My fussy hb, bless him.. is super fussy when it comes to sponge cake.. hes not a big fan of ur typical sponge cake.. i think the only time where he ever enjoyed a sponge cake-like texture cake was the Katsura aka Castella cake which we bought fm Isetan supermarket long time ago.. anyway long story short.. this cake was baked simply bec last weekend while in cold storage i bought a pack of fresh strawberries that was on quick sale.. i knew i couldnt keep it for long and hence the need to use it up immediately.. hb suggested strawberry shortcake and i reminded him that this cake uses sponge cake as base.. he said i shud just bake the american type where they use scones like cake to sandwich the strawberries.. i on the other hand felt like baking japenese strawberry shortcake after looking at this photo lol
I began to look around for the best sponge cake recipe for this strawberry shortcake.. i dont want to be baking something which my hb will not enjoy so the journey to look for the best non choking type of sponge cake began.. after hrs of looking i finally settled on cotton cake since the texture of this type of cake is known for its softness.. decided to use Ricky Indiani green tea cotton cake recipe and fuji mama stablized whipping cream recipe.. hehe my version of japenese strawberry shortcake is a fusion of an indon and caucasion lady recipe :op

Cotton Cake
145g low protein flour - cake flour
15g corn flour
1 egg
5 egg yolks - whisk lightly with a fork
150g unsalted butter
65g fresh milk
5 egg white
100g castor sugar
1/4 tsp salt

Preheat oven 160C.. grease and line ur 7 or 8" baking pan.. wrap bottom of ur baking pan with aluminium.
Heat butter and milk till warmish.. do not let it boil ok.. switch off heat and add in sifted flour and corn flour.. mix using wooden spatula.
Transfer to a bigger bowl and add in ur eggs.. continue to mix till smooth.
In another bowl.. whisk egg white till frothy.. add in salt and add in sugar in 3 addition.. whisk till soft peak
Pour 1/3 of egg white mixture into ur egg/butter mixture.. fold in gently.. pour the rest and continue to mix gently.. (same manner as when ur baking chiffon cake.. cotton cheesecake)
Pour batter into baking pan and bake it au bain marie method for abt 45 mins.

Stabilised whipped cream
2 tsp gelatin powder
8 tsp cold water
2 cup whipping cream, cold
1/2 cup icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Chill mixing bowl and beaters in the freezer for 10minutes.
Put the cold water in a small saucepan. Sprinkle the gelatin over the surface of the water and let stand for 5 minutes. Place the saucepan over low heat and stir constantly with a wooden spoon just until the gelatin dissolves. Remove the saucepan from the heat and cool to room temperature.
Remove mixing bowl and beaters from freezer. In the mixing bowl, combine the whipping cream, sugar, and vanilla and whip until slightly thickened. Then, while beating slowly, gradually pour the gelatin into the whipped cream mixture. Then whip the mixture at high speed until slightly stiff.
Simple sugar syrup
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup water
In a medium saucepan combine the sugar and water. Bring the water to a boil, stirring, until sugar has dissolved. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

Reserve a handful of strawberries (the prettiest ones!) for decorating the top of the cake. Dice the remaining strawberries into small cubes. Macerate them in a little sugar and set aside.
Slice the sponge cake horizontally into three layers.
Place one sponge layer cut-side up on a cake board and lightly brush the surface with the limoncello simple syrup. Spread a thin layer of whipped cream over the cake layer and arrange the strawberry cubes over the surface. Spread a thin layer of whipped cream over the strawberries. Brush the cut-side of the second layer with the simple syrup and place it over the first layer. Frost the sides and top of the cake with the remaining whipped cream. Repeat with remaining third layer of cake. Spread a thin layer of cream over top of the cake and return to fridge to chill for thirty minutes.
Using the leftover cream, pipe the cream as decoration. Chill in fridge for cream to set for an hour or so. Garnish with the reserved strawberries (sliced in halves).

The cotton cake tasted superb.. the whipping cream was to die for.. u will be seeing me using the same recipe over and over again with different kind of fruits lol..
My fussy hb ate two slices of my strawberry shortcake - case closed!

OMG!! this is soooo cantik!!!!! must gather courage to give it a go. thank you for being my inspiration rima! :-)
Wow..everyting you bake is a true masterpiece..my eyes adore ya! hehe
Alamak.. ty dear.. i very malu lah.. hehe.. u shud.. u hv to.. if u makan after u take it out fm the fridge.. the cake is still soft and the whipping cream rasa like makan ice cream.. heaven gitu.. so die die must try ok :op
awww i hv a lot more to learn.. the proper way that is cos all this while i learn it sendiri.. tak pernah gi any class pun.. if only time is on my side.. haishhh
Look so yummy.
drooooliiinnggggggg.... can i have a slice? pleaseee... pweety pleaseee...
Sedap nye...., nak tanya boleh? Utk whipped cream guna dairy or non dairy?.
Salam Kak Rima..mmg cantik..hasil tangan kak Rima nie..I Like..
Beautiful cake. :)
sis rima..i wish y i akn ader kepakaran cm u la dlm bab baking2 nie..heheheheh...kagum2..kagumm...tp, ble la kepakaran tue akn dtg...huwaaaa....
Rima Dear,
If only u ddk se lorong or se taman dgn I, it will certainly make my life sweeter, yummier n my body heavier n broader. Not complaining though... just loving it.
Tak sabar2 nak tunggu u post recipe meringue tu sbb I baru tgh berangan2 nak buat... ye2 je...
What a coincident. I have been looking at Jap strawberry shortcake and you are posting one too. I have been reading your blog for a few months now and is enjoying all the recipes posted.
Thank you.
My lappy screen dah basah ngan air lior ni...
Love it! Love it! Tapi sure kalau buat tak jadik heheh
As'salam Rima
yummyy! tergoda dengan strawberry shortcake ni, kalau dapat merasa lg best..hihihi
Memang sangat2 OMG!!!!!!!!
I yang kat sini pun dah boleh tau the taste must be absolutely amazing. Lucky your hubby boleh stop at 2 slices, kalau I yang makan........ hehehehe...
wow this is so tempting...harus di coba!
Salam k.rima,
1st time comment ni..hehe..dah lame nk try buat this cake...perhaps i should try this recipe! But i always hav problems in slicing my cake horizontally..always senget benget..tangan tak berseni agaknye..care to share any tips?...thank u in advance..
i think u will like it too!
kat fridge ku ade lagi 5 keping.. petang nanti habis lah kan cos i nak bagi bagi kan.. if u nak a slice.. cannn mari sini hehe
I pakai 38% fat cream.. dairy whipping cream aka double cream for this recipe cos rumah ni sentiasa ade stock double cream hehe
alahhh kalau yg simple simple kira ok lagi lah.. cuba suruh buat yg berbunga bunga.. habis cream tu ku kerja kan haha
Ty dear!
kepakaran tu ade cuma tersembunyi.. cuba kasi dia exposure sikit sure kepakaran mu akan terselah hehe.. happy baking dear!
Ms Vanilla
The recipe that i used was not that good.. my meringue kisses jadi a little melekit so tak mu kasi that recipe lah.. dont know if that book punya recipe can be trusted cos dah dua recipe i follow tak menjadi.. hmm
ty for leaving footprint.. why not gv this recipe a try.. i am pretty sure everyone will like it too.. :o)
pi lap cepat cepat nanti tak pasal pasal, rosak pulak ur lappy ahaks
dont worry.. baca bismillah and sembur sikit.. sure menjadi one hehe
hehe cannnn.. kalau boleh sekarang jugak ku kasi merasa ..
Yg benar tu semalam waktu he had it for the second round kita dah nak pi jb kejap tu yg dia stop tak?? hahaha macam ye ye ajer.. yg benar tu 2 slices boleh tahan jugak .... malam nanti sure dia mintak lagi..
Sudah tentu!! hehe
no tips actually.. ur cake harus betul betul sejuk baru potong.. ade orang masuk fridge dulu but i no like.. so i bake early.. kasi betul betul sejuk then i use that "slicer cake" fm wilton to get a straight cut.. it has like a measurement on both side where u can push up and down to adjust the thickness u want.. berguna benda tu!
Berkenan kak cek ngan kek ni...berhajat gak nak cuba...cuma nak tanya sikit...utk 1st part kek ni tak perlu beat sampai kembang ke....sebelum sicampurkan ngan putih telur yg telah siap dipukul ...
aduh rima !!! ni yang tak tahan masuk sini..rasa nak pengsan tgk hasil dari air tangan rima tau...
pinjam tangan sekejap boleh?..
apa2 pun akak ambik resepi ya..doakan akak berjaya buat tau..:)
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh melopong tengok pics.. cun sehhhhh.. :)
opss dah tutup mulut, nanti lalat masuk hehee
Blowing all the good luck tu u hehe.. i am 100% sure ur cake will turn out well.. no worries!
Dah tutup belum?? bahaya tu :oP
wooowwww weeeeeeeeeeeeee............ actually bukan setakat resepi je.. the way u present a.k.a picture pon really amaze me..hhmm sungguh lah Mama jeles ngan kak rima...(gurau jer ) bleh!!!! anyway..its really tempting me....terliu'k jugak lah ni..haish...
cik cek
tak payah pun pakai mixer.. well except waktu nak kocok putih telur dgn gula..
first part tu.. cair kan mentega dgn susu, jgn sampai bubbles.. kalau nampak berwap and butter dah cair tutup kan api.. then tuang kan melted butter/susu kat dalam another bowl.. lepas tu telur yg dikocok lepas dgn garfu u add.. stir stir then add in tepung yg diayak dgn cornflour.. mix it and put it aside..
Lepas tu baru whisk egg white dgn salt.. masuk kan gula in 3 addition and pukul hingga soft peak.. masuk egg white kedalam butter mixture.. macam buat chiffon cake ok.. thats it..
alahhhh no need jealous pun hehe.. u also can do it :o)
Simply gorgeous!!!
Tq sesgtnya for the info...Insyaallah leh kak cek cuba nanti...thanks again kongsi resepi yg best ni...:D
Wow! I want one slice pls...
Aisey men.... Hurmmmm...
Geram betul tgk... So tempting...
Psst....Rima nie selalu buat air liur ku mengalir deras...
ty lah.. tapi kan siapa lagi gorgeous? cake atau si baker? hahaha
Cik cek
no worries.. semoga cocok dgn selera cik cek!
Art lover
sure.. come come! hehe
nasib dah malam if kat opis i can imagine haha
Selamat malam Rima..
tergoda betul nampak kek tu..menyelerakan sungguh..satu potong tak cukup...ehehe..
Ampunnnnnnn cantiknya! Tak leh tengok lelama... nanti dengki.. hahahaha... dengki sebab tak dapat makan!
selamat malam.. dah tido belum? satu potong sure cukup especially bila dah lepas makan one slice rasa guilty tertiba timbul hahaha
ishhh dengki tak dapat makan tak per.. jng dengki lain.. tu penyakit namanye hahaha
Adoi! Adoi! Sah sah nk buek kek ni kena tidoq dulu pastu mimpi harap2 kek muncul dlm mimpi. Mmg cun skali kek mu mcm tuannye. Btw in between Stabilised whipped cream n Swiss Meringue Buttercream which one is easier and tastier? Almaklum ank murid blm aqil baligh lagi kena yg senang2 dulu hihi
masyaAllah! the cake is so gorgeous!!
lama i tk dtg sini..tetiba masuk ajek terus tengok cake cantik ni..owh! how i wish i can eat that ;-))
eh eh nice layout la dear!
wah detailed rima terangkan.Tanda ikhlas nih utk galak cuba resepi u.thnx
Cake is so gorgeous, like all your other baking products. Mesti sedap... When will i ever make such beautiful cakes......sigh....
hehe alamak pagi pagi kalau kena puji macam lagi bersemagat nak hias kan diri hahaha
They are two diff things dear.. one taste macam buttercream.. one taste fresh cream.. kalau nak lagi segar sudah tentu si fresh cream but kan if u nak buat untuk bday i tak galak kan cos dia cannot stand in room temp dari pagi hingga ke malam hehe..
Tks dear!
lahhh busy banget ker?? alahhh dear.. i am pretty sure u can do it too.. buat ni macam buat scones yg u buat tiap tiap pagi tu hehe
How can i adrs u dear?? well if i dont then macam mana orang lain nak cuba.. kongsi ilmu harus iklas hehe
Insyallah u will.. keep on baking and keep on trying.. this is pretty simple to make and i am confident everyone can do it..
great combo babe! it looks intricate, but hey, what the heck la kan.
call me weird, but sometimes, i bake for the sake of challenging myself - bukan nyer nak makan sangat pun. lepas bake, i taste one slice, then i would pack the rest for my parents & my hb's office mates. the satisfaction is beyond words, when you look at the end result, right babe. esp bila kena puji...wah, i feel like walking on clouds...hehhee
hv fun baking the double choc cookies ok dear!
hehe this cake kan kalau ku kata kan i only had a slice memang nampak bedek lah kan.. i had 1 full slice today and i had 2 slices yg dikongsi dgn my hb.. ah ambik kau hahaha
Memang begitu lah setiap kali i bake.. i will bake something to challenge myself lepas tu pack for my sis or mom.. the rest will go to his office mate tapi kan yg ini tak sempat pergi ke opis dia hahaha
kak rima, cantiknye deco cake ni... bukan cake ni jer, semua yang kak rima buat cantik n kemas jer, bilalah sy dpt buat cake yg cantik n x comot..huhuhu
Ty dear.. the decor tu simple ajer.. bagus if nak sembunyi kan ke tidak rataan cream di cake hhehehe
salam sis rima, this is my 1st time commenting after yrs of following yr famous blog hehe..i'm sold lepas tengok yr most cantek s'berry cake tu..can't resist to bake mine and its already in the oven now! but darn, i letak cold water for the bain-marie, harap2 jadilah nanti..
how was it?? did it turned out well?? sure dah kena ngap pun kan cake mu itew.. ban marie tu harus pakai air panas.. hmm let me know ok :o)
Hi Kak Rima,
I've been your silent reader for some time now and in fact i've tried most of your cakes.they are all very yummy and the recipes are easy to follow.However i have yet to succeed in making your red velvet cream cheese icing lah selalu tak jadi so last2 i had to create my own cream cheese frosting.
anyway i have a question.what kind of vanilla essence/extract do you use ya? sebab i always use vanilla flavor dari star brand je but I'm looking for vanilla essence yang alcohol free to use.vanilla flavor can be bitter kan if you use it for frostings or cream based.
KL msia
Salam sis Rima,
alhamdulillah.. my cake turned out faboulus!!tq tq for d super duper yummy recipe. rupanya i only need to bake it longer (60min instead of 45min)-maybe the cold water needs time to heat up :P
Salam Ijan
first of CONGRATS!! am happy to hear that it turned out fab.. memang super duper sampai dah berapa hari ni asyik teringat ajer.. silap silap besok ku akan buat hehe
I hv been using vanilla essence for all my bakes.. bought it kat Sun Lik cos theirs is alcohol free
made this cake on sat. Memang sedap!!!!!! Mintak ampun!! I cut a piece for my blog photo & after that i kept admiring it... sayang nak makan....boleh? Anyway, thnks for sharing!
Hi Faeez
U did?? woahhhh sedap banget kan?? ahhh ever since that day ku tak habis habis beli strawberry.. kadang terbuat kek ni.. kadang tu termakan strawberry.. if manis strawberry nye ku ngap and tak jadi buat strawberry shortcake hehe
Hahaha! You are so funny!!!
Hi Rima, I tried baking the sponge cake but it turned out dry and crumbly. I couldn't get the soft texture. I left out the water bath and the aluminium. I also baked it in 2 separate pans for 35 minutes instead of one. Would that be the reason why? so depressed now :(
Dear rima,
I like your pictures...they great.How do you cut your cake so clean and perfect ,of surgical precision...
I am sorry to hear that.. dont be eventho i know how frustrated it can be.. the main reason why ur cake turned out dry and crumbly is that u hv to use bain marie method to bake this cotton cake.. wrap the bottom of ur pan with aluminium foil and steam bake it ok
Now if u plan to use two baking pans make sure ur oven can fit two baking pans so that u can steam bake both at same time.. hope that helps
Tks! ur cake has to be cold when u slice it..
Thanks Rima! I will keep that in mind in the future.
I just finished frosting the cake and brought it to work! Wow that was so much work. Cape bangat. Was pretty successful and everyone was impressed! Well, I guess after its called a "shortcake" so I could use that to explain my denser texture ;)
By the way, have you tried using baking powder / baking soda on your sponge cakes? would it help the cakes rise better and turn out more spongey?
Terimah kasih banyak ya...
Yes i hv tried using them in my sponge cake recipe.. it helps of cos!
Hi Rima,
I tried baking this, but somehow the top half turned out fine, whereas the bottom half became semi solid like 'kuih' T_T. Can you tell me whats the problem here?
Thankss =)
Hi Linda
Hmmm usually when that happens to my cake.. i suspect i must hv over fold my batter.. pls do it gently.. same way how u wud prepare chiffon cake..
Hi Rima,
I am always impressed with all your baking and love looking at those delicious photos of yours.
I have question is the corn flour the same as corn startch?
And how thick is your pan?
Thank you.
yes its the same thingy.. as for the thickness of my pan.. err i guess its the same as those normal baking pan that u can buy in any bakery supply shop?
Hi Rima. This is Charlotte from Johor. I've tried to bake it yesterday, the cotton cake rise well, the texture is good when it come out from oven. But slowly it become less spongy when it cold to room temperature. The cotton cake become even harder and dry after refrigerated. What is the problem? I will bake it again tomorrow, please help.
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