Oh my goodness.. this little devil is so so addictive that my little girl cant stop eating em.. she munches on it while watching telly.. she munches on it when i place em in her lunch box.. i hv to keep myself fm munching on it too cos its so so delish.. so buttery and yes if u know how the Walker's brand Shortbread tastes like.. u might just want to bake this urself... bake it for ur open house.. bake it for ur kids.. u will love me for this! Thank you dear Anie for repeatedly baking it and for making me drool each time u describe it.. ohhh i simply love it! err now i sound like some kinda commercial advertisement on telly hahaha
1 1/2 c. all purpose flour
1/3 c. powdered (icing) sugar
1/4 tsp. fine grain (table) salt - (I used fleur de sel.. Ohhh lalaaaa)
3/4 c. butter (1 1/2 sticks) (I used SCS)
1/2 tsp vanilla essence (I added)
Using a food processor, combine flour, sugar, and salt. Pulse the ingrdedients once or twice just to thoroughly combine them.
Chop butter into large chunks and distribute evenly around the food processor bowl.
Replace the lid and process for 30-90 seconds, until the dough resembles fine crumbs.
Roll dough into a ball and chill it in the fridge for 20-30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 160 deg C.
Take dough out of the fridge and roll it and cut into 1inch(w) x 3 inches (l), prick with a fork and bake it on a lined tray for abt 15-20 mins or until golden brown.
So ok.. got to go.. enjoy the recipe and let me know if u do bake em.. am thinking of baking a cake later to welcome my dear hubs fm Vietnam. hmmm on second thought.. maybe i shud bake pound cake for myself instead ahaks
Original recipe is fm Amber@Bluebonnetsandbrownies

Good morning,
Thanks for the recipe, I love those shortbread too and can eat a whole packet myself! Enjoy reading your blog. Selamat Hari Raya to you and your family.
Morning n Ty for the wish Elaine.. There is something abt shortbread that keep u gng for seconds hehe
oh my,Rima..seem your oven never stop working LOL. What a good wife you are, baking for hubby :) can't wait what you gonna bake next. Keep posting, will ya..
Rima, the way u described is making me to bookmark this recipe :D
Rima, I have just tried baking this and need your expertise advise... when I take the dough out from the fridge to roll it out, it began turning softer and softer which is hard for me to even hold it up. When cutting to slices, I had a hard time to lift it up to the baking sheet as well. How did you manage with your bakes so beautifully cut out? I just wonder??
Looks and sounds so yummy! Selamat Hari Raya, Rima. I'm new to you and found ur blog while blog walking. Think to give a try on the recipe! ;) xxx
Selamat Hari Raya, Rima...
I'd be putting my hand in the jar every now and then.. reaching out for these divine looking biscuits... :D
Rima, these are so well made! I can never get enough of short bread. This will go into my collection.
thanks for sharing Rima - bookmarked :)
been awhile since i visited ur blog, just realized i have missed out many yummy goodies i usually frequenty seen :)
have a great weekend
moms the little one
not a good wife lah.. sometimes when the craving hit.. i will bake w/o any reason ahaks
die die must bake ok.. its addictive!
the dough turn soft very easily so u hv to work on it quickly .. i usually will half my dough and work on half dough first.. the other dough i will wrap it and place it back in the fridge till am ready to roll em..
You can either slice ur dough as recommended or do it like me.. I roll it and use a rectangular cookie cutter to cut it (i wanted my shortbread to be bite size) once cut u hv to place it quickly on ur baking tray.. some ppl roll dough straight onto their baking tray .. cut it and take away all the unused dough.. save u fm any hassle of lifting a soft dough..
I also flour my table to avoid it fm sticking..
Welcome Aida .. hope u are here to stay... do gv some of the recipes in my blog a try if u hv the time :o)
Eid Mubarak to u too Lisa.. eh not just u.. i lagi teruk.. morning or siang.. if i feel like it i will munch on it.. of cos malam cannot lah.. dangerous if munching during nite time hehe
Tell me abt it lol.. u shud gv it a try someday!
Love a good shortbread, and this one looks like it has loads of butter (love SCS!). They look perfectly delicious!
Thank you Rima! Appreciate for your advise!
Aishah hi sis can i have the butter,sugar and flour in gram pls..tks alot.ur cake look super nice..
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