Time: 10:20pm
Weather: 8 deg
Venue: Verona, Italy
Mood: Am feeling much better.. ty for the well wishes.. i rested well and i had a good sleep.. finally my body is adapting to the time here and guess what? hubs got the flu bug and thank goodness.. hes didnt catch the fever bug.. show must go on.. he still goes to work at half past 7 and comes home at 6..
Peak Agenda: I woke up as early 6am.. performed my morning prayers and prepared brekkie for the family.. i really love the idea of staying in an apartment if we hv to stay in a place for a longer period of time.. when hubs goes to work.. i dont hv to go out to get something to fill our tummy.. all i need to do is to feed Sonia and she will be one happy girl..
This entry is gonna be filled with lots of pics... i decided that today might be a better day to take out my camera since its predicted that for the next few days.. there will be some light showers.. so sit back and enjoy the pics taken today.. cheers!
Verona (Italian pronunciation: [veˈroːna] (listen); Venetian Verona, pron. Veròna) is a city in the Veneto, northern Italy, with approx. 265,000 inhabitants and one of the seven chef-lieus of the region. It is the second largest city municipality in the region and the third of northeast Italy. The metropolitan area of Verona covers an area of 1,426 km2 (550.58 sq mi) and has a population of 714,274 inhabitants.[1] It is one of the main tourist destinations in northern Italy, owing to its artistic heritage, several annual fairs, shows, and operas, such as the lyrical season in the Arena, the ancient amphitheatre built by the Romans - wikipedia
It is also one of the most aristocratic, beautiful, full with interesting sight-seeings towns in Europe. The River Adige runs through it at a leisure pace, creating two great loops which reflect the city`s magnificent monuments.. it is the 2nd longest river in Italy after the River Po
Every single time i step out of our main door, i will gv a quick glaze at the name of the pizza bar that is opp our apartment. thank goodness for that or i will get lost.. pic abv was bef hubs and us part our ways :o(
"Because of its geographical position Verona is often called “the gateway of Italy”. - fully agree cos where or whenever u turn.. there will be small lanes which will lead u to somewhere.. my advice.. equip urself with the latest map cos the ones that the host gave to me was somehow .. inaccurate :o(
Piazza delle Erbe is a colored fruit and vegetable market with its group of huge sun umbrellas, surrounded by historic buildings and monuments.
Madonna Verona? hahaha.. there were many Japanese tourists while we were there and all i cud hear them say was ... "Kawaiiiii"... and then Sonia got confused: "Why are all these people taking pictures of me?.."
The northern side of the square is occupied by the ancient town hall, the Torre dei Lamberti, the Casa dei Giudici ("Judges Hall") and the Mazzanti Houses. The western side, the shortest one, features the Baroque Palazzo Maffei, decorated by statues of Greek gods. It is faced by a white marble column, on which is St. Mark's Lion, symbol of the Republic of Venice.
The north-western side occupies the site of the ancient Roman Capitol Hill, which looked towards the Forum. Numerous of its buildings facing the square have maintained façade frescoes. On the southern side is the Casa dei Mercanti ("House of the Merchants", also known as Domus Mercatorum), now the seat of the Banca Popolare di Verona. Other buildings are reminiscent of medieval tower-houses.
The square's most ancient monument is the fountain, surmounted by a statue called Madonna Verona, which is however a Roman sculpture dating to 380 AD. Also historical is the capitello (where Sonia is standing in), dating to the 13th century, during which it was used for several ceremonies, including the oath of the city's medieval podestà and pretors. Towards Via Cappello is another column, with a 14th century aedicula with reliefs of the Virgin and the Saints Zeno, Peter and Christopher. - wikipedia
After we were done with Piazza delle Erbe.. Sonia and I saw a small lane which later lead us to this park.. i dont know what it is called but it was enough to keep my girl occupied lol
Ishhhh... dont know what to say abt this girl lol.. anyway right after that.. we decided to walk back to look for Juliet's balcony..
When we talk about the town of Verona everybody mentions Arena di Verona and the Romeo and Juliet`s love story... well I thought i shud make an effort to show the famous Juliet's balcony to Sonia since she was still a baby when i first took her here..
"The city is known throughout the world as the setting for the star-crossed love affair of Romeo and Juliet the characters in Shakespeare`s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”. The memory and the image of the balcony onto which Juliet stepped out to talk to her beloved Romeo, the tomb on which their bittersweet affair was finally burnt out, the tormenting reminder of a beautiful yet tragic love story will linger on above all. A story and a tradition which have given Verona the name “city of love”.
Did she show any interest when i tried to tell her abt Romeo and Juliet? hehehe nahhhh she was too busy running in and out of the nearby shop where the sales person later got her name sewn on a cloth lol
Yes my dear... we can see that - attention span - zilch!! hahaha
The Capulet’s House (Casa di Giulietta) has a balcony, a courtyard and a bronze statue of Juliet. For good luck, stroke Juliet’s breast on the bronze statue. If you write your name and your loved-ones name on the wall, it is believed that your love will be everlasting... hmmmm and if you're caught its a 1 year jail term of EUR1,038 fine.... why 38?? GST?? hahaha.. anyway.. I guess nobody cares... what is love compared to one year in prison right? hahaha
Absorbing the atmosphere bef walking towards the Arena :o)
The Verona Arena is a Roman amphitheater in Piazza Bra in Verona, Italy, which is internationally famous for the large-scale opera performances given there. It is one of the best preserved ancient structures of its kind. - Wikipedia
... i forgot what was so funny when i told her to pose lol
One last pose infront of Arena di Verona bef she whisked me into the lane that lead us to the shopping district.. oh yes.. she got what she wanted alright... saw a Disney store and her mama is poorer by 60 euros :op
Alrighty.. tmrw i dont intend to take my camera out since i hv to go to a few shops that i didnt get to go in today and guess what? i bumped into a shop thats sells stuff exactly like Tatty Marsh but double the quantity.. their cake stands .. uh la la!

Rima, so envy, wish I can be there too lol.
Jess.. come! we can go walk walk together .. i hv yet to sit down and hv any of their dessert/cakes
Alhamdulillah...glad to know you've recovered.The pictures are awesome.Especially those of Sonia...
Nanti jgn lupa show off that beautiful cake tier ya..
Take care dear Rima and TQ...
mmg kawaiii! mek siam mesti setuju.. kan jah.. :)
sonia dh mcm josie and the pussycats. sume gmbar comel2 blaka. mama dia x nk posing mcm pic no. 7 tu ke...hehe.
alamak..so cute la sonia :)
Salam Rima.Glad 2 hear u're ok,luv looking @ yr piixs & reading yr stories.Nk tanya bout the english fruit cake tu,if i nk bake sekali je muat loyang size apa ye?Tastewise mana lg sedap?this or d steamed version?So far i only stick to CMG's recipe coz every1 luv it.Tq n enjoy yr hols tc
the cake stand yg ku aim aim tu 45 euros.. kat sg selling S$129.. harus kah ku ankut benda berat tu.. its kaca huhu - thinking mode dari pagi lagi
hehehe eh dah lama tak dgr berita mek siam.. hope shes well..
muahaha no need ok.. dah tua tua ni.. buat aper gaya pun macam dah tak kena gaya hahaha..
ty super semangat!
u can use 8" pan.. it will gv u a tall cake.. cantik.. bake it slightly longer tho..
Cannot compare steam and bake ones... diff recipe.. diff cara.. i love em both.. any cake yg berbuah memang sedap kann
super duper cute la sonia ni..
Kak rima, mesti i nak komen bab verona. Pergi jugak ya rumah juliet. He he he, balkoni tu tetap tak berubah.. Seperti tahun 1998.. That seemed ages. Cantik all the pictures and the " models" too.. All the gerai2 tepi jalan mcm dulu kala jugak. You should get all the tapestries and embroidered materials... Cantik2. Take care, kak rima..
Salam Kak Rima,
Semoga sekeluarga selalu diberikan kesehatan supaya puas menikmati liburannya. Suka semua picturesnya. Serasa berada di sana pula. Apalagi Sonia, cantik sekali...suka gayanya. Very stylish...siapa dulu mamanya *wink*
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