Picture from google.com
Rima is in no mood to post - Mr Rima posting on her behalf.
As you can see, this post has no pictures. We have no more camera...
We had taken our rental car and I wasn't happy with it even before driving out of the rental car compound. We swapped cars and luggage. In that process we left the camera bag in the previous car.
When we realized and called back 3 hours later, the rental car company said:
The car has been rented and we will call the current hirer to check. - No we did not touch the car after you vacated it as after all there was no need to clean it. We simply gave the key to the next owner and he will return the car tomorrow (26th Jan) by 6pm and we will see.
Today they rang back and said: Sorry, there was no camera in the car.
So I guess the camera was stolen. Either by a rental car employee or by the hirer. Until we get a new camera - obviously not buying one in Europe - no pictures from Rima...
As for the photos we took at Disneyland... all gone :(
ON A POSITIVE NOTE: Rima found a supplier of Mastrad Macaron sheets here who has agreed to the pricing she wants - so that means with CONFIRMED orders from the online store latest by Tuesday 31st January, Rima will buy and handcarry the mac sheets back to Singapore. So it's a one time opportunity if you want mac sheets until Rima figures out how to get the supply to Singapore going again... the link to the Macaron Sheets in her store is:
Dont forget that all other items are at almost half price as the local agent has given up this business!
...ok...now back to consoling Rima again.....

sedihnye kak..camera yg byk berjasa kt blog ni kn..tp xpela..u have us yg always make u happy..
kak rima.. sabar ye.. saya pun trasaa sangat kalau camera kesayangan hilang.. ooww sayang nya gambar2 pun hilang.. hope akak sabar dan ceria2 bila dapat camera baruu
oooohh, sorry to hear dat...i know how d feeling...i lost 2 cameras when some people rompak my hse last 3 yrs..nway,u take care..rest byk2..
*mr rima...u'll get a new one for my fren ya...?
Oh dear so sorry to hear this.... Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. Mesti ada berkat in everything that happens.
To K. Rima....MAJU TAK GENTAR always mbak. BIG hug!
salam kak rima..
alaa sangat sedey bile baca n3..sabar yer kak..mesti ade hikmak disebalik kejadian ni
As'salam Rima
sedihnya...itulah kadang2 ni kita terlepas pandang benda2 macam ni. Bukan sengajakan atau lupa. Benda dah nak jadi kenalah reda. Tapi susah nak cari orang yang betul2 jujur sekarangkan Rima.
Emmm..baru nak tengok pic you n family kat Disneyland..
don't forget to leave the nasi lemak for me okay...hihi
salam mr and sis rima..
there may be wisdom behind what happens..banyak bersabar ya sis..senyum sikit..huhuhu..gonna miss you profesional picture sis..
Kak Rima..
I want to buy..but pls confirm if you could do the delivery to KL?
Sorry to hear of your stolen camera. Cheer up. Bad things happen but good things will come along the way.
oh my dat's frustrating to have your camera stolen during your holiday and all the picture gone. kak rima be patience ya.
hi kak rima, sorry to hear about your camera.
anyway, cheer up n enjoy the rest of your trip with your loved ones.
Dear Mr and Mrs Aue,
So sorry to hear that.. Dont be sad.. You lost the pics, but the memories are still yours..You'll have more great moments next time.. :)
Dear Kak Rima,
Semoga tuhan gantikan yang lebih baik lg...Hanay tuan empunya bdn yg rasa keperitannya..
Sabar ye kak.
i can imagine how she fells and how you two have to deal wt this..take care!
Erk! Shocked and sorry to hear bout the camera. More with the pictures all gone :(
Hope you get a replacement soon dear.
Owh Mr Rima, I'm so sorry for the news which is for sure a bad news to Rima dearie...huhuuu.. Well, we can buy the new one, but those wonderful picts and lovely memories were gone like wind....oowhh! Hoping her sadness will be recovered a bit towith that good price she got for those mac sheets stock...even not at all...huhuuu. Pity on her... Pls send my big hugs and regards to Rima yeaa...
I am speechless Mr Rima/Rima.
Be patient on what you are facing now.
Without photos, I still come to visit your blog.
Hi Mr Rima,
I am sorry to hear about the stolen camera. Can you show this web post and Rima's web to the car rental person as well as the next person who hired the car? they should know Rima is a famous blogger and it is important for her to have the camera back.
I really hope someone returns back the camera.
OMG!!!Sayang nya,dah bukan rezeki. Don't this people believe in karma? What goes around comes around.Don't take things which is not yours!!! I'm truly sad for u Rima.
the last part,
..ok..now back to consoling Rima again...
ouch! so cute of you Mr Rima!!
Kak Rima dan Mr Rima, I hope the stolen camera can be found back.. (even it seems impossible, but God works in a mysterious way right?!)
Sorry to hear. I feel for you Rima.
Hi Rima,
Don't know if my first comment was left ke tak bcos there was an error msg.
Anyway, here it goes...
I know u cant replace the photos that were lost....tapi definitely bole replace camera. Canon 60D perhaps ahhaakkks ;)
Cheer up dear & enjoy the rest of the holidays *biggg hugggzz*
memang betul.. camera tu was a gift fm hubs and i hv been using it non stop for almost 2yrs agaknye.. tak per lah.. dah bukan rezki kan..
who wud have thought beg yg gedik pun boleh terlepas pandangan.. i placed it kat floor on the front seat.. tengah sibuk memunggah.. hubs ku called suruh sign something for 2nd driver.. then ku lari balik kat kereta.. then kena panggil lagi suruh sign second doc.. tu yg agaknye ku terlepas pandang.. uishhh nasib nasib.. lain kali harus pandang belakang lah kan hehehe
Sorry to hear abt urs too.. frust tonggek kan? grrrr
Mr Rima dah survey.. kat sini abt the same price lah but u cant buy other lens with special price.. tak per lah.. ku tunggu lah.. if insan ni kesian ku.. dia beli kan if not.. huk huk - buat muka seposen boleh? hehe
u remember what happened during my last trip? i baru terngat sehhh.. last trip to barcelona.. ipad sonia kena stolen by itew monster.. this time my camera.. by tak tahu siapa.. ade ade ajer.. setiap kali gi barcelona ade aje cerita :op
Insyallah.. setiap yg berlaku ade sebabnye and this time round bec...? huhu
we were a little positive at first cos the morning yg kita fly to barcelona.. hubs tertinggal his phone kat paris hotel.. bila kita landed.. hubs realised his phone were missing.. called up the hotel and they found it kat bedside.. so they gonna ups it to us next week..
Bila sampai camera ku pulak yg tertinggal and bec someone else dah rented it kita terpaksa lah tunggu satu malam just to know if camera ku masih kat front seat.. aleh aleh bila dapat call.. they said tak jumpa.. mooc ku terus merundum :o(
semalam go factory outlet.. walaupun menyopping ku tetap ade mood down.. sigh.. tak per lah.. ku redha especially kehilangan gambar kat disney tu.. kesian sonia.. :o(
of cos i do delivery to KL.. go to my store and do the clicking ok.. tks!
ty... am lost without it.. chehhh hehehe.. its just that.. it feels funny not to lug around something that used to be by my side all the time when we go out.. taking pic with my iphone is just not the same.. all my lens in that camera beg too..
yep very especially when u hv another week here in barcelona.. looks like we hv to make do with camera phone.. if i hv the mood to take pics that is.. huhu
yes yg hilang akan berganti.. cheehhhh bahhh hehe.. yg tinggal hanya lah kenangan.. no pics to show my kids... lucky waktu kat disney tu.. i bought two photos of sonia taken with mulan and also princess and the frog.. if tak beli sure sonia tertanya tanya gambar dia
tu ayat sedap kan hati hahaha.. i hv been telling that to myself semalam.. this morning i woke up to all the wonderful msg fm my online buddies.. u guys rock lah.. buat i senyum kembali..
Travel food lover
yep.. hanya kita ajer yg tahu perasaan nye.. after all my camera has done lots for my blog .. been with me for almost 2yrs now
tks.. its a new day.. so no more muram face.. time to explore today
huhu frust giler.. but what to do lah kan.. benda dah nak jadi.. ku redha
im sory for ur camera..hhmm anyway kak rima..just imagine that u will get a brand brand new camera right?? so..lepas ni update lah dengan gaya terkini with ur new upcoming camera lor.....ok tak..well Mama will always pray a good thing for all her friend....happy ok....dont sedih sedih lagi....
what to do kan.. every travel has a story... like every cake has a story.. tak per.. ku gagah kan diri taking pic pakai iphone today hehe
dalam pada sedih tu sempat pulak menyopping.. hubs ajak gi factory outlet.. ku boleh terbelanja besau pulak.. tu dinama kan frustration shopping hukhuk..
Mac sheets.. definately buying it off agent lagi better and i dont hv to hand carry it back but bec i rcvd far too many emails.. kesian pulak so dalam pada sedih tu.. ku ketemu one shop that can gv me good price.. tu yg semalam dah berangkut satu big bag full of mac sheets.. if tak cukup akan ku beli lagi today..
good to know that u dah tak bermuka muram lagi...
yang patah akan tumbuh
yang hilang akan berganti...
anyway, still sad to read about the loss.. ;(
ty dear... a blog without photos ade weak sikit.. like when u buy a recipe book without photos.. tak shiok lahhh
hehe no way.. am not famous... am just like any other blogger.. like what they say.. things happened for a reason.. am slowly letting it go.. its a brand new day.. time to explore this place with my kiddoes..
entah lah.. tak tahu ape nak cakap.. i thought maybe we were lucky the second time.. but that wasnt the case.. sabau ajer lah
Merentas horizon
Insyallah.. siapa tahu but kan i am not gonna get my hope high up macam semalam.. i guess one miracle is better than none..
ty... what to do kann..
ye ler ... actually kan bef we fly off to europe.. hubs sibuk nak beli another lens.. i stopped him and told him we dont need it.. ishhh can u imagine .. dah lah kita hilang two lens and a camera .. if he beli kan that new lens.. i akan kehilangan 3 lens.. nasib ade isteri mithali dia yg stop dia haha
ku redha ... brand new day... so not gonna be sad anymore.. life has to go on.. i hv kids to look after .. ni nak buat breakfast dulu :o)
to wake up and read all the nice comments.. memang lah priceless... ty everyone!
Mr Aue & Rima
Ya Allah.. Kesian nyer... biler baca di FB and blog nie... Btw, semoga u all sabar dlm dugaan ini. Insyaallah.... Jgn sedih tau...walaupun tk der foto...Memori itu akan tetap/kekal di hati selamanyer... Take care
ayat sedap kan hati.. tak per.. sure got hikmah but for now.. life has to go on.. i hv my family safe with me.. that matter most lah..
Innalillahi wainnailaihi rojiun...
Sayangnya kamera dan foto2 berharga hilang kak, tapi untung yang lainnya tidak ikutan hilang. Semoga dapat ganti yang lebih baik ya Kak...
Mr Rima, beli lah camera baru, ya canggih lagi.
Hu hu me also sad..coz i hv been waiting for ur update
my heart goes out to you...aduhaiii...that nice cam boleh hilang plak..Sigh! takper ok..cheer up..enjoy the rest of yr holidays..good things will come yr way..I akan sumpah org yg curi itew jadi beruk okay..kalo tak pun, mata dia jadi potek coz amik orang punya benda!
In the mean time .. i just hv to keep it positive.. hilang camera boleh diganti.. hilang yg lain belum tentu boleh diganti balik .. :o)
Dr H
if beli yg sama buat penganti i also like.. tak cerewet hehe
muahahha sumpah jadi berok pun ok.. but kan if gambar yg dia ambil tak jadi cantik pun kira ok jugak.. padan muka dia hehe
Tak po lah.. last year balik sg fm barca beli new ipad.. now terpaksa lah beli new camera.. nanti eh.. nak korek tabung dulu to see if i can buy it right away :op
the cake apprentice
i also sad but what to do kan.. dont know if camera phone is good enough .. maybe i will just do fb updates for now
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about the camera.... Hope you've brought an extra one with you...
hi rima
alahai kesiannya btw mungkin ada khikmahnya di belakang apa yg terjadi tu kot rima ...reda jer lah ye mungkin akan dtg rima mungkin dapat camera yg lebih baik dari yg lama kot :)
Sorry to hear abt the grrr incident. If by now you belum ketemuk sama your beloved camera, pls baca surah duha many times...., insyaallah kalau masih ada rezeki, baliklah kamewa tu kat pangkuan you.
Alah, kesiannya. Hopefully dapat ganti soon yer k.rima.. Sabar yer.. Moga ada rezeki extra lepas nie.
Assalamualaikum Rima,
sorry to hear that,insyaAllah nanti dpt penganti yg baru...tk yah buat muker 20 sen...buat muker manja pasti cair org sebelah tu...hehehe...apa2 pun kak Nur doakan Rima dimurahkan rezeki...jgn dikenang lagi...eh tapi pun sedih kan pemberian hubby you tu...kira2 ada sentimental value..but what to do??Sabar ya Rima.
Rima...sad to hear that.
salam rima..mokwo doakan rima akan dapat gantian yg lebih baik lagi!....InsyaAllah...jgn sedey2..
so sorry to hear abt the loss. shit really happens eyy. mmg tension at first. esp on those precious pics. but, till now, do make do with the iphone camera.
masa i unpack my bags kat paris aritu, i baru perasan my camera bag tak ade. aduh, frust menonggeng betul. nasib baik ler reunited again when my mom brought it along to london. phewwww...
My Goshhh.. poor Sis Rima... hopefully tebuka lah hati org yg 'terambil or tercuri'return ur kamera kan...cian pulak kat ur son dia kan 1st time go to Paris if i not mistaken.. mesti byk pic2 yg diambil time tu kan... hope ur still enjoy ur holiday...keep smiling : )
ever since hubs got me this canon.. i dont need another camera.. the old one i gave it to Sonia and she dropped it and its kaput now.. thank goodness i still hv my iphone.. its better then none..
hehe if dapat yg sama pun ok jugak.. the most important thing .. i get to take good pics ah.. :o)
ty cik som dear.. insyallah.. we can only do so much but me redha for now.. ayat sedap kan hati haha
Messy mummy
yep what to do kan.. nak suratan takdir.. unfortunately it happened waktu baru landed into barcelona but thats ok lah.. semalam suddenly my iphone camera jadi laku hehe
actually after benda tu hilang .. he dgn segera pi google kot kot its cheaper to get it here.. it is actually but i need two which i think i can get it cheaper in sg if i buy it as bundle.. its ok lah.. lucky tahun lepas dah take pic puas puas of barcelona.. tak lah kempunan kannn
tell me abt it dear..
salam makwo
tak sedih lagi cuma still a little frustrated o(
yesterday when we called eurocar this woman said that she found my camera.. then after that she said.. oh i thought it was ur camera.. grr false alarm betul lah!
We made a police report tho cos its a clear cut thingy.. anyway tak per lah.. shit happens anyway.. u cant do much kan
all the other pics i dah transfer to my lappy.. yg hilang pics in disneyland.. actually malam tu my hubs reminded me to transfer.. i decided not to cos i was too tired.. if only lah kan...
Oh dear. Harap Ms & Mr Rima dapat bersabar di atas kejadian yang menimpa.
Redha atas apa yang berlaku, ada hikmah di sebaliknya.
Semoga mendapt kamere yg lebih baik lagi.
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