Time: 16.20pm
Venue: Barcelona
Weather: 21C.. cooling
Mood: Good!

Anyway heres the recipe taken fm Camelia blog.. original recipe is fm Fatma of NCC

Yellow layer
10 egg yolks
100g sugar
125g butter - whipped till soft
50g flour
Chocolate layer
10 egg yolks
100g sugar
125g butter - whipped till soft
50g flour
1 tbsp blackforest paste
Whipped butter till soft .. abt 10 mins or so - set aside
Whisked egg yolks and sugar till fluffy
Add in whipped butter and continue to whisk using low speed
Fold in sifted flour
Baked at 180C for 20 mins
Do the same for the chocolate layer ok
Once cool.. spread whatever jam u like.. i used mix berries jam... and sandwich ur cake..

Venue: Barcelona
Weather: 21C.. cooling
Mood: Good!
Peak Agenda: Err... errr... i need to sleep! hehe.. we got into Barca safely this morning.. weather is so so nice and the moment we got into the city.. my sis in law was already there waiting for us.. so all is good.. we did our little grocery shopping the moment we dumped our luggage.. I decided to stay in an apartment on this trip simply bec hb will be flying to frankfurt and berlin for work tonight till sat and i prefer to cook instead of going out to eat while hes gone.. the apartment is nice and cosy.. right smack in the middle of the city.. so easy for me to just run down and do my shopping bits hehe .. anyway i cant stay long.. i can hardly keep my eyes open anymore.. pics below show my family sending us off at the airport and the moment we got into Barca.. it really feels as tho i am in Italy and Argentina combined into one hehehe

Oh yeah.. guess what?? i managed to use up my eggs bef we flew to Barca last night.. this was what i baked... super moist.. super delish.. my kinda cake heheh.. wouldnt call this lapis surabaya tho since i only did 2 layers instead of ur typical 3 layers lapis surabaya.. the indon call this kinda cake Lapis Malang..

Anyway heres the recipe taken fm Camelia blog.. original recipe is fm Fatma of NCC

Yellow layer
10 egg yolks
100g sugar
125g butter - whipped till soft
50g flour
Chocolate layer
10 egg yolks
100g sugar
125g butter - whipped till soft
50g flour
1 tbsp blackforest paste
Whipped butter till soft .. abt 10 mins or so - set aside
Whisked egg yolks and sugar till fluffy
Add in whipped butter and continue to whisk using low speed
Fold in sifted flour
Baked at 180C for 20 mins
Do the same for the chocolate layer ok
Once cool.. spread whatever jam u like.. i used mix berries jam... and sandwich ur cake..

So ok.. I better try to take a little nap.. tmrw my SIL and i plan to go and explore Barca and will definitely take lots of pics..
Kak Rima,
Ahhh.. you're in Barca now! 12 hours of drive from here. Huhu!
On vacation but yet still have the time to update ye? Cannot sit still, no? Hehe! Have a wonderful time there! :)
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa Rima, bestnyaaaa...Barcelona la pulak...adeeiii...awet muda la camni tauuu selalu dapat jalan2....Btw, your cake really caught my eyes..my tekak also...adeeeiiii...Have a great holidays Rima...jgn lepak2 sgt...jalan2 cari makan naaaa...hehe
Ah ah.. i am in Barca now.. love the weather! my hb dah on his way to Frankfurt.. my SIL is not here.. Sonia is napping.. tinggal lah kita sorang sorang kat sini.. lucky ade lappy.. if not.. hati ku memberontak nak pi jalan jalan kat bawah tu heheh
wowwee..da smpi..mcm Ria lak yg p Barca..hehe..xcited..enjoy ur trip sis..take pics a lot..sdp nmpk ny kek tuh..yummy2..
U know tadi kat dalam cab ku ternampak so many kedai bakery... then termakbul jugak niat ku nak beli a few macam cake.. ni tengah drink coffee and makan kek.. nyaman gitew.. if kat rumah ni tak tahu duduk diam si Rima hahaha
Ty and tmrw akan ku jln jln cari kebab kahkahkah
HOLA heheheh.. eh tiba tiba i sounded macam si dora the explorer hahahha.. ah ah dah sampai.. alhamdullilah.. will take lots of pics tmrw.. tungguuu
rima, bestnyer kek tuh.. mengancam abis..
enjoy yr trip ya.. jgn lupa bawak balik ole2 banyak2 utk kita org tau hehe
tq for sharing resipi apam tu ya.. mmg mabeles :)
Memang shiok betul kek tu.. lembut membelai lidah hehhe.. tengok lah berapa egg yolk dia.. if tengah diet habis lah diet tu kan hehehe.. will do KNor and no worries.. good recipes memang harus dishare share hehe
finally! your long awaited break! have fun there! that lapis surabaya looks so yummy! I want some! :P
I am supposed to take a nap but tak leh tido pulak.. mata hari tengah tegak..
I sure will.. my sis in law flew in fm vienna this morning so besok ade geng lah nak pi explore barca while hb is at work.. weekend baru lah boleh explore dgn hb .. cant wait!
Assalamualaikum Rima
Waduh seronok nya jln2...itu cake menawan sekali...enjoy your trip dear!
Hv fun K. Rima! Can't wait to see more photos. Also thanks for this lapis recipe...coz I need to get 'rid' of my yolks...& that's no yoke (joke). LOL. Just being silly.
Babe!!!! sudah sampai Barca!! sweet!
selamat berexplore the great city... take lotsss of pics aite!
am soo gonna try this cake now...takmo cakap ajer...kesian dude nak makan opera cake sampai sekarang bini dia tak buatkan lagi!
take care!
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! kak rima bestnye!!!!! this yr im stuck in spore ... =S ... take lots of pix eh ...
The lapis looks yummy and soft !!! awesome~!
have fun n enjoy urself kak.. n take a good care of ur PA.. :D
Hi Rima, I love your blog especially all the pictures on the food. By the way, my name is Nor. I just want to ask where did you buy the blackforest paste. I have been asking around but none of the shop in JB ever heard of blackforest paste. TQ.
adoi Rima, dah nak berjalan pun sempat lagi baking...??? Hahah.Enjoy your trip, babe.
Alhamdulilah,u had arr safely.Cant wait to see more photos
Walaikumsalam Nuridah
Ty and will do.. sonia and me terbangun pukul 4am barca time.. arghhh still in sg time zone..
Where hv u been ?? hehhe didnt hear fm u since ur hb's bday... how was it?? cake turned out well?? this lapis malang memang enak buk.. buat ok.. recipe simple banget.. tak byk pakai ingredients :op
HOLA Babe!!
yes dah sampai.. barca definately much much cleaner than italy.. lots of nice buildings here.. cant wait to explore and take pics later..
Eh buat ok.. cake nye sedap banget.. i ate a few slices in one go bef giving it away to my mom and sis
Lahhh kesian nye... plan something ah.. hols ni meringgan kan minda ahaks
Ty dear and will do.. my PA woke up at 4am and now tengah tergedik gedik kat atas katil dgn her Ipad... dancing to Hi5 songs hehehe
Hi Nur
Ty for coming to this blog of mine.. great to hv u onboard hehhe.. BF paste i got it fm my previous trip to Jakarta.. u can only get it there.. cant even find it in sg so hopefully on my next trip to Jkt i will try to bring it in for my "store" insyallah..
Ty babe! harus ku pi bake something.. mata sakit memandang telur telur ku .. harus ku bake something simple so i did hehehe.. woke up early.. bake my cake and lepas tu macam lipas kudung.. kalam kabut pi settle what not bef our night flight :o)
Ty for the no pork children meal.. sonia tak makan her main meal pong.. dia bedal my nasi lemak hahahha
luckily.. i still got some yolks from my disaster macaron mengkarung..definitely will try this cake...so much cholestrol but who cares janji sodap.. thanx for sharing kak rima...enjoy ur trip..go go barca..
U know-lah when yr baby is sick your world stopped. But now my world is starting to rotate again LOL.
If success is measured by the BIG smiles & happy faces ... then my cake was a success. =) My hb was so surprised & my girl sampai menjilat piring. Of course to me I could hv done much better! And..I've successfully made macarons. I think the cool, dry weather helps too. I need more inspiration for the filling. hmmm...
Thank you K. Rima, you're my maestro. I'll definitely bake this kue lapis. Too many yolks around.
heheh thats my girl.. who cares ey janji sedap kahkahkah.. itew macam my motto tawww but kan makan one or two slices aje so cholestrol nye tak akan naik hehehe
I hope ur princess is better now.. sonia selseme dah makin kering.. batuk ade lah sikit sikit.. as long as she tak demam i am a happy mom lah..
Congrats on ur macs! am happy to hear that.. i decided to whip something bef my trip cos sayang tengok telur telur ku.. so i decided on this cake and forget abt the 3rd layer cos harus simpan a few for hero ku yg akan balik on weekend.. bujang need eggs untuk masak maggi hahaha
bukan setakat bujang, bapak budak pun sama kak...LOL..
best kan nengok tempat org? amik gambar banyak2 tau to put as dessert here.. im of cos sehari 5x mengintai blog u tanpa beri salam pon..hehe
sonia dah pandai coloring..ok la tu..comot skit je tu..
Have fun sis!!
Hahahaha. Kalau dah ada darah melayu,cfm nasi jugak di cari. betul tak?
buetiful cake ..hope delicious too.
Nice to hear you n d rest are oready there.. Njoy shoppin! Forget me not! (this is dunno the thousand times I have tried to leave a comment on your blogs!) *sigh* :( njoy zzz.... Li-Lin
ohhhhhhh kak rimaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! jalan2 lagi dia rupanyer! apa pun yg akak buat ttp menarik perhatian kita, mmg sume cun2!
Best Sonia dah baik...my baby girl is better too. Sampai kena rush to ER...stressful. But Alhamdullillah everything's A-ok. Now I'm addicted to making macarons.
U njoy yr trip n the tapas.
You are soooo lucky to b there.Enjoy every second yea. Lotsa pics please!
Rima, the cake really buat akak tak tahan....terliur sungguh terasa kelembutannya....
My kids pon so into hi-5 but only the old group. The new ones tak bape best ah. And backyardigans too! He he.... Did sonia finish her coloring?
Salam....kak Rima really enjoy ur blog so much....everyday sure cari time tu jengok2 ur blog.. Cake sungguh temting....insyallah must give a try... Tc
tengok u melapis teringin pulak nak melapis sama. nvm as a sifu u melapis condo i buat umah 2 tingkat jer hahahks... wanna try out this resp. anyway size try dia brapa? 8x8 ka. now i kena godek ur blog cari kek using egg whites plak...
tak kira lah if ur is condo ke.. flat ke.. rumah bangalow ker.. janji semangat nak buat kek lapis sendiri tu ade.. bake it ok.. u will lap me for this hehehe
Rima abt this layer cake kan, i nak tanya batter dia tue mcm mana rupe nyer runny ka? mine was like kecepek...kecepek ala like pek...pek... i have to ratakan the surface. but bila i bake pandai pulak dia flat sendiri but, masa dalam oven dia menggelembung but as soon as i take it out gelembung tue turun. ermmm... how? salah ka? surface cake i licin alhamdulillah takde la macam lubang2 jerawat batu
bau masa i bake wahhh... bau telur gitu...correct???
the cake not so oily, just nice tak rasa muak. not so light not so heavy just nice.
I know for sure cake ini lembut and tak muak dimakan.. just like any ordinary lapis surabaya.. batter tu i tak berapa ingat how the texture cos its been awhile.. nanti if i hv the time i will bake it again and let u know the texture of my batter ok..
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