Oh bugger.. am down.. yep the woman of this house is down.. yesterday i couldnt even keep my eyes open.. i was coughing non stop.. my chest was hurting.. my eyes watery.. my head was spinning and all i cud do was to lie in bed.. hubs had to take Sonia to school (tks babe!) and also fetched her home.. its gonna be the same routine again today and hopefully with ample rest i will get better.. well i better be bef tmrw!
Sonia came home fm school whining and crying.. she didnt get to play at the school playground and i hv no idea why.. her bad mood continued till she saw me holding on to my cold butter and just like that.. she started another episode of "wanting to bake cookies" .. I told her that i have to cook lunch for her abang and that I wasnt feeling well.. she started to gv me one hundred and one reason as to why she had to bake.. i finally gave in and told her that if she wanted to bake something.. it has to be muffins.. why muffins u ask? cos muffins can be done in a jiffy.. anyway all ends well.. her mood got better.. she got to bake and we finally managed to take our much needed afternoon nap..

Preheat oven 175C... place paper liner in muffin tray..

Mash bananas.. stir... pour sugar.. stir again

Crack an egg (she did it herself!).. stir again...

Pour melted butter and vanilla essence.. continue to stir...

Lastly add in sifted flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt.. mix it lightly.. do not overmix

Top batter with chocolate chips and sliced bananas

Done!... now its time to bake ur muffins

But first.. pose for mama hehe

Place muffin in oven - CAREFULLY.. bake it for 20 mins

While waiting for her muffins to bake.. she munched on peanut butter sandwich :op

Fresh out of the oven!
3 bananas - mashed
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1/3 cup butter - melted
1 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla essence - i added
This is my kinda cake. Sambil berblogging pun boleh buat, ahaks. If Sonia boleh buat, takkan the veteran chef takleh, kaaan? hohoho.. tetiba mengaku veteran chef. Mahapkan daku..
Sweet Wednesday!! Lihatlah Sonia;s left hand masa puring the melted butter..hahaha...kelas..cam chef arr!
Good job Sonia!
Good Morning Sis!!Hopefully you will be better today..ooo pity Sonia..mestilah frust tak dapat play kan? But then I ketawa dr first pic Sonia prepare for the muffin..Kemain serious lagi..and then dgn tangan kiri yg kemain lentik tu bila sedang menuang bahan2..hahaha Tooo Cute!!! and at the end..dr muka yg moody to gradually dia senyum dah..Sweet!! kan betul baking nih jadi terapi hilangkan tension!!Good Job Sonia with those muffins (bawak pi school tak hari nih utk budak mat salleh yg hensom tuh?) ahaks
LOL CS.. No veteran chef.. No new chef ok hehe..
Are u mixing ur batter now? Ahaks
Hahaha yesterday while uploading pic I baru perasan.. Jari dia tu tak leh angs ah
Morning Ninaz..
I am better.. Decided to follow .. Kesian pulak nak suruh my hubs jadi driver.. Mana byk kerja lagi kat opis tu..
Ah ah .. Sonia ni full of character.. Kadang tu Dari dgr dia whinning non stop.. Lagi mulia bake something with her.. Cepat ajer mood dia bertukar.. The moment papa dia balik work.. She started blabbering abt her muffins..
Like mother like daughter laaah...
Selalu lihat mama di dapur pastilah hobbynya tidak jauh jauh dari mama...
Aku suka muffin pisang, karena mengandung pisang muffinnya tak sekering yang biasa. Ada moist dari pisangnya. Enaaaakkk!!
Hope u r feeling better ;) Jannah pun suka sibuk dkt dapur now. Sibuk nak potong2 bwg, nak kacau2 the pans and baking. Sampai dia cakap nanti dia dah besar, the kitchen in the house will belong to her. Ye lah tu I cakap....kalau dia dah besar tak nak masak. I definitely will cubit her bonbon hehehez.
Memang betul Hesti.. Muffin memang heavy in texture sebab itu sesuai buat breakfast.. Yg ade pisang memang moist.. Enggak payah micro bef u eat it.. Enak!
Salam Rima,hope you're feeling better today.Nanti nak travel,kan?Better get well soon.
Wahhh...seronok tgk Sonia membaking,very smart lah budak kecik ni :-) Muffin tu nmpak amat yummms...
Ok,take care both of you.
Hi kak rima..
when i saw sonia made her muffins, i remembered when i was small..i liked to help my mother when she doing her cookies and cakes before raya. i like to try my own recipe, flour+minyak ikan goreng+colouring and try to make my own biscuit when my mother go for outing. after my mother coming home, i will threw away my tepung n everything...nak hilangkan bukti..but my mom knew what im doing...
bile sy dh besar, i realize why i like to cook becoz since small, i like to help my mother doing all this thing...
same goes to sonia...1 day, she will become like her mother who likes and loves baking...
congrates my dear sonia...
Morning Kak Rima...
adoiii...bukan main lagi hebatnya Chef Cilik tu...geram tengok..macam nak cubit2 je pipih dia.Bertuahnya Kak Rima ada anak yang cun..pandai baking macam emak dia...
Hello Rima,
Now, this is the kind of young lady that our sons should take home to mama, guarantee approved!!! So cute, very much like you into baking, see.... no mood, start baking... ending with a smile. Lucky you! How old do you think Sonia should be before we start to send "peminangan"? Take care, rest well... Salam
Nurhafizah, Miri
Hi Rima,
Sonia looks so moody in the first few pics before the baking. Can see that she is really unhappy and sour.
Can finally see her lovely cheerful self with the banana muffin. Thanks for sharing this lovely muffin recipe Rima. I am going to try them later this evening :)
OMG! Pandai nyer Sonia... Cute ah dia..
Balik nanti mesti gi kedai beli banana... Nak try malam nie jugak... hahaha....
Btw, abt last post tu, I tot hilang benda biasa rupanyer barang kemas...Of coz la, mana boleh kasi free kan...hahaha... Ku tarik word ku balik..."Mintak aper salah nyer kan"...
Assalamualaikum Rima,
eh tk sihat ya??Skrg musim aah batuk2...selsema...kat sebelah kak Nur ni pun batuk...mlm2 batuk punya la kuat akak nk bobok pun tergangu gitu...hehehe...
Just this morning I was thinking of banana muffin...suka sekali...see kalau rajin pasti akak cuba...eh tengok your assistant rasa mcm nk cubit2 pipi dia yg a bit chubby tu!Hmmmm geram gitu..ok lah take care Rima...have a good rest!!
Hai Rima
dah nampak dah junior masterchef in the making ni...hehehehe..guess u know who to look for in case u need xtra hand kan...
geram le tgk jari lentik dia tu....
Oh sonia! kalah mak mcm niii ehehe.. good job dear! pas ni lwn dgn mummy ahaks! pisang2 mmg i loikeeeeeee! masuk listttt :D list dah panjang ni kak, kertas pun main sambung2 jerr ahahaha..
wahh wahh wahhhh.. mak borek anak rintik!! hebat sonia.. acik nak satu tau :)
ah ah but bef i travel i hv to bake for my KL order.. tadi start already.. ingat nak rehat but kepala ku asyik teringat nak bake macarons.. alhamdullilah.. i managed to bake 500 odd shells.. esok sambung
bawang?? hahaha sonia ku belum lagi nak suruh dia kacau i part masak.. part baking its ok..
Travel food lover
I guess we hv to start somewhere.. my mom memang dari muda jualan so kat rumah tu i hv to be incharge since i am the eldest.. kena masak.. kena jaga adik .. the only thing that i didnt get to do is baking since dulu dulu punya oven yg style bulat.. if baju kena sure berlobang one hahaha
dah malam baru nak reply.. alhamdullilah .. for now she memang suka baking.. tak tahu lah later later.. hopefully her interest will keep on growing .. harus lah turun kan pada anak dara hehe
hehehe aduhhh harus lah masak kan mama dia dulu baru boleh ingat kawin hahaha
yes .. us and baking.. cepat ajer mood swing bertukar.. hehe
ahhh tahu tak per.. dah tu dia bedal yg paling tebal huhu.. i think kan this few rounds memang i suka hilang barang ahh :o(
Dah beli pisang belum? hehe
W'salam KNur
ah ah.. Rima tak sihat .. as long as tak demam i can still do stuff lah.. kadang nak baring ajer pun tak shiok.. badan semua sakit.. ni tengah menghitung hari nak gi KL.. tak sabar nak rehat kan minda dan badan
hehe geram kan.. tu jari kan selalu kena gigit dgn mama dia hahaha
muahaha i can imagine itew kertas sambung sambung.. lain kali pakai kertas yg macam telax machine.. dia bersambung ajer hahaha.. eh ade lagi ker telax machine kahkahkah
harus diajar awal awal.. nanti if besok besar senang mama dia hahaha.. "girllll ... go and bake for mama cake" ahhh kan senang cam gini hehe
As'salam Rima
I love SONIA so muchhh! hehehe. love you too Rima..muahh!
wahh pandailah Sonia baking habislah Dapur Ct tak boleh cari makan lepas ni tau..hehehe
Take care..have a good rest babe :)
We lap u many many too K.CT
dapur mama dia pun tak leh cari makan if sonia invade blogger world hahaha.. am resting but tadi sempat buat macs.. selagi tak start bake for my orders.. selagi tu ku risau
get well soon rima!
the beauty of having a daughter - they can be our kitchen companion kan kan kan.
oh ya, i baked something bad last weekend...hehehe - inpired by you...hv a peek later. mesti u gelak gulingX2 punya...heheheh
like mom like daughter.....hi kak rima...long time no c lorrr.... dah lama Mama tak walking walking sane sini...sooo busy with my life n kids...missing u n ur foods specially...have a nice day... p/s: build one blog for sonia resepi....ok tak!!!!! ha ha ha ha... mesti ramai follower....
hihii suka tak tahan tengok her left hand/fingers tu..comel aje gaya dia masa tuang the melted butter tu ;-)
well done sonia!
Boleh jadi next top chef ni, camera baru ker?
Waaahhh....really great la sonia...ucky you get a talented child like her mummy..:))
OMG. Comel ja tgk Sonia baking cupcaje. So sweet :))
Sonia is so cute!! She's going to grow up to be a talented baker like her mama!! What a great looking banana muffin!
Your little assistant in the kitchen is so cute!
Life and travelling
Waaahhh akak baru masuk dan blogwalking...lama gak bercuti jelajah..hehe.. Tu diaaa, kemaaiinn kecik2 dah nampak talented Sonia nih...ni nnt mesti kalah mamanya...hehe... Well done Sonia...gimme some ^__^
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