whatever it is kan, I know she'll have all to count on and protect her.

Take care.

Rima said...

If can i also want to cungkil biji mata dia hahaha.. am resting well KUmmi.. sampai tak update blog lagi hehehe

Rima said...

Tell me abt it.. tu sebab hati ku berdara kembali after she kept on saying the same thing.. rasa macam nak cepuk aje muka si bibik nye.. haizzz.. its ok.. got lori got bus one hahahah

Arina said...

Salam Rima,

Akak nak tahu mana Rima beli macarons pan? Puas akak cari kat kedai baking utensils suppliers around KL ni yak jumpe,don't mind telling me Rima?

Rima said...

Salam KArina
U can get it fm my store.. its mastrad silicone mat and not pan.. click on my store kat atas u and u will be able to order it online.. right now all my 30pcs of mats dah habis dijual.. keep a look out for my next shipment ok..

witwit said...

to clear the's good to forgive..nothing to lose, much to bad she is..she's still her aunt. we too make mistakes and would appreciate forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

witwit, i dont agree with your comments yeah. if u keep forgiving the same kind of mistakes from one person, u are encouraging that person to keep behaving the rotten way, cos he/she knows eventually she can get away with it. what she did to the kid was not acceptable. its petty mistake, done on purpose. maybe u will forgive such people, but not everyone will. i will forgive and move on but will never have anything to do with such person again.

About Me

My photo
Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..