This was actually baked for the sake of comforting myself.. sob sob its only the 3rd of Jan and i already had my first baking blunder.. my first cake turned kuih like for some reason..oh well.. either today is not my day or the recipe cannot be trusted.. either one i wasted 6 eggs and it left me feeling frustrated half of my day...

Have u ever wondered if all the recipes which u set ur eyes upon online can be trusted?? i say 90% of the time i hv been lucky.. especially when a recipe calls for 35 eggs.. touch wood yah but i guess most of the time it has got to do with ur instinct.. take my blunder cake as an example .. its a simple coffee marble cake which to be honest i had doubts about when i first saw it.. i didnt bother to read all the comments on it and hence decided to just try my luck on it.. after whisking my eggs and sugar.. as always.. i then carefully folded in the flour (in 3 additions) and also the melted butter.. to my dismay the batter became very thin and knew at that instant that my cake was gonna be a disaster.. the recipe doesnt state the temp and the time to bake the cake .. i decided to go ahead and baked it at 175C for 40mins since the batter was for a 7" cake.. sure enough after 40mins and after slicing em.. my cake had a texture of rubber lol.. i quickly read all the comments on her post and sure enough those that had tried baking it had the same probs like me... moral of the story: dont be lazy Rima ahakss

Oh well some days u win some days u loose ey.... so anyway after feeling frustrated for half of the day.. i decided to bake muffins instead.. and why muffins u may ask since i hardly bake muffins?? hehhe after one blunder u simply cant afford to hv another one right away.. that will kill ur mojo right there!
Dry Ingredients:
1 3/4 cups Plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp quality cocoa powder - I used Valrhona
3/4 cup superfine sugar
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips (put aside 1/4 cup for sprinkling)
Wet Ingredients:
1 cup milk
1/3 cup plus 2 tsp vegetable oil - I used Canola oil
1 egg
1 tsp pure vanilla extract - I used vanilla essence

1. Line muffin tin with paper cases
2. Preheat oven to 200deg - I used 175C
3. Put all dry ingredients into a large bowl
4. Pour all the wet ingredients into a measuring jug
5. Mix the dry and wet ingredients together (the batter should be lumpy, DO NOT over-mix)
6. Spoon into the prepared muffin cases
7. Sprinkle the remaining 1/4 cup chocolate chips on top
8. Bake for 20 minutes or until the muffins hv risen and are springy

This muffin is so so simple to prepare and yet tastes so yummy.. i wud definately add a pinch of salt the next time i bake these beauties so if u happen to hv a fairly bad day.. why not bake a chocolate chips muffins to cheer u up :o)

Eh I baked some chocolate muffins too last night ! What a coincidence. Hehe. But I'm sure my muffins are not as tasty as the ones you baked sis.
They look very delicious ! Rasa macam nak gigit je screen laptop ni. ;p
Alah cian u *hugs* babe...
I totally agree that muffins are the easiest to bake and its completely a no fail recipe. I kalau malas, main hentam buat muffins jer...hehehez. Lepas tu tak payah cuci byk2....
kak rima..paham macamana frustratednya bila baking tak jadi..ooohh rasa hari mendung dan bila pandang lagi bahan yang tak jadi tu rasa mcm nak ribut je dalam hati..hahhaa..baik buang terus tempat yg tak boleh dilihat oleh mata.
masa anak2 dara dulu, saya pernah baking kek nak cuba2,tapi ended up dengan saya buang keluar tingkap .boleh pulak mak saya ada kat luar masa i buang kek tu.apa lagi...kena bebel la..haha
U r absolutely rite there! after baking disaster, for me, ai akan bake something simple & nice preferably yg ai dah pernah buat..just to cheer my spirit up...kalo tak, pasti semangat merundum terus!! sometimes cake 'rosak' sket bule lah improvise into something else but most often than not mr T lah jadik mangsa dihumbankan terus bila dah humbankan then sedih sey sebab
pikirkan cik ayam yg dah berhempas pulas meneran all the telur yg wasted itew...
delicious dessert happy new year
i hv never been a muffin person, neither my kids...but will definitely try this! ehhh....i remember those muffin cups :p
ooissh Rima yr food photography, styling n props are to die for!!! ...CURLASST n me DROOLING. 1st pic tu boleh jadi cover for any high end recipe books
Frustrated? Try again lor. As you already said "don't be lazy". Or else, close your eyes, dip the cake into your coffee and munch it. Ngeeee
Your muffins look so romantic and like fairytale.
babe! i pulak kalau cake tu tak jadi then i will stop baking for the next few days coz i know i if i bake jugak on the same day, sure tk jd jugak..i rasa i dah kena curse kot :P, kalau skali tk jadi mesti will kena lagi for at least 3 times tau! hehehe...anyway, pernah sampai 3 kali berturut cake n muffins jatuh merundum..sudahnya ku pegi makan kek kat secret recipe je :D
perghhhh lawo bokeh tuh! rimm..ko gune lense f1.8 er? eh konyer canon kan? ishhh arini kepochi plak! hihi
I took a peek at ur muffins.. they look delish to me.. nothing wrong... looks good... but if u wanna give this simple recipe a try.. u got a green light fm me hehe
I hardly bake muffins for some reason.. malas nak reheat if nak hv it with coffee.. u know how it is with muffins.. they taste alot more better when its warm.. memang nak buat senang.. nak cuci lagi lah senang bai tu.. tu sebab hari hari kemalasan bermaharaja lela baru lah kita semua terkedek2 nak bancuh muffins hehe
Muahaha Izahhh.. if ur in Singapore.. buang cake kat luar tingkap sure akan kena tangkap... ur case will be under killer litter kahkahkah
Memang betul lah.. bila kek dah macam rubber duckie ape lagi.. ku humban kat dalam tong sampah.. siap dgn ikat sekali plastic sampah tu and terus buang kat luar rumah.. haizzz bukan mendung n ribut aje... orang telephone pun akak kau tak nak angkat hahaha.. kira frust tonggek lah
LOL u know babe ape yg lagi frust.. bila cake yg dah tentu2 i niat nak bagi seseorang tak menjadi langsung.. sigh.. tak de rezki lah.. nasib si muffin menjadi penyelamat ku.. dapat jugak i bagi dia muffin ni this morning :o)
Welcome and ty for leaving footprints.. wishing u the same for year 2011 too!
Hehehe of cos u remember Yani!! kita kan pergi tempat lorong nak beli muffin cups ni kahkahkah
Pi try buat ah ni muffin.. its great for morning brekkie.. prepare it at night and reheat it the next morning...
Adehhhh LAKSA.. where got... me not pro lah.. just a wannabe.. kadang also no idea leh but i must agree that props are important for me to achieve good pics..
Huhu how to close my eyes and dip that rubber cake into my coffee and then eat it?? yukkie kannn hahhaha
Didnt know there is such thing as cake curse hahahha.. actually its all in ur mind ahaksss
If i failed satu kali i sure akan cuba lagi buat yg lain.. the failed recipe akan ku simpan and if bulan terang semacam i akan cuba lagi the failed recipe.. but kan usually thats not the case lah.. fail means i will just pangkah the recipe on my book - case closed! hehe
Bokeh tu bekas eh?? lahhhh gue tak faham faham bahasa kau tu Hana hahah.. nanti balik M'sia pi lah beli.. i bought it kat KL pong..
Yes i use Canon lens EF 50mm 1:1.8
Hi Rima,
I was about to search for a muffin recipe in your library and thank God you posted it just on the right time...
Must try this recipe tonight..btw, 1 adunan ni dapat berapa muffin yeah?
Hi Aishah..
I can sense lah u nak buat muffin heheh.. i got 15pcs out of this recipe.. if ur using a smaller cups.. u will get more ah
I salute yourr sixth sense la sis.. Your superb baking really inspire me until my maid terkejut yang lately ni 'Non' nya asyik bikin cake saja...
One thing for sure.. I dah addicted to your blog..satu hari tak intai..fusshh rindu la sis.. rasa macam dah lama dok kenal you...~Aishah.
LOL Aishah.. good to know that ur addicted to baking.. its a win win situation.. everyone gets to taste ur labour of love hehe
LOL......... lagi...... LOL....... aduh buk.. sori sori..... ok ok...siyes nih.. bokeh tuh tuuu yg bulat bulat kat belakang gamba yg pertama tuh namanya bekas! eh sori bokeh! kekekeke....... biasanya klu lense f1.8 atau macro leh dpt bokeh cenggitu.. tuh yg aku suka tgk.. hihihi.....
I'm going to try this recipe soon ! ;D
ROTFLMAO ahhhhh tu diakkkkk... si bokeh boleh jadi bekas pulakkkk!!! kahkahakhaa
Ahhhh ku tahu ambik gambo but tak tahu ape name kebende si bokeh tuuu hahahhah.. pandai pandai cik rimamelati!!
Gv it a try Azlina.. its simple and yummy too..
Hi Rima,
May I know how much is 1/3 cup? Unfortunately, my baking cups does not come in 1/3. I only have 1/2, 1, 1/4.
1/3 cup of oil is 80g
I don't realy like muffin...but this one look marvellous...I should give a try today!
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