Abt 80% of Sonia's bday gifts are still intact on the 3rd floor in our theater room.. she doesnt even remember the existence of all her new toys cos papa hid em fm Sonia right after she went to bed that night..
So after almost a month.. we decided to take a few and asked her to choose.. she decided on this one...

"OK Sonia..u watch yah.. papa show u"

"First u pretend to be Patrick Swayze... the lead actor in "Ghost" movie ahakss

"Watch carefully Sonia... try to keep ur hands steady.."

"seeee how this bowl is turning out to be.. "

Sonia: "Hmmm papa u so boring... can i play with my clay already?"

Tick tock tick tock.. "papa i want.. i want.. i want to play!"

"OK my turn.. lemme try"
Mcm tu pun siok!!! Tu pun kau nak post??!!hairan2
satu-satunya cup in the world
hahahahha....cup strictly for display purposes only..
Ala2..cerita "GHOST"...kann.....
haha..so sweet la sonia! Cawan antik ya? :)
wakaakakakaka....rotf...she's just too cute!
anonymous...we love reading all Rima's post be in on bakes or other stuffs. If you hairan like that also must post, then welcome to the world of blogging. everyone can write and share anything they want. hope to see your blog soon...pls make us hairan too.
nice toy and nice green fingernails sonia have.
Kha3,punyalah bersungguh-sungguh George Clooney ajar buat lain jadi lain.Tapi Sonia is so cute. Btw Demi Moore nya tak join sekali ke? Wink wink
hehe...takpe dik Sonia, kreativiti masing2...hehehe...
err..btw, akak...sy dah cuba resepi donut tu...alhamdulillahhh...mudah sangat...thanks 4 the recipe yer..
Kids with their imagination and creativity hahahahaha...
sonia comel...
lucky sonia! but papa show her takes too long. she can't wait..
p/s: kak rima, remove anon pls.. so annoying..
Hahhaha...comeeeyyy Sonia...lg paaaannndaaaaiiii...hahahaha...auntie syyyuuukaaaa...syuukka tgk Sonia..
Wait bibik will play clay clay with you ok Sonia!! Let's re-live the scene from Ghost again!! *grin*.. To the 1st Anonymous, hairan=curious/amazed? Thank you eh for being A-M-A-Z-E-D at my sister ability n creativity n talent that she has.... Keep up in being hairan!! Lup u dip dip my sister, Li-Lin.
Nasih dia tak buat clay cup cakes hehe
Hahha cup tak de lubang kat atas..
Cik Mat
Itew papa dia ferasan mengoda tu.. dah tu tak kasi anak dia main hahaha
Cawan antik lah tu cos bila dah kering aje benda terjatuh and now dah sombeng
Yes she is.. u shud see her frustration face waktu papa dia kept on saying.. waitttttt hahah
Hehe well said sista! Sonia aka ben10 girl :o)
Demi Moore tak yah.. when father and daughter main main its time for mama to relax one corner hahah.. sekali sekala muncul untuk take pics and then lari inside cos takut sangkut kena main sama hehehe
Woaahhh tertiba macam boleh terasa sidonut tu bila tengok gambar donut mu ehehhe.. sedap and senang.. tinggal ngap aje heheh.. ty for trying norgee
Yep kids.. cuba kalau suruh akak kau.. habis hancus benda clay tu hehehe
Aww ty dear..
Yep dah lah dia excited nak buat si papa dia pulak take his own sweet time nak buat his bowl.. bukan ape..ferasan macam Patrick lah hahaha.. annoying and irritating but thats ok.. whatever lah
Budak umur macam gini lain kerenah nye.. shes super curious by nature pong..
Sis Li-Lin
Awww lap u too lah.. no worries sista.. ppl like this has no life one ahakss
sape yang main ni papa ke sonia...
A cup in Sonia's eyes.. Memang cute.
Best kan mainan anak2 skrg..
Mcm kita pon blh enjoy skali.
Btw, i dah cuba ur banana choc cake.
Made it twice. Moist & unstoppable..
K. Rima,
I yg rasa nak main tgk benda nih ;p nak satu!!!
sometimes i don't understand why people are so annoyed about our entry. we didn't force them to read it. hmm..
suka mas tengok sonia tu...
sangat comeiiiii....
Rima,need yr adv,I nak buat oreo's cupcake tapi I ada 200g of butter je,can i add more eggs or use less flour to balance it up? Tks
Hi Sis rima
I'm a new fan of ur blog. I tried your apam snow white today, taste Gooood but didn't look half as good as yours. What's e secret to the perfect 'skin' for the apam? What kinda mould u use?
Thanks and look forward to many more of ur entries!
Hi k.rima, faizah lagi.
I tgk ur vanilla eclair & cuba tapi
Oh no! ...dlm oven gebu2, keluar kempesss.
Den my husband dtg tanya
"u buat lempeng apa?" hahaa..
Im not sure where i went wrong.
I waited for 20 mins til its golden brown baru keluarkan.
Pls advice...
laling..cakap itew cik abag ada rupa patrik swayze! :p
Cuba teka siapa yg main hahah
Ye ker?? actually kan semua jenis cake also unstoppable.. lagi lagi if kena pada citarasa kita heheh
Nanti ur son bday party u buat list bday prezzie yg harus dibawa hahaha
What to do can.. u cannot lari fm all the lalats in this blogger world...
Ty dear.. shes adorable
I rather half the recipe and get a smaller cake then bake something which i dont even know if the equation is gonna work..
Wud be great if u cud leave down ur name so that its easier for me to adrs u.. tks!.. i think it has alot to do with controlling ur fire.. did u use a medium fire for that apam?? i used lompang mould. the plastic kind
Sorry to hear that.. my first tray ade yg terkempes jugak..tak tahu apasal.. the second tray came out perfect pulak.. just make sure u bake it betul betul sampai perang.. watch how its done in you tube if u tak pasti cos i had to watched it over and over on how to get that perfect puff
Eh you jgn cakap gitew tau nanti satu hari i terseksa.. that day jumpa Mahir Zain dekat seminggu dia verangan muka dia macam MZ hahahah
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