Ahhhhh what a wonderful day.... I woke up feeling fresh eventho its the time of the month again.. hmm no wonder yesterday i was having horrendous mood swings! urgghh and guess what.. best of all... i can upload my bakings pics and get to share new recipes... hmmm fm the look of my cake.. what do u think it looks like?? hehehe
Recipe is fm Sedap magazine edisi 61/XII/2011 which i had bought recently in Jkt and if u were to ask me how it tastes like?? err well i hv only one sentence to say.. that all egg white steamed cakes taste the same... not much to rave abt.. the taste actually comes fm all the paste that u add into ur batter... however it is much healthier as it only uses egg whites... minimal sugar and also it uses oil and not butter... am not a big fan of oil based cakes but my aunt is.. so this cake was made especially for her... hope u like it cik.. err did u even get the box of cake that i left infront of ur doorstep cos i didnt even get any call fm u.. gulp :o~

300g egg white
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp emulsifier
120g sugar
150g low protein flour - cake flour
20g milk powder
50ml thick coconut milk
30ml oil
1/2 tsp rhum - i used vanilla
1/2 tsp black forest paste or chocolate paste
1/2 tsp mocca paste
Prepare steamer.. grease 8" round pan (I used oval pan)
Whisk egg white, salt and emulsifier
Using low speed.. add in sifted flour and milk powder
Fold in coconut milk and oil thoroughly
Divide batter into 3 equal parts.. add BF into one and mocca into another.. leave the 3rd one plain
Pour in a laddle of mocca.. followed by chocolate and lastly plain.. repeat the same action till finished
Steam ur cake for abt 25 mins on medium/high fire..

I will update another recipe which i managed to bake yesterday in a little while.. its one of Ny Liem's recipe.. so stay tuned! oh oh and also be quick to push ur supermarket trolley girls cos my BF paste is selling fast and my spekkeok are almost gone and i think the big pack condensed milk is gone when i woke up this morning hehe (stocking up for raya eh? :)
KAK RIMAAAAAA!!!! aaarrrghhhhhhh sgt tensi okeyyyy bila tgk mac akak tu! eh? kek zebra akak mmg mabeles! kita suke kek2 yg ada jalur2 gini sbb teruja nak memebelangkannyer n mengkelam kabutnyer wakakaka... wah wah ini sudah masuk list tunggu jer versi siamnyer zebra :D
WoW! I love the belang. Look like bawang pun ada. hehehe. One thing for sure...u r so rajin & I enjoy looking at all yr creations. Yummm..
Cam mana?? u tak tahu betapa kalam kabutnye bila part part nak belang kan dia.. ade satu macam kanchiong hahahah
Tuang one senduk of each warna sampai habis.. tak yah nak marble marble kan.. automatic u will get belang belang but kan whats best.. result dia selalu lain lain hehe
muahahha part kalam kabut tu memang power!.. macam charlie chaplin pun ade kahkahkah harus cepat cepat or else sememeh ahaks
Alahhh ija .. u also can do macs mahhh.. cantik lagiii..
Ahhhh if ade teka teki sure u akan menang one... macam onion kannnn... first time my hb nampak dia kata.. woahhhhh how did u do the onion design.. kahkahkah.. ye lorrr.. macam lah bini dia ni pandai bangat haha
zebra cake? hmmm show it to my hasya sure dia meloncat loncat gumbira hihi... she loves anything yg rupa paras mcm zebra ;-))
wooowwwww.....terpesona mas tengok kek tu..
sempurna sangat.....
teror la akak..
kalau mas buat...
entah macam mana rupa belangnya.....kikikiki
oh my oh my, it is such a beautiful cake!! The different colour combination in it so well blended strips together becoming a "zebra". I am so in "awe" over it, Rima! I intend to bake the other type zebra which you posted earlier first then this one.
Oh she likes zebra eh.. sonia likes anything leopard prints.. her soft toys pun semua fm the cat family.. leopard lah.. lion lah.. cheetah, panther.. snow leopard.. white tiger.. every trip sure dia akan bawak balik new friend..
Terpesona?? cuba tengok lagi dalam.. boleh terkero mata kan .. hahaha.. macam orang nak kasi kita ape tu name nye.. hypnotize hahaha.. ape ape ajer lah Rima ni!
Mas if buat belang belang sure akan jadi cantik also.. try ok
Ty ty.. i am pretty sure u can do the same too.. sometimes my zebra comes out OK.. sometimes KO hehe.. let me know how it turn out yah.. good luck!
Omg,tergoda iman tengok kek ni.Kenapa lah u suka sangat seksa orang? Hobi ke? Khakhakha.But seriously it is so beautiful.Kalau i,nampak buat frame lah,sayang nak potong.Btw susu pekat coklat dah habis? Baru nampak tadi pagi b4 i pegi keje.Hai kempunan i.
Eh i baru added yg 6 in 1 pack tadi pagi.. if u want u go to my store ok..
Mengoda iman dgn kek healthy ok jugak ape.. at least u dont hv to feel guilty bila terbake hehe
Awesome cake Rima. It's so so so beautiful.
kak rimaa.....salam kenalan dr kagawa japan..awesome gile laaa tgk kek akak....xle nk imagine mcne kalo da depan mata....xsanggup nk makan...cantik sgt2,.....tergoda habisss
Ty ty.. if u hv egg white.. do try ok.. maybe u might like it..
Sabar bangpek
Salam kenalannnn.. kalau kat depan mata sure akan makan one hehehe
Kak Rima, the zebra line is soooo cekci to me eyes la....ahaks...and the macs....boleh buat akan munch tanpa buke mateeeee:p!!
yeay.. mood rima sudah bagus pagi ini.. she's galloping happily with her zebra.. i likeeee....
wow rima, cantiknya...i wonder if we used black clr..btl2 mcm zebra...:D
errrkkk bole ke?
Hi Rima,
I have white eggs, unfortunately, I do not have a steamer. Need to find space for it in my kitchen. Will shop around for a small cute steamer soon :)
waaaahhhh wahhhhhhhhhhhh... waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh... cantiknyer... sangat terpesona... sekali pandang cam balang kaca tabung uji yg dlm lab kan.. hahaha
thanks for yr compliment ya.. mmmmmuah! :)
rima...sudah x marah k ni? nampak pic tarik rambut kt bwh tu, ngeri jugak ai..heheh. btw, kek ni cun giler..mak2 suka kek camni...same here..i prefer cake wif butter inside..tau ajelah, yg lemak2 n byk calories tu la i suka..pastu bising sbb berat naik, hehehe
Salam kenalan, kek sangat cantekk..!!!
hahaha...betul tu Mbak Rima...semua cake putih telur sama rasanya tapi yours look so pretty...rasanya tertutup oleh teksturnya yang cantiiiik sekali, apa ada hubungannya dengan bentuk talam yang oval kah...atau memang kue apa saja yang dibuat Mbak Rima pastilah cantik rupanya....
Beautiful cake. :)
wow...teruja tgk kek ni...lapisan n alunan yg cantik...kombinasi warna yg menarik...
Assalamualaikum Rima,
Wow amazing zebra line!! Perfectly done by perfect baker...cantik sekaliii...kemas sekaliii...mmg Rima nie talented kan?? Kalau kak Nur masuk sini kan, mesti tk berkelip mata...hehe..
Hi Rima,
Why no sales of cocoa powder and baking chocolates in your store yet? Are you planning to sell them in future?
Subhanallah....cantiknya kek tu Rima cayang oooiiii....nak fengsaaan tengok taaauuu...adeeeiii, terus rasa kecut perut, pkir2 kalau buat jadi cantik ke taaakkk....huhuuu.. Really admire it!! Gorgeous !!
I dont know why i cannot go to ur blog leh.. hmmm anyway u think cekci eh.. i think kannn rupe dia macam .. err macam... cuba tanya knor hehehe
Mana tahu?? alamakkkk next time dont say it out loud.. malu kita hahaha
Cantiknya ! You make everything look so easy la, kak. Seriously. Egg whites cake rasa apa ? Never had some before.
hik hik.. boleh ajer but kan kadang if u tak campur colour hitam lebih lebih nanti jadi grey pulak.. letak lebih nanti it will gv some kinda after taste pulak.. baik stick to brown :op
Better buy the big one cos i used to think like that.. buy cute mute one so that its easier for me to keep out of sight but unfortunately thats not the case as most of the kuih that u wanna steamed usually will use 8" pan .. u dont want to steamed kek kukus for 4hrs for a super small tray.. just not worth the effort..
Memang betul.. while my hb kata macam onion.. i think macam tabung uji.. hampir hampir macam sonia waktu kat my tummy hahahha.. ade ade ajer..
Yes congrats!! bukan senang nak capai one million tauuuu
Eh kita also mak mak but kan kita tetap tak suka yg pakai minyak hahah.. my mom lagi dont like.. i guess owang yg jaga kesihatan.. diet.. allergic to butter ajer yg suka kek pakai minyak.. my auntie tak leh angs dgn bau butter and susu..
No angry lah.. just tarik rambut cos berserabut otak hehe
Salam perkenalan! ty for dropping by :o)
Aduhhh mbakkk.. where got.. sometimes kek jadi cantik.. sometimes kek nye jadi ikut mood swing.. lucky i did this cake waktu siang.. if waktu ku sedang geram.. habis.. sure zebra nya jadi entah apa aja hahaha
Belly good cooking
Ty ty.. hope ur well.. long time no see u.. :o)
When i first saw the pic on that majalah... hati ku sudah terpaut.. they did it in round pan.. i thought why not do it in oval pan.. lain sikit.. tak sangka kejadian nye looks like onion hahaha
W'Salam KNur
No one is perfect pun.. lagi lagi kita heheh.. agaknye masa kita nak cepat cepat buat tu yg boleh melapis zebra macam charlie chaplin.. main hantam ajer cos nak cepat antar .. alhamdullilah.. dalam macam kartun tu... menjadi jugak cake ni..
I hv been thinking abt that.. what kind are u interested in??
I very segan with sifu tauuu.. dont say like that lehhh.. macam nak lari sembunyi kan diri hehhe.. kadang kan lagi kita hati hati buat zebra.. lagi lah tak jadi secantik yg kita gambar kan.. cuba jadi charlie chaplin sikit.. sure jadi bentuk onion ni hahaha
I think susah nak describe cos i am not a big fan of oil base cake.. rasa kek ni macam spongy.. not oily at all.. non greasy taste.. macam makan apam pun ade.. ahhhh yes.. like apam hehe
super cantik! tapi sebab akak kata rasanya sama mcm kek 'white-egg' yg lain, so, rasanya ok2 saja kot.. kan?
to each is its own.. i dont like oil base cake so of cos i kata macam gitu hehe.. if nak tahu.. u try and bake it yah.. :op
assalamualaikum Rima, i just had to leave a comment...walaupun ramai yg kata pekara yg sama. Kek u cantik sangat!!I boleh bayangkan rasanya, kek kukus takde lah fantastic sgt BUT design tuh sgt menjadi:))
Hi Rima,
Thanks for considering our request. I am looking at valrhona cocoa powders and cacao barry chocolate chips (all types). Currently other baking shops do not courier this item to us even though we say we can pay for courier and okay with this method. They kept saying that chocolates will melt, etc etc etc. Which at times make me so fedup, cos courier like OCS, etc does the delivery within the same day. eg call in the morning and they pick up and deliver by evening.
Looking forward to find the ingredients in your online store soon :)
Yes yes.. kek kukus still ok jugak lah.. kek kukus egg white is nothing to rave abt but kan i must admit.. its much more easier to lorek kan dia cos the batter is stable..
Hi Melissa
The problem with sending out chocolate using courier the cost will be higher but if u are willing to pay.. why not ey... let me discuss with my hb and keep a look out yah.. tks!
Wooooowwww!!! This zebra is wonderful:) I like it:)
Slm k rima,
2 kali i buat kek ni rini, tp x dpt belang onion cam u huhu sedey tul.. Any tips u leh share? Gula masuk ng egg whites kan? Recipe u rasa cam Miss gula n vanilla esen steps..
Alamak ye ker?? lahhhh itu lah padah nye bila i hv to type sendiri itew recipe and kena translate lagi.. ade ajer yg terlupa nak type.. yes yes.. u hv to whisk it dgn egg white..
Itu onion yg benar nye i pun tak tahu macam mana kejadian dia boleh jadi gitu.. last layer tu i just scrape whatever batter yg balance and tuang kan batter in the middle.. i think cos batter berat dia jatuh macam gitu..
Hihi i rasa oval pan tu part of the reason jugak lah.. Esok i experiment lg ng oval pan and report back.. Hehehe x penah rs semangat wat kek sapai camni.. Berkali2 try.. Sbb i suka ng pattern yg you buat tu.. Sungguh gigih nk try dptkn kihkih wish me luck!
Btw, rajin u type balik recipe.. N share it.. Allah bless u :) tq
InsyAllah if ade kesihatan i will try to share recipe walaupun ku terpaksa type balik hehe..
Did u managed to get the onion pattern?
salam kak rima!
jeles sy tgk kek zebra akk nie.. ^^ sy nk try tp xde steamer..agak2 blh x kalo sy bake kt dlm oven tp guna water bath?
Ton gateau est magnifique ! Your cake is very beautiful
Please can you explain me when you say in your recipe beautiful cake by the way...emulsifier.... i dont know whats means is that.. could you help me im from venezuela and i dont understand ... thansk any way
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