Oh my.. oh my.. what a week this has been and its only Friday!! urghh can u imagine how its gonna be like after today?? runnnn hahaha
Am kaput and to be honest our guest have just left an hr ago.. my uncle and family were here cos their daughter wanna order macs for her engagement party.. congrats dear cousin! Fm tmrw onwards i will be busy baking for a couple of orders and hopefully on sat i am able to bake something for mom.. Eid is just around the corner and i promised mom that i will bake for her some goodies..
My son.. Hairi celebrated his 21st bday today.. I am not gonna be long winded by making a super special wish on here.. am for real and i dont like to be superficial soooo:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON! mama hope u will achieve what ur after and stay focus ok?!..
We didnt do anyting special.. he went to school in the morning.. his dad took him out for lunch.. i cooked yellow rice and ayam masak merah (his fav!) for dinner.. he didnt want me to bake him a cake but i will still bake him one on sat and celebrate his bday at moms during our reunion dinner..
As u guys already know that we had guests fm Austria on Tuesday.. ty Othmar and Anni for visiting.. it is nice to be able to see u guys on a yearly basis! On wed we met Sue and family who flew in fm Darwin.. it was good to see them here again.. it was a nice evening and we had a blast of cos.. talking abt everything under the sun.. fm our kids to our family and of cos abt blogger world.. our kids were playing together.. mom and dad were munching and talking.. hehe u guys dont wanna know how many times we had coffee and dessert hahaha.. am blessed that Sue and I click.. we met two years ago thru blogger world and so far we have met 4 times.. once in Adelaide, once in KL and twice in S'pore.. so ok peeps.. enjoy the pics!

Halloween - Sonia has been bugging us abt it since we were in Beijing.. kids nowadays! we are not into that of cos but when other kids kept on knocking on our door.. Sonia quickly took out her Halloween hat and started giving out sweets to the kids - too cute! (Thats the neighbours rabbit)

We did Korean bbq.. the easiest way to entertain ur guest! My pavlova and macs were a big hit and nope.. i didnt even hv time to prepare creama catalana.. next time perhaps!

Eh eh... cuba teka siapa tu??!! hahah.. none other then the squeaky Maddie.. u shud see her tantrum hehehe

Sorry guys.. i had to show how lovely these flowers were.. i am so so into fresh flowers!

Awwww the lovely couple... i managed to snap a few pics of them and i just love this pic to bits! - wanita melayu terakhir gitew ahaks!

.... And adeeehhhh ... Micheal!!! focus on our faces and not something else!! hahaha - ty my dear friend.. hope to see u in KL - Insyallah...

sonia in halloween hat! jelita gitu ka! dah muda remaja dah anak dara u ni Rima!
btw, happy birthday to Hairi n happy Eidul Adha to u and family
Tu lah.. budak budak ni part membesar memang cepat.. i always kata kat papa dia.. "we will missed it when shes older"
Ty for the wish.. here wishing u happy Eid Adha to u and ur family.. balik kampung or not?? hehe
Assalam Rima, firstly...here wishing your son Happy Birthday, may Allah bless him and hoping for excellence in his bright and great future undertakings...amiiinn..
Weeee...cummiiillnya rabbit tuuu..i liiikeeee...
Rima, akak sebenarnya dah 3 4 hari xda mood nak update coz my rabbit Ed jatuh sakit, tiba2 je lumpuh pada petang selasa baru ni without any signs...terus hantar ke pet medical ctr, doc dah xray, nak kata patah mmg xda lgsung, doc kata virus kat food tak logik lak sebab yg seekor lg elok sihat ok, so Doc suspect his keturunan x berapa elok la kot....huhuuu..
We've been so sad for past few days tauuu..buat apa semua igt Ed jek,berjujuran air mata akak bila teringat..x sangka pun hati dan naluri akak begitu dekat dgnnya...walhal hb n aiman yg selalu cuci, bersihkan cage segala or manja2kan my 2 rabbits tu...At last ptg kelmarin akak hantar air zam-zam penawar segala penyakit tuu atas nasihat seorang kawan yg pernah kucingnya lumpuh sampai Vet pun dah kata xda harapan, dia bwk balik rumah, bg minum air zam-zam byk, belai dan jaga, at last sembuh dan sihat smpai sekarang..
So lepas ptg smlm, akak tepon kat pet ctr tu, perkembangan baik, dia sudah boleh angkat kepala mghala ke bekas makanan, sudah boleh angkat2 kaki, temperature bagus...alhamdullillah. Budak2 situ pun terkejut. Now dah 3 mlm and Doc still observe lg, hari ni tengoklah mcmana, harap2 my Ed bertambah sihat..huhuuu
Btw, salam Aidiladha dan maaf zahir batin dr akak akak buat Rima n family...happy hari raya :))
Selamat Aidil Adhaaa....
Auwww...sweetlah guest you dari Darwin tu. Nanti I nak stalk dia kat Mydin, shhh..rahsia.
Happy birthday to Hairi. Be a joy to your mum ok?
And have a great raya ;-)
Assalam Rima...how r u?happy 21st birthday to Hairi,semoga dipanjangkan usia dan mendpt rahmat Allah sentiasa...cutenya Sonia in that halloween hat :-) seronok tgk pics of the girls,Sonia,Muffy and Maddie look so adorable...and of course you and Sue are gorgeous...hihi...knur pun follow Sue punya blog also cuma so far tak pernah comment anything yet on her blog.and I love her cinnamon toast...yummm...so my dear Rima,selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha and have a great weekend ya...
from KNur-Terengganu
Happy birthday juga dari pakcik mat, moga diberkati Allah swt....dan utk Rima juga...moga awet muda selalu... ^__^ selamat hari raya aidil adha dari DTS-MAT GEBU....
Assalam rima, aduh2 bunga mu itew meletupz sungguh. Pst...gubah sendiri ka? Mesti u gubahkan aduiii u bake, u cook, ur hse decor pun cun banget, u can do flower arrangement, u can snap lovelly pixs, u can do food styling, ur so blessed rima. Bertuah ur family esp ur hb...
waaaweeeeeeeeee.....heppy halloween to Sonia...sungguh mendamaikan rasenyer tengok fresh flower... hmmmm once a upon a time..Mama pon sempat sempat lah nak hias ngan freshies ni...but now..NO TIME laaa.. balik kerje pon, matahari nak merangkak masuk!!! hhmmmm...anyway hepy 21st b'day to hairi.... Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to ur ossem family...
p/s*** Today Mama nak try bake layer cake..huhuhu.....
Salam Rima
Wahhh busy week you had! Happy bdae to yr son. Maddy's picture so cute! I have been following yr blog, Sue's and LG's. Wonderful pictures.... Thanks for sharing!
happy Birthday Hairi!!! Hahaha..Cutelah Sonia with the Halloween Hat..hari tuh rasa nak beli gak..kaler hitam..sekali my fiancee kata..nak buat apa..bukan celebrate pun..terus mati niat.ahaks..and I wish you and family Selamat Aidiladha. :)
P/s sgt terpesona dgn set BBQ itu
I think....I notice sumting..Ooo langsir rumah online nih dah tukar..and the header ader pic sonia yg cute!!! pheewiittt
dear rima,
i hv just done baking condensed milk pound cake, carefully following your recipe.(i guess i am started to be addicted to baking since i read your blog....hahaha) what can i say more..., i agree with you. the taste of this cake is SUPERB! my hb loves it so mucchhh.....
muahhh to you, rima, for this wonderful cake.
selamat hari raya aidul adha.
Assalamualaikum Rima,
Happy birthday to Hairi..hope his birthday blossoms into lots of dreams come true and may his wishes come true year after year.
Rima, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha buat u sekeluarga...eh rumah bertukar wajah...cantik2 sweet looking gitu...hehe.Happy weekend!
Ty everyone for the wish.. Hairi said ty ty hehe
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