Hello peeps... first of all i would like to thank everyone for ur concern.. for the well wishes in my comment box.. thru emails and smses and not forgetting phone calls.. I am doing alright.. much much better than the day of the incident.. a little tired tho but thats ok... its all good.. am blessed to be given the energy to do what i love to do.. Alhamdullilah...
I can walk normally and i really hv no time to just sit and be pampered.. not that i didnt want to but i had orders that needed to be fulfilled.. a promise is a promise and no one wants to break a little prince's and princess' heart err not forgetting the ppl in the old folk home too..
After the incident i thought that i would hv to cancel my orders and rest.. we are afterall talking abt 8 stitches hehe.. but then i thought to myself.. if i was able to get on my feet right after my emergency csect (after giving birth to sonia).. i can also get on my feet and start baking too.. sooo thats what i did.. i woke up very early on thursday and started baking.. i havent stopped ever since..
So ok hers a few pics of my bakes...

A two tier cake.. 12" and 8" dummy cake.. i was doing the dummy cake when the incident happened..

TCCC with fondant icing for the residents of Lions Home for the elderly...

I decided on pastel colour this time round..

The end product... ty Hamdan for the order... am so so happy to hear the cake received great reviews fm ur volunteer colleagues, the Home staff and residents!

K Rima..Welcome back..:) I hope it's all better for u now.. fYI, I cut myself with a new serrated knife too last week..but it was way smaller than your cut tho..no blood gushing event as was described by your husband..[very funny man you got there btw hehe]
So next time, be extra2 careful while you're doing your things in the kitchen..<--I guess it's a reminder for me too..:)
Anyway, I know u wont take a looong MC..hihi WC again!
Syukur alhamdulillah rima dah ok...pstt tiba2 nampak seksi pulak stitches tu...erkk..hehe.
Hehe ty ty.. i didnt even hv the time to go online over the last couple of days.. macam lost gitew but i am back.. will do my rounds soon :o)
My hb.. well he is a funny man.. hes a pain too :op
Cik Mat
Hahahah sexy stitches? haizz sakit nye waktu kena 10 injections around that wound punya lah tak leh angs.. :o(
glad you're feeling better :)
SAlam, Rima. I'm glad to learn that you're up and about again. Do be careful next time, please...
Rima, you are superwoman, no rest needed :)
Btw, all the cakes produced by you look fabulous!
Ty.. i will definitely be much more careful :o)
Really miss reading ur blog at wee hour.. finally u're up and about. Alhamdulillah..
The cake for the lion's home is so gorgeous. It's not a suprise when u received raving reviews from the patrons. Take care Rima. :)
Not superwoman.. just fulfilling my promise.. will be resting for the next couple of days.. ty for the compliments.. cud be better if its not cos i have to keep on sitting down each time i feel the pain..
Kak Rima....
welcome back ya!!!....wah kemas dan teliti jahitan di kaki akak tu....nampak comel dan kiut gitu......:-))
Ouchhh..Rima ngerinya!! sungguh...rasa ngilu kat kaki sendiri...huhu..anyway im glad ur back...mesti dapur kembali meriah tu...
Awwww i missed it too but what to do.. bila malam aje i terus tido.. tak de much energy left to go online and read stuff or blog walking.. i know i needed all the rest if i wanna keep on baking waktu i tak sihat.. lucky i tak demam ke ape or else macam mana nak bake ..
Ty.. i like it too.. i wanted it to look simple as that cake is for 16 ppl in that elderly home who celebrated their bday..
Kahkahkah.. yg jahit kan also very the hamsam and cute mute ahakss
When my hb bersih kan tadi i didnt even dare to look.. yg ambik gambar tu dia lah.. tak de kerja lain hehehe
glad to see u well n on d move again :)
Cek Chun
Hehe me too.. macam cacing kepanasan ni nak try new recipes :op
Salam dear girl.it's good to know you are out and about again.hehe..hilang rindu.Alhamdulillah...please do take great care of yourself and no more accident cam gini ya...happy baking...
love from:Kak Nur-Trengganu
kak rima.. u know that u're supposed to rest? ish, ish, ish.. macam mana la nak buat akak rest ni.. :p
BTW, cake utk elderly tu sangat2 memikat hati.. and of course rasanya jugak memikat juga..
Ty.. am ok.. masih jugak rasa denyutan tu but bearable lah.. janji ade painkiller kira dah ok lah tu..
Heheh i know.. am resting niiii.. no more deadline so kira dah reda sikit hari hari ku..
Ty.. simple and soothing to my eyes..
huhuh k.rima..gerun jugak tgk that stitches...erkkkk n yet still can do lot of baking...chaiyok chaiyok...hehehehe ...
Yes i am feeling much better now .. tks!
I think if u keep on telling urself that everything will be ok sure u akan feel ok eventho kaki rasa berdenyut waktu tu hehe
Hi Auntie Rima!
I'm glad you're back. Hopefully all is well with you now. It's been pathetic days to me for not having surprises to be read and seen from your blog recently.
By the way, I've tried TCCC but it came out sodden and flat, sort of like brownie texture. I think I got the recipe and methods correctly, exactly what you posted. I wonder what was wrong..
I'm so glad you are up and running already! the cakes sure do look like the baker is 100% in good health though, hehehe.
am glad u r getting better!!and those cakes are just marvelous!
err..i still think u deserve the rest in bed with the small bell and special 'maid-in-frilly-apron' though..hehehe..
alhamdullillah...kk rima dah ok.ngeri tgk jahitan tu.huhuhu....moga sembuh sepnuhnya (^__^)
waaaaa..sooo pretty cakes...i wish i can taste dat too. ahakks! nway, welcome back dear...n iknow d feeling..rest too long will make u sick more..hahahaha. eewwwww, stitchessss!..but ur leg still look sexy la wif dat stitches..no worry! hahahha.
Glad u r getting better.
Alhamdudillah..kak rima dah beransur sihat...
panjang juga luka tu jerk kak...take care yerk..jangan ligat sangat..he..he...
rindu ngan akak....
wahhh...cantik2nya kek tu...suka mas tengok....
Glad that you are doing ok :) Cantiknya cake tu! Jarang tengok cake warna hitam
Hi Rima,
Glad to hear that you are up and running now,wellcome back!!!! The cake looks gorgeous!
Take care
Salam Kak Rima..whoaa good job!!cantik2 nye kek tuh semua..bila tgk I scroll pelan2 and enjoy the deco,the details everything..sampai pic last..terus tekan link comment laju2..haiya..manyak ngeri tgk itu jahit2 lah..Take a good rest :)
Alhamdulillah u're up and running now. I feel so bad coz I only got to know about your accident this morning. I've been away and no internet access.. Well.. take care of that sexy leg of yours..
Singing..."Syukur. Syukur. Syukur ya Allah. Syukur Alhamdullillah." Happy to see you're up & about doing your fave things.
Insyallah banyak berkah for completing those job orders. Good job on those cakes!! I'll reply yr email soon ok? Don't forget to rest those sexy legs every now & then. ^_*
alhamdulillah.. masih gagah siapkan order bagai.. hehe...
ngeri tgk jahitan... harap cepat2 sembuh ye rima..
p/s: jarang2 tinggalkan komen.. tp selalu mengintai ke sini.. ;-)
Alhamdulillah u r up & running again :) takut i tgk stiches tu...ehe...anyway ur cakes super duper nice I like it!!!! frm d clr combination to d desgin...nice..!!ermmm that thing(wires) to poke d fondant tu panggil apa ek :)?
Ahem let me adrs myself .. ahem.. cough cough.. auntie hehehe.. it became flat probably cos cake tu bantut .. did u whipped ur egg and sugar till fluffy.. betul betul fluffy macam buat kuih baulu.. i think its bec of that cos recipe nye senang aje.. u tak yah nak fold in pun.. every step u pakai mixer aje..
Towards the end cake didnt turned out the way i wanted it to be.. maybe dah penat lah.. after the first two cake my kaki swollen sikit tu yg mak takut bangat but now not anymore.. dah nak kering agak nye cos rasa itchy sikit..
Memang i deserve to be pampered but kan i think i will hv to wait long long bef someone will serve me hahahha.. waktu baru bersalin i still hv to cook for the family eventho ku baru lepas operate.. the reason being.. i rather be in the kitchen than anyone else hahaha
Tell me abt it.. i didnt even look at it until my hb took photo of it.. yikes!
Alhamdulilah,so happy u r back.So amacam?Did George Clooney take good care of u? :]
Ye ler sexy.. dah kerepot pong hahaha.. memang betul pun.. the more i baring the more berdenyut.. so better do something .. err.. like baking hehe
Ty for the wish and yes i am feeling much better now... :o)
Shukur alhamdullilah.. memang panjang.. waktu baru kena tu tak rasa.. pisau jatuh terjunam and then dalam hati berkata.. eh eh nasib baik tak tercacak kat ibu jari ku and then bef i know it kat kanan nak meleleh leleh darah tak henti henti.. adoiiiiii suddenly rasa bisa yg tak terkira.. ouchhhh
Madam Sooyaree
Ty.. actually its not black.. its dark chocolate.. icing rasa dark chocolate tu hehe
Ty ty.. cud be better but am happy that at least i managed to fulfill em :o)
hehehe i knew that wud happened.. so kira kasi tengok salingan yg soothing bef i show yg ngeri hahaha
No worries dear... i am feeling better.. :o)
Well good luck on ur upcoming cake.. am happy to assist as long as u gv me a slice hehehe.. sorok budak kecik tu or else rahsia semua terbongkar haha
Hopefully too.. in 10 days time i hv to go back to bukak stitches.. yikes!
Ty ty.. tu wire i got it fm BIY.. tak tahu dipanggil ape.. i told them i wanna use it on my cake and they terus gv me that wire.. macam wire buat bunga pun ade hehehe
Heheh George Clooney looks after me well.. i didnt hv to cook every day ahakss
kak rima bersemangat waja.. welcome back! & those cakes sgt syok!!
ermm panjang gak luka tu ya.. dlm sakit2 pun boleh hasilkan gojes cake.. take care tau :)
Assalamualaikumwbh kak rima..
MMM sooooooo happy u finally up....:) I knew u did...dah buat 2 cakes pun dlm sakit2 tu...:)Tgh busy packing nak balik Msia ni...yey....but still want to msg u....be safe ya....:)
dah 2 kali setengah aii pingsang tgok org injured wat cake itew macam maaaaaa....:P
rima, u take care ok... :)
Take care Rima & Rest well.
Hahahah. You please don't get me wrong cause I think it's friendlier to call you auntie. I'm not even 20 yet.. soon in October will be.
I'll definitely give TCCC a try again next time. Can't wait!!
Hi Rima,
Am glad ur feeling beter now :)
Can i ask what you "cucuk" into the cake to hold the stars,etc?
btw i tried the orange cake and it is indeed the best cake ever...loved it..
Thanks again..
salam rindu bebbb.... rindu gler ngan kek gojez mu iteww.... ya Allah apa sudah jadi ngan kaki mu yg ensem tuhh... ngeri aku nengok sehhh.... hopefully cepat sembuh ah.... take care dear!
Wow...you are a perfecto! Loved your creations...so beautifully done. I will never be able to bake and deco like you. Just can't take my eyes off from those cakes! Excellent! ;)
Hope you are doing fine now and wish you a speedy recovery.
Well, I'm too called as Stuntwoman at home since younger days. Always up to something..looks seriously hurt but I'll manage it as if nothing happened. You are one too... ^____^
alhamdullillah everything went well for u. what a beautiful cake. keep it up yahhh....
Hai rima ,harap you dah beransur baik.Tapi stitches tu banyak juge harap lain kali lebih hati2 ya......
hai rima ,dah sihat ye.....panjang juge ye stitches tu ye.hati 2 ye lain kali bile didapur tau.
Yaayyyy...alhamdulillah Rima balik dah...ngeri kak cek bila tgk berjahit2 ni....kak cek memang penakut pun...he he..
Harus bersemagat or else semua benda tak menjadi hehe
Ty.. tak ler gojes sangat.. simple aje.. ni dikata kan decor orang tengah denyut haha
LOL Ayu! pi continue pack nanti tertinggal kapalterbang hahah.. hv a safe journey back home ok.. pi shopping ape yg patut hehe
awww huggies.. ty dear!
Ty and will try to rest .. err
No worries.. i was just joking aje hehe... good luck and happy baking ok!
Glad u loved it! hmm that thingy i dont know whats its called.. i asked them abt it and they immediately knew what i was talking abt.. it like a wire thingy just like the one u use it for flower arrangement..
Cikgu Hanaaaaaa
Woahhh dah lama tak mai.. ku rindu pada mu ahakss.. hows life?? busy bangat lah tu.. sudah tentu nye banyak beli kuih kat kedai kannnn hahaha.. i am ok lah.. benda nak terjadi ape nak di kata.. next time i will be more careful ah.. huhu
Alamak i wish i am lol.. not all the time perfecto but i try to get it right ah.. sometimes when it comes to deco its unpredictable..
Ty for the wish.. am resting and chilling and and and hehehe
Alhamdullilah and ty :o)
I will.. tks!
Cik Cek
Kita pun.. bila baru kena tu and then darah mencurah curah kita rasa macam nak pitam pun ade and then suddenly rasa bisa tak terhingga.. haissh tok sah cerita lagi lah :o(
Nak slice? Boleh...mai sini ok?
Tu lah mana nak sorok si budak ni eh. Lock her in the basement agaknya. hahaha. Pecah lah rahsia ku. Either way I'll do it. Maju tak gentar mbak. LOL. Semangat!!!! ;P
Ouchhh!! Sure sakit time kena stitches tu. Tp tengok tu dah boleh baking-baking. So persevere!!! Oh, all the cakes look divine!
Kak RIma,
Ahhh.. should I welcome you back or urge you back to rest? :D Glad to know that you're recovering good.. and managed to bake too!
As always, those creations of yours look amazing! The stitches look.. ouchhhh!
Ouch....happy to see you are back to the normal you...
Year end i will be there hahaha
Memang sakit .. now tengah dok pikir nak kena pi bukak stitches in one week time.. haizz
heheh welcome back ahhhh... u my frienddddd hahahha.. ty ty .. cud be better but am blessed lah cos i was given the energy and will to complete all my orders.. :o)
Am happy as a puppy too hehhe.. its been a week.. how time flies when ur in pain ahakss
Salam Rima, akak rasa dah posting comment hari tuh kat sini, ke kat bawah tu..haha...tp nampak macam xda lak...dah kertua akak ni, x tau kat mana satu, hehehe...Anyway, harap Rima semakin sihat dan kembali cergas...bakin2 pun, tp hati2 eh...
darling sorry to ask u again...i ni byk tanya :) klo wire yg tuk buat gubahan bunya i know la...nvr know bende tu boleh pakai as a deco...ermm interesting! and nak minta tips for the edible images. Normally bila i letak images tu kan, bende tuh sure meresap kat cake/cupcakes. tak smooth mcm u letak tu..y eh?
Ty KUmmi... tak pe.. kita ingat akak ingat kita hehhe.. dah ok dah cuma kadang kadang tu segel jugak dibuat nye.. ni lagi seminggu bukak jahitan.. ouchhhh ku tak relaaaaa
I dont know for sure if its the same ke tidak.. yg pasti i bought it fm baking supply shop and benda tu kat same counter dgn all the fondant thingy.. it looks and feel like the one yg buat gubahan bunga but tak tahu lah if its the same.. hmm i thought yg gubahan bunga warna nye hijau?? this one is in white and dalam ade wire also..
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