Venue: Dusseldorf
Weather: Hehehe.. snowing pretty heavily
Mood: Sehr Gut
Peak Agenda: Woot woot.. what da ya know.. i went on a hot date with hb today.. finally after so so long we get to walk in a park.. hand in hand just like the good old days.. phewweeettt muahahha..
Woke up pretty early.. half past 5 to be exact and nope i think i am so over the jet leg cos i slept thru.. yayyy.. i took a shower.. sholat and got to read all the comments.. hehhe i miss interacting with my blogger world friends.. funny isnt it.. how a few words in ur comment box will make u laugh and smile hehe.. ty guys.. i hope i will hv more time for blog walking while hb is at work but i guess thats not possible since i will be out and abt with my SIL and Sonia.. nevertheless i hope all of u guys are in good health..
So anyway back to my hot date.. today my SIL came over.. took Sonia off us and without further delay we were already walking hand in hand.. running.. singing.. hiding behind a tree in the park.. eekk hindustani film kah? Shahrukh Khan and Aishwarya Rai perhaps?? kahkahkah
We did our typical shopping.. went thru all the shops in town.. had our typical coffee break and only got home after a few hrs.. oh how time flies when u are having fun ahaksss.. we then decided to head back to the hotel when suddenly it started to snow heavily..
The snow has not stopped falling eversince..i guess this morning was the last day that we ever got to see the green grass in the park.. :o(

Hehhe getting ready for my big date..

Hmmmm babe.. whats with taking lots of pics fm the back?? hahaha

Ah huh Rima.. work it.. u can only do so when ur little Sonia is not around hahaha

Lots of ducks and swans by the lake... very lomentik lorrr haha

After Magrib.. it was time to take Sonia to the nearest market..

Earlier, where the grass was once green it is now covered in snow...

As always... typical Sonia.. and this time she didnt wanna to stop at just one ride.. she got to ride on it four times and still didnt wanna get down.. haizzz

Hehehe got to love this pic of me and Sonia.. its not always i get to take pic with my little princess..
Brrrr... kat sini sejuk juga Rima; only that the snow dah siap2 cair dari langit, har3.
Having a good time eh? You sure only Sonia wanted to ride on that horsey?? You sure?? ahaks..
That swans/ducks ... aaargh.. kita suka taw. OK then, take care ;-)
kahkahkah cik som u make me laugh lah.. bagus tu.. siap cair.. :op
Ye ler.. bila lagi nak naik horsey eh eh not horse.. tigerrrr hahah...
I know u like cos u told me when u saw pic of swan hiasan kat hb punya uncle hse in Vienna
mrng from nagoya....
cintan-cintun lagi...huhuhu....tak de gmbr pegang tangan ke?jgn mare....kita gurau je....
muakahkah.. siapa pulak nak ambik gambo kita if tengah pinpin tangan
What is it with our hubbies and taking multiple photos of our backsides eh? Must be because of our gorgeous shapely backsides yang menggiurkan, muahahaha.
btw. I really love the photo of you and Sonia on the carousel with the snow falling, memang cantik! hindustan movie lah konon..buat jealous je
lil sonia looks super cute in winter clothes. macam tak sejuk aje dia ek. cool aje muka dia. bestnya kalau dpt ikut. jadi babysitter pun takpe la... ehhh.. tapi job tu bibik dah amik plak.. haizz... btw how's ur flu? dah better or dah beku? ha ha...
very d romantic eh! wahahaha...x d gambar?..just take the hands photo lah! ekekeke.....
itu itik..waaaaaa, ku sudah lama x tgk itik...nampak dekat restoren aje..itu itik gantung..kah3....
so sweet...i pun suka time anak2 not date!!!i loike....
Wah!! So romantik..tapi tengok snow aje dah dapat rasakan betapa sejuknya di sana. Lagilah best nak snuggle - snuggle kan.
i loike parks! now thinking of ow to get to central park ny wt free accomodation....baking project??? make sense??
love all these photos!
ish penat i jegil jegil bijik mata nak tengok gambar u pimpin tangan romantika tuh tapi nan ada rupanya :D
anyway, sonia so comel..geram tengok
Bestnya! Agaknya kalau i kat situ ...dah jadi ice. Ur dotter looks so cute in her winter clothings.
salam rima,
wah sejuk2 kat sana bestlah honeymoon kan..wakakaka....
nasib baik ada sil, yang tolong jagakan beberapa jam, bolehlah berdating..hehe...u look very sweet dear and definitely doesnt look your age tau..ur hubby ada exhibition or conference kat dusseldorf tu?..and kalau exhibition can i know what is the exhibiton they having now?..bukan apa just kaypo2 tanya..maklumlah kita kan dulu2 buat exhibition..hehe..
sis.. takde gambar dating ke? eh.. sapala pulak nak snap yr pics :p
yr pic with sonia on the merry-go-round is so kawaii!!!
wah sungguh romantika gitu... great to hear u're having so much fun! rasa mcm nak nyanyi lagu jingle bells la pulak bila tengok snow tuuu...
wahhh..vely lomantikkk..jeless maaa... dah 3 tahun tak pernah kuar dating berdua dua an..hindustan sungguh!! hahahaa.. sangat suke pic yg last tu..u n sonia...cantikkkkk
Dah lepas balik dating tu i pi lah upload pics dah tu i asked him.. why u like to take pic of me fm behind?? he said cos u look better fm behind.. ouchhhh memang nak kena jotos hahahha..
Sis Wati aka Beauty
Jeles jgn tak jeles ok.. that day go bkk u get to go dating for 3 days okkkk hehe
kalau dah beku itew flu alangkah bagus.. meleleh aje macam budak hingus but kan thats bec the weather too cold.. am developing cough pulak but pelik only cough during night time..
She nampak tak sejuk but actually sejuk.. hidung pipi semua naik merah but we make sure she is well covered as in dress her up properly.. u tak tahu berapa lapis kat dalam itew jacket..
Kahkahkah Jun.. nasib kat singapore boleh jugak pi tengok itek and swan kat botanic garden but kan tak lah secantik itek kat sini.. well groom lah itek sini hahahha
Lomantik leeerrr.. dgn no guilt nye ku kata kan memang kadang tu harus anak anak ditinggal kan demi kebahagian suami isteri ahakkkss :op
LOL Mazlina.. snuggle?? tak yah wokey.. dgn baju yg tebal.. dgn kesejukan.. all u care abt is to get ur butt into a shopping mall yg sungguh warm and inviting hahaha
LOL KG.. who knows ey.. one fine day.. jgn lupa kan dakuuuuu wokey.. 20 sennnnn hahah
Mana adeeee.. if i berpinpin tangan i harus ask someone to take our pic tengah bersentuhan hahha
Ty and yep memang shiok anonymous... err do u go by any name :o)
Memang when she heard kita nak gi dusseldorf she dgn cepat pi book her ticket so that she can spend time with Sonia..
My hb ade oil and gas valves exhibition.. it is called valves world and it will last for 3 days starts fm today.. friday onwards dah yahoo yahoo lah kita cos dia dah mula clear his yearly leave for this year .. hehe sampai tahun baru..
Doesnt look my age but spare part kat dalam ni semua dah mula longgar.. badan dah sakit2 hahahha
hehhe mrs plain june...ty ty ..Kawaii indeed :o)
lol Edi.. u ni funny lah.. ingat u nak kata u rasa macam nak nyanyi hindustan cos konon lomantic rupenye nak nyanyi jinggle bell.. classs gitew hahhah
U tiga tahun.. akak kau ni dah 7 tahun tak gi park berdua duan.. berlari lari anak and main sembunyi belakang pokok hahahh
Wah syioknya bercengkerama dibawah sinaran bulan purnama...hehehz ;) ehhh salah di tempat yg sejuk, best u boleh cuddle, huggle, muggle (bahasa apa pun tak tau lah)
Panjangnya rambut u Rima, I used to have long hair like yours, tapi lepas give birth to Jannah asik keguguran rambut jer..terpaksa lah potong pendek. Dah tu dekat sini takde rebonding. Rambut I panjang, kalau tak rebond mcm singa lapar aaauuummm....hahahahaz
PS: I nak pinjam ur boots ni...kan slipper I putus :p
owhh... cough pulak... sian u... mesti tak lena tidur. take care ey...
nice pics...u luk luvly here with sonia. Nasib baik dis time takde
"flattering" pose like de one with her ystdy(jgn marah)...heehee.. But tak salahkan u rima coz nasib camerawoman slalu mcm tu..time orang tangkap our pics slalu turn out dgn mulut senget lah, as* melentik lah...haizz
Bila diberi chance ape lagi dgn cepat kita cabuttt hahah
I cannot hv short hair lah.. macam auntie fm yester years haah dah tu bila panjang harus di rebond once a year... not so bad lah gv me the reason to go treatment every month hehhe
Will do Yan! glad u found the coffee oil.. lain kan rasa nye "o)
What to do Laksa.. i take good pic of ppl.. ppl dont know how to take good pic me.. cheebahhhhhh.. yg benar bila orang take my pic i selalu tak reti diam.. tak suka pic being taken.. if pic taken w/o my knowledge tak pe heheh
Salam Rima,
wow u look gorgeous..anak dan mak jambu gitu....hehe...oh ada date...enjoy ur life Rima...moga kebahgiaan berkekalan hingga akhir hayat ok...itu Sonia manyak comel..dah besar nanti mesti jambu.
Rima, I couldn't agree more with Lemongrass, you look cun-melecun in your pic with Sonia, mcm anak dara hahaha...
I like your boots :).
hi rima..i dont hv ur email addy so tak dapat nak tanya u in private. what mixer do u use to adun ur kek lapis ? i heard fm a gfren Kitchen Aid is too small to accomdate the lapis adunan. Kenwood major tu harga meletops laah ! u can reply me via email tks Rima :)
Jambu batu adelah haha.. kita dah tua lah knur mana boleh sama dgn anak .. ty for ur doas.. semoga berkekalan hingga akhir hayat ameen
Ahem Murni.. mak dara lah tapi bukan mak dara kat cerita ibu mertua ku ok hehee..ty ni yg rasa macam kat atas kayangan bila orang puji hehhe..
its a simple boot that can keep my kaki warm.. i put away my leather boot for now cos too slippery :o(
Deedah u can simply contact me by clicking on the 'kontact me' on the top right hand corner of my blog.
I am using KA and i hv no probs mixing my kek lapis batter in it eventho most of my kek lapis recipe uses more than 30 egg yolks.. my previous mixer is keenwood chef.. no probs either...:o)
hi rima, wah bestnye dapat lating berdua mcm huch huch hota hai..
looking at the last pic.. terasa mcm tgk filem zaman black and it..
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah snow ... im going KL je tmr ...
Have an awesome holiday kak rima n family
I only have 6 words for you---WE R OREADY MIZZIN U GUYS!! Apa lagiii...balik copat, tukar uniform!! Hehe... Muacks Muacks..Li-Lin!
hi rima, been a silent reader 4 quite sometimes, just want to comment that of all your photos in this blog, i think the abv photo yang paling cantik sekali, love your beautiful, long hair & black hair.
Pewiiiitttt... K.Rima dapat dating. Good for you. Mesti nyanyi2 lagu hindustan skali kan? Hope u had a super fun day n will continue having it.. Take care..
Itew Huch2 hota hai story morey i like very much.. dulu sampai watch berulang kali..
Oldies pic for oldies ppl hehe
Ty Ilah.. KL also hol jugak cuma ade hujan aje hehe.. hv fun in KL and if makan itew burger ramli ingat lah daku haha
tell me abt it.. with my lips like this macam nak lari balik boo hooo
Ty Messy Mummy.. itew satu hari sudah habis lorrr.. hb dah work so tak leh kacau.. so no more nyanyi lagu hindustani haha
Ty Chan... must be the weather lahhh hahaha
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