I am SOLD!! Where hv u been all this while... u make me giggle.. u make me feel all young inside.. u make me smile fm ear to ear and u make my inner soul all lively :op

First and foremost bef i forgot.. Happy bday dad!! this is not his bday cake lol.. its not healthy for him but definately good for others hehehe
Anyway back to where i started.. I finally put aside all the negative feedbacks fm others and decided i shud gv this recipe a try... yes i am actually talking abt the Red Velvet Cake.. my one and only RVC heheheh

Last night when i served this to hb he was like.. oh wow.. "this is super fantastica delicious! i told ya that u shud just go ahead and try to bake us this cake".. well he was right.. no harm trying.. am 42 and still had no idea how this cake tasted like until last night.. i shud hv baked this long time ago.. or shud hv just gone ahead and buy a slice of this cake when i was in the US many years ago.. the red colour is a little intimidating but the flavour.. woot woot! the crumbs are tight and the texture of this cake is simply awesome.. super moist and oh did i tell ya that the cream cheese frosting is to die for .. lol forget abt ur diet for a day and u will thank me for persuading u to bake this cake! hehe.. I on the other hand.. am thankful to hersite for sharing this wonderful recipe..
1 1/4 cup sifted flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp cocoa powder - i used berry callebaut
1 tbsp red colouring - I used 1 1/2 tsp wilton red paste(no taste)
1/4 cup soft unsalted butter - 57g
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup buttermilk - I used 1/2 cup whole milk plus 1/2 tbsp vinegar/lemon
1/2 tsp vinegar - i used heinz distilled white vinegar 5%
1/2 tsp baking soda
Cream cheese frosting
125g cream cheese
50g unsalted butter
110g powdered sugar - i reduced it to 80g
1 cup fresh cream, whipped until stiff - i used double cream

1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees Celsius.
2. In one container, sieve flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
3. In a small container, combine cocoa powder and red coloring and stir well until form a paste (I added a little water).
3. Using a stand mixer, beat butter with sugar until light and fluffy. Add the egg, beat until blended. Add the vanilla extract and cocoa powder mixture, beat until well blended.
4. Add in sifted flour and buttermilk alternately. Beginning and ending with flour. (F-M-F-M-F)
5. In a small bowl, combine vinegar and baking soda and add it to ur batter. Stir well with a spatula. Pour into a 6" baking pan and bake it for 50mins or until cooked.
6. Let cool on wire rack.
7. Once cool, slice cake into two and spread cream cheese filling.. top it with the rest of ur cream cheese too... chill for a few hrs.. slice and and oh la la hehhe
Cream Cheese frosting:
1. Beat cream cheese with butter until soft.
2. Turn mixer to low speed, add powdered sugar a little at a time. Whisk until well blended.
3. Add whipped cream, stir through with a spatula.

So to whoever has doubts abt this cake.. dont be.. go to ur kitchen and whip ur batter and u will be feeling as high as me haahah.. hmmm now let me think.. what to bake for dad.. hmmm

Salam, Rima.
Yours look superlicious...! I think I'm going to give it a try.
kak rima,
Guna tepung ape ye?
erkkkkk saw many people try this cake..hehehe mcm tak kuat semangat je nak buat..kekekke....telan air liur jap..gulp..mcm sedap jekkk kekekeke....
Hmmpphhh I dah tak mo buat kek merah ni lagi. Tak mau dah...hahahaz ;) merajuk big time with this cake...but urs definitely looks yummmo :pppp
hah! now u know..now u know.....ekekkee...i've tried oredi..cake..cupcake...brownies like..waahhh, awai2 kna bg org lain supaya x d tinggal byk kat my dapo...nnti i mkn byk, hahhahaha....let me sing again..now u know..now rima know..
pssst! nnti nk kna cr cheese, try this recipe plak, wahahaha
Wow, this is gorgeous! I've never been a big fan of RVC but yours may have just changed my mind. This is going onto my to-bake list! :)
U shud Nin.. its yummehhh!
Puan Apash
Guna tepung gandum biasa aje
Telan air liuq mana shiok.. cuba telan RVC.. sure tak leh angs hahah
Jangan lah merajuk Anieee.. cuba buat lagi lah.. this one tak pakai minyak.. no yukkie taste at all.. harus buat topping dia sekali baru lah ur in heaven bila makan hehe
Psst.. at first tu bef i bake it i was telling myself.. if tak sedap.. i dont hv lamb and sheep to finish em up hahha.. nasib cake menjadi yummeh if not cik tong lah jawab nye
LOL Jun.. now I know dahhhhh... sampai crumbs dia pun i sayang nak buat.. terus letak kat dalam mangkuk and pipe in the cream cheese.. adoiiii punya lah shiok semalam makan cam gitew.. tadi pagi after ambil gambar boleh ngap half of that slice..ni nanti malam sure akan habis jugak another half of that slice.. kira all in all i comsumed 1 slice today... tu cakap orang nak sedap kan hati hahahah
Tell me abt it Allie.. carrot cake and red velvet cake.. no desire to eat em but now i loveeee it!
I tried making RVC once but no one likes it that much. But bila tengok your RVC nampak sgt2lah tempting nya and berkobar2 balik my semangat nak buat this cake :-).
But kena tunggu I reach my weight impian before I can start baking again.
cantik arrr cream cheese topping tu.,.i buat habis sememeh keluar crumbs dia..last last cream cheese tu nampak mcm ada red red crumbs jugak. sungguh bughok ghupanya...err i pun mcm anie gak tkmo buat lg unless ada special request hehe...
K. RIma,
Wow.. now that's gorgeous! I've seen fellow bloggers making it before and was thinking of doing it.. someday, but yours definately makes me to definately wanna do it.. soon! Great looking cake!
Ur weight impian tak akan jadi kenyataan buat i hahah.. part nak exercise tu yg malas bangat.. bake and makan cake hari hari rajin pulak hahaha
If u feel like baking.. try this recipe ah.. my hb likes it so so much
Ty Patin
So are u walking towards ur kitchen now?? hehehe.. definately worth trying lah Patin.. good luck!
now i see red lipstick wakakaka....then can only see my lips walking around :p
ur recipe pakai oil or butter? actually any cake yg pakai oil ade put off sikit ah.. macam mana pun rasa oil tu tetap terselah walaupun yg oil base itew lagi sihat hahah
Hmmm did u chill ur cream cheese frosting dulu tak bef u pakai?? easier to handle if u chill it for a short while.. once dah kental sikit.. senang sikit nak use it as frosting.. crumb coat ur cake first then chill then u sapu kan lagi topping.. insyallah tak akan ade crumbs :o)
sungguh sexy skali cake u ... hot red =D
LOL Yani.. dalam byk byk colour lipstick u pilih red hehehe.. i think i lah orang paling malas nak pakai lipstick :op
LOL sexy ey.. i think i will bake it for valentine lah.. konon sexy lah tu hahha
u make me want to try this cake which for so long i nak try buat tapi tak kesampaian..
the colour of the cake doubled up the yummehhh... :-)
So true.. just make sure u pakai wilton and not just any food colouring.. nanti if colour jadi lain terus nafsu tersekat sekat hehe
i dah try kek ni. i makan tak berhenti2....topping dia dgn cheese bagai..haiisshh...sedapnya masih terasa hingga hari ni..hehe..
sekarang ni RVC dah jadi favourite i..
Me did not bake it coz me think its just a normal cake with little cocoa flavour and too much red. But it wouldn't be RIMA if u did not goda us all to bake it huh... Now my keyboard is all wet n slimy... yuk!
I've seen people baking RVC before, but never tempted to bake one until I saw urs. Hari tu dah tengok Ju@mrsplainjune baked it, dah motivated to bake RVC but not enuff to kick start the mood. But now, I'll definitely bake one tomorrow! :D
u used the same recipe ke?? sedap bangat kan? haishh dah lama simpan itew recipe baru lah sekarang terasa nak buat.. tu pun pasal my hb asyik tertanya tanya :o)
Muahaha Yan... eh pi lap cepat nanti keyboard jam pulak kahkahkah.. buat ah and i am pretty sure u will like it as much as we did :o)
Heheh theres a meaning to my tittle tau.. i see red all week long.. nanti sure ramai yg terkick start nak bake this cake hehhe.. bake it ok and let me know if u like the taste of this RVC.. good luck!
Sis......well done!! Thought of baking this tomorrow tp my confidence level is not there...now..I've the confidence to bake it after looking at ur cake!!!
Tq for the recipe..Sekarang barulah protege Ada semangat nk buat after Mentor dah buat!! tunjuk ajar ku sifu!!! ~ aishah.
i sangat heaaarrrtttt no. 4 pic..the cream is just..ishhh tak leh nak cakap daaaa... but sadly after my 1 and only disaster buat cake ni many2 moons lampau, ai dah tak terbuat, tapi tgk yr cake ni...aduhhhh buat ao sangat terguda ruda..thumbs up babe!nampak tak ai wat..hehe
Thanks Rima for the motivation, I will put my hands on this on Saint-Valentin day!
How about a red velvet chiffon cake for your dad? Make a big size in case all run to you for a slice, lol. I saw this at NY recently and a slice was not cheap.In fact, everything you make will be good for your dad because is from your heart,lol
Ya rabbi Aishah.. i no sifu lah.. i gave u the recipe the other time and thought u dah try.. i did it yesterday simply cos my hb has been bugging me to bake it.. sampai dia beli kan tu vinegar lol..
Nampakkkkk.. siapa tak nampak alamat nye dia nak Mam*** hahahha.. pramlee lagi!
Try buat then kasi ur hb makan..sure dia like one.. the cream cheese sungguh halus mulus one.. tak rugi buat cake ni :o)
Whenever i bake something and took it to moms.. he wud be the first one to look at it and ask stuff.. hes not a big fan of cake but will taste a little.. a red chiffon.. now i wonder.. where can i get the recipe fm.. hmmmmm
my oh my.. i just done baking this rvc!! hehe.. last weekend i baked for my friends.. they were ecstatic! superduper sedap! then yesterday, my officemate pulak order. but i fail the deco part. huhuhu.. meleleh2 tgk your RVC! i shall try yr recipe soon.. :)
I love red !!! The props sangat cantik. No need to say much about your baked goods la kan. Semua mesti sedap, no doubt. One fine day, I'll try to bake RVC. ;D
Try ah June.. am just happy this recipe works well with our tastebud.. am keeping this recipe for now.. hehe
Heheh red is the colour ey.. nanti pi cuba lah ok and let me know the outcome.. gd luck!
Salam Rima,Kak Nur ni...yesterday plan nak bake your balck forest roll tu.tak jadilah..tgk your rvc ni terus telior.I've tried your recipe and sgt2 yummmmm.TQ Rima
wow! menarik! mesti sedap...
mest nak buat.....
tak pernah tgk kek begitu...
Oh ye ker KNur? baru semalam baca email KNur pasal nak buat BF roll.. pergi ke si merah saga ni pulak hehehe... alhamdullilah.. menjadi kek nye.. :o)
Go ahead and try.. tak susah mana pun membuatnye but hasil nye.. haiz malas nak cakap hehe
this cake is gorgeous, I always love the look of red velvet cake!
salam rima,
cantiknya kek merah baldu ni..
macam teruja nak buat, tapi list panjang sangat ni..mana nak start dulu niiii..
After Nin commented, I tried to komen smlm. Dah siap taip (guna hp) tetiba skrin melantun exit maka hilanglah segalak yg dah ditaip tu, menciii!
Niway, semangat TunTeja I meloncat seketika semalam bila you kata RVC sebenarnya sedap. Well, boohoohoo ... *semangat dah mula luntur nih*
Salam kak..
My mouth is so watering!! hihi..
RVC is one of my favourite cake but still do not know how to bake it..hahah..
Ha..ha..ha. Baru balik dr HOI beli Wilton red color & just kluarkan butter.. Ni tengah ambik semangat by looking and studying your RVC..tunggu lg 2 jam lg...hopefully x jadi Red Indian Cake!!!
Tengok ur cake pun dah kenyang tau....~aishah.
Susah-susah jer saya duk mencari resepi kat blog lain.. tapi tak salin sebab tak meriah.. Last2 K.Rima punya jugak nampak super duper delicious. Hehehe.. Hopefully one day I could try this. Excited plak... and kempunan..Huhu
p/s: mau pindah duk sebelah umah K.Rima lah.. senang nak berguru! :D
Yes me too.. but no urge to bake it cos of the oil base.. vinegar and too much food colouring added but after baking it i was like.. geeeshh i shud hv done it long time ago!
Merah baldu sehhh Ayu hahahha.. good translation of this cake... if u hv the time or on special occasion boleh lah u cuba this cake.. siapa tahu ur kids might like it eventho the colour of this cake is not brown hehe
Menci kan if that happened.. i also pernah kena but only once.. tu pun pakai my iphone .. no good lah.. jari ku terlalu gedik untuk si iphone tu ..
Eh cik som cuba hang terang kan macam mana semangat tun teja boleh jadi gitew hehehe.. oh in btw regarding ur question pasal si madeleine.. it all depend on the recipe that u use and berapa lama u simpan the batter dalam fridge in order to get the hump.. not so much cos of the pan i guess cos dulu i biasa guna pan yg murah fm daiso.. jadi jugak but hump dia tak ler sebuncit madeleine yg hari tu..
At least u know how it tasted like.. akak kau ni dah tua bangka baru lah dapat merasa cake RVC
HOI? kat mana tu?? did u get the one that has no taste?? lol i dont even know if there is any diff yg pasti memang no colouring taste at all in my cake.. well good luck my dear!! remember to let it chill a few hrs baru ngap hehe
Rima.. ni soalan x berapa cerdik sket. Tak merah ke gigi & lidah bila makan kek ni? cam makan sireh..hehe. Dan berry callebaut tu apa dia ye? Kalau rima yg recommend, wajib cuba nih. Btw, i've tried ur choc chip cookies yg pakai coffee oil tu.. whoa! wonderful! tak boleh stop mengunyah depan tv. 1 adunan tu dapat banyak, almost 100 pcs. I've also tried ur macarons tapi tak jadi bentuk mcm u punya.. mini burger. Mcm mana nak bgi smooth on top ye? Mine are like mountains. Batter terlebih pukul kot..huhu
Messy Mummy
Lahhh kesian nye .. tu statement kempunan tak leh ku dengar.. mari lah sini boleh akak kau kasi sepotong dua.. tu aje yg belen heheh.. if u hv the time do gv it a try cos its worth every time u put into it :o)
I've always liked RVC, it's been a rage for a while now esp RVCupcake. Yours is outrageously gorgeous K. Rima.
No way.. just like when u makan chocolate cake.. gigi and lidah jadi brown tak?? hehe
Its a brand name of cocoa powder whch i use besides valrhona..
Regarding ur question abt macarons.. hmm i dont understand when u said macam mountain.. either ur batter is too thick sampai when u pipe dia pekat or u didnt blend ur almond sampai halus..
Ty Zack! i know especially magnolia RVC kan.. eh macam betul aje.. padahal tak pernah pun jejak itew kedai hahaha
Thanks Rima for trying it first. I dah byk kali nak buat tp takde guts. Beli kek tu pun tak pernah padahal dah buat kek bertahun2. Jakun betul... Dgn semangat berkobar-kobarnya I akan mulakan sessi menembamkan bdn soon... :D
wuhuu rima. ur red setting is killing me softly :p
cun gila ahh.
rv itu pon sgt menggoda. chun dah 3x buat dah. cuma my nex project nak guna buttermilk plak. sure mengancam lagi kan..
You're right. All thx to Sex n The City. IMHO Magnolia's cakes tend to be rather dry. Why don't you come here n try it? heee (^_*)
Salam Rima,
Bila masuk sini kan the moment kak Nur tengok kek baldu merah ni...hati dah terguder tergulek2...cantik sesangat rima....tiada kata secantik bahasa...hehe apa yg akak merepek ni...
Rima, regarding the macarons, haah..batter tu pekat sgt, susah nak drop. So i pusing2 mcm gunung..hahaha. but the taste is awesome, very chewy kat dalam, ranggup di luar. Dari start pukul putih telur & gula yg suam2 sampai jadi sejuk berapa minit agaknya? Pastu lepas masuk kan almond & icing berapa minit lagi? Tq so much for the recipe, anak suka sgt makan.
aiyooo, kemalasan melanda...how lar....
hehehe, u post aje la kat rumah i. Orrrrr....i drop by ur hse next week after meeting in SG...lol!
p/s: my baking mojo is no where to be found...haishhhhh
I also like that Murni.. bukan tak nak beli.. cuma tak teringin pulak.. tak tahu apasal.. dah tu bila dah muda remaja terasa pulak nak try.. tu lah pi buat sendiri.. tak rugi..
Chek Chun
Merah itew menawan.. auwwww hahhaha.. any cake with buttermilk sure lagi shiok :o)
Z is Zee?? heheh
Someday.. somehow.. i will pursuade him to go there.. :op
Hehe KNur.. bahasa jiwa bangsa namanye.. cuba lah buat.. tak susah pong :o)
Alamak part berapa minute i dont know lah.. what i know u pukul sampai it looks like shaving cream. u perhati kan the texture.. once u see macam ade shinning sikit u off mixer.. lepas masuk almond and icing sugar u fold in carefully.. ur batter shud look like magma.. tak pekat.. tak cair.. easy to pipe ur batter
Your meeting sebelah TOTT kan.. ur baking mojo still missing in action ke walaupun u dah visit TOTT? heheh.. meh sini .. hv a cuppa and a slice of cake with me.. sure ur mojo akan kembali lagi hehe
rima, i dah buat this recipe!!! YES! i think this s the one! dah try a few tp x best mcm yg ni! THANK YOU babe!! u're the most beautiful woman in the world!!!! (effect lepas makan red velvet.. hahahaha
Muahahhaha i lap u lah kahkahkah.. itu effect orang yg badannye tengah sakit2 kahkahkah
Glad u gv it a try and glad it turned out good.. alhamudllilah.. bake it as a cupcake babe.. :o)
hye sis,
your RVC definitely looks tempting and i really cant wait to try baking it. im sure it tastes as good as it looks. but i would like to ask regarding the cup that you are using, is it a tea cup? or any other specific cups? thank you!
Hi Shaznee
Yes... gv it a try.. i can still remember how delish it was hehe..
Cup as in measuring cup..
Salam Kak Rima,
May I know what brand vanilla extract u used?
tq! :)
I used Madagascar vanilla extract in some of my bakes.. u can sub vanilla essence or vanilla paste if u like..
Heheh bake it and i am pretty sure u will like it
thanks for inspiring me to make this cake...it turned out lovely! i even followed how u put the cake crumbs in a bowl with the frosting! :) as for the frosting..aduhhhh..jangan cakap laaa...i licked the bowl clean!(not to mention the spoon)
thanks for this lovely recipe! i made it into cupcakes and it turned out lovely! :)i wanted to bake it for my coming birthday..tapi ingredients kat dalam fridge tu dah memanggil...haha.. oh by the way..the frosting tu was soooo delicious i licked couldnt resist from licking the bowl!i even followed how u put the cake crumbs in a small bowl with some frosting :)turned out pretty!
No worries.. i am so so glad that ur cake turned out good and yep.. i am addicted to the cheese frosting too! hehehe
salam...sis rima....hi i'm wani...ur big fan from pahang, malaysia....thanks for the rvc recipe..my cake turn out well..i simply love it...super moisture...and the cream cheese frosting super duper yummeh... ;)
Salam wani.. its delish isnt it.. we all loved it.. will probably be baking this soon as i hv to finish up all my cream cheese bef next week :op
Hello Rima!
Firstly, superb blog which i came across 2 weeks back. Keep up the creativity :)
I did try your RVC yesterday but i'm seeing the top breaking, is that normal? Another issue was with the cream cheese, after i added the whipped cream into the cheese batter and give it a whisk and the frosting became watery. Why is that so?
Hi Pree
Ty for coming to this humble blog of mine.. the top breaking is not normal.. maybe ur oven is too hot... try to lower the temp if u gonna bake it again yah...
Frosting became watery.. hmm how was ur double cream texture bef u add ur cheese mixture?? did u chill it for a little while bef u use it??
Hello Rima,
Just by a sudden after clicking one blog after one blog and here I found your beautiful Red Velvet cake of yours! The colour of the red is so perfectly red!
And may i know what is that red sprinkle on the center top? Is it "red icing sugar?"
Hi Mel
Sorry for my late reply.. the red sprinkle on the center top is actually the crumbs fm the top layer of my cake.. instead of throwing it away i crumb it and top my cake with it..
Hello Rima,
I did the second round again yesterday and this round i gave it sort of steam bath and it turned out like a steamed cake. Sigh. Will try it the next round again with reduced temperature.
The double cream texture was like thick (no longer like watery cream) but i did not chill i guess. Will try it with chilling the cream too.
sorry to hear abt ur cake.. dont gv up ok.. reduce the temp and bake it slightly longer.. cover ur pan with aluminium foil after 20 mins into baking..
Yes u hv to chill it so that u can pipe it easily.. :o)
hello rima,
It was a superb cake when i baked it a week ago. All my friends loved it and the cheese cream, after chilling it..ohh lalala very yummy!!
I'm aiming to bake some macrons next but before that when will you be coming to KL next, i want to order some from you :)
Oh wow Printha!! u did it.. congrats!! am happy to hear that..
Yes pls do try to bake macs.. if it doesnt work the first time.. keep on trying ok ..
Ty.. do email me if u wanna order.. i already hv 2 orders for my next KL trip hehe
Thank you for the recipe kak rima. My first attempt and it worked!!! Gebu giteww... :))
May i ask a question? The topping on the cake tu memang after a while akan lembik eh? Is there any suggestion for the topping to stay intact without having to refrigerate it?
Tqvm :)
Rima my dad bday coming soon so selaku anak solehah i wanted to bake this for him (alah actually i yg nk mkn sgt bapak i bagi kek pisang pin ok). Nk tanya ni:
1. Cream cheese filling-pakai baloon whisk ke?
2. U punyer cake tin tue spesies ape? Kalau pakai yg biasa kena alas x? I byk tgk ur resepi byk yg x alas cake tin i like la sbb i malas nk mengalas ni. Ke kena greese dulu? Pls lt me knw k.
Sorry sorry.. dah termiss this comment pulak.. congrats!! the topping memang macam melting moment.. tak leh lama kat luar.. maklum cream cheese frosting memang gitu..
To be honest.. kadang i memang malas nak letak alas and kadang i will letak.. depending on what kinda pan i use.. better to hv it lapik cos that way u will know for sure yg u cake tak akan melekat..
Cream cheese tu i pakai whisk yg untuk beat butter ajer.. if u hv food processor.. u can always use that cos by using it .. u tak incorporate too much air in it..
sungguh menyelera kan ... color nya sungguh menarik .
Sedap kek ni.. something different lah fm ur typical cake.. use wilton gel if u wanna achieve this kinda colour ok
Rima, y huh my cake berlubang2 sob...sob... Atas dia x berlubang bt when i divided d cake in 2 dia berlubang lubang uwaaa daku kecewaaa... Love love 2 cream cheese filling
Kak Rima...i bake this cake again...and it turn out well as usual...My Ummi said...this cake was finger licking good.....Thank you Kak Rima for the recipe...every time and anywhere i ate red velvet cake..will remind me of u.... I heart u.... <3
Alamak terlambat reply pulak.. did u try to bake it again? ur vinegar u pakai yg mana?
alhamdullilah.. best kan if menjadi.. if u do it as cuppies lagi sedap tau.. the only different is that the cream cheese frosting.. i only added 2 tbsp of whipping cream into my cream cheese mixture.. can tahan kat room temp lama jugak si cream cheese tu.. tak cair pun..
Hi Rima,
After covering it with cream cheese icing, is it a good idea if we want to cover it second layer with chocolate ganache, just like the DFCC. Do you think it will taste good or okay?
Hye sis Rima,
i've tried RVC using my fren recipe using 3cups flour tp it turn out not so good as i harapkan...siap putus smngt nk buat lg...tp tgk ur RVC, mcm nk giv it a try plak...yg nie 1 adunan dpt bahagi 2 n put frosting in d middle ye....
aduhhhh i must hv missed it!! i think it will taste ok but definately not a RVC signature.. better stick to ori lol
Sorry to hear that.. yes this recipe ur able to slice ur cake into two.. use a small round pan ok to get a taller cake..
Hi Rima,
I did this exactly as u've written...Hooray! My hubby said " I'm confused ah.. mcm ada rasa buah..u letak buah eh..tapi..tapi..sedap!" Haizzz..susah bebenor nak ckp sedap. Thanks Rima for sharing. Baked this for moi b'day today.
HAPPY BDAY HANA!! Glad u gv it a try.. dah lama jugak tak buat.. the last time i baked it was during raya tahun ni.. laku banget hehe
Salam kak rima,
Kite dah try buat RVC ni ikut resepi akak..n gues what!!it's soooo yummmih!!!!! Seriusly sebelum ni pernah try resepi lain, tapi its too oilly and super sweet..but this time it turn out fantastic! TQ so much for sharing those recipies and the tips! TQ kak!
Alhamdullilah .. I am very happy to hear that.. Glad it turned out well!
Hi Rima,
I made this cake yesterday but it turned out a bit hard. Could it coz I used a heart shaped baking tin n thus the batter was too little n baking time too long.
Also, the cream cheese frosting was stiff enuf...pls advice how I can make the frosting stiffer as I liked the taste n would like to put on cupcake. Thanks!
Hi Alicia
i am assuming that the heart shape pan is ard 8".. this batter is for a small pan .. think i used 5 or 6" pan and if u wanna use a bigger pan u hv to double the portion so as to avoid any dryness..
As for the cream cheese frosting.. i wud usually place it in the fridge for an hr bef using it.
Hi Rima,
Thanks so much for ur prompt reply. Will try making it again. :D
hai sis rima,
love ur blog and recipes also picture..
kdg2 nak try but certain in english bahan2 nyer...sy budak baru belajar...heheh..tak kenal sgt brg kek..
try ur cake from other blogger yg dah cuba especially kak azlita aziz from masam manis..dia byk cuba sis rima nyer kek...
liana nak tnya yg macam serbuk merah tue apa?? mana boleh dpt?? cuka masakan ker yg sis rima guna?? thanks^_^
Ty.. u meant yg kat atas kek tu ker?? tu actually the cake itself.. i ramas ramas and tabur atas kek hehe
cuka tu memang cuka masakan.. i used Heiz brand
oohh..ok..ingat ada serbuk khas
boleh tau tak, double cream sis rima guna UHT dairy whipping cream ker atau non dairy cream.?? becoz UHT tak boleh buat topping kek kan..
forgot to include this ques. too...hehehe
Salam kak. Saya baru 1st time nk buat RVC ni. Barang2 sume da siap beli. Tggl nk buat je. Sblm tu nk tnye, vinegar tu bole x gune brand lain selain Heinz tu? N cocoa powder tu sy x jumpe la plak brand Berry Callebaut tu. Cari kt kedai kek pn xde. Klu gune yg brand biasa, x sedap ek kek nnt?In future, kt mana ye nk cari brand cocoa powder jenama tu?
Regards, Fatiha.
Of cos u can use other brand of vinegar.. sama dgn cocoa powder.. valrhona and cocoa berry memang lah the best cocoa powder there is and i memang tak guna kan lain brand.. if u want to get valrhona and cocoa berry u can get it in any bakery store here in singapore or order ii thru my store if u are interested in valrhona cocoa powder
kak rima,
nk mintak izin share recipe kek ni kt blog sy sebab sy dah try buat & sgt2 berpuashati..the cake came out so well and the taste really2 delicious..
TQ sis for sharing!
Sure... no worries.. good recipes are meant to be shared anyway.. well done dear!
Salam kak rima,
Sgt teruja tgk kek akak nie...saya nak cuba tapi nak tny cane nak buang cream tue jadi layer...and nak slice macam mane ye?sy suka mkn RV nie tapi belum try lagi buat...so nak cuba resepi akk nie...tq ;)
Oh Rima, i tried this recipe and my cake dropped in the middle half way through baking...
Do you know why? So sad la..
I used a small loaf pan since i didnt have a 6 inch round pan...
Wish i can send you a picture of the cake...so sedih la..
Salam k.rima,nk tnye,sy buat cream cheese frosting,tp slh letak whipping cream agknye.huhu.crk double cream xjmpe.heeelllpppp¡!
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