Would u accept if someone wants to order 30,000 pcs of pineapple tarts fm you for this coming Chinese New Year?? gulp.. by the night of CNY my fingers would be as flaky as the tart.. sure melecet and melecur one hahaha

180g butter
120g margarine - I used all butter
2 tbsp sweetened condensed milk
1/2 tbsp legit powder - spoekek powder
18 egg yolks
210g powdered sugar
60g flour
200g pitted prunes

1. Beat the butter and margarine until white and fluffy, add sweetened condensed milk and spoekek powder. Stir until smooth... set aside
2. Beat the egg yolks and powdered sugar until thick and white. Pour butter mixture bit by bit, stirring until well blended.
3. Add sifted flour little by little while stirring until blended.
4. Prepare a baking pan volume of 1500 ml. Cover with baking sheet and spread butter.
5. Pour 1 tablespoon of dough, flatten and bake at 175C for 7 mins - as always i weigh my batter.. divide it into 12 layers.. each layer weigh 75g.. grill each layer for 7mins.. last layer bake it using upper and lower fire for 10 mins

..... and yes after thinking it over for almost a month.. i decided to turn down the order and to my dear hb.. hv a safe trip to HCM tomorrow :o@
Source: NOVA

Bukannya setakat jari melecet & melecur, pinggang cfm patah 10...hahahaz
I took orders during last Eid, tu pun utk 5 org aja dah tak sanggup & mata pun terbeliak2 tgk kuih. Ni kan 30 000, fuyohhhhh kalau u amik itu order, mmg lah u superwoman...:D :D
30,000 pcs????
hadoiiiiii tengok the numbers pun buat my ayes terbeliak beliak jap :D
ingat my eyes was playing tricks tadi, maklum le subuh morning ni sometimes cannot c properly...well, banyak tu n if u amik that order sure u cannot bake yg lelain kan...ehehe nak jugak lapis tu..alaaa u really make me wanna bake that...u know la i ni pantang nampak kek lapis, mesti nk mkn jugak and pastu risau about my kek lapis yg bertambah2 kat badan nih...errr wonder how u can still maintain slim mcm tu????
30,000? u've got to be kidding!! maybe dia nak kasi all her sedara mara tak?..or is it berkat kahwin?mind boggling nak pikir nak buat that many...tido berdiri jawabnya...and tak payah buat keje lain except sepit kuih tart aje :)shudders..takut ai..
Wow! 30 000 pineapple tarts! I would love to be eating some of that but definitely not making them :-).
kalau order byk tu..me too..definitely will not accept..its not a one man show..hahahha..kna cr part time maid just for d job...aiyooo, i once buat 500 cuppies pon dh mcm nk terbongkang..sbb no helper..hahahhaa
Halo Rima,
Maybe you can form a group of fellow bloggers and start the baking marathon of baking 30K tarts :) Just an idea..
rima...ko godaku...cantuman yg dua dua i suka!!! i made lapis cmpedak last nite but the cempedak like kematu like tt, so not very nice and layer ada yg koyaks we'll see whn i pyg how it looks like! someone inquired if i nak buat 1200 macarons, how?
Salam Rima, waaaaaaaa 30,000 tarts??? Adeii dengar je pun rasa terus jari2 lenguh...hehe, tp kalau kuat semangat dan ada pembantu, no hal kan...take it as a challenge...tp apa2 jadi lepas tuh, Rima cari tukang urut eh..hehehehe
kak rim...dah sihat ke tu?nampak gorjes betul kek lapis tu...30 00 order tuuuu..kalau amik order banyak tu sah sah demam seminggu pulak kak rim..hehee
wow rima :)
I salute you if had accept it ... * wink * Wink*
After almost a month toying with the idea i decided that i tak nak jadi superwoman lah.. susah nanti if dah jadi superwoman nak kena keep up pulak.. ku tak sanggup mengenang kan jari jari ku.. eh u ingat tak advert kat tv malaysia.. pasal sabun cuci baju.. that woman nyanyi..
Jari jari ku
sakit semua
cuba continue nyanyi lepas tu hahahhah
Alamak Zarin i think ur eyes really play trick lah pagi tadi.. mana ade kurus sehhhh.. ni lemak kat pewut masih macam pakai boyar hahha
I think if i agree sure i hv no time to do anything else.. then sure tak leh bake lain.. sure boring bangat..
Tell me abt it babe.. dah sebulan i sit on it.. at first i thought i shud take up the challenge and summon both my sister to help me out but bila dipikir2 .. macam tak leh angs lah.. nanti jari ku jadi macam raisins hahaha
Shes actually tuan tanah one of my hb punya big costumer.. every year pun during CNY she will order that much to be given out and she told my hb that dia dah fall in lab with my tart since the day i gave her a box as a good gasture.. dah tu siap dgn suggestion suruh i engage one helper for a month just to help me out.. errr i think i will need at least a few more helper seh baru boleh settle itew 30,000 pcs ..
LOL LG.. if eating em toksah cakap.. lagi lagi waktu munch tu tengah watch telly.. lagi lah tak sedar berapa ketul dah masuk dalam perut hehe
Tak leh lah Jun.. my mom also ade gv me suggestion but we are talking abt 30k and not 3k lol.. silap hari bulan tidur pun kat daput jugak seh haha
Thats a good idea Sally.. never thought of asking other food bloggers to help out.. i did asked both my sis and they agree but they can only help after they're done with work..so am back to square one so i decided not to take it..
Kalau siap accommodation bagai, dgn rela hati I will book a flight there, cewah.
Eksyen jer tu walhal nak buat 3 biji tart nenas masih bercongak2 lagi, har3 .. Beli fillingnya tapi dah berzaman mende tu bertafakur dlm esbok. Kes expired dah tu..
I say take up the challenge ah.. 1200 pcs of macarons is till bearable ah if u hv the time and energy.. kadang tu bila order dah berlambat kita akan rasa macam satu beban tau.. so if u can manage ur time why not ey..
Tak tahu apasal semalam rasa macam nak makan lapis prunes.. dah dapat makan a few slices i terus potong yg lain and gv it to others..
Salam KUmmi.. aduhhh bukan tak nak.. bila dgr how much dia nak bayar tu rasa macam semangat berkobar kobar nak buat but kan bila ingat ingat padahnye rasa macam nak cabut pulak hahaha
LOL Izah.. can u imagine baking it for 3wks and lepas tu demam for a week? eekkk touch wood.. benda yg boleh dielak kan kita patut elak kan.. betul takkkk?? hehe
LOL cik som.. ye ker?? hehe.. tak sanggup lah cik som.. kita ni bukan macam dulu lagi.. suka take order.. now dah tua lah.. nak take order pun ikut mood..
Tu filling if malas nak buat tart kecik kecik.. pi buat dough and fill it in ur pie dish then letak pineapple filling then bakar.. habis satu packet sebelum expire har3
Oh tak mungkin.. 30k tu if buat bila nak game.. bukan kita ade factory hahah
I would turned down the order too. To me, bila dah terpaksa buat, dah tak seronok. In the end, buat dalam terpaksa. Furthermore, with a toddler to take care of, that's quite tough to handle :)
Halo Rima,
Nevermind, you can consider that if you get some big orders next time round :) baking marathon organized by bisousatoi :)
Btw, for a long time, I noticed that all your baked cakes does not have a crack at the top. If you are comfortable in sharing info, you could let me know what is the secret? is it the oven that you are using?
rima, good on you! i nak bake and deco 200 cuppies pun tak sanggup.. sakit belakang! nikan pulak 30K.. boleh, u sub pada org lain je.. yg buat kat kilang! hehe
"30000 bijik,ish betoi ke ni Wok?. Deme ni nak ngode 30,000 bijik engkoh nye. Kecut tangan teman nanti. Sakit belakang bage, sapa nak nolongnye. Minta mahaf le.Idak le teman lalu nak mbuatnye."
Dialog telah ditukar kepada loghat Perak kerana Rima telah dibayangkan sebagai orang Perak Selatan.
k.rimaaaaaaa kekeke fara merasaianya last year raya order..for d 1st time lak tu try take order..kekeke..mula2 tak banyak so relax je la..2nd week buat.konon2 fresh la..hahaha..ambik kau nak time nak2 ry,mandi tak bsh makan tak kenyang tido xcukup kekeke..ngalah org sakan bercinta kekeke..loose weight a bit but double triple quadrple pas raya hehe....alhamdulillah i manage to make it until last day of puasa hahahaha..tapi i sell sgt kot hehehe...budak baru belaja..kekeke..
sorry k.rima meleret2 mcm karangan...hehehe..excited dok cite tak perasan terlbih pjg.hehehehe.im sure u lagi tere and can do it hehehe
wow! itu rezeki kak rima..
klau sy dok s'pore agknya sy order juga ngan akk..
klau sonia dah bsr boleh dia tlg kan..klau sy dekat sana maybe sy apply jadi tukang apa2lah yg akk sudi /nak sy buat..mesti best blja baking ngan akk..
My thoughts exactly.. si dah Sonia ni time dia tido lah mama dia boleh bake.. if bake cake tak pe.. senang bai tu.. nak bake cookies.. ape ape cookies lah harus ade banyak sabar.. kuih tart ni mana nak terap.. mana nak sepit, mana nak letak inti then baru boleh bakor dan nak pack.. aduhhh tak leh lah.. if only i hv a robot to do all that kahkahkah
Sometimes my cake do crack for whatever reason that i dont know.. they say if u dont want ur cake to hv a crack u hv to place a semi wet towel all around ur pan.. tie it.. pour ur batter into ur pan and bake it..
Honestly i think it all has got to do with the temp of ur oven.. try placing ur cake pan on the bottom layer instead..
Hehe Edi.. sub? dia dah specifically told my hb that she wants me to do it and get a part time maid to help me.. hehhe easier said then done.. betol tak? :op
LOL Melati.. nak baca pun terkial kial ape lagi nak bercakap loghat orang perak selatan.. ni dah terbelit lidah ku.. siapa nak tolong?? akuuuu jugak hahaha
Alahhh Farra.. unlike u.. i no longer hv the urge to take order..lagi lagi big order.. been there done that.. dah almost 10yrs now tak ambik order waktu raya.. ni pun if got order i ikut mood.. dah tua kot hahha
Memang betul Fara.. rezki jgn ditolak and sakit jng di jemput ahaksss.. at first tu macam nak jugak.. kira kira macam nak challenge diri sendiri but cannot lah.. impossible.. nak apply eh?? pls send in ur resume by tmrw kahkahkah
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