I wish i can stay but i cant.. i hv to start baking soon or i will never get it done on time.. thought i'd share a recipe which u might want to try out for the upcoming festive season.. i know its a little too early but i hv to start thinking abt it since this year we plan to gv homebaked goodies to our non muslim friends and since i love to try out new recipes.. why not start with this one.. its simple.. u can bake it even when ur in a hurry.. just bake the cookies and forget abt the melted chocolate and ur good to go.. i decided to add melted chocolate simply bec it looks much more presentable as a gift..

250g salted butter
125g icing sugar
2 tbsp valrhona cocoa powder
380g top flour - i used cake flour
100g Semi sweet chocolate chips
1 tsp vanilla
80g of roasted almond - i added

Melt butter till liquid state
Add icing sugar to it and stir till well mixed. Add vsnilla to mix.
Finally add flour, cocoa powder and chocolate chip and stir till it forms into a firm dough.
Scoop using cookie scoop or spoon on a baking tray - i used ice cream scoop hehe
Bake in preheated oven 180C for 15 mins
Remove to cool completely bef storing.
Note: I used melted Marmer chocolate and white chocolate couverture for the topping.

This simple recipe is actually fm the owner of Kitchen Capers, Chef Gina Choong.. she gave it to me during one of my visits there to buy my baking supplies.. u can shape it anyhow u want it to be and the pic below is the ice cream scoop that i used for this recipe.. the diameter of this scoop is abt 1"

Have a good mid week everyone cos this week is gonna be another hectic one for me.. cant wait to go to KL next week!

Pagi2 da tergoda.... Yummy!!!
Masyaallah..Rima sedapnya akak tgk!!!! Macham p beli d kedai..nmpak class U! Nnti senang akak Norli nk buat ...TERGODA HABIS. Setiap kali hasil Rima pamirkan pasti akan akak mulakan dgn WAH!!!!!Cntiknya!!!
Jumpa lagi...
I pun have to start thinking of things to make for Xmas. I normally give the teachers home-made stuff aje because I find it easier, hehehe.
I should doing the cookies your way because they certainly look prettier :-)
memang cantik! eh, i nak buat la..tapi nak makan sendirik aje hahaha.. i ni asyik ingat nk makan ajek ;D
pi singgah ntuc and beli salted butter.. malam karang boleh bake.. cepat ajer benda ni nak disiap kan.. kalau rajin u drizzle chocolate if not biar kan dia bogel ajer hehe
usually during festive season ni kat kedai memang byk dipamir kan chocolate lah.. cookies lahhh yg dipack nicely.. kita cuma kepo ikut ikut macam kat kedai hehe
Kasi homemade lagi best kan.. taste much better pun and u can get berkotak kotak hahaha
I was in town last weekend and found a new cafe with lots and lots of cakes and cookies.. their packing sungguh cantik sampai i balik teringat ingat.. we are afterall only talking abt cookies and a nice box with pelapit kertas.. hehe
Eh benda ni i also buat untuk sendiri makan but kan ku tetap letak kat dalam kotak yg ku pakai buat my macs.. presentable jugak seh.. i get lots too.. i kotak can put 18pcs.. this recipe i get close to 60 pcs
I have this recipe from Gina too. Got it when I attended one of her baking lessons :). It's simply yummy and I prefer using the top flour for it. It's crunchy. But yours more pretty cos you decorated it.
Morning Kak Rima,
Nampak sedap cantik...mcm da rasa melt in the mouth gitu...hehe..
Valrhona cocoa powder n cocoa powder biasa ader beza in rasa tak coz me lom jumpa la valrhona cocoa powder tu..suka sgt2 cookies ni.. must try must try..
akak pun nak buat gak lah.bahan2 nya pun semua dah ada..nampak simple dan semestinya sedap kan rima?.
eh!..sama lah dgn akak,mula2 tgk resepi scones tu terkejut ada black pepper tp dah org bg resepi akak pun hantam saja la labu..hehe
nanti mesti nak cuba scones dr dapur rima ni pulak..thnx singgah dapur akak smlam ya..
Resepi simple...menarik...tabik tul ngan Rima ni...sume pun nampak cantik....menggoda dan tergoda...byk gak dapat cookies ni ek...
Selamat pagi Kak Rima
sedapnye coklat tu..mcm nak ambik je semua..hehe
Macam senang buat and all the ingredient ada dah..
and cant wait for you to be in KL. Terbayang2 dah kek lapis tu..
These Double chocolate chip cookies are just lovely! Especially so when you drizzle choc on them and packed them up like that. Cantik sekali Rima!
I like juta kali lahhh...comel, cute...semua lahhh heheh
Assalam Rima cantikk...adeeeii terpesonanya tengok kukis tu...meh hantar ke Kuantan sikit eh, akak tengah xda kerajinan ni...hehehe.. Dah la cantiiik rupanya, haruslah sedap rasanya tuuu... :))
ahh ok.. well i used cake flour simply bec thats what i hv in my pantry and my cookie is super crunchy lol.. i guess top flour.. cake flour.. semua pun boleh hehe
memang ade beza dari segi rasa and colour but kan if u no have.. pakai cocoa powder yg biasa biasa also can.. janji cocoa powder hehe
This cookie is not melt in ur mouth.. dia krap krup :op
Kalau Rima ade masa memang nak blow walk jenguk rumah kawan kawan semua but kan kadang tu masa tak menyebelahi Rima.. kadang tu tak tahu apasal jadi gitu
Nanti Rima also nak try itew Raffles scones hehe
cik cek
alah senang and ringkas ajer cookies ni.. dapat dalam 60 biji gitu.. kalau dibuat kecik kecik lagi lah dapat byk
Selamat tengahari Rahel
ahhh ambik ahh.. tadi my hb bawak two boxes of it for his office mate.. ni kat rumah ade two more boxes.. kejap lagi lesap kotak kotak tu hehe
err are u azian yg order kek lapis ker?? lol ku confused confused hahaha
Buat ah ok.. tak yah mixer.. just melt the butter and add semua barang.. kira nak cuci pun tak byk mangkuk hehe
kira presentable.. either nak kasi orang ker.. nak sendiri makan ker.. if its cantik and its presentable sure benda tu tak pasal pasal jadi laku hehe
i lagi like especially bila tiga ketul dah masuk dalam mulut ku tanpa rasa guilty but kan malam karang sure ku rasa guilty haha
As salam KUmmiiii
woahhh lama tak nampak.. windu gitu.. nanti ehhh .. cuba repeat again where to send?? hehe
Hi Kak Rima,
Ampun liat your photo...... Cakepnya! Kak, may I know where can I get that ice cream scoop from in sg and what is the size. Thank you so much for sharing.
I hv seen it at ToTTs.. they come in a few sizes.. mine abt 1" in diameter and i bought it in beijing..
Kak Rima,
Thank you for your quick reply and info. Will check it out.
Very cute and look tasty, like truffles :)
ala... nampak temptingnya kak rima.. uhuhuukkkk
this is nice! I hv pre xmas dinner with 2 friends next month....akan ku usahakan buat this cookies and put in a nice box for them...:)
hehe looks like only but one bite and u will know its cookies hehe
Mama rayqal
dah buat belum? hehe
buat ah.. get a black box to place the cookies.. sure nampak mahal one ahaks
nanti nak buat
I da tried. Sedap...
No topping.... Bogel Gitu pun ok....
Betul ckp u.... Pakai cocoa powder mahal dan yg murah... Lain rasa nyer.... Hehehe
Looks like a happy little cook! Those look amazingly delicious!
What is marmer chocolate? Where can i get it? Tried to google it but not much info...Thanks
marmer chocolate u cant find it here.. we got it fm Austria and its fm there.. try google marmer chocolate austria
Hi Rima, which store in singapore is selling the black box for the cookies above? Thinking of baking for my son's teachers this coming teachers' day! Tks.
Hi Rima, may i know where can i buy the black box from in sg? Think of baking this for my son's tcrs for teacher's day. Tks!
Regards, Sharifah.
that black box is fm a box of chocolate that we got as a gift.. only use it as props
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