Long easter break.. i like! every single year without fail hubs will tell me abt how he wud spend his easter hols in Adelaide.. went to some easter horse racing thingy in Oakbank where he lived.... sat and relaxed and had their meal on the grass.. something like that lol.. i told him.. oh easter break for us in Singapore is all abt going out to town and shop hahaha..
Anyway today the weather is simply gorgeous to ppl like us who hv no plan to do anything big.. just chill.. relax.. am thinking of baking hot cross buns this weekend.. a once a year thingy .. Sonia came back yesterday with a small bucket full of chocolate eggs.. she told me they had to run around their school compound looking for eggs.. :op
Sooo.. i baked my fav kinda cake simply bec i am a sucker for pound cake... when i saw Shirley bake Trish Boyle's marble pound cake while we were in KL.. my heart jumped.. i wished my oven and Mr Aid were with me right there and then lol.. couldnt wait and finally after a week.. i got to bake it.. am happy with the taste and texture of this pound cake.. the sugar was cut down fm 500g to 300g which i think is superb cos the last time i baked Tish Boyle's pound cake it was a little sweet.. her recipe is just so good and reliable!
342g Cake Flour
2tsp Baking powder
1/2 tsp Salt
500g Castor sugar, divided (Please reduce this to 300g- original recipe is too sweet)
20g Natural cocao powder (I used cocoa berry)
90ml Water
340g Unsalted butter
1.5 tsp Vanilla Extract - i used toffieco vanilla paste
5 large Eggs
120ml (1/2cup) Whole milk
Method :
1. Preheat oven to 325F/ 190C. Grease the inside of a 10' bundt pan and dust with flour. (i baked mine in 6" round pan and also in a loaf pan)
2. Sift Cake flour, baking powder and salt and set it aside.
3. In a mixing bowl fitted with a paddle attachment, cream butter at medium speed for 2 minutes until creamy.
4. Add sugar and continue to cream for 4 mins at medium to high speed.
5. Add vanilla extract. Add eggs one at a time and mix at medium speed until well mixed.
6. Add sifted flour mixture in 3 additions and alternating it with 2 additions of milk.
7. Mix cocoa powder with water in a small bowl. Add 3 cups of the batter to the cocoa mixture and stir until blended. (I added my pistachio paste here instead of the cocoa mixture)
8. Spoon 1/3 of plain batter into the prepared bundt pan and smooth it to an even layer. Spoon 1/3 of the chocolate (pistachio) mixture over the plain layer and smooth to even out. Repeat until all batter is used up finishing with the chocolate layer.
9. Bake at 190C for 60-75mins or until the skewer comes out clean.
I am gonna go n get ready.. hubs wants take me to look at some lens.. hmmm.. my thanks to Anastassia for ordering macs.. selamat bertunang dear.. to Suria who is fm KL.. ty for ordering lapis legit and also macs.. it was nice to see u in person .. hv a safe drive back home and see u in KL next month.. cheers!

Kak Rima,
Selamat membeli lens yer..:) Mesti gembira jer nanti dpt half of ur 'heart' back kan?
Next month naik KL lagi ehh? Can make order :D I like..
Kak Rima.. Cantik je marble u.. I buat kek ni marble tak serupa marble.. Hehe slamat shopping lens! :D
nak dpt lens baru!! yeaayyyy..ooo happy weekend sis!
Hi Rima, Ive bookmarked this marble pound cake from Shirley's but yet to bake. Looking at yours makes me wanted to get my feet up to start up. Ive loves the Tish Boyle's cakes very much now.
Messy mummy
Insyallah and ty.. nanti i notify u.. i know u like hehehe
Ye ler.. at least i get one that belongs to me.. nak tunggu si insurance sampai sekarang pun tak habis habis tengah investigate.. dah receipt hilang cos semua kat camera bag.. mana nak kasi prove grrr.. eh eh geram lagi hahaha
u know what... its funny how this marble turned out.. i main pakai 2 types of cups.. dah tu pour kan dia macam biasa..alternate ah.. aleh aleh bila potong it became like that.. i takut it will turn out macam zebra cos i want the marble effect.. u try lah.. use two sizes of cups.. yg batter putih u pakai 1/2 cup yg besar.. yg chocolate pakai 1/4 cup
tadi keluar dah lepas magrib.. the shop that we wanted to get my lens tutup awal cos of PH.. tomorrow morning after my part time helper balik.. ku akan terjah lagi dikedai yg sama :o)
how hv u been doing?? u shud.. its not overly sweet now that the sugar was reduced to 200g lesser.. try ok..
Haha Rima... you and your weakness for pound cake! Gorgeous as ever!
Senangnya yang mau beli lens baru...semoga dapat yang akak suka.
Marble cake kue favoritku juga...suka sekali!!
I pun suka kek2 mcm ni,sedap kan. Tak sabar2 nak buat, lg pun ingredients tu selalu dh mmg ada je. U pulak mmg selalu suka nak goda lebih2 hahaha Tak puas lah Rima dpt jumpa u kejap kat Concorde ari tu. Bila lah dpt jumpa u n Yanie pulak, mesti best
Me no aura to open blog langsung hahahahaz. Was looking for recipe nak buat hot cross buns, tetiba2 teringat kat ur blog plak, makanya I pun sampai sini. Selak2 the pages that I missed hehehez. Promised my hb tat I will bake the buns for him tomorrow...
Nyehahahahaz.....adakah I dah terbau2 itew 7D coming soon ;)
Recipe checked! ha ha...
Hello Rima,
I have been on a quest/researching for the perfect marbling technique; ur commment in response to RC makes a lot of sense to me even tho I don't understand your language. Thanks so much and what a great blog you have here!!
your marbling effect is always so impressive Rima
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