I am super excited... finally the goodies are here and i finally got to bake my macs in this super awesome Mastrad silicone mat!! I Loveeeeeee it so so much.. i got to bake a lot more macs in one go and the best part i didnt hv to do all the round prints using my cocoa powder.. ahhhh dont u just love this kinda of inventions.. the mat just needs to be greased once before first use and after that no more. Its about 42cm x 33cm in size so fits just nice in my oven... size of each macaron is 35mm. Interestingly it comes with one recipe as well (havent tried tho)... anyway besides the silicon mat.. i got to try my hands on the Mastrad piping bag .. that needs a bit more getting used to - so i will report more on that next week...

Powder colouring that i bought in one of the bakery supply stores in Barcelona.. hehhe i told ya no matter where i go .. i will .. somehow.. someway find a bakery supply store .. its like finding a treasure in different country hehehe I spend over EUR80 on colouring...geez... the gold, bronze and silver got me wild! I used the purple today which you can see below...

Macs using Italian method.. shinier shells (bef bake)

Macs using swiss meringue method.. (bef bake)

Macs using french method... dual colour

I baked this cake twice in two days.. what does that tell ya?? hehe.. love it!! first cake i baked in my 8x8" pan using chocolate emulco and the 2nd cake i baked in two loaf pans using valrhona cocoa powder.
8 eggs
200g brown sugar
200g butter - melted
200g Hong Kong flour
1 tsp vanilla essence
4 tbsp condensed milk
1 tbsp ovalette
chocolate paste/chocolate emulco
Preheat oven 180C.. prepare 8" pan
In stand mixer whisk eggs, brown sugar, sifted hong kong flour, condensed milk and also ovalette on high speed till fluffy - batter leaves trail
Add in melted butter and continue to whisk on medium speed till combined
Divide batter into two parts.. or take 1/4 batter and add chocolate emulco
Pour batter alternately and bake for abt 45mins

Source: Syanti

Am I the first to drop a comment here? hahahahah
BTW, sis Rima, I've been silent reader of ur blog since past few month....I love everything about U, ur bakes of coz, ur pics (ur good photographer, u knew it rite) ur trip and ur very super duper sweet, smart, adorable Sonia.....
I would read ur blog again and again, goes entry by entry........(blog sendiri pun lama tak update) hehehehehe.....
Really adore u, sis Rima......keep it up!!!!!!
Yayyyyy yep ur the first alright hahahha.. if ade GA sure menang one kahkahkah
Ty for coming by everyday.. much appreciated.. motivates me to keep on baking and taking pics and berceloteh and and and :op
"kari ikan kering kurau ada lagi tak? You makan dgn nasi or cecah dgn roti canai?". Air tangan your Mak, owhh how I miss mine.
You buat macs banyak2 tu sebab ada order ke? I suka tengok yg dwi warna tu, sejuk mata memandang.
Wah...best nye ada gadged utk buat mac tuu.. Naz tak pernah try pun buat mac sbb takot tak jadi.. Dgn adanya toys macam tu mesti lebih senang nak buat kan. Saiz pun sama jer semua...
Your cake looks delicious!
ooooh those looks good - macs n kek.
Now u're making me have mac-envy. LOL. I need to grab some Mastrad mat n bake more macs. What kinda filling did you use for all yr macs K. Rima?
now, confirm..d mac's size will b even or almost 100%...hahhaha. i love to see d piping bag..got it's own stand eh? x payah guna glass k ape...fuyoo, dah kira international dah ni rima, hehehhe.
wahhhhh..makin cantik maracon kak rima tu...
ada order ke kak.....
Argggghhhhhhh sgt tension Tau Kak! Ahahaha.... Akak tahu itu hari g jalan2 nk mencari silpat lerr konon2 nyer tak ade! Kena beli online agaknyer huh! Ni pulak Akak dah tyg yg baru pulak!!! Uuuwaaaaaa... Mau Mau!!!!!! Manabmau Carik niiiii huh! Btw, santik lerrrr kaler macs Akak jelesssss niiiiii :D
salam rima,
beautiful macs and looks yummy too! salute you...so much energy to bake n bake n bake ;o)
Happy Baking and keep on baking!
regards : wan_razihan@yahoo.com
As'Salam Rima
K.ct berkenan dengan silicone mat you tu. Tapi...K.ct masih tak yakin nak buat mac ni, takut tak menjadi... hihihi
those macs are so pretty!! I belum berani lagi buat macs. once i decided to buat macs, i'll definitely buy mastrad silicon mat tu. lawa!!
Waaaaaaaa...weeeeeeeeeeee...godaaan lagi dr Rima nih...adeeeii ntah bila akak nak buat...huhuu... lebih cantik lg bila guna mastrad silicone mat tu eh..cuci mata je la dulu...kena tunggu seru dr Rima kot baru leh buat..hehe!!
Salam rimaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............ i like the macs mat....how much it cost?
NAAkkkkk!!! will contact you to chat abt the size of the mat ya :D
Hi Rima,
lovely macs.
If I don't have ovalette, can i ignore this ingredient? will the cake still turn out allright? btw, what is hong kong flour? is it similar to cake flour?
cantiknyer toys baru dia... lepas ni mac yg sudah sedia cantik mesti lagi gojes kan.. :)
Of cos i makan dgn nasi.. makan with prata also sedap eh.. ade lagi sekeping .. harus ku pi goreng one instant prata later..
the other time i pi pasar tani i bought ikan kering kurau.. masak curry konon untuk sorang sorang makan sekali my hb n hairi also sawi itew ikan kurau.. so when my mom heard dia pi masak kan kita.. siap dgn home delivery lagi ahakss.. tu yg kita bake kan dia marble cake cos she fav kek marble..
Macs is for this wkend orders.. the dwi warna i like it too
Wah Rima,
Sukanya tengok gajet baru tu. kalau in RM berapa ya? I nampak kat online shop you tu.
U shud gv mac a try if ur into baking.. challenge urself and bake it.. once u dah biasa buat.. insyallah it will menjadi ..
Yes the marble cake lembut and sedap banget buk :o)
Now that u are able to bake ur own u shud go and grab that silicon mat.. waktu try semalam berdebar jugak but alhamdullilah it came out well..
For fillings u can use just abt anything u fancy.. my fav of cos lemon curd besides chocolate n coffee.. u can use orange curd, blueberry, u can use salted caramel.. tu my hb punya fav.. i am still trying to infused something in my teh tarik eventho my sis kata the teh tarik filling dah sedap.. i still think i need to infuse something in it.. so yeah.. u can experiment lots just by using double cream, white chocolate, buttercream and dark chocolate.. google for recipe that u think u can trust and experiment with it :op
Yep kira tak yah nak pi terap itew round cookie cutter kat my silpat anymore to get even size.. with this new mat ku akan dapat mac yg sama size all the time..
Yep the piping bag ade stand nye.. ade a few nozzle and one nozzle memang for buat macs.. ade brush kecik .. berguna nak berus wilton nozzle ku ahaks .. senang nak cuci bag nye cos made out of silicon too.. cuma semalam i a bit clumsy handling the piping bag.. biasa lah.. benda baru.. harus practice again and again hehe
Ah ah order for this weekend.. i baked the shell semalam cos today nak prepare bday cake for sat order..
Lahhh Ijahhh.. why susah payah pi cari cari.. pi order in my store lah.. senang punya kerja hahah.. order and then it will be deliver to u.. so kira that day pi paragon cari silpat eh?? hehehe.. mana nak jumpa.. kat sini nak beli silpat pun harus pi bakery supply store..
Nak suruh ijah pi cari silpat kat the bakery shop yg kat siam sq tu pun tak leh cos that day tak nampak pun bayangan silpat kat kedai tu.. :o(
Wan Razihan
Alhamdullilah .. selagi ade energy ni and ade kerajinan.. harus kita take advantage.. plus i dont like to sit around and do nothing.. nak watch tv also malas..
terbeliak biji mata makcik tengok
toy kat atas tu..last week baru beli silpat mat kat sun lik..macnya belum terbuat2 lagi..heheh
and you know what?..sun lik punya silpat mat dah naik harga..the last time i tanya was $29++ sekarang S$30++..nyesal tak beli dulu2..terkopak duit mak..
Salam Kak CT
U are good in baking and i am pretty sure u can bake macs.. just follow the steps and yakin.. insyallah ur mac will jadi..
Insyallah if i hv the stock u can buy lah.. benda baru so am still waiting for the shipment.. last wed when mastrad gave it to me as sample.. i terlonjak lonjak kesukaan hehe.. dah lah lama menunggu and then benda free .. lagi lah kita happy banget ahaks
Kita sembur kanan kiri.. ahhh ape tunggu.. pi pecah telur and then simpan a few days.. then boleh try buat macs.. if tak de silicon u can also use silpat mat.. if tak de.. u can use baking paper but kan paling senang if guna mastrad silicon mat hehehe
Salam Lina
The baking sheet is S$48.. if u nak convert to other currency ade button for it.. check out my store ok.. tks!
Lahhh i dah mentioned pun ape size nye hahaha
Ovalette is one of the important factor in this cake.. if u dont hv any u hv to add more egg yolks.. say maybe 2 more egg yolks i think.. try and google it ok.. ovalette buat kek kita lembut.. if u dont hv hong kong flour.. u can use cake flour.. or even all purpose flour for this recipe..
Toy baru dari segi ape pun memang kita wanita sure suka one hehhe.. i really like this new silicon mat..
Theres a button for u to change the currency into RM.. u check it out ok.. tks!
At least u paid $30++.. u know how much i paid mine?? i beli kat shermay and it cost me $49 each and to think i beli 2 sekali gus.. then bila pi sunlik she sells it at $29.. &^^%$$% menyesal pun ade but what to do kan.. dah beli.. nak buat ape.. with this new mastrad silicon mat mak lagi suka cos not only its pwetty.. the sheet has the ring so tak payah lah nak terap terap round print.. bila dia jadi pun cantik aje.. all same size.. batter tak melebar after u pipe it cos of the ring.. :o)
Dah ade silpat mat.. try lah buat macs.. semenjak i hv silpat mat.. everytime i bake cookies ke.. ape ape pun.. i used silpat mat.. berguna benda tu.. kira paid close to $100 berbaloi cos tak yah guna baking paper anymore.. :o)
Hi Rima,
Thanks for your suggestion. I'll try with extra egg yolk and let you know how it went. i am a bit sceptical with the ovalette use as some ppl say it's not good for health...
saw your reply reg the silpat from shermay. shermay items are much more expensive than the normal baking shops. I usually buy from JB. Much cheaper. You can try kedai perling indah which is beside the perling mall in taman perling :)
Assalamualaikum Rima,
kalau masuk sini mesti seronok mcm2 boleh belajar...hehe...silpat mat tu very useful gitu ya...kak nur pun tk pernah buat macroons...tengok aje....haha.
Ahhh... my sifu is back! Baru bersemangat nak gi dapo. ha ha... 8 eggs... banyak gak tu. Mesti gebus aje eh?
Salam kak Rima..wow!!da try new silpat mat..free lak tu..free ny 1 ke 2??kalu dua Ria nk 1 bole x??haha..smlm bake macaroon..tp still xde feet..keciwa tuk kali ke2..Ria rse kena age kn dlu kot tlur 2 bru die menjadi kot..huhu..
wow..tergoda i tgk gadget baru tu..baru je try wat mac tp still kne baiki lg..dia punyer feet dh ada nape melekat dkt baking paper tu erk?i think must buy itu gadget kot..hehe..cmne nk order erk?
As salam Kak Rima,
Suzy suka tgk gadget baru tu! Mac yg dwi colour tu memang mengancam la. Macam mana nak dapat kan colour macam tu ya? Suzy hold dulu nak cuba buat mac lagi sbb kena tunggu Aqie x de kat rumah Suzy. Drama boy tu suka kacau Suzy buat kek la Kak Rima. Nanti buat mac dia cucuk pulak batter tu...haru nanti. Suzy ada cuba buat marmer chiffon cake last week....sodappppp!Buat hari Ahad, Isnin dah licin......:o))))
Salam Rima...bestnya kalau dapat baking silicon macaron tu..tak yah bersusah2 nak lukis bulatan atas baking sheet dan tak de masalah nak letak jarak antara macaron tu....sume dah siap...bestnya....
Yes i saw someone blog abt it bef.. i hv been to a few in JB but not to that one.. well not yet hehe
Very useful for ppl like me yg malas nak gunting gunting baking paper buat baking cookies hehhe.. lepas pakai.. cuci and then simpan.. lain kali can pakai lagi hehe
My mom suka bangat so thats a good sign lah kan benda ni sedap.. cuba lah
If i dapat dua alangkah indah.. i am buying one more for myself so if u want terpaksa lah u buy one fm my store hehhe
I will age my egg white.. no matter what :o)
Did u spray bawah paper tu dgn air to let the "steam" out?? u do that step and it will be slightly easier but kan semenjak dah beli silpat mat.. no turning back anymore for me hehe
If u wanna order u go to "my store".. u can find the price there.. if u want click it away and check out ur item.. as easy as ABC :o)
Salam SUzy
oh ye ker?? alhamdullilah it turned out good.. if kita bake.. benda habis sure kita suka kan..
I add my batter into piping bag macam buat kek marble hehe
Cik Cek
Best kan when ade orang invent macam gini.. senang kan hidup kita.. tak yah susah susah lagi.. the best feeling is that bila first time cuba.. mac menjadi dgn sempurna.. alhamdullilah..
Hi Rima,
Perling Indah sells a lot of wilton stuffs. You can find most item in this shop compared to the other shops there. However, they are closed on Sundays. Their contact number is +607 2369763.
I usually get my wilton items and americolors from here. But for raw ingredients such as flour etc I still prefer getting it from Singapore.
Hope you have a good weekend.
Rima, always happy to see ur baking & macs. U mentioned the mac's size is 35mm, is this the smaller or bigger size. I read ur earlier blog, the mat comes in 2 sizes. So there r versions, the italian, meringue & french mac. In yr opinion, which is the easy to make/handle. Which is better in taste? Senang ckp, what is the difference between the methods? Fyi, I bought a silpat mat long time ago cos I want to make macs. I even went to learn hw to make macs but till now no guts yet. Anyway my oven kaput a few years ago. Nw using the normal oven which small to me.
Hi Sophia
Ty dear.. hows ur kids doing? the mat come in 2 sizes.. 35mm is the measurement of the smaller mac size..
Yep so far i hv tried 3 methods.. dont know if there is more hehhe.. the easiest and fastest is the french method.. tak payah nak pakai thermometer segala.. just whipped saja and shell dia tak macam burger ramli hehhe.. the swiss method produces a slightly tembam macs.. macam burger gitew hehe.. u need to double boil ur egg white with sugar and then once it reaches 50C u whip ur egg white till it looks like shaving cream.. i used swiss method all the time but lately convert to french method using the same recipe.. works for me! the italian method to me ade sikit punya leceh hehe cos nak tunggu the sugar syrup masak then nak tunggu dia sejuk and then baru can add to whipped egg white..
Oh u did?? woahhh.. i tak pernah belajar fm any where.. lucky u got time to do that.. why dont u try buat since ur kiddoes love to eat macs.. sure jadi one.. :o)
My kids are fine & they have asked for the macs again. I will pm u. Thanks for the encouragement, nantilah....dah beli oven besar utk gantikan yg dah rosak tu, I will give it a try. Btw, I hv ordered the macs mat, hehehe....standy....
I learnt the italian method. Not only kids love macs, mummy & daddy, too love macs especially the mummy(eventhough I don't have a sweet tooth).
I can tell!! heheh.. cant wait for the mat to arrive.. hope u will be able to use it together with ur silpat mat that u hv bought hehe
Tried your marble cake... Sedap!!! Thanks for sharing...... :)
hahaha...lepas komen yg tadi..baru baca entri ni...kaler from barca...wallahh!! tak tercapai lah nampaknya... :) macaron and kek lapis sentiasa ada dlm blog u ni..mine?ermmmm..belum tercapai hajat nak pi belajar buat kek lapis..sayang kuning2 telur tu sume... :)
Hi Rima,
I tried the marble cake twice this week. Both times, the cake turned out yummy. However, I noticed that a sticky layer appears on top of my cake once it cools. Do you know why this happens?
I hv no idea why but mine turned out the other way round.. the bottom part seems a little sticky.. hmmm
Hi Rima,
Hmmm, then this must be a general issue with this cake, ie, it either turns sticky at the bottom or top. In this case my cake should be normal :)
Thanks for your reply and clarification.
Hi Rima,
I tried this cake yesterday, but it didnt turn out well. It turned out like a kueh bingka with hard texture. I guess it has something to do with the melted butter part. When you say melted butter, does that mean softened butter or you actually melt butter over heat/in microwave?
The batter smelled yummy though. Too bad I could not eat it once baked.
Mine didnt turned out like kuih bingka.. its a little sticky.. edible tho.. melted butter is correct.. u use direct heat or micro it.. i will gv this recipe a try again.. will play around with it to get a non sticky cake
Hi Rima,
Sure, I 'll give it a try again and will let you know if I succeed.
hi Rima, i saw that you use the macaron template. i saw it too. but im not sure if the template will confine the macarons and not allow the feet to rise. can you pls advise me your experience with it as i have problem of getting evenly shaped macarons? thank you! (:
thank you so much! (:
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