No energy to type.. completely drained.. i will let the pics do the talking yah.. overall it was a simple family affair.. Happy birthday son.. Savour each moment cos they go by so quickly! I hope u had a blast!

Coincidentally today is Alysha bday too.. oh wow its been a year ey.. i remember i baked her a 2 tier strawberry shortcake cake last year lol

Nothing fancy... simple and nice...

As always.. the bbq men are in the hse hehe- - we had chicken, prawns, squid, stingray, hotdogs and mussels

Mom and dad came a little late.. after baca doa selamat.. it was time to cut the cake.

Family.. cherish em.. love em... oh u wanna know why I decided on an iphone cake?? cos someone aka girl/tomboy.... stole/snatched Hairi's Iphone last weekend.. sorry son.. i gave u an Iphone last Christmas.. this year u get an ICake muahahha
hi rima
the iphone cake looks nice and i love the grey swirl tuh
btw, hairi doesn't look 20 ;-)
macam 16 je...and happy birthday to hairi ye!
Hi, lovely gathering. gud idea and funny .... iphone cake for Hairi. Lucu sekali. iphone nya di copet dan diganti dgn iphone kek. Bagus banget.
Happy birthday Hairi. May your life be always blessed.
Very pretty iphone cake Rima! I would have loved to be there to eat all your gorgeous looking food, heheheh.
thanks for the gathering sis and also for letting alysha cut the cake to..anyway it was a good and fun gathering i would have say hehehe
Happy Birthday Hairi. Best la dapat mak cam you ni.
Salam Rima,
Remember me?? I was the one with the chiffon cake dilemma...hehehez. I did managed to bake a chiffon cake successfully using the non stick pan tapi drpd recipe from CMG punya blog. Since then, i've been a silent reader on ur blog and have been checking out ur blog everyday....hehehez.
Finally, i've decided to create a blog after attempting the cake lapis economical recipe. Alhamdullilah, menjadi walaupun tak secantik u punya cake. First time in my life seh buat cake lapis....weeeiiii. Check out the pics dkt my blog :)
InsyaAllah nxt attempt is the triple choco cake for my hb's bday on 14th nov. Tks for all the recipes and tips...luv ur blog ;)
PS. My daughter pon suka Ben10. yg paling hb is feeding her with all the toys. Byk arh Ben10 toys dia, kereta lah, figurines lah, bola arh mcm2. And both of them watch the Ben10 cartoon together....hhmmmz what can I say hehehez.
Ty.. Ahakss like mother like son tak?? we get away with our age all the time hehehe
Bagus ya?? hahaha.. when he got home fm camp muka dia masam bangat.. maklum di copet.. then pagi semalam mama dia thought an iphone cake wud be funny.. so instead of buying him another one.. i baked him an Icake hahaha
owwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. *pjg tak owhh aku?? kikiki... inikah dier si hairi iteww? bujang dah anak ko rim.. tak lama lagi dpt menantuuuu.. jgn lupe jemput aku taw! kekeke.. epi besday hairi! untung ade mak pandai deco kek gtu! kellezzzzzzzz...hentah apa gaya klu aku buat! hahaa
He said ty auntie hehe.. that Iphone cake not that perfect cos pagi baru mak dia terhegeh2 nak bake the cake.. colour my fondant, shape em.. ice the cake.. dah tu bila kesuntukan masa.. jadinye.. haizzz but its ok lah.. penting cake habis and the look on his face bila he saw the ICake hehe
No worries sis.. kata deepavali haha
Hairi says thank u auntie!
Woah Anie.. congrats on ur new blog and congrats cos u bake lapis without any probs.
Kadang chiffon cake ni ikut musim..sometimes jadi.. sometimes tak jadi.. sometimes nak kena try recipe orang lain baru menjadi.. keep up the good work.. good luck on TCCC
Ben 10 fever is everywhere lah :o)
Ty auntie Hana
Alahhh Hana.. next time i get to buat ICake akan ku buat dgn sempurna nye.. siap dgn headset lagi muahahah
Eh ape menantu.. no no.. i dont want to be a grandmama yet muakahkahkah.. lepas national service harus pi further study dulu or kerja baru ingat nak ade mat tahir haha
Salam Rima
Happy birthday Hairi!meriah majlis mkn2 keluarga..bbq pun ada..
canggih kek I phone Rima buat tu.....hope dpt mengubat hati birthday boy yg kecurian I phone.
Ty for the wish auntie! Meriah if family berkumpul.. Biarpun sederhana hehe
Cake for boys ni limited so since iphone dia kena snatched i buat kan iphone cake lah pulak :)
Tank kiu tank kiu tank kiu tank kiu.... Way more can we say!!!! Muacks... Li Lin
Nothing.. Much appreciated .. :op
Rima..but you look so young!!! Apa rahsianya awet muda tu?-mazlina( silent reader yang terkezut!!!)
Happy bday Hairi.
Mama, congrat..U make mabeles cake
Rahsia ku adalah rahsia mu hehehe.. tak lah look young.. tu camera yg buat i look young hehe
Ty Adnazthie.. lama tak datang sini.. hope u sihat sihat..
salam rima..
gud wishes for the bday boy! I suppose it's only expected that yr quick witted mind wud come up with this iphone cutting those bakery bought cakes!!
hairi also more hensem now eh. Rima.. jgn kasi hairi bawak balik Mat Tahir pse. Kang pengsan u kalau dia kenalkan u ngan Mat instead of Minah Tahir ...heehee
Huh?? lol matair not mat tahir
Well i had to think fast.. its either gonna be guitar cake, motorbike or iphone cake and since dia baru kehilangan i thought an iphone cake wud be fun.. I'm lucky that my pantry i stock up every single week.. so selagi selagan pun i ade hehe
Happy belated b'day.
Ty babybaluga.. :o)
Tak jemput Aaron Aziz ke?? Ahaks..
Happy belated bday to Hairi. Bujangmu n daraku sama umur :-) TAPI erk erk I taklah semuda you.
Nak kepo nih.. Hairi dpt hadiah apa dari mamanya??
Cik som
Siapa lah saya? Ahakss
Kita waktu muda gatal tu sebab at a tender age of 22 dah dapat hairi muahaha
Tak kasi hadiah pun.. Bila overseas aje belikan dia macam2 benda.. Birthday kasi duit aje.. Nanti christmas my hb sure gv him something special..
The Icake rocks! errr, i order boleh? too complicated to bake..hehehe actually malas punya pasal la kan.
oowwhhh, hairi looks so awet muda just like his darling mummy :)
Boleh aje Maya.. Icake boleh.. Iphone pi order kat kedai hehehe
Hairi also looks young for his age.. Tks to good genes ey.. tu yg rambut braiding is my youngest sister.. she looks like 16 but actually dah ade anak 2 and shes 33yrs old.. :o)
Kak Rima,
You sure your son is 20? He looks like budak sekolah menengah. Like 15 or 16. Like that u have to tell him nak cari gf kena yg lagi awet muda dr dia. Hehehe..
Your cake is wonderful!! I would not eat that, just cuci mata or may be the other situation.. I will eat alone, no sharing is caring..Hhahaha..
To Hairi, Happy Belated Bday! May happiness be around you-ALWAYS!
Ty messy mummy.. When ur only 20 n u look younger than ur age.. U tak de perasaan pong but kalau dah tua kerepot macam mamanye bila orang kata kita nampak young.. Wiweeeett kembang setaman muahaha
Hi Rima,
Tks for replying ;) I ni mesti terlalu excited sgt lah nk leave a comment here. Sampaikan bday hb sendiri pun boleh salah date...hehehez mcm maner boleh taruk 14th eh padahal 13th? :D
My kek lapis ada benjol bila I bake the last layer...oven terlalu panas lah biler I baked the last layer and some layers ada air pockets sbb I takut nak tekan kuat2...I tekan manja2 ajer....hehehez.
Alamak u dah bocorkan rahsia umur u...i kena address u as kak rima nxt time bcos i as 'young' as ur sister ni :) Tapi u mmg lah nampak awet muda. Ni mesti selain drpd beli BF paste kat jakarta ada jugak seludup jamu awet muda to SG eh?....hehehez ;) Anyway thumbs up for all ur entries and happy belated bday to Hairi....(ghairah sgt last time sampai lupa nak wish) LOL!!!
Hope ur w/end was great :)
hi Rima!
wantes to txt u but tk jumpa plak ur email..rasa mcm ada itu hari;-)
errmmm nk bgtau! actually i nk try bake your pandan layer cake semalam but then telur tinggal 11 biji je, so i baked the lapis hawflakes and owhh sedapnya!! i love it so much...looks like esok esok nk kena try pandan layer cake pulak...i ni memang gilakan layer cakes!
btw, thanks for the recipe and for inspiring me to bake layer cakes pulak :D
hahaha all this while borong sakan tiap kali ke kuching ;-)
LOL Anie.. nasib dia tak tahu.. if not pun tak pe lah .. if they lupa kita punya bday or hari kawin.. nahas hehehe
U can tekan a little harder to get rid of the air pocket or u cucuk dgn lidi to flatten it ok :o)
Alahhh tak adrs i as kak rima also can.. i very the chin chai one.. eh sungguhhhh i tak pernah makan jamu.. my body cannot take it.. if makan sure akan demam.. eheheh alasan alasan
Anyway ty for the wish.. Hairi suruh i reply to all the aunties that he appreciates it :o)
Congrats congrats.. senang kan once u get the hang of it.. if beli rasa tak se shiok u bake.. kira kira not only u save cost.. u know exactly ape u letak kat cake u. :o)
No worries .. if that makes others happy.. it makes me feel berbaloi for sharing the recipe and my knowledge abt baking :o)
Lorrrr!! Kena stole JFK iphone bujang Akak, neway sori lmbt sikit sampai kat n3 ni sbb wing kappa terbabg yg satu tercabut wakakaka..... Happy besday to u hairi!! Semoga aa yg dihajati termakbul insyaAllah! Wow!! I loike that I cake!!
LOL ty Ijah.. biar lambat asal selamat hehe
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