Weather: Brrr (-7deg)
Vanue: Freiburg, Blackforest, Germany
Mood: Woke up 2:30am.. too early! excited to explore their little lanes..
Peak Agenda: No fixed plan.. hb off to two meetings in an hr... i will take both my kids to explore this town called Freiburg..
We got into Frankfurt safely and since it was our first time on the A380.. it was indeed a lovely experience.. I sat next to Sonia where we later found out that there was an empty seat next to her.. she managed to sleep all the way.. who wouldnt when u can stretch ur leg to the limit hehe. i managed to watch 4 movies in total.. typical me - i simply cannot sleep in planes be it on short plane rides or 30 odd hr plane journey (to BAs, Argentina)

Anyway as soon as we got here.. hb picked up his rental car and off we drove to Freiburg.. it was only a 3hrs car ride and with 2 stops we got here safely.. Alhadullilah.. we will be here for a total of 3 days and will continue on our journey to France - pic with Hairi was taken at 10am - no sun!
"Freiburg im Breisgau, is a city in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. In the extreme south-west of the country, it straddles the Dreisam river, at the foot of the Schlossberg. Historically, the city has acted as the hub of the Breisgau region on the western edge of the Black Forest in the Upper Rhine Plain. One of the famous old German university towns, and archiepiscopal seat, Freiburg was incorporated in the early 12th century and developed into a major commercial, intellectual, and ecclesiastical centre of the upper Rhine region. The city is known for its ancient university and its medieval minster, as well as for its high standard of living and advanced environmental practices. The city is situated in the heart of a major wine-growing region and serves as the primary tourist entry point to the scenic beauty of the Black Forest. According to meteorological statistics, the city is the sunniest and warmest in Germany." - Wikipedia
"Sunniest and warmest"?? hahaha... Well it is indeed sunny... but still at -4C...

Ouch is that me fm behind? yikes.. look at that butt!! hahaha.. blaming it on my double legging, thermal, shirt, sweater, jackets and all the butter cake that i consumed bef my flight kahkahkah... Off looking for food.. no issue finding a halal Doner kebab here..

So of cos while looking for a place to eat.. ahem.. we saw a little market around the Cathedral area.. hv to.. no reasoning pls.. hv to check it out eventho our tummy was growling hehe

... and this is what i found... Remember my post on Spekulatius Shortcrust Biscuit? i found the mold.. yehaaaa.. didnt cost as much as i thought it wud be so bought a couple and cant wait to use it.. best deal... it comes with the original recipe too!

'Freiburg Minster (German: Freiburger Münster or Münster Unserer Lieben Frau) is the Cathedral of Freiburg, southwest Germany. The last duke of Zähringen had started the building around 1200 in romanesque style, the construction continued in 1230 in Gothic style. The minster was partly built on the foundations of an original church that had been there from the beginning of Freiburg in 1120. In 1827 the Minster became the seat of the Catholic archbishop of Freiburg and thus a Cathedral' .. ty Wikipedia!

Love this pic! will explore more with my kiddoes later! - this place reminds me of Bremen.. not been there for a while -

.... Hmmm mom wud love this.. hmmm me too but again this wreath will hv to travel with me for another 2wks if i did end up buying it later.. decisions decisions...

hi rima!!
sudah safely sampai ya?? cold..even though I have berlayer2 fats on my body kan babe..but I tak tahan sejuk arr..sumer cepat jer nak frozen gitu.. that sudip kayu panjang that I spied amidst the barang2 kayu? alaa..yg sebelah pak mat salah pakai 'tudung' tu..ahaksss.. and I love those kind of buildings.....the older the more I suka..asal tak der hantuu kat dalam sudah ..hahaha..
OMG ... very interesting .. will polo every posting for yr new updates rima :)
I dont see anything wrong with ur butt there ahakkkss. Mine definitely look dbl the size w/o the extra layers u r wearing & the butter cake tat u ate :pppp
Alhamdullilah dah sampai dgn selamatnya. Those wooden rolling pins with patterns tersangatlah kiutttt!! Luv them....
LOL Hi Yani!!
itew bukan pat mat hahah.. tu minah salleh pakai tudong ahaks.. winter lah kata kan.. harus tutup aurat segala.. tertib gitu.. cuba musim summer.. mata ku sakit banget hehehe
Yes yes.. memang lah itu sudip panjang.. lagi panjang also ade hahaha
Sejuk ya amat.. if it snow tu at least tak lah sesejuk gini.. kejap lagi nak keluar bawak budak budak gi check out their supermarket lah
polo lah.. will update fm time to time.. cheers!
tak nampak?? adoiii gambar dari belakang ni memang lah adegan yg tidak kita ingin melihat lol
Rolling pin i no buy.. macam nak beli but but... harus kah ku return balik and buy?? masih ade chance lagi today hehehe
Selamat berjimba dgn jayanya....
hehe insyallah...
First report dah buat kita stunning ni hehe.... the place is so lovely....and ur family too....snow da abis atau baru nak mula ni Sis Rima looked sooo cold la...
Assalamualaikum Rima
wow this time Hairi is around with you..wah mesti seronok kan Rima...rolling pin tu cantik arrhhhhh!!!
ha ha... that butt looks ok to me. at least dpt gak dia "ikut" u gi jalan sana sini. beso sket takpe la, extra "curve".
salam rima..butt tuh ala2 jeniper lopes..kira ok lah tuhh!!hihi
lovely pics..suka tengok..ambik gambo byk2 ok!
Hi Rima...
wahhh best best .... cepat sambung...more pics...rindunya suasana mcm tuh
As'salam Rima
first nak komen...I suka sangat2 kat wooden rolling tuuu..arghhh nak jugak..hahaha
Alhamdulillah..sampai juga dengan selamatnya. baca entri you ni k.ct pulak yang rasa seronok tak habis2..hihihi
Salam Rima...
Looking at the photos of you with the kids in Freiburg makes me recall my visit there in 2010. It was summer, the town green, lots and lots of flowers and it was sunny. I like it. Actually i went to the University of Freiburg attached to the surgery department for 2 weeks. Nice platz ..Went to Lake Titisee as well by train. I like the public transport so efficient. I didn't miss any of your entry coz i like so much how your baking turn up. Fantastic and superb!
Salam Rima..
Looking at your photos in Freiburg recall my memories there. I was there for attacment with the university.. surgeon paksalah buat gitu gini berbagai...
Best tak masa winter freezy windy.. I was there during summer 2 years ago.
Sweet Sonia tu sitting on the horn ker? Enjoy lunch at Nordsee kan.
I am not too sure but when we drove to the mountain ade snow pulak.. if no clouds memang lah tersangat lah sejuk.. kat Paris right now temp tak sesejuk but bec its raining sejuk banget jadinye
yes indeed.. tak yah nak risau ape anak bujang duduk kat rumah.. lagi pun dia tengah cuti one month.. baru lepas exam so harus lah mama dia take him along.. kurang sikit kerisauan kita kan :o)
I no like extra curve cos nanti my kaki sakit pulak cos heavy kan nak nangung butt ku yg extra curve ni hahaha
ohhh noooo... no like lah but ku sedap kan hati lah jugak that all the layers in my clothing yg membuat itu vontot curvy hehehe
kadang bila dah balik kita rindu tempat tempat macam gini.. tu sebab whenever i get to go somewhere.. i absorb all of it macam sponge bob hehehe
Rima tak beli pun.. ingat nak return but tak menjadi.. when sonia tak afternoon nap ingat nak jalan situ but malas pulak.. turun bawah and terus masuk mall.. panas sikit .. kat market tu sejuk banget .. tak kuasa hehe
I know what u mean.. whenever kita watch telly ker and they show the places that we hv been.. kita boleh macam kerang busuk.. tersengeh sambil remember our experience kat negeri orang.. that is priceless.. right??
I selalu tell my kids.. things that are priceless is the most memorable one.. if u can afford it.. pergi tengok negeri orang cos travelling buka minda seseorang..
Yes she was sitting kat horn tu.. we stayed at Mercure htl so location wise is superb..
Salam sis Rima...
i nih silent reader blog u...everyday i read ur blog...i pon baru jugak la mengenali blog u nih sis lebey kurang dalam pertengahan thn lepas...selalu i silent ajer....tapi bila baca post u yang nih membuatkan i tak tertahan nak komen hehe...sukaa sangat tgk acuan2 kayu tu..anyway have a nice trip!!
p/s : camne nak order macs u eh?i duk Kajang...tapi every weekend balik JB...kalau i order leh ke anta kat JB sis??
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