It has been three yrs since I first sat down at my computer and wrote my first blog entry. My first pic.. the way i started it was a little ahem lol.. bef i decided to hv my own blog.. i had an online "journal" kinda thang when i was preggie with Sonia and since i developed this crazy habit of baking every single day while pregnant.. i decided to hv my own baking blog a year after Sonia was born..
Can u remember ur first year of blogging? back then it was much simpler.. u bake.. u take photos.. talk a little and u share recipes.. nowadays its a little different.. not only do i wanna bake something that is beyond my comfort zone.. i also fell in love with food photography.. oh yes.. food photography has changed drastically over the years and that is good..
Honestly this blog has been one of the best experiences ever. I've learned so much over the years that it's crazy! i never thought that i wud actually have followers lol.. to have a thousand odd followers is something that i never dreamt of.. the nbr isn't a crazy amount, but it's enough for me.. enough to gv me the motivation to keep on blogging..
Thank you everyone who has supported me in some way.. be it on my facebook or my page.. whether by following me in my blog or commenting on a post or even just by looking at my pictures... I really appreciate it.. without ur support i dont think Bisousatoi could last this long.. love u many many!
Bef i go.. i would love to gv my thanks to those that ordered fm me on this trip.. ty to Hawa who i met in JB.. to Mimi who i met in Ayer Keroh.. ty Suhailah who i met in Bangi.. ty to Puspa, Aidah, Yante, Yuzi, Nurazian, Munie, Reen, Chiah and Shazilah who came to the Concorde to collect ur macs and cakes.. was nice to meet u girls again..
To my dearies.. Shidah and Yani.. ty for taking the time to see me again.. it was really nice catching up with u girls.. to Asilah and Nora.. ty for taking the time to see me.. am a happy puppy whenever i come to KL cos thru this wonderful blogger world.. i get to meet lots of nice ppl.. Insyallah we will meet again in May..
Till then.. have a good Sunday everyone.. we will be heading back to Singapore today.. cant wait to bake!!

Dear Kak Rima,
Congratulation on your 3rd year of writing. Keep it up coz I love to read your stories as well as looking at those delicious foods :)
Sayangnya I am not in KL, if not sure grab the chance to meet you.
If you happen to go to KK, let me know ya. Will see you here. :)
Safe journey to Singapore! :)
Happy 3rd Blogasary kak Rima! ... More awesome and drooling photos to come ... lol!
Congratulations.. I can see that you have a wonderful & colorful blog.. keep it up.
Selamat ulang tahun ke-3 dan tahniah juga untuk Rima. Terima kasih atas daya usaha anda menghasilkan kek yang cantik, gambar yang menarik dan berkongsi ilmu. Moga Allah swt memberi anda idea2 yang lebih pada masa2 akan datang, juga diberi kesihatan dan awet muda (ehem..ehem)..
Hi Kak Rima(my baking idol),
CONGRATULATION & HAPPY 3rd ANNIVERSARY to BISOUS A TOI! Thank you for sharing ur knowledge and recipes to us. You never fail to awe me with ur gorgeous bakes & photography skills. I hope to learn more from you in future. I wish u & ur family all the best in life!
Allah Bless!
Norliza Muhd Nur
Congrats Rima! Keep up the great work! Hope u'll have many more great years of blogging with many more great recipes, pictures & stories!
HAppy 3rd bloggeversary ya Kak Rima, great success in the future!!
Hai Rima,
Kita ni baru jer kenal2 di fb tp tak sempat juga nak kenal dgn lebih lanjut.
Is that your little Sonia??? So beautiful, so gorgeous, so pretty and so cute. Pandai beraksi depan kamera..
Tahniah atas menjangkaunya usia blog ke tahun ke 3. Semoga lebih success lagi pada masa hadapan..
Congratulations n thanks a zillion to you for uplifting my baking semangat (wpun todate not a single macaron berjaya dibuat. My bad!), and for making me 'tumbuk dinding' everytime you 'seduce' me with your gorgeous 'waterhand', harharhar...
Selamat jalan ..
Happy 3rd birthday to your blog Rima!
Congrats K.Rima... Hopefully more years to come.
Ilmu baking or even your story bout life/sonia is such o wonderful thing to read. Keep it up and Take care!
*Can't stop eating the macs but so sayang nak habiskan :) TQ Kak...
Tahniah Sis....sebab blogger2 mcm sis lah my semangat nak mencuba membaking tercipta haha..... bukan sedikit jga cost nak memulakan hobi baru ni kan... but it worth lah happy sgt klu mnjadi apa yg di baking.. TQ atas segala susah payah sis nak share dgn kitaorg your creations...Ur The Best!!!!
Happy 3rd bloggersary k Rima.. Thank you for sharing those cakes, scones, breads, and not to forget macs recipes.. May all good things fall to you :)
Happy 3rd Bloggersary Rima!Congrats & well done.Dh lama jd yr silent reader only lately ni suka 'enter frame'.Yr blog (&yani's too) really inspires me not only bcoz of yr bakes & pics but the way u penned yr thoughts...as a mother,a wife & a woman...at times we share the same view.So keep on blogging as i always look forward to read yr entrees
Salam Kak Rima,
Have u ever thought to give a crash baking course to anak dara like me who really passionate about baking but dont know how to..sobs sobs..
Hope u can think bout it :)
your silent reader.
Happy 3rd Anniversary Rima !!!! Keep up d good work gal !! Keep on baking..keep on blogging ...! I'm soooo glad n " fortunate " to stumble into ur blog dulu n to be very frank ,u r one talented baker !! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY .
Happy 3rd birthday bisousatoi.com! Kak rima, u're the best :) keep it up yah
congratulations rima!!
Congrats kakak ku ;) InsyaAllah many more entries to come.....
Ehemmmss byk shopping dkt KL?? :ppp
Happy 3rd Anniversary to BISOUS A TOI & my sifu....Rimaaaaaaa....
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, tips, recipes, beautiful pictures & etc etc to all of us.
Hari2 mesti tgk ur blog tau... kalau tak tgk, tak boleh tidur... hehehe
salam kak rima,
I am one of your silent reader, ahaks!
I've been stalking your good food since 2010 around June. I was pregnant at 12weeks and craving for macarons! and i was in Kuching for a conference back then! ahahaha wierd craving, absolutely! then i asked Sheikh Google for macarons and they give me a link to Bisous a toi. heheee
congratulations! keep blogging.
love your food, love your photos, love your story!
p/s: ive baked your apple crumble pie. it was a big hit! yummmmm
congratz to bisous a toi 3rd blogasarry.. dan semoga terus suksess dan terus menulis dan membaking ye kak rima.. dan sangat nak jumpa akak, but masa dan keadaan belum mengizinkan ;-)
betul kata kak rima tu, kita tak terpikir boleh ada follower dan yang tak jangka ada kawan2 baik di dunia blog ni.
o ya, si Bais 5 tahun this year.. pra sekolah 5 tahun. memang slalu ada homework.. and sonia 4 year kan.. tu la.. ingat kan sama year
Salam Rima...Happy 3rd birthday to this blog...can't thank you enough with the recipes/stories/tips/advises that you have sincerely share with us ....
Do keep people like me to drool more whenever we see the photos !!! There and then we forget about diets, calories, sugar...Hahaha !!!
Anyway, i still couldn't believe that i actually met you that night...thanks for giving me the 'opportunity' to have that valrhona !!!. I really am very happy...Semoga dapat bertemu lagi di masa akan datang.....
Take care...Wassalam....Fatimah
wahh usia blog kita selisih satu hari jer! SG lahir pd 31 april hehe..
tahniah rima, sejak kali pertama k.nor kenal bisousAToi, tak pernah jemu datang tiap kali rima update. memang sentiasa tertunggu2 entri terbaru dr rima. sentiasa kagum dgn hasil tangan rima, tersangat kagum dgn food photography dlm BisousAToi.. dan jugak geram dgn sonia yg cute tu.. disamping tu dpt 'melancung dan mengenali' tempat2 yg rima bercuti.. mmg rasa seronok walau bukan k.nor yg pergi hehehe.. semoga rima terus berkarya di alam maya ni dgn hasil2 yg lagi hebat dan semoga terus sukses ya.. love knowing u :)
Salam all
we just got home.. the traffic back home was horrible.. jam memanjang sampai lah ker jb checkpoint.. think we drove out fm bangi ard 3pm.. anyway balik ajer ku baca all the comments.. terharu tersangat.. am blessed.. ty once again for everything.. huhu macam nak leleh air mata pulak hehehe xxxxx
Rima Dear,
Happy 3rd Anniversary. U certainly make my blogging experience wonderful. Having to bumped into u last night in Concorde was beyond words (imagine meeting up with 1 of ur must-see-list). Hehehe Thanks for being you...
As Salam Rima, congrats to you. I stumbled on your blog and i'm one of your silent readers. Terimakasih sudi share your wonderful bakes. Moga Allah membalas jasa mu.
Keep on blogging and may Allah bless u and ur family..
Noor Aini
Salam Kak Rima,
Yeay...!!!!! Happy 3rd yr Anniversary to ur blog..!!! Where all the great tested trusted recipes and pro photography is born.... Eventhough i dont have any blog, im glad i Chance upon ur blog... Learnt alot from here...
And insya'Allah i will still be a repeat of ur awesome macarons customer.... Haahahah....
P/s: cant wait for u to come back with awesome pictures and recipes..!!!
Salam Rima,happy 3rd anniversary....congratulations dear.And TQ very much for all those yummy recipes and nice pictures and of course all those experiences shared.Hari2 Rima bercerita di blog ni rasa mcm ada kat sebelah je...Harap nanti boleh jumpa again...Hope you had a wonderful time while in KL baru2 ni.Tak sabar nak tunggu your next bakes...semestinya smthing yummy :-)
Congrats again dear....
Assalam Rima, Happy Bloggersary Rima...! Semoga sentiasa diberi semangat dan kerajinan untuk terus berkongsi dengan kami semua...Amiin. Sejak tersesat masuk ke dapur alam maya Rima ni...akak dah x boleh jeling jer setiap kali melihat entry baru Rima, mesti nak masuk melintas langsung melihat gambar2 menarik samada holiday dan resepi yang mmg dalam kelasss tersendiri....! Keletah Sonia juga sungguh mencuit...Bertuah juga Rima punya hb yang very understanding dan sentiasa menyokong... Bravoooo Rima....muaaahhh, lebiiiuuu much!
As'salam Rima
Happy 3nd Bloggersary!!!
Terima kasih Rima diatas segala perkongsian dari Rima selama ini. Rasa amat bersyukur dapat mengenali Rima walau hanya dialam maya saja. semoga Allah penjangkan usia kita dan dapat bersua muka dengan Rima pujaan hati k.ct..aminnnn
ooooohh.. sonia punya 1st pic ala2 model gitu dgn kaki yg cantik & panjang.
hppy 3rd anniversary kak rima.. hope to see u one day when u r in town. concorde & klcc dekat aje.
Happy 3rd Anniversary Rima...Ur blog have inspired me to start my very own too... Congrats Babe! U rock..
Selamat ulang tahun yang ke 3 buat Bisous a Toi dan buat Rima juga..
Semoga terus berkarya.. berkongsi ilmu dan idea..
Terima kasih juga di atas segala ilmu yang dikongsikan.. semoga Bisous a Toi terus maju dan Rima terus ceria mewarnai dunia blog..
Salam.. rima. Tahniah for the ur blog anniversary..
Btw ...rima ada open class mac tak? I going to singapore on june insya allah...
It contains truly information. Your website is very useful. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to more! Great visualization and unique informative article indeed.
congrat`s rima with your blog u give more n more idea to bake ty ria
Congratulations Rima! sy memang minat dengan blog rima dgn gambar2 yg kalu x meleleh air liur , x sah! semoga blog ini akan terus kekal dgn curahan 'celoteh', resipi2, gambar2 yg x jemu dipandang.
Hi Rima, Happy 3rd Anniversary!! Keep it going!!
Love to read your blog and try out your recipes that u share here. Thanks so much for sharing!
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