My wife.... yes... Rima.....
As we all know all she cares about is cakes, kueh, cookies, purees, etc etc.
I don't know if it was the Backyardigan song in her head or if it was her Backyardigan-like movements in the kitchen... but she managed to injure herself quite badly today.
While cleaning up after doing fondant on a dummy cake for one of her orders, her arms swung around and hit her long bladed knife.. The knife slid down the counter, pointed end downwards and managed to scrape along her shin. (If I wasn't graphic enough: The knife is brand new). As luck might have it, the pointy end did not do any damage, but the blade did cut a 5cm long gash on her shin, blood gushing out, soaked towels, down to the bone...
Bottom line: Frantic calls to husband and sisters, husband ran out of a meeting, raced home, performed first aid, dropped off Sonia at Grand-ma, took Rima to the ER and 2 1/2 hours later she left with 8 stitches.
She can walk and is generally ok, but seems that the local anesthetic is wearing off and the stitches are starting to hurt. Donations can be sent to..... just kidding..
Baby, get well soon.... I have run out of chocolate chips for my office coffee break... xxx (sorry no pics guys, the camera kept slipping out of my hands with all that blood :) hehehe

Ouuuucchhhh.... your hubby's description of the accident really gave me cold shivers which I sometimes went through though got just small slits but with a sharp hanckel knife the pain is unbearable.
Rima, get well soon... take a break though that will be really hard (ku tahu jari-jari tu akan bergerak2 untuk pegang tepung, gula, chocs etc... pegang aja tak apa just to get off the short term withdrawal symptom...hehehe)
Really Rima, take care, have a speedy recovery.
Rima, Please get well soon. ... I hurt just heard what happened to you! Do take care of yourself and glad your hubby caring for you so much :)
OMG! Kak Rima, rehat je. no fondant2, no fonding2.. just rest! this is serius matter ok.
Dear Sis, sorry to hear that.... get well soon... most important take more rest... lupakan sementara jalan menuju ke pintu dapur mu itewwww hokeyyyyy.... dont wories, yr hb will fill his cookies jar with corn creaker from munchy or hup seng ... hehehehehe
Poor Rima, get well soon! take care ya :)
Kesian nya Rima....perhaps this incident is way of telling u take things a little slow in the kitchen n letting yr fingers n body rest? Hopefully the pain wont be so bad when u wake up in the morning.
Amboii...yr husben pandai dia tulis cerita suspen sambil selang seli dgn unsur jenaka ehh
Once again...take lots of rest n get well soon
salam akak & yr hubby..moga cepat sembuh ye :)
aww so nice of ur hubby blog for u. get well soon yaa! :) take care rima...
Que vous êtes comique. Get well soon Rima.
oh noooo.....get well soon darling ..take care ya..xoxo
Adoiiiiii! Baca pun boleh rasa pedihnya. Get well soon !!
pity u kak rima... get well soon...
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa...rimaa, ishh, berhati2 yea and do take care...saya doakan anda cepat sembuhh..huhu...rehat cukup2..
Astaghfirullah...K. Rima, K. Rima....Speedy Gonzalez Recovery. Get well soon. Jangan nakal2 tau...rest plz.
M. Rima.....Lock up the kitchen!! For now let her play with Sonia's kitchen set ok? LOL. Merçi beaucoup M. Rima pour le update.
Oh no, I thot Rima was in stitches as in laughing tak ingat donia, rupa2nya she's in real pain.
Therefore Mr Rima, Rima is in need of 1 week MC with breakfast in bed. As proof, we'd appreciate to witness a pic of her enjoying breakfast in bed. Thank you in advance *wink to Rima.. take care*
awww.. please get well soon Rima.. :')
Awww~ :( Sis Rima, get well soon.
Sorry to hear about that.. Get well soon! 8 stitches? Ouch!!!
oh no rima....get well soon take care! will txt u!
nauzubilah... ni baru betui betui berkuntau dan bersilat di dapur.. aipp sempat lagi hubby kak rim joking tau..kikiki...
selamat berehat dan take care kak
OMG!!! babe
this is bad!!please take care of yrself, aite..rest well, no frolicking in the kitchen for the time being...put yr feet up and rest in bed..have a small bell next to u aite..apa2 u nak, ring ajer the bell..Mr R bule amikkan..for a cheerer-upper, bule juga suroh dia pakai that cute maid uni with nice frilly white apron, heels optional :)
take care babe and get well soon!!!!!!!
Oh no! Get well soon Rima! Take care..
aiyooo...d way mr rima crita, seram dgr..and then kelakar.eh, i tot u rehat lg from d pain lepas massage..dh bersilat kat dapo ek? moral of d story, u have to take some more rest dear, hehe. nway, get well soon. TC u...
At first I thought you were laughing yourself silly thus in stitches (mcm Cik Som cakap) but then I read the gory details....
Get well soon dear Rima! Make sure you give the injured leg plenty of rest.
I like Yat's suggestion of hubs playing maid in uniform giving you breakfast in bed, hahahaha...
omigosh..ciannya kak rima..anyway,rest well n hope u'll have a speedy recovery!! (^_^)
Rima, wish u get well soon..berehatlah sekejap dari dapur ya...will miss ur recipes...hik!
Sorry to hear abt it..get well soon kak Rima..take care..hepi cuti baking for a while..hehe..
Sis Rima
Get well soon. Take care kak! (I am longgggg time silent resader of yours). - Intan
how's sonia???seram jer baca..next time b carefull with the knife,make sure sonia xde main kat dapur...take k sis rima!
Get well soon Rima. 8 stitches sounds really bad.... takyah ar wat choc chip cookies tu until u r really ok eh. he he...
Oiiiiiiyohhhh my goodness!!! kak rima take care and hope the wound heal soon ok .... u should be band to bake until u are fully recover hee hee ... take care kak rima
Salam Rima n hubby,
banyak2 kan berehat n semoga cepat2 sembuh.
salam syg...dr kak siti.
Sorry to hear bout the accident...take good care and I'll pray for your speedy recovery...
akak..banyak2 berehat yerk....
moga cepat2 sembuh...
Get well soon dear rima. have a complete rest.
So sorry on the mishap, please recover well and hope to see you soon back with your mouthwatering bakes!!! Take Care Sis!! Parames
Ya ALLAH!!!... I'm so sorry to hear that.. get well soon Rima... just take enough rest dear.. :-D
Dear k.Rima,
Get well soon ya. Rest secukupnya smp btul2 sembuh.
Hi Rima,
First time writing to you. Tipah pun tertipu, like Cik SOm & LG, ingat tengah gelak guling2....you were hurt rupernya. Take care, learn to rest...Mr Hubby..makes sure she gets all the TLC she needs...you need the cookies & I need to read her blog daily...ha..ha..
Take care & salam perkenalan,
Sorry to hear that..Wish you have speedy recovery..Take a good care and have enuf rest.Love yah. :)
Hi Sis Rima, get well soon... Take care
Get well soon Rima....
Take care....
ishhhhhhhhhhh!!! ngerinyer... semoga cepat sembuh.. mungkin apa yg terjadi ni DIA nak Rima rest betul2.. take care tau..
hehe.. sempat lg mr. R buat lawak ya.. hehee
get well soon kak rima.. take care =D
Hi Mr Rima,
OMG. I am so sorry to hear this. I hope Rima is recovering well. Next time pls keep all knife out of sight immediately after use. She must have gotten tired after baking so much. Rest well Rima.
Ms V
Gosh!!!my mentor.....pray that u'll recovery a.s.a.p k.rima..to mr.rima plzzzzz t.c of sweet baby k..going 2 miss ur yummiliciousssssss dessert!
Oh oh! tak terkata dah..anyway, get well soon dear!
Dear Rima, take good care and speedy recovery too. :)
pls get well soon sis!
Wish u a speedy recovery! I am sure u will experience withdrawal symptom but be patient & take it easy. Fm your blog, I get to know u r the type who cannot lie down or sit still type but bear with it temporarily, ok. Thks & rgds.
So sweet of dear hubby to update us on what had happened to dear wifey. Get well soon Rima. Enough rest so that the stiches heal faster. As for Mr Hubby, I guess, you'll have to make do with Famous Amos Choc Chips for the time being... :D P.E.A.C.E!
Rima's Mr Hubs is doing a good job here by keeping us abreast on Rima's condition and at the same time putting us in stitches too!
Dear Rima,
Get well soon and I second Somuffins' suggestion of a good rest and breakfast in bed be highlighted here! ;)
ouch... sakit tu.. get well soon rima.
get well soon kak rima! long to read all your juicy baking!!
ohhh dear, poor rima. Get well soon. Go get some rest before the throbbing starts again.
sorry to hear that. Take care and have a speedy recovery.
Hi Rima,
I am sorry to hear this.Wish you have a speedy recovery and get back to your baking soon!!!!!
So sweet of your hubby to post this.
Take care
Ouch! so painful.
Dear Mr Rima, please tell her "get well soon"... and For Mr Rima, please take a long leave to nurse her. Just Kidding, like you have said.
I think everybody is concern about Rima, while i online I saw 38 people on her blog.
Take care dear.
Rima,have a good rest and forget about the tepungs until u r fully recovered. I can't stop laughing reading the last line of Mr.Rima's statement.Dok terbayang2 dia slip the camera with the blood memancut-mancut...it was well written :)
Rima,get well soon-take it easy with the baking ya. Hugs...
Dear Rima, rest and heal.....
Rima, get well soon. Next time pls be careful. Thank god nothing worst happened. I cannot imagine those blood gushing out.... sounds very scary.
Warm Regards,
Dear Rima
Been a silent reader and enjoyed your blog very much. I am sorry to hear about the unfortunate accident.. please rest up and get well soon. Cheerios to Mr Rima for his sense of humour though!
Rima.. take care.. get well soon..am sure ur hubster will take good care of you!
Get well soon. We will miss ur baking on couple of weeks. Keep updates on ur condition. :)
Get well! Have a good rest.
Gosh, it's terrible to hear what happened to you. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!
Assalamualaikum Rima
Be more careful nextime, hope you get well soon!
S Rima, learn to rest eh.. MC till u fell better k..take care..:)
Dear Rima,
Get well soon and enough rest ...:)
take care
Dear Rima,
Get well soon dear. Love your blog and have been your silent follower for quite sometime.
Kak Rima..take a very good care of yourself....cukup makan & rehat which I know the better half will do it for ya...
Baca entry ni wat I berkerut dahi, ngeri pun ada......May Allah swt helps u at ease...amen....:)
It is so nice, he did the entry for you.....!
Cepat sembuh ya Kak Rima....Pencen sekejap dari dapur...Mika also would like to send his purrs for you. For info I've tried Sicilian orange cake, memang marvelous la....Ha!...jgn cuba-cuba nak bake pulak
My God!! Kesiannya Rima...moga cepat sembuh dan hati-hati lain kali ya Rima...Thanks to your hb for updating us of what had happened to you..huhuuu... Get well soon Rima!! Akak xleh lama2 x jenguk sini tauuu...mst rindu nak jenguk dapur Rima nih....take care Rima...muaaahhh!
hai sis rima.... take care & get well soon okay...
waaa...cian nyer dkt akak...get well soon ye kak...take a rest
k.rimaaaaaaaaaa..take care and have a gud rest...stay away from kitchen from the time being hehehehehe..get well soon..
Dear Rima,
I have always been a great fan of your fantastic bakes!So sorry to hear about what happened! Hope you have a speedy recovery.
kak rima,
i read ur blog everyday without fail but never have i commented anything. Please get well soon. Have a good rest. I need u to cheer up my day by just simply watching ur delicious mouthwatering looking homemade stuff.
take care k.rima.... hopefully cepat sembuh.....
aii... hope u cepat sembuh yea...
you take care now!
K.Rima and reporter (aka the husband :D),
Erk! Sorry to hear bout the incident. 8 stitches? Haiya! Get well soon and please do nothing except rest and rest and rest some more.
Hi Rima. Sure hope you are feeling better. Sometime ago you gave me a recipe for honeyjoys. Just wanna thank you for sharing. They turn out great. My family loves them. I started a public blog to share recipes as well. http://feedingmykidsbetter.blogspot.com
God bless.
OMG,OUCH!Take care Rima,nasib baik tak kene Sonia,i hope tt u get well soon,btw sapu gel gamat biar cepat sembuh. Confirm,dbl confirm. :] and to Mr Rima tks for updating us as what had happen. Maybe u can sing to her 'Widuri'? Wink wink.
Assalam Rima,
just got to know the news when I saw the 'RED CROSS' sign outside your blog....rest well jangan banyak berdiri ya..aduh..mesti pedih tu kan..
u take care ok..
Take care k rima. Wish u speedy recovery. Thank God it wasn't worse.
take care dear..get well soon
kak Rima..I know this is not the time...just want to let u know..you have been recognised:)
I have award for you sis! sudi2kanlah pick it up:)
Assalamualaikum Kak Rima,
kesian akak...maybe ada hikmahnya ~ Allah nak akak berehat betol2 la tuu...jg diri yer :)
it's time for 'someone else' to do the cooking, the baking, the ironing...apa lagi? semua laa..hehe
Salam Rima
Muga cepat sembuh..
Sis Rima,
Will pray for yr speedy recovery..Hv a gd rest k!
Kak Rima,
Get well soon ya! Have a good rest and come back with more marvelous cakes and all. Don't let me miss you or your baking lama2. :D
Salam Rima,ouchhhh....sakit tu.....pisau pisau ni,takut lah....get well soon dear Sis and take good care of yourself ya.sentiasa mendoakan mu...
from:Kak Nur,Terengganu
Harap Rima cepat sembuh supaya dpt bersiaran seperti biasa..take care..
so sorry 4 u sis..hope u get well soon..and cepat2 leh masuk dpur semula + ber'blogging'...but now it's the best time to u get enough rest k.. :)
Hi Rima. Get well soon. I hope for your speedy recovery!!
Sorry to hear about the accident. Hope u have a speedy recovery Rima.
AssalamRima,Kak Sal Ternampak berita Rima incident and Kak Sal wish you a speedy recovery.But I know you are a strongwoman and get well soon and rest more okay.
Dear Kak Rima, I've been a silent reader of ur blog for quite sometimes, thanks for sharing. I'm sorry to hear about what happened. Thanks GOd it wasnt worse. please take a good rest Kak,n b more careful next time.祝你早日恢复健康.come back w/ ur more fantastic bakes, jangan lama-lama ya Kak. =)God bless
Warm regards,
get well soon
boleh manja2 dengan incik hb nih
rehat yaa
Kesian Rima....Take care ok. Praying for your speedy recovery.
Oh my goodness.. thank you so so much for all the well wishes... for the smses and also for the calls.. i feel loveeeeed heheh
I am doing ok.. 10 injections 8 stitches is no joke.. i was in so much pain that i had to squeeze the nurse's hand so so hard while in the ER.. last night i woke up several times cos i was vomiting for whatever reason.. probably cos of the anesthesia.. shrugs.. anyway i woke up pretty early today.. a promise is a promise.. i gave my word to these ppl and i dont wanna break little boys and girls heart.. its their bday afterall.. i managed to finish 2 out of 4 bday cakes.. i know i shudnt but i had to.. its my responsibility.. oh just in case ur wondering if i am in pain.. well i wud be lying if i said i am all ok.. i can walk.. i can stand but not for a long period of time.. right now as i am typing.. my leg is hurting eventho i had just taken my pain killer and antibiotics.. 2 more cakes and i am done insyallah..
Well anyway i better go to bed now.. maybe the pain will go away?? ouchhh.. ty once again for ur concern and wishes.. so far i hv not seen someone wearing that maid uni with frilly apron nor hv i experienced any breakfast in bed ahakss
salam Rima,
Accidents happen sometimes in the kitchen, but do take care next time. We miss your nice nice nice pictures that makes us crave for it. Get well soon. Sonia.....jaga mama ok.
Salam, Rima. Have a speedy recovery...
Kak rima.,take care..Semoga cepat sembuh..
sis Rima...take care and get well soon...salute lah kat you sis...sakit2 pun boleh buat kek lagi ...hehehe...suri
Poor Rima I'm really sorry for you. Have a good rest and you'll recover soon.
We'll miss your postings and the yummy pictures, but most of all we all want you to get well fast :))
ya..a promise is a promise and we are not dare to break ppl heart rite?anyway, be careful and take care of urself ya sis? those besday cakes must be so marvellous
Semuga cepat sembuh
Rima, get well soon! So, I guess I'll miss your baking photos for a couple of days rite? Anyway, the most important thing, hope you'll recover soon. Take care dear!
~Aini, PG
Salam...kak cek dtg lagi...ada award utk Rima...sudi2kanlah dtg amik kat blog kak cek k...
semuga Rima segera sembuh...:-)
Oh no! Get well soon. That will soon be a battle scar that comes from your love and passion for what you do. Rest and heal well!
nauzubillah... erk... ngeri.... u take care ya, rest well
Gheee....the way Mr Rima described it....! Get well soon dear...Hope u will be kicking back soon! Take care dear..
OMG....Sorry to hear that....Wish u a speedy recovery sis...
oh dear! i am so sorry to hear about this very unfortunate incident. naugthy betul pisau tu, nanti i babap dia for you kay. take care rima...{{{good vibes for a speedy recovery}}}
Kak rima....
Get well soon ya!!
Dear Rima,
sedang asyik baca komen2, tiba2 komen ke 103 rupa2nya dari tuan punya badan! and finishing another TWO cakes?? you would really bring a cheer to all those boys and girls dear..wishing you speedy recovery, pls be careful because we love u. zumaira
Get well soon Kak Rima... Rest rest rest.. ok
get well soon rima
assalam~ Take care Kak Rima.. Hope u get well soon.. Take time to rest.. Love from Brunei~
Hi sis, Been following your blog for almost 2 years now as part of my daily therapy and I think it is wonderful what you have been doing and sharing. So... have a good rest and get well soon so that to you can continue to share your beautiful pictures and recipes with us... Take care, ya...
Get well quickly, Rima. I've been a silent reader of your blog and I simply love the photos here.
sorry to hear abt that.take care,hv a good rest n get well soon...
Hopefully all is well with you and please come back soon, Auntie Rima!
ouchh!! sorry to hear about the accident.. 8 stitches.. ouch again..
speedy recovery rima..
take care
Get well soon kak rima..
get well soon ya rima...dear hubby of rima do take care of rima and help her to bake another 2 cakes...huhuhu :) :) and little PA, Sonia please make your mama laugh so that she can forget about her pain..:) :) and no incoming orders at the moment ya:)..take care
kak rima, get well soon. cian dia :')
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