My not so perfect Iphone cake..oh well.. we hv our days :o(
So ok heres the recipe that i used for this iphone cake..

First.. go online and look on how to do iphone applications..

Then its time to do some replica :op - ty hb for helping me to do some of it - am running out of time!!
Bake a double chocolate cake as the base.. whip up an overnight ganache.. whip up a batch of swiss meringue buttercream and ur set to embark on the journey to make ur first iphone cake!

Ingredients for double chocolate cake
Cake Ingredients:
8 eggs (A grade)
200g granulated sugar
150g flour
50g cocoa powder (I used valrhona)
130g butter, melted
1 tbsp black forest chocolate pasta toffieco
1 / 2 tbsp emulsifier (or u can add 2-3 egg yolk)
Chocolate ganache:
300 ml whip cream (I used double cream)
450g dark cooking chocolate (I used 55% and 64% valrhona)
50g butter (I added)
Decoration material / Topper according to taste
Make Cake:
- Preheat oven to 190 deg C
- Greased 3x 24cm cake pan (if ur making iphone use rectangular pan)
- Beat eggs, sugar, emulsifiers till thick and fluffy
- Add in sifted flour + cocoa powder a little at a time
- Pour the melted butter and cocoa paste, mix well
- Bake each pan for 20-25 minutes
- Lift, cool
Chocolate ganache:
- Using low heat. cook heavy cream till u see steam
- Pour warm cream into chopped chocolate - stir
Decoration material / Topper according to taste
Make Cake:
- Preheat oven to 190 deg C
- Greased 3x 24cm cake pan (if ur making iphone use rectangular pan)
- Beat eggs, sugar, emulsifiers till thick and fluffy
- Add in sifted flour + cocoa powder a little at a time
- Pour the melted butter and cocoa paste, mix well
- Bake each pan for 20-25 minutes
- Lift, cool
Chocolate ganache:
- Using low heat. cook heavy cream till u see steam
- Pour warm cream into chopped chocolate - stir
- Add in butter and continue to stir (omit if ur not using butter)
- Put in fridge, at least 3 hours (I let it sit overnight)
- Whip before u use.

To assemble:
- Take one cake layer, spread ganache, top with another layer of chocolate cake, spread ganache again and place the third layer of chocolate cake.
- Cover cake with remaining ganache, the more the merrier lol.. delicious!!
- Decorated according to taste

Source: Ningnong
- Put in fridge, at least 3 hours (I let it sit overnight)
- Whip before u use.

To assemble:
- Take one cake layer, spread ganache, top with another layer of chocolate cake, spread ganache again and place the third layer of chocolate cake.
- Cover cake with remaining ganache, the more the merrier lol.. delicious!!
- Decorated according to taste

To get black colour for ur iphone add a few drops of black wilton gel on ur ganache
To get grey on ur buttercream .. simply add a little of black wilton gel too..
Rima, that's one beautiful iphone. the best part is, it's edible! :)
Aww ty Sizuka.. wasnt at my best.. so it shows hehe
so nice!!!!! eka suka! cantik
Rimaa....once again..mat gebu..peenggsannnn!!!!..hahaha, happy birthday untuk anak bujang rima tu..Moga diberkati Allah swt..aminn...
Hehe ty Eka.. nak?? dah abis pong :op
Ty Mat and nahh ambik ni minyak kapak.. pi gosok hidung hahaha
wahh rima salute u ada tangan berseni heheheh nice job n may happy all the way to u n family amin,, im silent reader of ur blog heheheh
Tangan seni?? Muahaha tak lah seni sangat.. Sometimes pun i hantam sajelah haha
Ty for the wish :op
kak Rima..ria pn silent reader cm kak liza..bru hr ni tgerak nk type u..cntik gle kek tu..suke sgt kaler grey monday ni birthday my daughter..ingt nk try devil choc cake..msti best cheese combine dgn choc..
Hi Ria
Ty for leaving footprints :) any cake yg ade chocolate n cheese memang sedap banget hehe
Happy advance bday to ur daughter n gd luck baking si devils :op
*blink2* Oh me, oh my ..
Haha cik som dont blink2 nanti mata sakit :p
nak!! post lah..ekeke..
tapi da abes..hukhuk..
hehehe..cntik sgt..msti sedap nyum2...hehehe
salam kenal k.rima,
lv your blog n minta izin copy resepi ya. Cantik kek i-phone tu! Happy belated birthday to Hairi n get well soon ya! :)
Salam kenal salju ungu
Sila kan lah and let me know if bake anything yah..
Ty for the wish and yep i am feeling a little better today :o)
wah!!!! kak rima u are soooo creative sey!!! whooohooo!!! ur son is so lucky ...
Hehe habis muka dua sememeh satu hari tu sebab i got this idea to do him icake
Hi Kak Rima, i'd like to give this recipe a try (because it looks so menjilat jari) but what's the above-mentioned "black forest chocolate paste toffieco"? where can i purchase it or any alternatives for that ingredient?
thank you! :)
Hello helloooo.. u cant get it in sg or even in malaysia.. i got it fm Jakarta.. the best sub is chocolate paste.. good luck girl!
A very nice cake! But I want to know from what those application icons are made of? Is it a fondant or something else? I hope you answer me quickly. Thanks
Oh thanks, you published my comment, but I don't see any answer to that question :( I'm in a hurry, I need to know. You can also answer here, I guess you don't need my email orsmth. Thanks!
Hi "anonymous",
1) You should be taught to greet people first before asking them something.
2) You should leave your name if you want to be addressed.
3) When and how I reply is my decision - not yours.
4) If you are in such a hurry, figure it out yourself - just like I did.
5) There is no free meal in this world. If you want something be polite about it. If you cannot be polite and want something then pay for it.
Hello Rima!
I'm really sorry about not being as polite as you wanted. I thought it's not a problem when I asked a question without lots of politeness. I just wanted to know quickly how these application icons were made. Sometimes bloggers don't answer at a glance if there isn't told how quick the answer is needed, so I thought it may help me to get an appropriate answer from you.
As you said that I should have figured it out myself.. I just did! I found your blog, so it seemed to be the perfect place where to find it out, I just wanted your help. (I can do and search for my own chocolate cakes for base but the cover is something like that I haven't seen before and wanted to get some help, that's all) And that's why I chose you. I'm no doing it for a bad! I hoped you politely could give me some help.
And I want to be anonymous, because maybe, the person for whom I want to make this kind of a cake finds out that I have asked for help and then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore.
So know, I have talked a lot! Can you give me just some guidelines for finding the making of cover (if you don't want to tell me)?
I would appreciate it!
Hi P
I made the icons fm fondant with the colours achieved fm wilton colour gel
Hi Rima, this cake looks lovely :) I'm sure it has taken a lot of your time preparing it. Bravo for the hardwork. xoxo.
Hi Printhaa
With the help of hb.. i got it done quickly actually.. he helped me with some of the icon!
Masyallah Kak..Kalau I tak sanggup u buat icon2 tu sume...
U r so detail.
Cantik.....How I wish I can do that. My girl tengah mintak I princess cake for her birthday. Geezz! Bukannya I pandai LOL...Mintak la cake simple2. Syg nye pasal kena try la kan...
Kadang cos of anak kita lah .. kita jadi rajin nak mencuba.. princess cake tu nak kena byk kesabaran,, same dgn this cake or even spongebob.. no harm trying.. all the cake u see here in my blog.. also baru first time buat.. insyallah whichever yg u pilih akan menjadi one,.
Hi Rima!! look thru ur cakes n cookies,u inspired me!!! hey,im sooo gonna make this cake but not iphone design lah..hehhehe..making it for my bestfriend! I'm sooo gonna surprise her with this CAKE!! Thanks rima!!
Baking with <3 <3
Hi Rima, juz wana ask,wat is black forest pasta toffieco tu?? mana nak dapat?
Baking with <3 <3
Baking with love
well good luck dear! that BF paste u can get it fm my online store.. tks!
Salam kenal Rima,stumbled upon your blog and has never turned back since... sampai sekarang hari hari nak jengok. Love everything about this blog. BTW, kalau order from your online store, deliver ke? Im a bit puzzled. Kat mana u located?
Salam kenal KNoor and ty for coming to my humble blog.. i am in singapore so where ever u want it to be deliver.. we will.. err except for my bakes ahhh hehe
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