I simply dont know how to express my gratefulness to the ppl that i hv met along the way during my two and half years of blogging..i hv met so so many nice ppl.. be it in my own country.. in Malaysia and also in Thailand.. am not writing this cos its my bloggesary day today lol.. i simply wanna thank each and everyone of u peeps who hv been visiting my blog.. who hv tried out some of the recipes in my blog... who hv taken the time to see me in person and who hv been ordering my bakes... i blog when i am at my best... i blog when i am at my worst... i cannot thank everyone enough..being busy keeps me going.. being surrounded by kind souls is a blessing.. u ppl rock my world!! hehehe

Anyway yesterday I met Shal and her daughter.. she had told me earlier that she wanna take us out so that our kids could play together and where do u think she took us?? yep to the Bird Park.. i hv never been to the KL bird park and was pretty excited for sonia.. u know how sonia is with animals.. so the moment we got there.. sonia was already chirping away like all the birds there lol.. Shal's daughter, Mariam was a little shy but warmed up towards the end.. she was born in the same month and year as my little Sonia...

We got there bef noon.. it wasnt that crowded and the weather was kind to us.. lots of birds of cos... Lots and lots of peacocks too!

This male peacock was obviously trying to entice the female peacocks.. u shud see the way it opened up its err err kahkahkah.. nooooooo its tail feathers.. it is believed that the female will choose their mates according to size, colour and quality of these feathers... ah huh.. u said it right girl!!! all the important factors to look for in our partner ey hahahaha
There were several fish ponds.. Sonia fed the fish just like how she wud feed all the fishes in our pond at home...

I laugh each time i see these pics... the look on sonia's face.. priceless! she didnt even dare to move her head after she was bitten by the white parrot.. poor girl!

I love this pic!

Sonia was again bitten twice here.. the parrots even flew and landed on sonia's hand.. she got scared and ended up feeding the birds like how she fed the fish lol

Mariam didnt hv any probs feeding these parrots.. they were pretty kind towards her.. The pic on the bottom right is Shal... ty dear... it was nice of u to take us there... was nice to see our kids together... maybe next time we can do painting together... :op

Time to head back kiddoes! Sonia had a blast and talked abt it non stop... she even told hb abt her day without being asked... so thats good... right? hehe.. today we decided to stay indoors as we had a long day yesterday which ended in China town.. all my mac orders have been picked up.. ty Jehan and Ria.. glad u liked the macs Jehan!

Salam kak! waaahhhh! sonoknyerrrrr g tgk tgk binantang berbulu bulu niiii :D eh? happy bloggesary to bisous a toi! eh? ingatkan akak dah lama berblogging ya, baru2 jugak ya tp akaknyer visitor ramaia banget sbb hasil tgn akak yg sgt kemas na cantek2 sumneyr! sonia dgn mariam sebaya ke? tp besarnyerrr sonia! ni lah dia darah ank akcukan mmg gen terlebih ikut ayah mmg besar tp nak kata hb akak besar pun tak lah jugak kan? sbb akak kecik kot?> wakakaka...
Yep sebaya cuma dak sonia ni macam giant pulak bila tengok gambar yg last tu.. haizz shes tall for her age.. her shoe size also size besar.. macam ni kalau kawin tak cun kasut kawin yg kat dulang hantaran tu kahkahkah
Only two and half yrs old.. only recently i hv my followers thingy up.. alhamdullilah..
Rima, akak memang enjoy sungguh bila tengok blog Rima especially all the beautiful pics, very tempting sgt ...congratulations...Rima ni is a great baker...Wish I could be like u....
Jadi ke trip ke Cameron tu? Once I used to live there few years back...Kalau Rima pergi Cameron H'lands jgn lupe singgah MARDI Agropark, I used to work and stay there before....and also my relative strawberries farm in Kg Taman Sedia ( KHM Strawberries...nak promote la pulak akak ni..)Once in a while akak tetap akan ke sana jumpe old friends..Happy holidays Rima.....Cantiknye Sonia dg long dress die tu.....
Sonia is so tall! In fact, she didnt look like she's 3, she looks like she's already 5 looking at her size.
InsyaAllah if tomorrow I sempat, I'll be joining k.yani to go and see u. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :)
All the birds are attracted to cute little Sonia, that's why she's been bitten a couple of times.
Kak rima dear,
happy bloggesary....mmmm, i love this entry. I hv told u many2 times n wud like 2 repeat it one more time that, sonia...she is a gift...
and u...your hands in baking, amazingly gifted!!!
Biarpun di patuk 3 times tapi masih juga mahu dekat dengan all the birds hehe.
Lo' babe!
having a great time in KL, ya..fantastic!..terketawa ai tgk gambar Sonia with the birds...esp gambar yg sah2 nampak dia cramp cam patung..hahah...sian arr kena gigit ngan parrot..no wonder she kept her head still!tgk arr the parrot's beak..ai pun takut!
nyways, have a great time there and happy bloggersary..3rd one innit?
Kesian betul tgk kepala dia da tegak je pas kena patuk..tapi tak serik lagi nak main ngan bird tuh.. bagus la sonia ni tau. kalau my kids, da lama menjerit and cabut lari. huhuuu
Morning n salam rima...cantik2 gambar, saya suka. Pertama kali jumpa blog rima, terusss mat gebu fall in love gitu...haha, mati lah skandal nanti..Apa2 pun blog anda sumber inspirasi dan semangat bagi kami blogger2 masakan....
wooahhh rima..i yg duk sini pon x pernah pegi bird park, hahaha...still in KL k ni? nway..have a nice holiday n njoy urself..d weather is not dat good ek? TC...
beautiful pictures with the animals! love the peacock!
Am not that great just yet.. still learning ... lots to learn actually... belum boleh jadi master chef hehehe
Oh ye ker?? rasanye Rima dah biasa go to that strawberry farm tau.. ape ape pun i will definately take pics if jadi.. si budak Solenn kata dia fening lalat if drive naik mountain.. lahhhh belum ape ape dah cakap dia feninggg
U coming?? woahhh best ahhh.. boleh drink drink coffee with yani and i.. together gether hehehe
She doesnt look like her age.. the way she talks... heheh tak macam 3yrs old pun..
Tak tahu apasal.. bila dia kena bitten tu muka cramp but tetap nak dekat dgn burung.. herannn
Ty dear.. sonia is indeed a gift.. after 5yrs of marriage baru lah dapat dak sonia ni tu sebab to see her growing wonderfully is indeed a blessing and to hv a blog that she can read later is worth the effort.. just like every blogger in this world.. :o)
Heheh tahu tak pe.. she will make that face bila kena patuk but thats it..
U had a great time in SA.. JJCM is always the best.. semalam i makan nasi pariaman.. walioooo weiii .. satu pinggan.. dua pinggan.. last last tak leh terkira berapa round i return kat buffet area dia hahaha
Funny kannn tengok muka and rambut dia yg berserabai tu.. at first i tak ferasan but when i asked why do u hv that look.. she said.. "parrot bite me.." lahhhh masa tu belum take pic lagi.. tu sebab waktu take pic she macam statue of liberty hehe
Yes coming to the 3rd year already.. how time flies...
Waktu we were in Barcelona .. she liked to feed the pigeon.. kat sana the pogeon tak lah hinggap kat tangan dia when she feed em.. si parrot ni boleh fly to her hand pulak.. she terpekik of cos but tak lari lintang pukang pulak hehe
Cik Mat
Kita lagi dah lama fall in love dgn ur blog tauuu.. auwwww hehehe.. ty cik mat for all the shoutout.. kerana mu ku di sini! Sahhh.. skandal skandal! hahahah
Panas weiiii... kat sg also the same ... for Solenn she loves it lah.. she said i hv to look dark when i go back to france.. abis kita yg membuntut dia bertambah hitam belegam lah jadi nye hahaha
Ty.. i can never get enough of taking pics eventho it means i hv to lug my slr everywhere hehehe
Hi Rima..macam cik Mat kata...1st time jumpa yr blog I pun teruss fall in love!! Bukan setakat I saja..my sisters, my niece pun fall in love jugak..tiap tiap hari mesti nak jenguk ...macam dah ketagih laa pulak...takde new recipe tgk Sonia pun jadilaaa...he he.. Wish u all the best in this Baking and Bloggersary world!! -zurien
kids, holding hands, smile ear to ear. its priceless right? (bila la nak kawen ni. hehe..)
alololohh.. kesian sonia kena patuk. maybe parrot geram kot tengok dia comel sangat.
oh, forgot something.
happy belated bloggesary day..
and keep on writing okay..
Hi Rima,
Lovely photos. Lovely birds. Are the parrots attracted to Sonia's colorful fingernails which resemble their tidbits?
bird parkkk!!!! wahhh....
i pun dok gelak tengok gambar sonia dengan burung putih tu! hahahaha... too funny! muke dia takut habis! lol
Happy Blogversary to Bisous A Toi!!!
semuga more to come!!..
love your blog, love your bakes & definitely the pictures too!
I like gambar yang last sekali tu..so sweet!
Eh ketagih blog tak pe.. jgn ketagih shopping sudah heheh.. i think this couple of times i jarang dapat try out new recipe.. i still bake but yg ringkas and dah biasa buat so no need to share it again in my blog.. insyallah once tetamu jauh dah balik.. boleh lah start routine but kan i think more to pudding cos bulan ramadhan dah nak dekat..
hehehe nanti if dah ade.. ahhhh lain pulak ceritanye.. kids memang a blessing.. the baggage that comes with it also a blessing.. kadang u leh angs.. kadang tak leh angs jugak hahaha
Probably ey hehe.. i like the pic of her and parrot on her head - priceless!
Jgn nak cakap si sonia.. si solenn pun penakut habis.. mak sonia lagi lah penakut hahaha
Ty ty but kan bisous a toi belum lagi 3yrs old.. only 2 and half years but kan macam kejap ajer masa berlalu.. i learn lots fm other bloggers too.. its nice to meet ppl fm all around thru blogging
Poor Sonia..semua burung jantan tuh..nak berkenalan dgn Sonia..tu yg asyik patuk dia jerk..ahaks..
P/S:Everyday intai ader new post dr BisousAtoi ke tak..tak sabar nak baca n3 gituh.
Luv the pic with the parrot on her HEAD! Shweeeeetttt Sonia!!! Bibik Yin and all members of SengKang misses you!! Muackssss... Li-Lin
Hehe if dah besar burung jantan nak patuk tinggal jutos ajer hahaha
Ty cos intai intai.. kadang tu nak update macam weak pun ader.. dah lama tak update baking post.. tunggu budak ni balik france baru boleh start balik engine baking ku
Woah bibik Lyn
long no see eh.. wait we must see one another.. sonia every week also ask for kak dafinah.. :o(
hi sis rima..
haha org jauh pon dah sampai kat bird park..kite ni yg dekat pon seumur hidup tak sampai lg..haha..comel je sonia bird tu atas kepala dier kalau anak i ni dah larikk agaknya jauh2..haha..muka rilex je sonia..mcm tak nangis je kena gigit..hehe
Rima, happy bloggersary. Luv luv luv d pixs. Tq babe for ur time with me n mt gurl. Since maryam mt sonia wah wah blk umh speaking london u, berabuks... whn u in KL gimmie a buzz ya we r x longer a stranger mayb ur gals cn paint 2gether
Mrs Reza
Tuhan ajer yg tahu how she must hv felt tapi mana kan shes an animal person tu yg dia tetap nak take pic with the birds walaupun dah kena patuk dgn si parrot putih tu..
Ty girl for ur time.. sonia enjoyed herself there! we shud meet up again.. hv a good weekend wokey!
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