Yep... u'll see what i mean...
There are a few things which i am looking forward to this week.. fathers day.. Sonia's new curtains.. macs orders and most of all .. our trip to Malacca... now whats so so special abt this Malacca trip? its like.. i am much more excited abt this Malacca trip then my long haul trips lol.. the thing is.. the whole family is going and hb has booked us into the newest hotel belonging to the same group as the Concorde Hotel KL... cant wait to see how the Cheng Ho Suite is gonna look like... its gonna be fun.. its gonna be one crazy weekend with my family!
Anyway i still hv two more days bef our short gateaway so lets not get too excited... you see the cake abv? i only hv two words for u girls and guys out there... BAKE IT.. BAKE IT.. BAKE IT!! its worth every effort.. its worth every cent of ur money.. super yummy.. super moist.. super melt in ur mouth... u wont believe if i tell ya how many of these have melted in my mouth muahahha.. awesome recipe is fm mbak Sheryl.. ty ty.. cakenye rasa mantap and lembut banget!!

Ingredients (for one cake layer)
7 egg yolks
3 egg whites
125g sugar
1 tsp emulsifier
1 tbsp SKM (susu kental manis aka condense milk)
60g flour
20g cornflour
1 / 2 tsp baking powder
100g melted margarine - i used unsalted butter and add 1/2tsp salt)
vanilla essence / pandan paste / mocca coffee paste
jam / buttercream as fillings - i used raspberry jam

- Preheat the oven 175C... grease 10x10" pan.
- On a stand mixer.. whisk eggs, sugar, emulsifiers, vanilla essence and SKM until fluffy.
- Add in sifted flour, cornstarch and baking powder to beaten eggs, mix well.
- Fold in melted margarine and stir well.
- Pour batter into pan and bake it for abt 20 mins until its done
- Bake using the same recipe and method for the other two layers wokey!
How to:
Place vanilla cake with skin cake at the bottom.. spread jam, top with pandan cake, spread another layer of jam and top with mocca cake. Allow ur cake to sit for a while in ur fridge.. slice into squares..

-make sure the beaten egg benar2 fluffy
-when mixing flour, use speed no 2 / medium to be well mixed.
-when mixing the margarine, make sure its mix properly, because if not it will settle at the bottom and the cake became bantat.
-This dough can also be used as swiss rolls.
-make sure the beaten egg benar2 fluffy
-when mixing flour, use speed no 2 / medium to be well mixed.
-when mixing the margarine, make sure its mix properly, because if not it will settle at the bottom and the cake became bantat.
-This dough can also be used as swiss rolls.
Bef i get on with my baking.. thought id show u pics of sonia and her new bicycle... Ever since we got her the bicycle.. shes been riding on it non stop.. yesterday i didnt hv the time to take her out for her rounds and what did she do?? she cycled up and down our living area and wud stop every few mins to repair her bicycle hehehe

The cake looks so luscious! Aisey! nampaknya I kena bake la cake ni. I've all the ingredients in the kitchen.
dont forget to take loads of photos of the Cheng Ho suite. Have fun in Malacca.
ps : Sonia, can aunty shidah borrow your pretty bike? cantik la.. :)
Oohh... so cute Sonia, repair basikal! She's such a dolly la Kak Rima :)
waduhh rima.... cantek banget keknya itu... baru pingin mencoba.. rupa2nya.. resepi harus didarap tiga.. berarti.. harus ku pecahkan telur 21 biji? wawawa... nanti ku fikirkan lagi 3 kali.. mau coba atau nggak.. hehehe...
(tiba2 terguna dialeg indonesia pulak bila tengok kek lapis ni...)
beautiful cake babe... kelang kajut pi tgk baper biji telur for the recipe...hehe...bule gak ku bikin...
tergelak sket tgk Sonia 'repair' that bicycle..and have a gd trip to Malacca babe..dun forget the pics & review ahaksss..
Rima ,
I never bake kek lapis..kind of takut 2 try..hehehe ,another thing ,any rcp using "gm " kind of thing is x my cup of tea..(btw,i ada scale tp x pernah guna )but this rcp nampak simple je ,hopefully i'll gv it a try soon i return frm my summer break..gotta use dat scale kan !!!
Oh ya Rima ,
is there any subtitute for "emulsifier" as kat my place ni teramat payah nak cari ing.for cake - emulsifier ke or ovalette-x pernah jumpa u..ya ya ya ,kindda ulu place..lolxx
Humph r u guys gonna stay at the casa del rio melaka? Uhh nice hotel baru je we all mengskodeng hotel tu thru agoda. Happy berholiday ya, melaka cendol, ikan bkr, asam pedas, beca, kereta lembu gonna b fun.
Btw about the cake. U mean that ingredients for 1 layer? Then othr layer same ingredients jst add on paste?
waahhhh sangat memukau anak mata.. cantik betul!
K.Rima, all the 3 batters bake separately atau bake macam layer cake??
ohh myy...i want to bake it! just 1 thing, sis boleh tak i guna egg yolks yg dah beberapa hari dalam fridge utk buat kek ni? (from macaron whites)
eh lagi 1, so i need to bake 3 batch of this la to get 3 layer kan? 1 recipe=1 layer?
perrhhhh...cantikkk sangat...
suka mas tengokkk...
memang ratu kuih lapis akak sorang ni..
Princess Sonia going to Malacca. Make sure you go for river cruise, going up into Taming Sari Tower, go for Duck Ride, Crossing Malacca river by rope etc,.. Definitely Sonia will love it.
I took my family end of last month. They enjoy it very much. Oh! don't forget to have Assam Pedas.
Please sow us the Cheng Ho Suite.
sis, emulsifier boleh ganti ngan ape? cheng ho hotel near mahkota parade kn?
Cannnnn .. abg hairi also can ride that bike ape lagi auntie shidahhhh hehehe
Bake lah.. no need to diet hehehe.. all joke aside.. this cake memang sedap.. muai pulak tu.. buat raya sungguh molek hehe
Mdm Sooyaree
Yes she is.. bila dia tiba tiba senyap i pun peep lah .. rupe nye tengah repair bike dia hahaha
Waduhhhh mbakkk.. kepinggin lagi.. harus di derap 3 dehhh kalau tidak mana bisa dapat kek sebesar gitu.. bake yah mbak.. jgn tak bake.. pokok nya rasanya makyus dehhh hahaha
This cake sungguh muai i tell u.. cuma pakai 21 eggs.. u dont hv to throw away too many egg white pong cos it uses 9 egg whites in total.. yg lain u can try ur hands on macs ah.. bake it ok and lepas tu boleh kasi ur makcik mulat makan.. kan dah nak masuk weekend kannn hehehe
I will definately gv my review next week on the cheng ho suite.. we also take another connection room.. akan ku tahan semua orang jng masuk bilik .. biar mak ambik gambo dulu ahakss
Nanti if u balik malaysia boleh lah u beli stock emulsifier ke.. ovalette ke.. for now if u tak de.. u can tambah kan egg yolks in ur cake.. how many i am not too sure.. maybe 3 more egg yolks?? u try ok..
I much prefer yg pakai grams cos more acurate.. buy a digital one .. its worth it.
Yes u hv to buat 3 kali of the recipe given..
Egg yolks tu dah berapa lama u simpan?? i ever used egg yolks yg dah 3 hari dalam fridge to bake kek lapis.. jadi nye sempurna ajer.. alhamdullilah
Yep thats the hotel.. supposed to open last march then tak jadi.. finally they open it last month.. so typical my hb who is so so into hotels.. he has to check it out.. tu yg dia booked the cheng ho suite.. we also booked the connecting room to fit everyone together..
Sonia actually dah byk kali gi malacca.. cuma tak pernah tido sana .. for me i think dah more than 10yrs tak tido kat malacca.. usually kita pergi malacca either bef kita gi KL or bila balik KL on our way back to Sg... harus makan itew asam pedas bef balik sg hehehe
Lupe.. yes u hv to do three times of the recipe to get three layers.. one recipe u add vanilla essence.. another batch u add pandan paste and another batch u add mocca paste.. if u dont like mocca u can also change it to chocolate paste..
Bake lah.. very easy and sedap.. if u bake lagi mata ku terjuling air hehehe
Ratu kek lapis tak nak ah.. ratu singapura boleh tak?? muahahha.. ferasannn
Weeeeeeeeeee...Rima, nak pi Melaka lak eh..best tuuuu...akak pun baru pergi year end school holiday hari tu...many more places to discover...x puas jalan laaa...Btw, my kids suka sgt kat Jonker Street tu...hahaha..ntah apa la diaorg ni..akak fenin2 duk situ..hehe.. Wish you in advance, happy holiday and may you and family have a safe journey dear!
Itew taming sari tower is actually hb's co project.. ade cerita disebalik itew taming sari tower hehe.. will do all that if we hv the time.. the last time i took sonia to melacca for a day trip.. we took her on beca ride hehehe.. she tak tahu duk diam lol
Asam pedas memang dah biasa makan.. this time round i wanna try ikan bakar kat rumbia.. if i am not mistaken..
Aduhh i termiss ur comment.. wud be great if u leave down ur name dear.. yes u hv to bake it seperately.. each layer 20 mins.. dah selesai.. u do another batch of it and bake again..
If u dont hv it u add more egg yolks into ur recipe.. emulsifier tu untuk melembut kan lagi ur cake..
Its not cheng ho hotel dear.. its casa del rio
Ty ty.. i think itew jonker street dari Rima anak dara.. sampai lah dah jadi mak dara..memang tempat fav.. teringat waktu kecik kecik dulu.. my grandmother bawak kita gi sana dgn kereta mini dia hehehe.. i think we were only 3 yrs old.. eh eh macam umur dak sonia ni lah..
uh huh....nanti nanti akanku bake ini cake..tengok pun dah terasa rasa nak makan nih ;-)
klakar la sonia n her new bike tu...kejap kejap repair ye..apa yg rosak tu? hihi
Tak tahu lah apasal dia suka repair repair benda.. dari umur dia 2yrs old dia dah mintak tool box.. if besok besar dia suka repair repair bagus tu.. mama dia tak yah tunggu papa dia to fix the things at home
Bake ok.. its worth the try.. :o)
cantiknya kek rima & nmpk sedap gitu..!
Your cake looks awsome...with nice colours. Rima guna warna jenis apa ya? Is powdered colours more recommended for baking? Akak try buat macarons smlm, ermmm....almost 3 times repeating nearly the whole lots buang...asyik cracking dan senget...bila lah Rima nak buka class ye???...
Hi Kak Rima,
Wah best la nak p holiday kat Melaka. Dah lama x pegi Melaka. Nak cerita sikit nih. Suzy ada try buat Nutella Marble last Sunday tapi kan tak jadi macam Kak Rima punye la.....:o(
Rasanya memang sedap, mungkin x beat fluffy kot.......Nanti saya akan cuba lagi. Lapis trio ni pun akan ku cuba juga...
Kak Am
Try buat lah kak.. memang sedap banget cake ni :o)
Adehhhh memang tak reti nak jadi teacher .. nanti bila kita ngajar semua anak murid tido hehehe..
I didnt use any colouring pun in this cake.. green is fm pandan paste.. brown is fm cuppucino+chocolate paste (tu pun cos ku kehabisan mocca paste)
Macs tu memang naughty.. harus keep on practise ok... dont gv up hope.. maybe u shud try to lower the oven temp.. right now most of the time Rima pakai 130C
Buat lagi ok.. that nutella cake memang sedap.. i baked it waktu raya haji dulu.. laku macam goreng pisang panas hehehe.. if u wanna try and bake this cake.. harus hati hati waktu u fold in ur melted butter.. make sure ur melted butter betul betul sejuk bef u add it to ur batter ok..
Hi rima, thanks for baking macs for me before u go malacca. U know what, half of the macs tt i ordered frm u dah abis in the car itself. Blum pun sampai rumah, baru separuh jalan aje. Heheh. My kids just couldnt stop eating ur macs until i had to tell them to stop and save the rest for tomorrow. And thanks also for the layer cake yg u bagi i rasa. Its really yummy and mcm tak cukup, nak lagi. Hehe. Anyway, nice meeting u for the first time. Insyll will order again frm u. Ok haf a safe journey to malacca.
Kak Rima, can this cake be covered with buttercream frosting? Turn it into a birthday cake?
Salam Rima yr cake look very nice n can I change mocca to cokelat? Oh ya remember me Ksal at the airport n today just came back n I am so happy to meet you....Ksal
Hi Shikin
Heheh budak budak memang gitew .. kalau dapat benda yg dia suka memang tak reti erti kata STOP hehehe.. ty and so glad that they enjoyed it.. tak cukup ke?? adehhh tadi patut u u-turn balik hehehe
Hope u will hv a good weekend in malaysia too!
Of cos u can.. If she recommended it as swissroll i am pretty sure it will work as base cake too
Woahhh u were gone even longer than my parent.. Hope u had a great trip.. Was nice of u to say hi..
Yes u can even hv it two layer instead of three.. Pandan n chocolate flavours
Harus diingatkan sekiranya (which u must) u mkn cendol di jonker st. Ada a few furniture shop, they are selling nice wooden furniture which ada jual a nice salad bowl and so harus di check out. Bcoz i cuma beli 1 je ala ala hjh bakhil haritu balik kl menyesal sbb kt cni xde style mcm tu kwang kwang...
Apa kata u suruh je encik hb bt blog hotel review tapi yg wallet friendlly la... Mlm jgn lupa naik itew boat cruising yek ambk gmbr2 byk2 bcoz i sudah 3thn x g cna boley gitu oh asam laksa jgn lupa k hv fun
thanxs 4 d info...i mmg org mlk..tp lama dh xbalik mlk..
Thanks for stopping by my blog. You have a wonderful blog too, follow u. And I having same name with your daughter, nice name huh,hehehe..This cake lapis look so awesome and i bet it must taste super yummy!
Heheh ty .. i guess itew jonker street memang tempat fav semua orang..
Dah 3yrs tak gi malacca?? its only a drive away u know hehe.. ape lagi pi suruh cik hb u drive u there.. pi beli itew salad bowl yg u idam kan ahakssss
We go to Malacca pretty often but not to stay the night there.. its more abt tempat persinggah whenever we wanna drive back fm kl to sg.. itew asam pedas macam selalu memanggil kita to stop in malacca to hv lunch hehe
Eh it feels like talking to my daughter heheh... yes beautiful name indeed! wasnt a difficult decision to named our child Sonia..
Ty for sharing all the recipes in ur blog.. hv tried a few and all turned out wonderful.. :o)
org luar if p mlk sure nk cari asam pedas...tp org mcm i yg mmg dh salu mkn asam pedas, mcm dh boring sgt2...tp asam pedas ade mcm2 version..but melaka version is d best! yeha...
boleh ke if kita nk enter s'pore sbb emergency (relative meninggal) tp xde pasport?
kak rima yg putih telur 3 bijik tu nak pukul sekali ker..?or pukul dulu,pastu baru masuk kuning telur and etc..nk try buat..nmpk cam sedap...
Sorry late reply.. No u cant.. U need passport whenever u travel mahhh
Yes u whisk it together.. Gd luck! This cake is awesone!
got d answer actually.anyway, tqvm sis..
kak Rima, ty dah coba resep saya.alhamdulillah bila berkenan di lidah.:)
saya suka sekali blognya kak, boleh share resep macs nya kak?saya suka sekali liatnya, cantik2.:)
No worries and my condolences yah..
Waduhh sheryl.. cake nye.. ty ty ty.. pokok nya saya bangat deh hehe
My macs recipe is in my blog.. u can look it up under the seach button on the right hand corner.. just type in macarons ok
look so yummy! :)
hai kak rima! =)
im a super duper huge fans of kek lapis. my 1st kek lapis turns out perfectly (i used ur recipe). it makes me happiest girl alive.lol
mind if i ask?
1)what is the difference using golden churn butter and unsalted butter?is it the texture of the cake?
2)does the amount of the egg yolks actually makes the cake softer and yummier? if that so, what will happen if i use 25egg yolks if the recipe only use 15egg yolks?is it ok?
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