Venue: Last day in Vienna
Weather: Bright.. breezy and warm - Finally its summer here
Mood: Gut - lots to pack bef we fly to Rome tonight - if i am lucky i will get to eat another slice of Sacher cake bef Italy...
Peak Agenda: 5km walk through Vienna's 1st District (Town Centre). It has sooooo much history. Just when you thought nothing could get more impressive than what you have just seen, you walk around the corner and the next mega historical building is staring at you.

This little cafe is right underneath bibik Silvia's apartment.. Macarons!

The 1st District's main shopping street (Kaerntnerstrasse) where you can buy Mozartkugel (Chocolate balls with Marzipan and Hazelnut), souvenirs and of course all major brands of clothing etc.

The effects of eating a MozartKugel:

Sooooo many people - Yesterday was the first real 'blue sky' day.

St Stephens's Cathedral - as always undergoing cleaning.

Mini Protest

They are protesting against cruelty towards animal.

The famous Demel's. Main competitor to Sacher. Founded in 1778. So now a bit of history: The founder of the Sacher Cake was Franz Sacher. But the current version of the cake was actually created by his son Eduard Sacher during his training at Demel. Even though there was an agreement out of court in 1938 in regards to the namesake, the House Demel and the Hotel Sacher started a long fight until they ended up in court in 1965. The Hotel argued that they owned the name; however Demel argued that they could prove that the words "original Sacher-cake" were in their vocabulary ever since the beginning as in 1930 Demel had obtained the full rights to market and use the name "Eduard-Sacher-Cake". However the Sacher Hotel won - the Demel Cake is now called the "Demel Sachercake" and is still produced by hand. The only difference between the two is that the Sacher cake has an extra layer of apricot jam in the middle of the cake which Demel does not. And here is the Demel Sachercake kitchen:

The Demel cake showcase.. Drooling???

A slice of cake called: "Something Sweet". And it is sososososo nice!

The "Demel Sachercake" - ALWAYS with whipped cream

A Noodle dish with lots of cheeze

Kaiserschmarrn (Kaiser = Emperor; Schmarrn = Mishmash). A very popular dessert in Austria and the old "Austria-Hungary". It consists of a light caramelized pancake (mishmashed or cut into small pieces), then served hot with apple or plum sauce. Its quite filling and often eaten as a meal in lodges during skiing season or in the Alps.

This is the Hofburg. The castle was built by Emperor Franz Joseph in the hope of persuading his wife to spend more time in the City. What the !^&%%!?! With Demels right across the road and her "favourite Shopping street" down the road he had to "persuade" her?!

While we were at the Hofburg we noticed lots of music. The Annual Blasmusikfest (Band and Wind Music Festival) was on. Each region in Austria and some invited bands were invited to march and blow their instrument. Sonia loved it!

"Errr hang on... arghhh... the sun... its hurting my eyes" hahaha sure wifey!

The Vienna City Hall.. the area smells of rose - the rose gardens

Want breeeeead?

Flea market at the Nashmarkt - just like sungai road in Sg!

I'm famished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'nuff said...not i get to look forward to my Rome roti ya????
Hahahaha kau nak sangat.. ni gambo gambo yg membuka selera mu!!
Ok I nak siap.. baru lepas menyental laksa.. nanti nak gi makan tu cake sacher lagi... oh by the way if u nak rasa how it tasted like i dah biasa bake that cake.. recipe fm my MIL.. u can look it up under cake section but this cake HARUS makan with whip cream.. dah lah cake tu mengemok kan.. dah tu with whip cream lagi.. tok sah lah mimpi nak diet kah kah kah
uishhhh syoknyer sonia ko mai jalan2 makan2 best2 kat sanaa... terliuq mokcik bedah kat sini nak oii!!
psttt aritu ai duk komen n3 kat bawah sinun! tp pelik bin ajaib mana ntah ilang komen tuH! agaknyer kene telan si horse tuH! haihhhhhh!! hahaha
This morning when i logged in baru semua comments terkeluar.. entah apasal si horsey tu telan all my comments... haizzz
He..he.. Messy girl.
rima, ape yg bunga ros tu? choc ke? cantik betul!
bestla u jalan2.. the photos are precious! your daughter bile dah besar nanti boleh tengok balik n brag dengan kawan2 dia, masa kecik2 dulu saya jalan rome :)
Budak ni addicted to chocolate kat sini.. mak dia pong hehehe
Yes edi.. tu handmade chocolate.. memang cantik how they did it..
Si Sonia entah dia ingat entah tidak.. budak budak kan.. the first time we took her to europe shes only 6 months.. tu lagi lah dia tak ingat ape ape.. but hopefully bila dia look at all the photos she can remember something.. :o)
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