Sorry folks.. no baking pics today.. my cheesecake is still in the oven.. my steamed fruit cake is still in my steamer.. so it looks like the pic is only gonna make its appearence tmrw hehehe.. i wasnt in the mood to bake anything earlier today but as soon as hb got home fm work i began to take out my cream cheese that was abt to expire.. err well i hv like 6 more days to clear more than 900g of cream cheese! beware.. its gonna be a one cheesy week ahead hehehe
So ok no baking pic means more pics of my little princess :o)

Last weekend when i baked a Ben10 cake for an order.. my little Sonia went crazy.. she kept on wanting me to open the fridge so that i can show her the cake.. i kept on telling her that the cake belongs to someone and fair enough she understood it well.. the very next morning.. she found out that the cake was not there anymore and gave me that look.. the look that will always melt my heart away.. so eventho i had a few orders in hand.. i managed to bake four small cakes with ben10 pics on it.. showed it to her and she gave me that big big smile.. :o)

Pic taken last saturday right after we dropped off the cake for the elderly..

Why is it that every child will still play with the same thing evetho she has the same one at home?? hmmm maybe i shud get more kitchen utensils? the phone maybe?? hehe

"Share ok.. mama say.. must share" hahahah

Anyway lets talk abt my little Sonia.. these couple of days shes been showing us her showgirl side hahaha.. she loves to sing and dance.. u shud see the way she dances (like papa).. that girl has tempo hahaha enjoy!

hahahaha cute
masa kena suruh menyanyi sekali lagi dengan daddy dia, macam stressful lain macam je dia kuatkan suara.. hahahaha
Terus celik mata I dengar Sonia sebut "hey!"
Cek Chun
Hahaha i had to ulang dgr sekali lagi buat kepastian.. memang sah sah macam stressful kahkahkah
Cik Som
Mata yg layu pun boleh jadi terbeliak hahaha.. Actually she got addicted to this song semenjak balik euro disney.. kat sana while naik chu chu train this song kept on playing tu lah dia tak habis habis nyayi lagu ni.. kuat pulak tu suara dia.. :op
cute .... must be more like u.....
for the dance n cheerfulness...
Hahaha... she's soooo cute! Nyanyi jingle bell, tapi gaya macam rappers. Baby baby oooo!!!
haha ade macam rapper sket time awal2 jingle bell tu :D
btw, Adam pun suka lagu JB Baby, Baby tu but he sang it in monotonous version hihi why all kiddos suka lagu nih??
anyway, sonia is such an adorable girl..I make sure i'll accessories my girl too..suka tgk gelang, rantai dia hihi klu i dapat girl lah next time ;p
sekali 4 biji kek arr Sonia dapat..just be giving that 'doleful' look tengah praktis ni.. misal kata lah, ai bat my eyelashes and keluarkan sikit air mata pelesu kat u....err..agak2 ai dapat tak even if 1 jer kek kecik cam Sonia punya...even though ai tak reti nak goyang lentuk style Sonia, hatta terpeleot my pinggang kang...mueheheheh
sukanya mas tengok sonia tu....he..he.....
sangat comeiiii...
alaaa... alaa... comey betul Sonia ni. and so sporting too..
such a pretty young lady! dia joget2 tu takkan mcm papa kot.. mcm mama i rasa! hehe
this cute princess really make mommy smiles from ear to ear all the time....
so sweet!! :)
Sonia looks so lovely...she is a bright young girl :)
Ms V Sonia ni. Macam2 dia. Best kan ada lil girl to keep us entertained. So much fun & she's such a cutie pie!
hehehe... so cute sonia nyanyi & joget... bijaknya dia...
hahahaha..kesian penari aka penyanyi nih mengalami wardrobe malfuntion..asyik tarik suar yg terlondeh jer..hehe.she make my day..Sonia buat Auntie LOL.Cute Sonia ..hahahaha
ohh myyyy,she's super cute! :D
Oh lil' sweet Sonia...suka tengok ikut Rima masa kecik2 kot nih...hehee
haha..manjanya..sonia, i luv ur keletah..
my son pon sama,pantang nmpk kek, mesti mintak, 'nak kek,kek"..last week buat sicilian orange cake tau, hancus kek tu sbb dia cubit2 sendiri walaupon dah letak jauh dr capaian dia.
little cake sonia sgt cute!!penat or sibuk macamana pon mesti mama tak sanggup hampakan request anak kan?
cute nyerrrr k.rima :) buah hati pengarang jantung Mama Rima ni! :)
To all shes one special girl i must say.. dont know how shes gonna be like once she hit 4yrs old.. wonder how shes gonna behave in school.. today she said this to me..
Mama: Sonia its time for u to take a nap..
Sonia: No.. its not night time.. its day time.. sonia dah sleep already
Mama: grrrr
heee.. cutenya sonia, secute mini kek tu..! ada tokoh jadi mcm mama dia..pandai baking..! heee..
fuiyohhh!!! super cute minah rapper in the house yo!
btw, i think you're a brilliant baker who's so kind at heart. thank you so much for sharing your recipes. god bless you!
OMG she's so adorable!
I really miss my girl's toddling years... now that she's 15, nampak saja videocam/camera and she will lari macam nampak hantu :)
cutenya sonia.... so adorable!!!
Just let you know that i came across your blog via zarin and have been a silent reader all these while. Have tried your Layer Cake Masam Manis and today just baked your fav Sicilian Orange Cake.....
Keep up the good work yeah, your hasil kerja selalu buat i terkedu tau.... huhu
Comel sungguh anak dara you sorang ni. If i ever get pregnant again (with a girl i wish), i'll tenung lelama gambar sonia in your blogs. Manalah tahukan kot-kot meresap ke muka baby. IF and only if la...
not going to comment on sweet Sonia's singing or dance moves. Finally i get to match yr face n voice...sedap jugak suara. Oh gitu ya ketawa u!! :)
Kak RIma,
Now.. how cute is that, eh? Daughter and mother! Super cute!
Helo Sonia,
cute nya....Jingle Bell2x jingle all the way...eh2 Christmas still long way dear! Heehee...
Rima, comel dan cantik Sonia I wish if my daughter looks like Sonia...hahaha...mana boleh kan anak orang Jawo tetap muka Jawo...hehehe.
kak, bila sonia besar esok, kalau dia nak kerja yang glemer2, akak kasi tau.. such as model. hehe..
Hi Rima would like to know why do you need to wrap an aluminium foil on the outside of the cheesecake mould when you bake it? Thanks.
Wud love to call u by name tho.. u wrap it with aluminium so that no water will seep into ur cake since ur using water bath..
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