Where do i begin.. hmmm first and foremost i would like to extend my gratitude to everyone for all the kind words in my comment box.. yesterday was horrible.. i was tired and kept on falling asleep while waiting for my layered cake to bake..imagine me sitting in the dining room and holding on to my timer.. every single time it rang (every 7 mins to be exact) i got a shock hehe.. yesterday I didnt do a good job in layering either.. somehow i wasnt too impressed with my layer cake.. arghhh .. shud hv check the temp.. the layer wasnt distinct! should i blame it on my tiredness? yep 100%
Anyway the good news is.. i managed to bake my last 3 layered cakes earlier today.. i usually would start baking right after subuh prayer and would end by 5pm... i dont bake at night as i much prefer to spend time with my family than having to run to the kitchen every 7 mins hehe
Thank you hb for the super uber nice entry.. i didnt even know he had posted it till he told me to check it out in the evening.. sweet!
Have a good friday everyone.. to those that will be driving back to kampung halaman.. drive safely ok..

Every single morning right after subuh prayer.. this is what i would do... crack eggs! this year i had a few orders for my 50 egg yolks kek lapis and also ny liem kek lapis that uses 46 egg yolks.. imagine having to crack and seperate 50 eggs for one cake.. eeekkksss

Some of the layered cakes that hv been packed .. u dont want to see the mess on the other side of my table hahaha
Anyway... again eyes falling shut.. i am gonna go to bed now.. tmrw morning i will be baking layer cakes for my mom and hopefully will hv time to share recipe.. later dearies!

Mak oiii, banyaknya. Bawak sini sikit. hehehehe. Alhamdullillah K. Rima kita ni, rajin banget! Yr hb pun uber sweet sekali with that post....love it.
U know, if I'm there in Sg, I'll definitely know where to order kek lapis & goodies to get my kek lapis fix. hehehe.
MAJU TAK GENTAR mbak!Terussss.;)
Tak gentar but macam dah mengeletar pun ader hahaha.. kek kukus orders.. settled.. then buat cookies for my mom.. settled.. kek lapis orders .. settled.. lepas ni baru nak start buat a few kek lapis for my mom and on weekend boleh lah buat kan dia kek marble and cuppies.. monday ku angkat bendera putih hahaha
Hmm u tak balik raya eh? tengok lah mata dah ngantuk but masih nak reply emails.. ishhhh
Kak Rima, I've really enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you for sharing recipes and stories about your life. May Allah bless you!
Congratulations Rima you have done a very good job ...... Rima, you are really fantastic, kakak selalu admire your strength,passions,patience towards baking....your products are tremendously presentable. ...macam mana nak jadi macam Rima ye? A very good baker....boleh bagi tips kat akak tak?....Anyway 'Selamat Menyambut Hari raya Eidul Fitri'..kalau dekat2 mau aje akak beraya ke rumah Rima....hehehe....
hi sis..
lamer gak tak masuk cni..hehehe
i nak buat satu batch pon terkulat2 nak pecah itew telur..
mmg sis ni superwoman lah...hikhikhik
bravo!! U r truly amazing!!dun think ada lain orang yg mcm u la babe!..i was smiling when reading u pegang timer whilst waiting for each layer to masak..strong willpower babe to even bukak mata after every 'ding' and bangun pi melapis..kalo ai..mau dicampak terus tu timer & terbongkang terus!!
good job, well done babe! u truly are amazing! nanti have that well deserved rest!!
U are a SUPERWOMAN K. Rima!! Kalo boleh nak balik Sg esp with this tetamu yang tak diundang nak datang menjengok kita(Hurricane Irene). Orang sibuk buat persiapan Hari Raya kita pulak kena buat persiapan 'sambut' tetamu ni. ish ish ish...cobaan. Lagi pun my lil one will be starting Kindergarten very soon. Kenalah postpone plan kita.
U CAN DO IT!!! Maju tak gentar & jgn menggeletar....nanti pusing jadinya mbak.
rima.. mmg tabik ler kalau buat kek lapis banyak gitu.. boleh nak loya kan kalau dah beratus2 telur kena pecahkan utk buat kek lapis.. erkkk!!
jgn lupa rest tau, dah teruk2 buat kerja tu.. kang body jd overwork.. lepek habis kang.. take care ya..
Dah siap semuanya? Baju raya Mr Aue sudah beli ke belum. Tema tahun ni warna apa?
mmg begitulah kan... klu badan dah letih, 7 minit pun rasa berharga sangat dapat lelapkan mata
You should go for a super duper long vacation sis...penat sangat sampai tertidur pegang timer...I can imagine how cute that was.Err..kalau lapis yg tak cun tu post dekat sini, boleh? :D
Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin to you and the rest of your family.
i admire ngan kek lapis u,nak tanya box for kek lapis kat mana u beli.sebab susah nak cari kotak yang cantik utk letak kek lapis
tq kerana sudi berkongsi ilmu
Salam sis..ader kerja kosong tak? Jawatan Food tester kek lapis dan segala bagai yang akak baking nanti..Gaji..tolong akak crack the eggs..hehehhe..boleh hantar application tak?
Ty for reading.. kadang tu bila penat dah tahap max .. tak leh terupdate blog .. dah tu macam guilty pun ader hehe
Could imagine how tired u are right now. I felt sooo tired baking only 2 layered cakes a day, haha. Take good care and Selamat Hari Raya!!
Btw, yr hubby is so sweet. Wished my hubby will post something like that in my blog. :P
I saw MINE!!!! haha... Li-Lin
Tak lah sampai macam si fantastic 4 tu hehe.. alhamdullilah I diberi kesihatan to do the things that i like.. i think its all abt will power.. nak seribu daya and also someone who is supportive towards ur passion..
Selamat hari raya to u too!
ahhhh mana pergi ahhh? sibuk banget eh? alahhh where got superwoman.. baju macam wonder woman tu akak dah tempah but belum siap siap lagi hehehe
Memang lah parah that day... maybe cos i hv been up baking non stop for the past week tu yg i tak leh angs that day.. mata asyik nak tutup ajer and setiap kali dia "ding" macam tersentak lol but kan ku masih maintain dgn rambut ku yg terurus ok.. tak lah sampai macam nenek kebayang .. rambut berserak .. muka sememeh hahaha
U guys take care ok.. bilang si irene.. ur not welcome! hehe
Sonia also waiting for her place in that kinder.. hopefully by mid sept kita will get to know if she will get a place..
ah ah.. sampai kan boleh ternampak double pulak .. dah tu.. too many egg white sampai ku terpaksa buang separuh.. fridge tak leh muat.. penuh sesak
Baju raya dah beli siang siang.. this year colour we pakai black and red hehe.. sesungguhnye hitam itew menawan and menampak kan ku lagi kurus hehehe
Salam, poor u kak... But hasilnya mantap!
hope to try one of kak rima's air tangan! especially those layered cakes.. anyway, take good care of urself! jangan fengsan pulak time raya nanti. hehe...
tell me abt it.. tadi pagi i managed to lelap kan mata instead of baking lepas subuh.. rasa macam kena recharge and now baru nak keluar kan butter :o)
Hehehe hopefully in oct.. if cfm memang lah ku akan berteriak.. yabedahbeduuuuuu
Selamat hari raya to u and ur family too!
All my boxes are bought in bkk and jakarta.. kat sini also tak jual macam gini.. bila gi bangkok sure kit berangkut.. if gi jakarta.. lagi lah kita berangkut.. orang shopping lain..kita shopping kotak kek hahaha
Clap clap for rima... Lap the boxes, the cake lapis, the cookies, lap u toooo heheh u go gurl. Kalau lah i ni dpt sepassionate u kan best! Ni tak mood baking ala2 pms, but kalau jd mcm u seram pun ada gaks sbb i ni kureng sabar hahaks muke kelattt jer hahaks penat ma.
Muahahahha cannnn i will engage u lah to crack all the eggs.. jangan sampai terfening lalat sua hehe
I was like.. maybe i shud try to bake more than 4 a day but up to tdy i still didnt get to that stage.. by the 3rd cake i was so so kaput that i felt like lying down and just close my eyes.. so tired lah.. each cake takes up so much time and effort.. to bake one is nothing.. to bake two is bearable to bake 3rd and 4th is crazy plus once hb is back we will go out for dinner.. more kaput by the end of the day hehe
hhaha u will see it for real later when he deliver it to ur office!
Tak per.. today i only hv to bake for my mom.. if dapat bake kan dia 2 layer cake tdy pun jadi lah..
hehe.. raya harus tetap maintain.. harus try to sleep early malam raya so that no eye bags can be seen bila raya.. harus look cun melecun walaupun badan penat yg teramat hahaha
Muahaha part muka kelat tu macam terfamiliar.. bila dah penat tu semua pun tak kena.. muka kelat and mulat jadi nye so better stay away and not get us aggitated haha.. penat mahhhhh
glad to her this, take care and selamat hari raya! my baking marathon will resume whn in muor!
heheh good luck.. my baking marathon will end this sunday insyallah... monday, time to put up the curtains and go to florist.. shiok shiok.. cant wait for malam raya where kita berbuka kat rumah my mom.. yahooooo macam budak kecik pun ader.. ye ye nak rayaaaaaaaaa!!
nak komen previous entry tapi segan with ur hb. huhuh..
apa pun kak rima, be tough.
we can never expect what will happen next.
sebab kita xdpt jangka apa org lain fikir/buat, kan?
but i'm gald & proud to know u.
cheer up kak, raya is just around the corner.
wadduuhhh....crack n separate 50 eggs eh....kita yg nak crack n separate 4 eggs ajer kenkadang terkial2...hehe..tapi thn ni gi beli egg separator from Daiso..senang sikit...heheh
nak kepo...kek lapis cadbury chocolate ada ke?...kalau ada..i aim that one if go ur mum/ur place...hehe...*sungguh.tak.malu.com*
- Ain
Hi there,
My very first time commenting albeit a regular reader. I am very much interested in food photography, that explains why I'm here. I like your food captures, gives me the inspiration most times. A beautiful blog you have here.
Hope you have a Wonderful Eid.
Keep the vibe going. :)
Heheh why segan.. no need one.. hes a super friendly guy.. memang betul.. we never know.. hopefully its gonna be to a good use for others..
woahhhh why u long time no play here ah.. nak kek lapis cadbury pulak tu.. TAK DE! muahaha.. eh memang dah lama pun tak buat kek lapis tu.. kita fall in lap with indon type lah.. sungguh melt in ur mouth kind.. tu sebab dah lama tak buat kek lapis yg lain :op
The woman
hehhe got to love that nick ey..
must admit that food photography is one of my interest.. am not an expect and i still hv a long way to go when it comes to food photography :o)
Like wise.. happy Eid to u too!
Beruntung dalam cik abang mcm hb u ni.
Tu lah kata orang Tuah ayam nampak di kaki, tuah manusia siapa tahu kan kan kan.
Ishh sebenarnya nak ckap beruntung dpt cik abang mcm hb u ni, typo la pulak.....
Take care and good night.
Hehe..ada jadi silent reader..kenkadang nak comment takleh go thru plak...hehe
Alah takde eh... :( mkn choc cadbury jer lah...
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