I cant stay too long.. I had promised someone that i will go straight to bed and not update my blog simply because:
1) I look tired while on skype
2) I need to learn how to rest
3) I need my beauty sleep
Seriously babe.. u think i can go straight to bed without reading stuff?? hmmm err OK OK.. a promise is a promise :op
Honestly? I cant wait for tmrw.. there will be a "handover" ceremony at the airport, muahahhaa.. good night peeps cos i cud hear Sonia's crying! welp!!
Honestly? I cant wait for tmrw.. there will be a "handover" ceremony at the airport, muahahhaa.. good night peeps cos i cud hear Sonia's crying! welp!!

500g high protein flour - bread flour (I used 250g flour, 250g bread flour)
100g sugar
11g instant yeast
1/2 tsp bread improver
4 egg yolks
200 ml ice water
100g butter / margarine
5g salt
100 gr grated cheddar cheese
100 gr butter
- Stir ingredients A, knead until lumpy
- Add in B, continue to knead until smooth elastic. Let it rest for 20 minutes.
- Pounch down dough, divide dough into 25 balls, each weigh 40 grams. Let it rest for a further 10 minutes.
- Mix ingredients C.
- Take one ball, add in C and roll it into round or longish shape, do the same to the rest of the dough.
- Let it stand 30 to 60 minutes, depending on ur surrounding, brush top with egg yolk, bake dough 180C for 20min

Note: As always i used my ever trusted breadmachine to do the kneading job for me..
Source: NCC
Good night, get some rest :).
tgk roti nih rasa nak makan roti plak :)
alahhh...apa yu buat pun ai rasa nak makan...err..ni tgk roti ai tringat plak that wonderful coffee that yr coffee machine yg bule churn out latte la frappe la, cuppa la..cam nak beli gak tapi mahal sgt..dude bilang ai susah tak pay beli but i think kalo ai beli & buat, dia as one of cofee ghost mesti nak jugak kan...tak tolak punya...but still too ex lah..
eh dah ckp pasal coffee machine plak..
dah lama aku tak meroti rim! geram pulak nengok roti ko nih... montok2 tembam cam pipi aku! hahahaha...
Morning SJB!
I macam remember dulu u gi vivo and angkut satu breadmachine.. eh what telah happen ah? u masih guna kan tak??
Auto coffee machine tu is our best investment tau.. well besides my Mr Aid lah.. but yes having a coffee machine memang tak rugi.. in fact u save lots cos u can hv ur espresso or latte or cuppa with what u bake kat rumah.. sembang depan tv.. aircon on lagi hahahha..
We were thinking of getting Nespresso machine pulak lah as a spare.. we saw kat Austria murah giler.. dont buy it in singapore.. mahal nak mams.. err actually tak thinking lah.. dah suruh my sil to buy for us pong.. lepas ni boleh letak that machine kat bilik tido.. senang tak payah turun naik tangga if nak coffee muahahahha.. tsk tsk.. ade ade aje suami ku itew.. pasal shopping dia nbr one in the world! hehe
I think semua orang pun sama tau.. waktu bulan puasa siapa nak bikin roti.. i also the same.. bila semalam teringin nak buat roti ni.. i takut aje my yeast dah mati.. nasib dia mengembang macam hidung ku ini hahaha
sedapnye roti tu ehehe..
fara actually nak tanya pasal soft walnut cho cake..ingredient A tu mix sume ke..or mix dulu sugar, ovaltte then egg..air tu nak letak bile..flour last kan..hehehe..pastu mix step 2 & 3 tu yg mana..hahaha..agak blur tp nak buat..tuk my sis mlm ni..birthday dia sok hehehe..1adun tu banyak eh..mcm kecik je rupe kek k.rima tu..hehehe..thankx k.rima..
ooo ya k.rima ingrd A tu mix thick n fluufy means mcm buat apam mekar or bahulu tu ke...add step 3 & 2 using spatula meaning yg ingrd A & B ke..last just buh walnut n choc rice..kekee...sorry to ask lot kekeke takut x jadi..nak try pakai butter scs ni..kang xjadi naya je hahaha..kalau jd fara pos ke sn eh hehehe
The cheese buns look so soft and yummy. Thanks for sharing the recipe. By the way do you think I can subsitute 4 yolks with 2 eggs instead?
Tak pe.. tak pe.. orang tua kata.. tak tanya sesat jln heheh..
let me explain again..
Yes all of ingredient A tu u hv to whisk at top speed ok - 5 - 7 mins put aside. (macam bikin bolu)
Ingredient B u hv to pukul in another bowl sampai creamy/pale.. put aside
Then u mix ah si butter punya mixture (B) into the egg mixture (A) with spatula.
Dah tu u add si chopped walnut and chocolate rice.. lepas tu masuk kat loyang 10" and bakar for 40mins.
Dah tu boleh ngap hahaha
Nampak kecik kek tu? lahhhh farrah.. tu gambar of cake yg dah kena sliced.. kek nye 10".. besar tu
No worries Wen.. This recipe calls for 4 egg yolks.. it makes ur bread more softer if u use just egg yolk..
I hv a recipe of another cheese bun that uses 8 egg yolks.. gulp hehehe
kekeke.dah sesat jalan xleh patah balik heheh.
..meaning mixture A tu campur semua ingredient in the bowl and whisk macam bahulu..xpayah mix satu2 la eh..hehehe..tu yg confuse..takut batat kang hehehe..
yg mixture B tu pakai mixer jugakkan..
tula 10" mmg besa..tgk kat pic xnmpk besa kot..kekeke..
ok2..hopefully menjadi..mmg nampak sedap hehehe...
thanks so much k.rima kekeke..ti ty tuk kek lain lak kekeke..
Yep pakai mixer of cos.. Gd luck!!
hi rima,
did you manage to get your rest? roti look yummy.. tried to make sausage roll during puasa..tak berapa menjadi..roti tak kembang sangat..but abis gak oleh my lil adam abiskan. he ate 6 biji masa berbuka..hehehe...
i don't have bread maker and xde experience lagi with breads and buns...
anyway have a nice weekend...have a good rest :D
I dont think i wud even be bother to buat roti kalau tak de breadmachine.. Nasib ur nbr 1 fan habus kan roti kalau tidak terpaksa lah u convert itu roti jadi cokodok or bread pudding hehe
I slept well n woke up pretty early tdy.. Ni kat airport waiting for hb.. He shud touch down any moment now :)
U better rest---dun say only ya but still... *whisking butter*.. :) u really look tired (trust me).. Tks for d cheeeeeeezzzzzyyy cake.... Dad for sure still njoying ur beautiful bun.. Hehe... Li-Lin
haha..BM tu masih ada lagik...dah berbulan gak terperuk collect dust...nanti nak kena kerah jugak..but this BM thingy ai ada love-hate relationship..kekadang roti tu jadi gebus...ada tak semangat...ada..aku buang kasi tong makan...
malam2 nih teringat plak citer antu kemarin...ishhhh abeh ada bunyi guli plak kat atas ceiling nih..apa jer...ntah2 neighbour atas ai main guli anak branak...ishhh ok babe..ai cabut first..aku nih pat2 gini...macam2 aku terbayang...ciao..nite2..
Haizz u cerita gini i teringat rumah i yg first.. Masa tu bishan baru naik n that area used to be tanah kuburan cina.. My flat btl2 kat bukit.. Bunyi guli very the season one to me.. Tiap2 malam cam tu.. Kadang bunyi orang sweeping floor padahal owner tak tinggal atas N then bila malam buta i always notice ade black shadow sticking in n out pala dia fm hairi's rm.. That black shadow pakai topi cina yg tinggi macam lama lamanye style.. Kadang i saw dia jln to my kitchen.. Ishhhh n worst part..All happened night time waktu my ex kat work..
Ok mam lyn hehe.. Tmrw after subuh i will be whisking butter.. Buat balik kampung muahaha..
Ehhh..ni ai baca dah pagi..pun bulu roma leh meremang...u taw tak semalam kan..lepas kita cakap2 pasal antu..ai leh mimpi sampai terpekeluar suara ahh...dude kejut ai suruh baca apa2 ayat...ya rabbii...dasar penakut kan i nih..tapi skrg tak buleh ingat apa dia mimpi tu cuma ai ingat kena tarik by something...ai paksa dude jgn tidur balik until ai tidur dulu...melampau kan...hahahaa...kalo dia kena pi seberang..konfirm ai ajak budak cinonet perut mulat tido ngan ai...ya lah..my boys dah tua bangka lagipun snoring dia orang ai tak leh angssss..
skrg nih ai dpt bayangkan tu antu cina topi tinggi plak...mlm ni ai make sure ai bake after maghrib so leh end early..atau ai paksa sumer orang jgn tido..pi teman ai...
Muahahah u ni buat i ketawa lah babe.. i hv been up since 5am.. my cat pi gaduh dari dalam rumah dgn kucing jalanan.. dia punya bising .. ya rabbii.. and since dah terbagun pagi buta i terus start membaking.... u cerita macam gini kan boleh teringat tau peristiwa seram yg i dah alami.. kalau nak cerita pasal nampak hantu ni.. haizz nanti yg tak leh tido kita jugak ..
Si pochong.. aishhhh tak yah cerita lah.... cabuttttt
Lahhh macam mana si roti aku boleh jadi sampai ke pochong muakakakakaaahh
nanti bukak topik pasal antu ah...ai penakut tapi suker dgr citer antu..ai ada citer antu pochong gak..tapi the weird thing is it was captured by my aunt on her hp secara tak sengaja..tapi babe..kain pocong tu kaler itam ah...and pat muka dia takder..cuma itam legam..kalo org lain tunjuk ai tak percaya coz the pic tu mcm a doctored one..u can see very2 clearly pocong itam nih diri tegak kat tepi kerusi..badan dia tegap tak lah dimakan ulat ker hapa as what i thot..my aunt pun was just aiming her hp camera cara tak sengaja kat dalam bus sama dia org pi melaka & stop kat masjid..my aunt tak turun solat coz cuti..so dia sesajer amik gambar random pics orang yg tinggal dlm bus masa maghrib time..and dia pun tak check immediately gambar2 yg dia amik tu...kalo org lain tunjuk ai mmg ingat doctored pic..but my auntie nih bengap sket part canggih2 cam nih and anak2 dia pun dah kawin & tak duduk serumah, so I dun think she terrer to doctored the pic tu...sendirikan nak buat short cut for speed dial pong dia lagi suruh ai tunjuk beratus kali tak pass..pass..
Kadang tu lagi kita ingat lagi lah kita leh ternampak.. I saw it depan mata sendiri.. Waktu tu kita masih muda remaja.. Naik keretapi ranah melayu gi kl with my parents n sis.. U tahu lah naik midnight one ade katil.. Dah tu out of the blue... I pi bukak shutter .. Ahhh kau.. Si pochong tercegak sebelah pokok ape entah.. All white n lompat.. Walio leh i pun ape lagi cepat2 tutup shutter.. My sis also nampak tau but they all tak ingat sangat cos masih kecik..
Dah tu ade adegan2 kat sekolah ai.. Maklum school dekat bidadari n cemetary.. So macam2 nampak waktu camping..
k.rimaaaaaaaa...thanks a lot..alhamdulillah jadi kek tu..birthday girl ckp sdp hahaha tapi my sis yg lain n my mum ckp manis..tu dah less kan sugar 20gm tu..maybe kene cr choc rice yg kurnag manis nye kalau ada.hehee...but tukang buat pun dpt rasa sikit je coz family in law dia dtg...so malu a nak tapau bwk balik hahahaha...for sure wat lagi ti..thanks lot..and sume tanya mn dpt resepi tu..hahaha..i tell them jauh nundr spore kekekekeke.ti nak try triple choco tu...mmmuahhh thanx k.rima kekeke
Congrats Farrah.. alhamdullilah menjadi.. infact dah tengah 'process' cake itew di dalam perut mu hehehe
Try ah TCCC.. let me know yah :o)
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