Was sind Deutsche Kekse? Genause wie "Singapore Noodles" oder "Deutsche" Blackforest Cake. Nichtsdestotrotz schmecken diese Kekse absolut lecker und "schmelzen" im Mund. Die halbe Dose ist schon leer und mein lieber Mann hat schon fuer Nachschub gebeten :)

I am loving my day chilling at home for a change.. nowhere to go since all the malls are closed anyway.. did our typical cleaning.. watched telly all day long and at the same time managed to bake a cake and also these cookies.. Danke Jessie for sharing this wonderful recipe..
125g butter - i used golden churn
40g icing sugar (sieved)
125g potato starch
80g superfine flour (I used Plain Flour)

1. Beat butter and icing sugar till fluffy and lighter in colour.
2. Sift in potato starch and plain flour, mix to form a soft dough.
3. Roll into small balls (about 7g each) and arrange on lined baking tray - i used 1/2 tbsp to get the same size
4. Dip the tip of the fork in a bowl of water and press on cookie dough.
5. Bake in preheated oven at 170 deg C for 15 mins

salam rima....hmm segan lah nak tulis..alahh macam mana nihh...hehe, rima kalau ada masa, sudi2 kan lah buat tag senang di DTS --> http://tiffinbiru.blogspot.com/2011/02/my-favorite-blog-dancontest-sahabat.html
salam rima..memula akak ingat cam biskut suji rupanye guna potato starch ek! leh try nnti nih..anak2 sure suker...thnx rimaa!!
And.....u did cookies again.....and please dun get tired cause u did this thing called "C-O-O-K-I-E-S".. Hehe... Looks "chen de how che leh, pu yau wan chi wa te hoh, wa yau!" Li-Lin
kak rima.....tergodanya tengok gambar deutsche kekse tu....
Does it taste a bit like shortbread ke? Nampak so creamy and yummy!
Cik Mat ada segan kah?? alahhh no need to malu meow hehe.. insyallah akan ku gi rumah mu nanti.. ty cik mat!
Duh! 1 hari 2 posting. Hebat-hebat.
Why U didn't follow him to Spain? You need to pay for airfare only.... :)
Refer CNY posting, what is PIL?
Thank you for posting tiramisu, sedang mencari terjumpa di sini, lalu saya pun Ctrl C and Ctrl V.
Cuba lah doc.. sure they all suka.. tak leh berenti makan tau bila dah start.. lemak berkrim.. melt in ur mouth type..
OK OK i will hide a few pcs for u lah ehehe
cuba lah if dah terjatuh cintan sama ini german cookies.. bahan pun tak banyak :o)
Shortbread tu macam butter cookies eh?? hahaha dia tanya kita.. kita pulak tanya dia ahakss.. i know it taste very buttery and very very melt in ur mouth.. rich and creamy.. err macam shortbread kah??
Money is not everything.. i follow whenever i feel like it and this time round i am really tired to go on a 16 hrs flight knowing how hectic his schedule is going to be.. i will however take u guys to spain with me thru my blog when i go there sometime this year.. :op
PIL is parents in law
Rima, me again. forgot to ask just now.
what is powdered sugar?
BTW, can't wait for yr posting about tour to Spain.
powder sugar .. icing sugar..
potato starch tu apa ? nk cr dkt mana yek kalo dkt kedai .
beautifully done looks delicious and soft melting cookies
Wow! Nice & creative blog! I found you from Mat Gebu blog. Tq for sharing;-)
Dear June,
Potato starch tu tepung ubi kentang, banyak ada kat supermarket atau kedai jual bahan2 utk buat kek. Cuba la cari. good luck ;-)
wah german cookies...looks delicious:)
Diese Kekse sehen gut aus! Jetzt will ich sie auch versuchen zu backen, aber ich weiß nicht ob sie meinem Mann auch so schmecken werden. :)
Salam Rima, Telah lama Ratna intai-intai diblog Rima ini (mulanya dari blog MatGebu, tapi tak pernah komentar) dari kajian Ratna kesemua patisserie gateau, desserts Rima teramatlah magnifiques dan quality photos tiada bandingannya.
Ini baru terjentik memberi komentar kerana sesuatu yang indah yang dibuat dengan sepenuh hati walaupun tenaga terkadang-kadang ter-kaput dikuatkan juga semangat,et encore bravo!
Salam perkenalan dan salam manis manis madu.
Thanks Rima sebab suka nak buat kita terliur and teringat2 sampaikan terpaksa nak kena buat jgk. Lepas dah buat and ngap, sendiri mau ingatlah...
Hi June
Potato starch tu u can get it fm any supermarket or bakery supply shop.. ape eh ni malay.. tepung ubi kentang ke?? hmm yg pasti it says potato starch on the packet.
Yes it was.. melt in ur mouth .. if u can find potato starch i highly recommend this recipe..
It taste great and if i were u.. i wud just bake it.. am pretty sure he will like it hehe
Bonjour Ratna and salam perkenalan fm me.. ty ty but part i baca ter kaput macam nak ketawa pulak.. memang ye pong.. ter kaput cos dah ter tua hahaha.. u got a great blog urself and u bake well too.. wud be nice to try out some french recipes.. happy baking!
Muahahah Murni.. bravoooo ku sudah berjaya membuat mu terliur dan teringat ingat.. ape lagi.. pi dapur and bake it hehe
Rima...terima kasih share resipi, dah buat, sedapp sangat..mati lah kolestrol semua merah nanti..Insya allah nanti saya masukkan dalam N3, tak hari ni esok....
Kolestrol naik colour merah tandanye.. STOP eating hehe.. tak pe lah mat.. makan seketul dua tak jadi ape.. orang tua kata.. buat obat .. :o)
Kak Rima, masya allah.. the cookies so easy to do and so fast melts in my mouth sei.. Thanks for posting it Kak..
No worries Idah.. tks for trying and jaga jaga.. benda ni addictive.. pagi pagi bangun tido pun boleh termakan seketul dua hehe
Dear Rima,
Hv been following ur blog for quite sometime.
Am really impressed with ur work, such an artful person u're.i've tried to bake both the sicilian cake and deutsche kekse, my goodness am so addicted to these two.keep baking and blogging rima coz you really gv inspiration to others and to me for cheering up my day amidst of too much office workloads
Sorry dear for my late reply.. something wrong with blogger.. welcome welcome and glad u hv tried the SOC and DK.. both my all time fav and now that u mentioned it.. i think i will bake it again this week lol..
Happy baking!
Rima, NAKAL la biskut german ni. Nmpk mcm innocent, so naive, plain jane, kata org melayu pandang sebelah mata je. Tapi bila dh ngap... bad cookie...baaaaddd cookie... (dgr bunyi whip skali) tangkap nangis sbb xleh nk berhenti
So easy to make, x cerewet i likeeewww... seisi rumah also likeeee. Thanks for sharing the resepi i lap u hehehe
muakahkahkah.. berapa ketul dah masuk kat perut.. jaga jaga cik bedah.. dont blame me if tiba tiba timbang berat badan naik hahaha
hye rima,
i dah try buat cookies ni. tapi kenapa dia crack ye? ada apa2 yg kurang or terlebih ke? i measured betul rasanya..hehe
HI Farah
I am not too sure why ur cookies cracked.. others hv tried baking it and no one has probs with their cookies.. the oven temp perhaps?
errmm.. i think its 160. i was thinking it is because of the temperature too. tapi it doesnt affect the taste la.. sedap sgt! hehe.
Hi Rima
This is indeed a wonderful, simple and lovely recipe. Tried it last night and it was a success. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
No worries Nurwin.. i baked it last night too.. for the 4th time for my family.. simple and melt in ur mouth hehe
hi kak rima
saya dah cuba buat cookies ni tapi kenapa dough saya lembik yer? sampaikan kena sudu ke dalam tray.
apapun thank u for the recipe sebab memang sedap sangat.dah tinggal 1/2 balang pun
Hi Putri
Adonan memang lembik but still boleh bentuk kan bulat bulat.. dont beat ur butter and gula icing sampai kembang ok..just alar kadar ajer..hingga semua bercampur rata and adonan tukar colour creamy.. gaul tepung dgn spatula ajer.. adonan macam butter cookies gitu
Hi Rima,
I woke up at 7am today, and started making this cookie. The night before I had taken out the butter from fridge and left it out to soften. So happy that by 9am I was done with the cookies ( I doubled the batter and got 1 tub full of cookies).
Mine turned out exactly like yours without any cracks or difficulty in handling the dough.
Love the cookie. It taste so soothing, not too sweet, yet good (simply no exact words to describe it, but it's simply good).
Thanks a lot for sharing this good, easy recipe with us readers :)
No worries Sally.. i am so glad to hear that.. tmrw morning i will start with my baking journey again.. arghhh hopefully everything will go smoothly and no hiccups.. i hv dateline!
Hi Rima,
Don't worry. I am positive that you will meet your deadline :)
All the best in the baking journey/marathon.
Kak rima, thank you for this recipe. My cookies turned out lovely!! Bestnye.... :)) Selamat Hari Raya utk kak rima & family :)
Selamat hari raya to u and ur family too Az!
I dont know how many times i hv baked this cookie.. senang nak buat and actually batternye tak yah nak masuk dalam fridge to make it harden.. its slightly wet but tak lah sampai tak leh nak dibentuk.. am glad to hear that urs turned out lovely
betul3. mula2 panik jugak kenapa batter dia slightly wet, tapi walaupun lembik2 gitu senang nak bentuk dan tak lah melekat2 kat tangan. what i love most abt this biscuit is the texture that simply melts in mouth! :))
Kak Rima at last I made the cookies after so long planning nk buat once the cookies cold trus msk dlm mulut !! =)
Thank you for the recipe will post it on my blog ;)
salam Rima,
pertama kali kkida menjengah blog Rima dan terus terpaut pada biskut ini...terima kasih kerana berkongsi resepi yang istimewa ini...pasti akan menjadi rutin pada kkida untuk membuatnya sekali sekala...thanks again...Selamat Menyambut Aidil Fitri buat Rima sekeluarga...kkida akan add blog Rima ini sebagai link di my blog...boleh ya...:)
Ty for trying.. memang melt in ur mouth tu sebab tak sedar byk dah kena ngap hehehe
Ty kak for the add.. i guess ramai yg fav cookie ni.. senang nak dibuat.. tak byk ingredients.. cuba lah if u hv the time ok..
hi kak rima..
seyesly, mmg sgt senang buat cookies nih..+ sgt sedaappp ok! thanks for sharing..smlm dah buat untuk raya..hehe..>3 it!!
Best kan?? hehe glad u like it as much as we did.. :op
Hi kak Rima. Just nk tny flavor tu. Is it milky because of the butter I use or the potato starch? I used buttercup. Yesterday was my first attempt for this cookie. Thanks.
Am not a big fan of buttercup.. Use pure butter ok.. Hmm macam suji pun ade
Assalam Rima. Do u know how many cookies we can get out of a batch? Some friends asked me to bake for them and they want to know the qty. Hmmm...
Yan.. am sorry.. i hv no idea.. i just bake and ngap lol
Salam perkenalan Rima..hs tried tis cookies n it's delicious...melt in my mouth but not in d hand..v nice indeed! Yr recipes r marvelous...:) yet to try others..
Tks ..Mida
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