OMG this is H.E.A.V.E.N.. I just had it for breakfast!! muahahahaa

Soooo this is Banoffe Pie.. ohhhh gosh.. a simple desert and yet so so fulfilling.. It is an English desert that has a dreamy combo of toffee aka dulce de leche, crumbly base, bananas and whipping cream.. Banoffe Pie is said to be a favorite at Buckingham Palace too and since hb is not an english guy i only piped in a thin layer of whipping cream cos he hates any cake that uses lots of whipping cream .... in fact hb had a slice without the whipping cream last night. I bet later after he comes home fm his course I will be able to convert him into liking whipping cream muaakakakaaahh

I used my new deep tart pan that i bought in Jkt for this pie simply cos i had planned to use lots of bananas and a bottle of dulce de leche that i got as a gift each time hb's Argentinian supplier is in town.. mmmmmm HAVANA.. how i miss that cafe... i miss their coffee.. i miss their chocolate.. i miss flying on a 30 odds hrs flight to Argentina... eerrrr NOT!!!

Ok ok back to my banoffee pie.. lets do this together.. close ur eyes.. dream that ur in Buckingham Palace.. eating a slice of this pie with a cup of tea.. muahahahha.. dreammmm onnnn.. no need to close ur eyes.. prepare the dough, chill it, roll it, bake it, slice bananas, pour toffee, chill it, pipe whipping cream and drizzle it with melted chocolate or use chocolate shaving..chill it again and chomp chomp ur pie hehe

300g flour
150g unsalted butter - diced
5 Tbs sugar
2 egg yolks
3 Tbs cold water

Combine the flour, butter and sugar in the food processor and process until well mixed. Then mix in the egg yolks and process in small bursts until the mixture appears crumbly. Add the water a little at a time. As the crumbs get larger, turn the motor off and check that the pastry will come together when pressed between your fingers. Turn the mixture on to a clean board or bench and work very gently into a ball. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Roll out the dough to line 20-22cm flan or loose-bottomed tart tin, prick the base of the pastry with fork several times. Set aside for 30 minutes. (i used a deep 24cm tart tin)
Preheat the oven to 180C. Line the base of the pastry with baking paper and beans, bake blind for 12-15 minutes or until the pastry turns golden brown. Remove the paper and beans. (Return the pastry base into the oven for 5 minutes or until the base becomes dry.)
75g butter
50g brown sugar
3 Tbs milk
300g sweetened condensed milk
(I didnt do the filling and uses my dulce de leche instead)
2 firm bananas (I used 10 hehe)

300ml cream (I used double cream)
1 1/2 cup white chocolate curls OR grated white chocolate (I used lindt chocolate curl)
Place the butter and sugar in a non-stick pan and heat gently until the butter melts and the sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil and simmer for one minute, stirring continuously using a wooden spoon. Remove from the heat and add the milk and condensed milk. Return to the heat and bring to the boil. Allow to gently bubble for 5-6 minutes, stirring continuously until the mixture thickens and turns a light golden brown. Cool slightly.

Cut the bananas and put them on the base of the pastry. Pour in the caramel mixture. Leave to cool then chill for at least 2 hours. Serve topped with the whipped cream, spooned or spread over the caramel, and the grated chocolate. (You can always use your piping bag and noozle! Feel free to use nuts instead if u like).
"chomp..chomp?" .. kedengarannya seperti you're calling my nickname aje.
Gosh Rima, tak baek tau..
Niway, since you dah ada Havana tu, you dont need to boil condensed milk for long to make the caramel; or rather you memang tak guna condensed milk, is it??
OHHH i love banofee pie sooo much!!!
must try this la..dulu pernah buat but i just use digestive biscuits je for base..yours nampak laaagi best!
emmm telan air liur je ni hikhik
huwaaaaa.... lama sudah aku tak buat ini banoffe! sangat sedappp! tp mslahnya aku yg kene abeskan satu loyang! hahahahaa... camne la aku tak gemok erk rim erk? kahkahkahkah
Babe that is a seriously yummeh banoffe..just looking at the pics makes my mouth water.. ni mortuary opis sejuk gilosss...kalo ai dapat makan tu sepotong with that hot cuppa...i shall be in heaven...yeahbedah-bedu !!!!!!!!!
but ai dun not want to have to make dulce de leche..where to get ready-made my friend?
" OMG this is H.E.A.V.E.N.. I just had it for breakfast!! muahahahaa "
Sis, I thought you cool jerr. but you actually C.R.U.E.L ahh.. sikit ahhh.. wuuuaaahhhhh!!!! (",)
adussssss meleleh tgk xhingat punye kekeke
this looks absolutely inviting, I love DDL, I am going to make this someday! Thanks for sharing.
ah always know how to make my day....if only i'm nxt to you even better dari beri recipe sahaja, he he....and i want tt dulce de leche...abt the only reason tt i hv been postponing trying this.......i loved banoffee pie....mmmmmm....
sis y you make nak tapi cokelat yelah
Cik Som
Tak ah.. i very the baik tau.. thats why i share the recipe so that u can also menikmatinye for breakfast tmrw hehehe
If u dah ade dulce de leche u tak yah buat filling nye.. but if u tak de and malas nak boil itew susu pekat for 5hrs u buat filling toffee tu pun kira ok lah
Zarin u can either use digestive biscuit or pastry base.. i rasa if u pakai pastry base rasanye lagi ori tak?? heheh
Hana.. kok kat gambar nampak macam slim aje.. eh jangan bedek ah.. mana ade gemuk.. if u makan itew pie sendiri pun masih boleh lagi maintain keayuan mu cheeeebahhhh..
LOL Babe.. macam flinstone pun ade bila u buat yabedabeduuu hahaha.. i heard u can get it ready made kat cold storage but ah just now i went to centrepoint punya CS.. tak dak pong.. maybe only kat specialities punya supermarket kot..
I will let u know if i see one ok..
Hehehe if i CRUEL i tak akan share resepi tau.. gambar aje berlambak lambak kasi orang telan air liur bila tengok gambar.. :)
If u nak sila lah datang.. akan ku beri sekeping haha
Farah jng lupa lap lantai.. nanti lecak pulak haha
No worries Jess... i get a few big bottles in one go and if i dont think of a way on how to get rid of it bef its expiry date i will feel guilty cos he was kind enough to hand carry it fm Argentina especially for me..
Try this pie cos its super awesome!
Awww KG .. If u jadi my neighbour u sure will blame me if u gain weight but again u can afford to gain one.. u very slim mah
Anyway if u cant find DDL in KL u pi masak itew susu pekat for 5hrs .. mau mau mood nak makan si pie itu pun boleh hilang cos u can only taste it next day hehehe
Eh eh beauty.. adakah kamu ni tak nampak.. tang mana yg ade add coffee?? muahahaha
Baru perasan baca resepi memalam nih..u use 10 pisang eh...must be pisang kementot..near raffles place ada jual pisang kementot from that fruit stall Sun I guessed u pakai pisang kementot kan..kihkihkih..
ni baru balik from my MIL, my SIL bawak kucing gatal dia..baru adopt from SPCA..bukan main gatal tu kucing nak meleseh kat kaki ai..ishhhh heran ai, asal kucing2 ni sumer nak menggatal ngan si penakut cam ai...
LOL Babe.. kita pisang kementot tak main ah... haha.. eh seriously.. i used the normal pisang.. kan i kata i use the deep pie dish .. i memang plan nak pakai banyak pisang in my pie.. lagi sedap..
All kucing very the gatal one.. especially when its on heat hahaha
OMG! That looks sinfully delicious!!! I will definitely make that at my next dinner party! I think they will look awesome in little canape size! You've inspired me!
Yep u shud.. its delicious and its presentable.. ur guest will love u for this!
hi rima, ur pie looks so yummy.... anyway ada different ke basic food processor and the expensive one? blade food processor utk buat pastry/cake macam mana le rupenyer?
Same aje actually.. I hv not invested in one.. will get one during kitchen aid warehouse sale :o)
hiii sis rima, im always intai2 ur blog everyday. actually i want to cntct u personally to ask about valrhona chocolate buat i dont how to get u :)). till terlintas thru this comment. eena nak turun s'pore this november. dont mind tak if u can guide me where's the place i cud get this chocolate? kak rima can we cntct thru gmail or smthing email - - :) tq
Hi Eena
My email adrs is
When will u be in S'pore??
saya tak penah buat kek atau dessert guna pisang. dan tak pernah terlintas nak buat til i saw ur pie. iskk... sedap eh? takleh bayangkan lah. rupa dia mmg menggiurkan...
i email u already. next month insyaAllah :)
U mean u tak pernah pun buat banana cake or muffin.. ishhhh sedap tauuu.. lagi lagi si mr pie ni.. cuba lah :o)
yup, tak penah buat cake or muffin yg guna banana. goreng pisang slalu laa.. tu la... tgk ur pie tu, iskk... lawo sungguh.
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