Not one.. not two.. not three lol.. pls dont ask me how many i can munch in one sitting cos really i know there are certain things that i cannot forgo... i bake so its natural for me to hv my cravings fix once in a while.. its dangerous .. i know.. but hey.. am entitled to eat what i bake .. No? hehe
Sonia loves it to bits... Hairi took a bite straight fm the fridge and said.. "omg mama.. it tastes like those Sara Lee chocolate cakes".. took 5pcs more and walked to the living room.. hubs ate the same amt in one sitting... really... need i say more?? hahaha... ty ty ty Hesti for successfully convincing me to gv Ny Liem brownies kukus recipe a try.. when it comes to steamed brownies.. i am true to one recipe but this one is the boom... super duper awesome!
Bake it... bake it... bake it.... or shud i say.. steam it.. steam it.. steam it lol.. i will definitely be munching on it it again later muahaha
- 6 eggs
- 225g caster sugar - i used 230g
- 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp emulsifier
- 125g flour - i used cake flour
- 50g cocoa powder - i used cocoa berry
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 175 ml oil - i used 100ml canola oil and 65ml unsalted butter
- 100g dark cooking chocolate - i used valrhona 55%
- 1/2 tbsp black forest paste - i added
- 75 ml condensed milk
- Prepare steamer and grease ur 8" pan... place baking pan in ur steamer for 10mins.
- Melt butter and add in oil.. add in dark chocolate and mix till chocolate is melted - set aside
- On a stand mixer.. whisk (A) till fluffy - ribbon stage.
- Fold in sifted (B) lightly and mix it till well combined.
- Add in (C) and continue to mix till well mixed.
- Pour out 100g of batter and mix it with (D)
- Weigh ur remaining batter and divide it into two.
- Pour one part of batter into ur pan and steam it for 10mins.
- Pour all of the condensed milk mixture and continue to steam for 5 mins.
- Pour the second part of ur batter into ur pan and continue to steam for a further 30mins.
- Once done.. take it out of the steamer and let it cool.. slice and place it in ur fridge.
Please take note that u shud use medium fire to steam ur brownies.. or else you will get an undulating surface...

Rima, I used to dislike steamed cake until I tried
one steames chocolate cake n I love it to bits, going to post soon. Since now I ve changed my concept on steam cake, I m going to try ur steam brownie :)
u shud lah dear... this one is much more richer and moist.. eat it while its cold.. shiok hehe
Salam Kak Rima
Ya Allah... Tergolek ku tgk... And coincidentally im craving for choc cake, tapi malas nak buat malam2 nie. So before i balik from work tadi, i bought sara lee nye choc cake... Nie tgh makan la nie... Takpe, just imagine im eating one from those awesome pictures of urs.... Bahahaah.... ;))
u know dulu i used to buy sara lee all the time.. tu semua kerna hairi suka banget makan cake sara lee yg sejuk.. i dont know if he still does lah but its been awhile since i last bought us sara lee.. i think dah more than 10yrs tau.. so bila hairi ngap and commented that way.. hati mama dia berbunga dahhh hahaha.. tak per.. besok .. lusa.. time free u can take out ur steamer and try and buat this brownies kukus.. enak banget.. am thinking of baking it again this weekend lah.. esok macam nak buat.. hmmm... hmmmm hahaha.. tak habis habis.. oven mintak ampun! kahkahkah
What a great recipe!
Thanks so much :)
Salam Rima...semua ni buat knur rindu steamed brownies from Bandung.Never been to Bandung tapi frens always brought back for me...sedappp...nanti one fine day I'll try your recipe,nmpak sungguh LAZAT..
Rima,masa kat London baru ni knur visit Primrose Bakery...cupcakes and victoria sponge cakenya sungguh yummehhhh...Lily ate two carrot cupcakes in one go..If,one day you happen to be there,pay them a visit dear..berbaloi..
TQ Rima for the recipe..
Yipppiiieeeee *sambil menari nari* senang Kak Rima suka resepnya. Kayaknya pingin buat lagi lihat foto foto cantik Kak Rima, yummmm!!
Kak Rima...
ni ke final product yang terhasil masa u post the batter picture kat dalam FB tu?
really tempting la....harus ku cuba jugak ni!
Rima, Btw can I omit emulsifier? thanks.
Salam Rima,if i were to use oil only,how do i add the choc?Melt the choc first then add to oil or heat the oil then add the choc.Tq
No worries Higley.. enjoy!
that place yg menguna kan pound memang ku tak pernah pergi.. asal nak pergi ajer ku teringat akan exchange rate nya hahaha
Insyallah.. musti mau cuba victoria sponge cake.. sure yummeh kahhh
Buat ah kNur.. memang sedap brownies kukus ni.. memang rasa dia mirip dgn si brownies kat bandung tu
ya adooo.. semua yg makan kata kan enak banget.. ku simpan separuh buat hujung minggu ini.. anak bujang ku mau bawak kawan kawan nya beraya dirumah :o)
ah ah lah Asilah... this is the end product.. cepat ajer buat nya.. tak complicated at all :o)
its best if u add in emulsifier.. i think u can add more egg yolk if u decided not to add emulsifier.. dont know how many more tho :o(
just add both together and heat and stir it slowly till ur chocolate melt.
hehehe.. i take it as a compliment :o)
Hi rima!!
Luuuvvv ur pics! Sj nak tanye if steam, penutup steamernye harus ditutup dgn kain ke? Atau biarkan sj? sbb selalu baca klu steam mesti dibalut penutupnye takut ir ap tu jatuh...thanks alot- ila
Kak rima.. Black forest paste tu nk dpt kat mana eh? Den leh dgn paste lain Tk?
Steamed brownies??? WOW, they look awesome sis! Happy Raya :)
thanks Rima.
Hi Rima, sorry just 1 quick and slightly embarrassing question, but do I have to cover the plan with a cloth or foil while steaming? Have never tried steaming cakes before so pardon my 'noob' question. thanks a lot! - Jessie
Sorry Ila for my late reply
To Ila and Jessie
yes u hv to cover it with cloth to prevent steamed water fm dripping onto ur cake.. remember to use medium fire ok and place ur baking pan in ur steamer and let it steam for a couple of mins bef u pour ur batter... another tip.. pls dont take ur baking pan out of ur steamer.. just open the lid.. pour batter and close ur lid again.. once ur cake is done (last steps) take ur pan out of the steamer and let it sit on ur counter top to cool it..
if u dont hv it.. u can just leave it out.. its not necessary.. i added it cos i followed the old steamed brownie recipe.. OR u can add chocolate paste if u want :o)
Ty for the wish LOVE...
Kak Rima,
Kek ini sangat sedappppppp. Melea dah buat Dan mmg nak buat lagi dan lagi dan lagi :))))
Thank u Kak rima. Semoga Allah sentiasa memberikan kesihatan yg baik buat Kak Rima sekeluarga Dan tidak putus putus memberikan rahmat buat Kak Rima sekeluarga aminnnnn
Salam kak rima... been looking ur blog n admiring u since hmmm... cant remember.. but just today i think i should let u know that am in love heheheh... thanks for ol d delicious recipe and fantastic story... really enjoying myself reading it.. n today been trying ur steamed brownies..yes really yummy.. myahmuahmuah
awww ty girls.... yes i loveeeeeee this steamed bownies.. i dah buat like 4 times already.. ni pun ade angan angan nak buat lagi hahaha
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