Its already half past 11pm and i hv been yawning away non stop.. last night i fell asleep close to 11pm.. had wanted to do a little blogwalking but didnt get to it.. had wanted to read the new book that hubs bought me the other day... wasnt successful.. i dont think i will even get to start the first page if this goes on.. oh well... i will read it in the plane next week..
So how was ur Ramadhan? its been 4 days and i really dont know where the time has gone.. my usual routine is.. get up .. prepare sahur.. shower.. pray.. prepare Sonia's lunchbox.. get ready to send her to school.. fetch her.. go home.. rest a little.. bake and prepare iftar for the family.. well thats how it is for now cos am not taking orders this week.. next week we will be flying off to HCM and once back i will hv to start baking for Eid's orders... i dont know how i am gonna do it but Insyallah.. it can be done.. am praying for good health.. thats all..
Blueberry pudding cake .. the pudding cake that i had wanted to prepare since i first got this book fm Jakarta.. two years past and i finally did it.. i decided to bake cotton sponge cake as base cake simply bec i know puding busa goes well with cottony cake.. everything abt this pudding was perfect.. not overly sweet.. soft and best of all.. one scoop into ur mouth and its gone hehehe
Adonan1: (scroll down for English recipe)
500 ml susu cair
1 bungkus agar2 bubuk putih (7g)
175 gr gula pasir
3 kuning telur, kocok lepas
1 sdt jeruk lemon
pewarna makanan ungu
pewarna makanan merah
3 putih telur
25 g gula pasir
150g blueberry beku/kalengan, cincang kasar
300 ml air putih
1/2 sdt agar2 bubuk putih
1/2 sdt jeli bubuk putih
100g gula pasir
pewarna makanan ungu
pewarna makanan merah
Bahan Garnish:
Blueberry segar/kalengan
Selai Blueberry
Cara Membuat:
1. Potong sponge cake bentuk blundar, gunakan ring cutter diamerter 6cm hingga diperolehi 18 potong. Taruh sponge cake di atas talenan/meja datar. Lingkarkan selembar plastic mika pada sponge cake hingga mika berbentuk tabung. Rekatkan dgn pita perekat. Atur diatas loyang dasar, sisihkan.
2. Adonan1: Campur susu, agar2 dan gula dalam panci, aduk hingga agar2 larut. Jerang diatas api sedang, aduk2 hingga mendidih dan gula larut, kecilkan apinya. Ambil 2 sdm adonan agar2, masukkan ke dalam kuning telor yang telah dikocok terpisah, tambahkan air jeruk lemon dan pewarna makanan, aduk rata. Tuang ke dalam panci agar2, aduk cepat, angkat.
3. Kocok putih telor bersama gula pasir hingga kaku, masukkan adonan agar2 yang masih panas sedikit demi sedikit sambil dikocok menggunakan mixer berkecepatan rendah hingga rata, angkat mixer, lalu masukkan bluberry cincang ke dalamnya, aduk hingga rata.
4. Tuang adonan ke dalam mika yang telah diberi alas spongecake tingga loyang terisi 3/4 penuh, sisihkan, dan biarkan agak mengeras.
5. Adonan 2: Campur air, agar2, jeli bubuk, pewarna makanan dan gula pasir, aduk hingga gula larut. Jerang diatas api sambil diaduk hingga mendidih, angkat.
6. Tuang adonan 2 ke dalam loyang yang telah diisi adonan 1. Tambahkan bluberry utuh sisihkan dan diamkan hingga mengeras.., lepaskan plastik mika pelapisnya kemudian simpan pudding diatas piring saji. Hidangkan dengan pelengkap blueberry utuh diatas pudding ditambah beberapa helai daun mint dan siram dengan selai blueberry.
500 ml full cream milk
7g agar agar powder
175g sugar
3 egg yolk - whisk lightly
1 tsp lemon juice
a few drops of purple colour
a few drops of red colour
3 egg white
25g sugar
150g frozen blueberry - cut small or mash
300 ml water
1/2 tsp agar agar powder
1/2 tsp instant jelly powder
100g sugar
a few drops of purple colour
a few drops of red colour
Spongecake - Recipe here ok
Fresh Blueberry
Blueberry jam - i didnt use
Slice ur cotton sponge cake into 3 layers.. cut into 18pcs using a round cutter (6cm).. wrap mika (acetate liner) around ur cakes = put aside
Mix milk, sugar n agar2 in a saucepan.. stir until agar agar is dissolved...cook over medium heat, until sugar is dissolved, lower the flame. Take 2 tablespoons of agar2 mixture and add into the egg yolk which has been whisked, add the lemon juice and food coloring and stir well. Pour back into the saucepan with agar2, stir quickly.. switch off fire.
Beat the egg whites with sugar until stiff and while the mixer is stll on.. u add in ur warmish agar agar mixture and continue to whisk using lower speed till well combined... add in ur cut/mashed frozen blueberry.
Pour mixture individually into each mika .. 3/4 full, set aside.. let it harden slightly.
Mix water, agar2, jelly powder, food coloring and sugar, stir till sugar dissolves. Cook ur jelly mixture till just abt boiling - (stirring all the time)
Pour mixture into hardened pudding mixture.. Add fresh bluberry and let stand until set. Place in ur fridge for abt 3hrs

owh that blueberry look so tempting...
should i go to tesco rite now...hahaha
GO!! Hehe
cantik...lazat..perghh :))
Would definitely try this! :D
waw..waw..tak tahan tengok bluberi puding kek ni...tergoda sungguh..
Wow! menggoda laaa....slruppp!!!
wah... nasib baik ada translesyon...... apa'an itu telur kuning kocok lepas? ... nak try buat la..nampak mengancam sangat nih... thanks rima...
wohoo.. menggugat iman ni kak..sedapnye :)
Kak Rima
Fell in love the moment I saw the pix in FB :) Insyallah will try over the weekend.
I ada la terkial kial trying to translate the recipe in Bahasa..then only i saw yr English version recipe..haizz..
wahduh!!! colournye sungguh menarik skali ... Happy Fasting kak Rima
Rima, this pudding cake is so pretty, I love the purple color!
Waaahh seronok....dpt cuti2 lagi next week =) I tido lagi awal ahh 10 lebih gitu dah tido. Mmg penat walaupun I takde routine like urs....hehehez.
Tgk pudding ni mcm interesting. Tapi steps nya mcm byk gitu hehehez. Ni blom termasuk buat sponge kek lagi....mika pun tak pernah dgr. First time ni :D
this is simply superb! I shall miss baking cakes during ramadhan...mayb just make the jello dulu!
Love the photos to bits :)
Any dessert time puasa memang nyaman gitew hehe
Yes u shud.. U can do a big cake out of this too
Try n do it.. It's light n it's niceee
I had it yesterday.. Nyaman! Hehe
It took me awhile to get used to the way they write their recipe.. Byk yg asing bagi kita but am all good now.. I know exactly berapa gram their jelli is in a pack.. Lain gram dia Dari yg sg or Malaysian pack of agar agar powder.. Kocok Lepas.. Whisk lightly hehe
Same feeling when I first saw it 2yrs ago when I got this book.. Nanti nak try yg lagi satu lahhh
I decided to do translation after I type it in Indon cos I know it's gonna be difficult for my readers to understand.. :op
Woahhhhh Salam ramadhan to u n ur family.. How's u?
Sonia loves it too... Purple girls rock!! Hehe
Alahhhh tak susah mana.. U need to read it carefully ajer.. U do sponge cake dia in advance n simpan if no time to do all in one go.. Mika tu u can get it fm phoon huat.. First time I heard of Mika I also blur but after googling n stuff baru ku tahu aper benda tu.. Then ku try to look for it kat jkt.. Nan ado so back to square one.. Lama lama baru ku jumpa kat phoon huat.. If u no have.. U do it in spring form pan.. Agar powder tambah sikit n u got urself a big 8" cake
Babe.. Do the pudding n jello sudah.. Pipe kat gelas cam gini.. Habis cerita hehe
Blame it on my blurness, Kak Rima..maklum la puasa :)
Moral of the story.. always read till the end ;)
Blame it on my blurness, Kak Rima..maklum la puasa :)
Moral of the story.. always read till the end ;)
Fuh jenuh le saya nak pahamkan resepi ni dalam bahasa Indonesia Sis... rupanya ada English version haishhh
Hey!! Can I substituye gelatine powder for agar agar? Would it be the same measurements?
Owwww...ngiler lihat pudingnya kak Rima. Warnanya menggodaaaaa...warna favorit Sonia kan?
Hi Kak Rima
Tried making the pudding last Friday.
Hee.. fail :( Part A tak jadi. it did'nt set. The mixture soaked my sponge cake. Is it because I didnt cook the mixture till boiling?
We had pengat blueberry instead..ha..ha..
Will try again :)
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