Good morning ppl! Alhamdullilah we are now in KL and enjoying some R&R.. am having a blast with my parents so far and Sonia's been playing lots with Nyayi.. when i say lots.. i meant LOTS hahaha.. kesian lah mom! hehe.. Hairi came with us after two years of not being able to tag along cos of his NS.. so i guess hes having a blast too..
We stopped over at Malacca for a night and stayed at Casa Del Rio once again.. was nice to see Mat Noor again at the hotel.. anyway here are some pics taken yesterday bef we drove up to KL.. enjoy peeps and i will try to update again soon.. meeting Sue later at 1Utama.. cant wait!
Wet floor - cooling weather ... ahhhh winter in Malacca ahaks
Stayed for the second time.. the best there is in the heart of Malacca!
Different concept of brekkie served there.. Hairi couldnt make up his mind on which one to choose .. u hv to choose ur table served main meal and u hv an array of finger food/side dishes at their buffet area..
Right after brekkie we went for a walk at Jonker Street.. no one was complaining cos the weather was simply gorgeous.. windy and body not sticky at all lol
Hehe u think u can only find red walls in Beijing?? u can find one too in Malacca! Great Wall of Malacca op
Sonia was adamant on taking a trishaw ride.. mom had to gv in to her request :o)
Along Jonker Street.. there was this small lane.. i love how this pic turned out!
Last but not least.. I managed to bake CPAB and also CB bef our Malaysia trip.. ty Shidah for sharing this simple recipe with us and to all that have tried baking CPAB - good choice indeed!
Bef i head out to 1Utama i wanna gv my thanks to Shaz, Hidayah, Aina, Farhana, Puspa, Mazlina and also Nurazian for their orders... to Shaz.. hope to see u someday and I am so glad u liked the lapis legit prune.. to Hidayah .. ty for all the mac orders.. to Mazlina.. it was so nice to see u and ur hb.. enjoy ur macs! To Farhana.. hehe i hear ya.. if tinggal setengah box.. harus makan pelan pelan ok hehe.. to Nurazian and the rest.. i see u girls soon!

kak rima, i saw u at jonker walk on sunday night!
You look really young indeed!
happy holidays rima. indulge yourself with the goodness of malaysia... malaysia is truly asia
Kak Rima,
How i wish i cud meet u :)
Hv an pleasant stay here!!
Waaaaaaaaaaaa....kak Rimaaaa nak itoooot!! I pun sonoks ke Malacca....been there and next to the great red dinding tu...ahaks!!
Waaa.....sonoks tgok sonia naik beca...mmmmmm bila last I nak beca ni agaknyee.....???
pssssssssssst: peeeeeeewit, sempat lagi akak baking???? Piiiiing!!!! nak pingsan je nengok manyak nauuuuuuu!!!
hi rima
kek apa tu CPAB dan CB?? kalau tengok kek di atas tu memang mengiurkan terutama yg ada almond slice dan chip tu ...btw thanks rima spekuk dan paste tu dah selamat sampai di rumah ..may be lusa nak try guna your recepi yg menggunakan spekok tu nanti :)...bestkan kalau ronda2 di melaka tu rima terutama hari jumaat rima .ada pasar mlm kat pahlawan dan jonkerwalk tu
Salam Rima,
May I know what's CPAB & CB? TQ.
wahh ke melaka lagi ya... rima.. betul tu.. CPAB sangat2 sedap kan.. dah 2x k.nor buat, tu pun still tak puas makan! hehe
you finally baked the cinnamon pull apart bread! sedap kan?
I ada sad news, I am still in Terengganu. Thus, our weekday rendezvous with k.yani, terpaksa la di cancel. I'm so angry with hubby for making me stay here for another week!! geram!!
Rima, how much is the Buffet Bfast at Casa Del Rio for Adult N kids?
It was so nice to see time we can have a coffee and chit chat session...sorry earlier was so rushing and thanks for the free gift...cedap sangat! Next time you come please let me know, i wanna order something else..I like it very much...:) have a good day kak..
Thanks Rima for the mac. Sempat i shared with my bff. B4 sampai rumah 6 pcs dah masuk dlm mulut. Ur macs just so delicous. ---aina
Where' s the recipe Kak? Hehehee...
Dear, i'm lost CPAB tu apa?
Adoiiii it was a long day and we went there after makan asam pedas claypot.. muka penat tu hehe
Of cos.. the only place where i can makan sepuas hati ku ahaks
Awww just come by concorde ah :o)
Eh ku pun dah lama tak naik beca.. walau pun sonia nak naik.. ku tetap beri laluan kepada ibu ku hehe
alhamdullilah.. now can try and bake ah.. yes we did went to the night market.. its fm friday till sunday :o)
sorry i was in the hurry sampai tak letak link.. CPAB tu cinnamon pull apart bread and CB tu Congo Bar hehe
The other day Rima buat tak selembut yg ku harap kan.. dont know what went wrong.. pakai bread flour lagi hmm.. akan ku cuba lagi lah..
Dah dua kali buat ker?? addicted nampak hehehe
BUT WHYYYYYY??!! adoii lepas lah kita nak bersembang! maybe if time permit i will get to meet Yani at concorde.. see how..
Honestly i hv no idea.. my room includes the breakfast.. the extra bed was M$150 termasuk brekkie.. maybe can call up the hotel?
No worries.. was nice to meet u too! enjoy the rest of the week ok .. take care!
Ty and sorry i had to rush.. maklum if encik hb dah drive round round beribu kali tunggu kita sure kita kena kalam kabut sikit hehe.. glad u liked it!
tadi tu kalam kabut sampai tak letak link.. i hv add the link.. do gv the recipe a try if ur interested.. satu roti and satu lagi tu blondies
sorry its cinnamon pull apart bread.. wait balik nak try buat lagi lah.. buat hari tu macam tak selembut yg ku ingin kan.. maybe ku pakai bread flour ker?? hmmm
rima,may i ask how much is the beca ride?
Its $25 ringgit for a longer ride.. $15 ringgit for short ride
Dah dekat sgt 1-utama ngan my house tu. But i hardly go there walaupun seberang jalan je.
Baked CPAB yesterday night. Yummylicuos! At first when i saw your post, i wonder apa tu CPAB. Then i googled for it and got the recipe. The recipe uses AP flour, which i have plenty.
I promised myself that i will bake Lapis Lengit Durian last weekend and i did. It was done with so much care, since this is my first one. The verdict, absolutely love it! My hb said, 'Boleh la bake everyday'.
Ok, have a great time ya!
Ok tq. Are you coming to Penang also?
Waaaahh Rima...cuti2 x hengaatttt! Sonoknya....Malacca mmg best, many places to explore....Jonker Street mmg sonok kan...boleh tgk barang2 lama...hehe. Tp akak suka ke Kg Mortem naik rumah Hj Ibrahim (yg hijau muda tu), nostalgia betuii barang2 dlm rumah dia...set baba nyonya segala...Ha, skoteng x cari situ ke Rima? Heheee...
Waaah now in KL dah la eh...Jumpa Sue mana ni, Sue Joshua ke? ^__^ Have a nice holiday dear!
K rima gi melaka? kalau tahu leh jupe kih kih.. kat singapore ni pun tak jupe2, kat mesia lak nak jupe ;p
BTW, thanks bg tips psl Mac tower tu.. selesai sudah segalanye hehe alhamdulilah x disaster.. huhuh
havev fun in KL ye!! next week I gi KL.. jum jupe kah kah
Rima dear,
Hey, looks like you had so much fun in Melaka. Same here. I was there a week ahead from you.
How long will u be in KL? Putting up at Concorde ka? My office is at Jln Sultan Ismail as well....Mana tau kot bole kidnap u for lunch ka :-P
Anyway, enjoy the hols!
Ohh, ok! I've tried the brownies but not the bread! Insyallah, will try it soon! I wonder how are you maintaining your body with all this food that u bake??? Don't u eat all that u bake? I'm scared to bake at times coz I'm scared I'll eat a lot!! Anywayzzz, enjoy ur trip and never forget to tell me when u are coming to jb! U still owe me my orders! Lol!
Rima ,It's 6.30a.m ,Dec.24th ..Today is ur b'day..!!! HAPPY B'DAY Rima..May Allah bless u always..Amin.2 me u r my inspiration.Have a great day !!
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