A lazy weekend we had.. didnt do anything productive except i managed to bake 100 odd macs which were ordered by none other than Sonia hahaha... its been a year since she celebrated her birthday.. come Tuesday my little princess will be 4yrs old.. oh how time flies.. this year we decided to forgo the birthday bash which we normally do.. for some reason hubs and i felt that probably its best for our little princess to hv a mini bday celebration in her school instead since she will be surrounded by her friends..
So ok.. i'm gonna be busy baking away her cake today.. nothing fancy since the cake is only going into 19 little mouths lol.. will be packing all the macarons to be given out as goodie bags.. enjoy pics below of my soon to be 4yrs old princess making bread hehe

The end product... the nicer ones was done by me hehe

Oh bef i go lemme just thank everyone that has ordered and received their mac sheets.. to those that emailed me regarding our new shipment.. u can pre order it thru my store and I will hv it delivered first week of April or once we are back fm KL.. I also added quite a number of Silicone moulds - so have a look at that too! :)

nak pergi KL??? bila?
nak order blh?
Happy happy birthday Sonia. I know I'm a bit early with the wish.
May your life be always blessed and surrounded by happiness and loved ones. Have a gorgeously wonderful celebration at school with your friends.
Rima, make sure you put up the photos of the birthday cake ye.
Ty for the wish.. Cepat kan masa berlalu.. I will try to take as many photos tmrw.. Am excited cos this is the first time dia celebrate kat school hehe
Salam Marbah
Insyaallah.. We will be in KL for a week fm the 26th of march.. Tks!
Didnt do anything productive and yet u baked 100 macs....adooiii kalau to me nothing productive means tido aja.....mandi pun tak payah tapi makan nak lah ahhakkksss. Jannah will be 5 in Sept....u r right time really flies too quickly haiiizzz.
Anyway, happy bday Sonia....enjoy ur bday celebration in school ;)
I am still confuse with this new comment lay out....the other time when I logged in, my name was displayed as Jannah Walton.....hmmmzzz gasak ler :ppp
Anie-NZ ;)
Ku lagi confused.. I just agak agak siapa kah gerangan si Jannah Walton ahaks.. yes memang cepat membesar budak budak ni.. Hairi this year will be 22yrs old n me huhu.. Tak payah lah ku fikir fikir.. Hahaha
Ty for the wish.. I am pretty sure she wil tho I think the adults lagi suka if got bday bash kat rumah cos boleh ade session gossip hahaha
Salam Rima,
Happy Birthday to little Sonia...
I nak tanya where about in Jakarta did u bought the black forest paste? Maybe u cud gimme the shop name or area. Since hubby is goin in 2 wks time..i ingat nak pesan kat dia beli byk2 terus. Puas hati kan....
Salam Rima,
Was wondering where in Jakarta did u bought blackforest paste...cud u gimme the area or shop name? My dad is goin 2 Jkt in 2wks time ,so grab tis opportunity to mintak him borong BF paste tu...Ty
lor..no bday bash ke tis yr?x dpt la menjamu mata dgn all gud stuff by u..n creative cake as well!btw happy bday dear sonia..u better ask 4 best present frm ur mom..time kecik la slalu makbul jer..heheheh
Salam Irdina
Ty for the wish.. i got it fm Titan.. jln Fatmawati.. u can google for the exact adrs yah..
Not this year Ellianne.. we did it three years in a row and since shes in school this year.., we thought its easier that way.. tak byk songgeh hhehe
We are still thinking where to take her tmrw.. see how.. if tak hujan boleh take her to USS again :op
she will be four? i thought she is five or six years old.. anyway, Happy Birthday dear darling buds of March...
Happy besday in advance Sonia..jadi anak yg baik ye..kek apakah di atas tu kak??pound cake kah..cinnamon swirl pound cake tu memang terbaik la kak..everyone dok puji sedap..better than sicilian orange cake..ooppps..
Waaaah rajin sekali anak mama bantu bantu di dapur. Sepertinya bakat mama menurun ke Sonia deh. Happy birthday ya Sonia, semoga tambah cantik, tambah pandai, kelak menjadi anak yang sholehah dan berbakti kepada orangtua...amiin
Hesti HH
1k macs....so superb....x sabo nk tgk kek bday sonia! hppy bday girl!
Amin Hesti.. ty for the wish.. moga moga begitu.. bantu mama didapur sudah semestinya ehehe
Yes shes 4yrs old... yayyy.. tak sadar rupernye sudah 1:30am... ishhh patut lah mata ku ngantuk hahaha
Ty for the wish.. akan ku sampai kan pada si dah SOnia :op
Aisyah.. 100 odd macs ajer.. tak byk pun..hehe..
Ty for the wish!
Ty for the wish Reeya... tak tahu lah dah berapa kali buat itew cinnamon swirl pound cake.. sungguh lah ku suka banget... tak bake macam tak complete minggu ku .. ceeehhhh.. memang taste dia lagi shiok dari itew SOC...
Rima, resepi roti itu dekat mana? Tq.
Salam sonia happy 4th birthday semoga jd anak yg baik ya, soon my daughter also turn 4. Rima at least u rajin la jgk bt macs for her, i dok pikir nk order jer plus my mixer is broken booohooo... Kan best if u r near bleh i order kat u hihi
i pakai recipe roti yg pakai roti roux.. i think its japenese bread ke aper.. u type in water roux and it will take u to that page ok..
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