7 eggs down.. 23 eggs to go lol.. I had wanted to bake layer cake this morning cos honestly.. thats the only way for me to get rid of all my eggs in one go.. but i realised later that i hv to use a few eggs to make steamed fruit cakes for someone in Europe soooo.. the quest to finish up my eggs will starts today hehhe.. First cake.. Condensed milk pound cake.. i first saw it in baking fiends unite! and fell in love with the cake.. knew its gonna be delish and I was right.. after i took it out of my oven and ate a slice.. the taste of this cake was just superb..

Dont u just love a cake that turns out the way u want it to be? this cake turned out perfect.. just like the sicilian orange cake.. nothing can go wrong if u follow this super easy recipe to the T.. the sweetness is just right.. the texture is fine and moist.. i love it.. i love it.. i love it!!

240g good quality butter
90g sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup (304g) condensed milk
3 tsp vanilla paste
240g cake flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder - I used double acting
4 large eggs

- Sift cake flour and baking powder together. Set aside.
- Cream butter and sugar together till light and fluffy.
- Add in salt and vanilla paste and cream well.
- Pour in condensed milk and cream till well combined.
- Using the mixer on low speed, add in flour in 3 additions. Mix till batter is smooth.
- Add in eggs one at a time. Make sure it's well mixed and smooth.
- Bake at 175 degrees for 1 hour - I baked mine at 170C for 45 mins

I know .. I know.. coffee and cakes.. not healthy at all but hey what can i say.. i need both to get me going hehehe
salam kak rima..
i thought u used silicon mould..rupanya nordicware ye..patut lah cantik n tak melekat..
Salam Fara
Nope i dont like silicon and will never use one to bake my cakes hehe.. reason being.. i ni paranoid sikit hahaha.. if for jelly .. yes kadang i pakai the silicon type :o)
sgt gler aku nengok si nordic tuh! huarghhhhhh! tgk tabung sat! dah cukop blom...hahaaa
haha Hana.. siapa suruh kamu tak nak join itew GA.. kalau menang kan dah tak yah gler bayang hahaha.. tak pe.. nasib baik now the harga also tak mahal sangat.. tak perlu tabung lama lama :o)
the cake & the pan is soooooooo veryyyy tempting!!!! huhuhuhu...
Any pan also can to bake this cake.. Pokoknya rasa sedap dehh hehe
cantikkk... dan kek yg simple.isshh boleh cube kek ni n kek sicilian orange juga..mmg best nii
Woooww Weeiii!!! Masih ada 23 eggs to go?? U buat roti prata telur jer lah for breakfast...hehehez :D
Nanti if dah sampai bundt pannye boleh lah bakor kat pan baru mu itew.. Cake ni sedap.. Adik beradik SOC hehe
Oh n tadi at half past 8 in the morning akak dah antar.. Katanye between 1 to 3 days sampailah bundt pan itew kepangkuan izah hehe
Buat prata telor anie? Lahh bila nak game hahaha
the recipe looks easy, the ingredients are in the pantry, and tne bundt moulds are ever ready nak berbakti ... but ... dimanakah semangatku menghilang? Pls jolt me up!
hehehe...look like I must bring out the bundt pan out againnn...hahaha...menguder kalbu itu kek tau...nanti knur charge battery dulu...hihi...rajin mcm rima tak?
Ehhh cik mat.. u ok ke?? lahhhh pengsan lagi.. hahaha
Cuba raup muka and baca selawat.. sure semagat mu datang kembali hehehe
Buat lah cik som.. gunakan ur bundt pan..
"sambil pakai pom pom and berteriak.. go.. cik som .. go cik som!!" hahaha
if u pakai rechargeable batteries sure tahap kerajinan akan datang serta merta hahah
Tadi first time guna bundt pan ni dah tu boleh lupa nak dust with flour.. nasib baik boleh terkeluar dgn sempurna.. haizz dah tua lah .. benda macam gini pun boleh lupa :o(
fuhhh sure mimpi mlm ni kat nordic tu.. huhu
Delicatessen.... Sodap benar tu kek ehh... Yum yum!! Li-Lin
KNor.. Mimpi bundt pan tak pe jgn mimpi lain sudah haha..
Li lin
Mau? Mari lah.. Baru makan half of one bundt cake..
Yumm yumm :D.
i can smell the goodness :) has to be delicious, this.
Perfect! Both in cake & apperance :)
mrng....ala kita dtg lewt.gerenti dah hbs....uwaaaa....nak kek n gan bekas pembakar sekali...boleh?
Morning Rima. Thanks for this recipe. Need recipes with sweetened condensed milk.
Yup u cant stop at a slice hehe
Hehe Noir.. u can smell it when its baking in the oven.. not so much after its baked ..
Ty DG.. thank goodness.. u know how it is with baking.. sometimes when it didnt turn out the way u want it to be.. u kinda get frustrated hehe
Nak ke Anie?? ade lagi .. datang now but datang later dah habis cos ade orang nak datang rumah ambik cake itew hehe.. nak pan.. tak leh.. nak pinjam .. cannnnn hehehe
Morning Yan
I've replied to ur emails and yes u shud try out this recipe.. its yummehhh
salam kak rima...
Alahai kak...mengodanya kek tur. saya try cari nordicware kat shah alam...tapi takde...adus frust betoi.
laling...great minds think alike eh...was just thinking of trying brorozzan's butter cake guna hk flouir....but lepas tengok yg nih...saya akan cuba secepat mungkin (bila ek?)i'll try to squeeze one tonight...take care!
Masni i tak rasa u can get it in M'sia.. correct me if i am wrong peeps.. u can try and get it online or get it when u come to Sg.. memang frust if benda yg kita cari tak de.. just like black forest paste.. tak jual kat sini.. so bila go jakarta.. akak bawak balik berbotol botol hahaha
Hehehe tell me abt it.. u cubalah.. to me cake ni sedap bangat deh ..
hmm.. condensed milk tu yg buat sedap tu eh.... nak try lah cake ni... banyak kenduri next week, boleh try ni.. :D
Yes ur right heheh.. condensed milk tu when added kat ape ape pong boleh buat kek sedap.. teringat waktu kecik.. makan roti with condensed milk.. sedap sampai menjilat jari hehehe
Hai kak rima,
Nak tanya ni kalau tak guna vanilla paste tapi guna esen vanilla boleh ke?
Of cos u can.. Maybe add a tsp more
ku tak tahan..ku dah buat..ku tak pedulik ku sakit ke hapa ke..pokoknya, ku nak makan..ku sukerr..dia lembut & moist..ku tak yah gigit kunyah byk2..ku wat minum ngan tea london giteww..aduhhh sgt nyaman..ada lagi sedap2 punya resepi tak byk tulur, pls habaq arrr...kalo bule tulur 5 or less..mueheheh
LOL babe.. nak sedap and telur 5 or less.. alrighty..akan ku usahakan hehehe
Dah buat eh?? nanti akan ku ketuk rumah mu ok.. tadi busy bangat sampai tak bake ape ape .. err not really lah.. tadi buat one more kek kukus and also buat kan my sis puding durian.. dia ngidam agak nye mintak kita puding durian ahakkss
coffe & cake - very good combo. esp if its Café au lait...sinfully delicious...
hehe.. esp if its a double shot of espresso.. yummmmehh.. eh still to early to be thinking abt coffee lah Maya :o)
twenty thumbs up to this lovely and nice cake...sedap sehingga menjilat plastic wakkakkakk..thnks a million sis
Lol sis.. Now pi scroll down to look at eid pics.. Scroll jgn tak scroll hehe
This cake is filled lots of rich flavor...butter and condensed milk...looks delicious and please with coffee :-)
kak rim...terma kasih.. gift bertuah dah selamat sampai..
Hi Rima.. seronoknya jumpa blog ni.. i'm addicted to baking, tengok all ur recipes.. waa.. tak sabar nak try. and those gorgeous photos.. wow!!! Lagu best2.. same taste..hehe. I'm ur new fan! :D
if i use plain flour boleh? coz i don like the texture if i use cake flour.
wah!!..another kek yang boleh masuk list...insyaallah nanti nak buat..of course pakai nordicware ler..hehehhhehhe ..riak ke aku ni?..hahaha..psst jangan bilang orang tau..
Hehe Juliana.. i like that statement.. and pls with coffee.. :o)
This cake is delicious and moist.. do gv this recipe a try yah
Alhamdullilah Izah.. semalam baru check kat mana prezzie izah.. rupenye dah sampai eh.. good good.. hope u like it!
Welcome to my humble blog.. hope ur here to stay and let me know how it goes yah if u bake any..
Tks for leaving footprints!
Muahahaha TAK AHHHHHH.. where got riak.. if ade harus pakai baru berbaloi ape yg dibayar heheh
Cuba ok.. Yat dah cuba and she likes it.. :op
yes u can.. you can substitute it by using all-purpose flour (use 2 tbsp less per cup)... u will not get the same texture even if u ikut aturan tu .. good luck and hope that helps..
OMG..m just so in love with ur cute Nordic Bundt pans....nak jugak :P
I believe ur comments over the cake! They look scrumptious! Hehe, pass me few slices pls...;)
I'm bookmarking this...but where to find that bundt pan??? lolz! :D
Nak?? Tak leh.. Pinjam can but must sign IOU hahaha.. U can get it at ToTT
Any pan also can do the job as long as u follow the recipe to the T.. Try lah.. U will definately like it.. My sis said the cake taste like Sara Lee
Hi Rima, Yatie suka singgah sini...suka tngk resepi yg sedap2 dan menarik...arini dah cuba marmer/marble chiffon cake...sedap dan lembut...thanks kongsi resepi...
Alhamdullilah menjadi marble chiffon cake itew.. i also kadang intip ur blog for kuih melayu hehe
Rima, recipe ni look easy, so macam nak try buat but since i tak familiar dengan baking, vanilla paste tu apa ye? Kalau takde, boleh substitute dengan anything else?
cuba lah.. u can sub with vanilla essence
Rima, i dah bake ini cake and it turned out so so gebu when its still hot. Bila dah sejuk dia still soft and moist. Berangan nak cuba add nescafe in the batter plak. he he...
Yan sorry terlambat banyak replying to ur comment.. apasal boleh terlepas pulak!
Dah cuba add nescafe? sedap tak??
Hi Rima,
This is a good recipe. I tried it yesterday night and it turned out good. The taste is something like butter cake. I reduced the sugar and used only 75g.
Hi Sally
Yes it was.. i can still remember how it tasted like.. yum!
As salam..nk tnya sket kak rima nape kek pound nie telo msukn last skali?slalunye lpas beat butter n sugar msukn telo..
Hi kak rima! Have been following your blog for a while now and today i tried your condensed milk pound cake and it turns out awesome! My granny a.k.a my personal food critic says its nice! Yeay! Tq for the "make me drool" pictures and recipes.. :)
Lotsa love,
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