Oh wow! thank you so so much for participating in my GA.. u guys never cease to amaze me hehe.. it makes me laugh and at times makes me cry lol.. u guys brighten my day for sure! thank you .. thank you.. thank you... Will update u girls with the correct answer and the winner tomorrow evening wokey... tungguuuuuu heheheh
Anyway i know i hv not been blogging for the past two days.. the dinner and dance went well.. we got lucky with our lucky draw and won a few hundred bucks in cash.. ouch!! hehe.. hb and his working colleague did a performance (will upload some pics tmrw ok) and later were given an envelope each - which later turned out to be a little token of appreciation fm the company for their contribution.. i had fun of cos .. everything was so vibrant and colourful.. i loikeee.. and nope i didnt go as Aishwarya .,. I SHUD HAVE!!
Yesterday was also our wedding anniversary.. it was a year ago that i posted some pics of our wedding hahaha.." honey.. u are the apple of my eye.. my one and only eventho i have to put up alot of ur BS.. thank you for putting up with mine too!" hehehe.. love my toyboy long time and guess what i woke up to on our wedding anniversary....

Scramble eggs on ciabatta bread.. Woooaaahhh its not always that my hb will drag his butt out of bed in the morning to make his wifey breakkie...' it was delish babe... what did u say?? u followed Gorden Remsey's recipe?? awesome awesome!".. ich liebe dich babe!
So enough story morey.. i didnt bake anything on our wedding anniversary since we were out the whole day.. we took Sonia to Go Go bambini and also went to meet Waty to gv her the steamed fruit cake that she ordered a few days ago.. thank you dear for the order! we were out and abt and we had a wonderful time as a family... err well not really.. Hairi was not there cos he was out all day.. jamming and performing...

This morning i decided to bake these little cuppies for my super duper hb.. didnt wanna bake anything fancy for our wedding anniversary as we planned to just take it easy today plus sonia has been bugging me to bake cuppies so that she can decorate em.. she got her wish alright hehehe
180g butter
3 eggs
225g yogurt or sour cream
1tbsp chocolate paste - i used blackforest past
250g flour
20g cornstarch
30g cocoa powder - i used valrhona
1/2tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
450g dark cooking chocolate
300ml whipping cream - i used double cream
50g unsalted butter
Heat ur whipping cream till u see tiny bubbles.. do not let it boil ok... pour warmish whipping cream onto dark chocolate.. let it stand for a few sec bef u stir.. add in butter.. let it sit for a couple of hours.. chill if u want.. whatever u wish.. gv it a little whip and ur ganache is ready to be pipe...
- Preheat oven to 180C
- Place papercups in cupcake pan
- Whisk butter and sugar till pale in colour.. add in egg one at a time and continue to beat till fluffy
- And in sifted flour, baking powder, baking soda and cocoa powder alternately with sourcream . F-S-F-S-F
- Add in chocolate paste and stir well
- Pipe in batter into prepare pan.. abt 2/3 batter..
- Bake in oven for abt 20 to 25 mins
- Let it cool bef u pipe ganache on ur cuppies
- Decorate with sugar sprinkles
These gems were super licious.. hb had 3 big ones at one go and his wifey?? 4 of the small ones... sooo no... i dont feel guilty at all hehehhe.. ty Nining for sharing this wonderful recipe!
Keep a look out tmrw.... right now i am gonna sit down and choose the correct ones and later will use random.org to choose our lucky winner... GOOD LUCK GIRLS and yes my GA was officially closed as at 7pm today.. sorry peeps!
Source: Nining
hi sis rima...
i love your blog so much... it's definitely become my daily routine to read your blog. i enjoyed n gathered a lot of tips n recipes while reading it.
Happy Anniversary, may your life full of love and understanding forever! :D
Semanis Madu
yeay!!! Congratulation on ur Xth anniversary k Rima hihi..Teringat2 your wedding photo with Bollywood clothes your hubby choose.. ;p I dah lama follow blog u ni..dari tak ramai pengomen, sapai ramai..so congrats on that too ;D
Happy wedding anniversary! my! has it already been a year since 'those' gundu fotos (I mean of my bro.. hahaha. so funny!) yes, you have to put up with a lot of bs from my bro. he is lucky to have you! look at the lovely smile on cheeky girl's face! so cute. I would get married just to have bkft in bed once a year ... mmmm
l luv yr rossette swirl :)
wooh woohhh...phewwiittt..happy anniversary dear rima n hbby...may all ur dreams come true n b happy forever..eventho u'r not dressed like Aish..m sure u feel like her inside..mcm cite hindi tu...happily dancing n singing...hahhahaha
Nice blog & i follow...cutenya anak u! :)
cantiknya cup cake tu kan rima...
bentuk rose lagi.....
nak satu...
Morning Rima. I baked choc cuppa yesterday too. for my mum. tapi takde topping apa pun coz she likes it plain. looking at urs makes me wanna go back and eat one rite now.
Happy anniversary rima!! Congrats! :)
Ps : I laugh too reading the comments on ur giveaway post, sampai Sakit perot :)
Salam Rima...what a coincidence,knur baked double chocolate brownies yesterday with your chocolate ganache topping :-) ssuper yumms...this cupcake looks delish also ya.well...better be baking this gem today so I can finish up my sourcream stock by today..hehe..TQ for the recipe dear.and many congratulations on your wedding anniversary and the opening of your webstore.way to go girl...
Syoknya tengok the sparkle in Sonia's eyes masa dia deco the cupcakes.. she's so adorable...
Happy Belated Anniversary to both of you!!! May you both be blessed, have a wonderful life and great days ahead ...wooww rajinnya ur asben siapkan bekfes and your lil sweet Sonia..komaiin, x sabar2 nak perturunkan seni deco2 dia lak...mmg ada bakat...that cuppies are as sweet as Sonia la Rima oiii...Nanti jgn lupa letak pics appreciation ceremony tu eh..psttt, token tayang sekali eh..heheee...
Assalam Rima,
wahhhhh!!..i missed the whole thing!!!..the GA is over!!..gigit jari ler kita ya..woahhh haha..rugi2!.. walaupun dah ada digital scale tu tapi apa salahnya ada 2 kan?(macam lah dapatkan)..haha....anyway, i read back kan..i pun tak sure apa jawapan nya..haha..tak apalah next GA. mana tahu, lagi best dan benda yang i tak adakan..hehe iyoler tukan..
Happy Anniversay to both of you!..
so sekarang you ada buka online store ya Rima?..
wah seronoknya..
Wow your hubby is so sweet to make breakfast in bed for you :D
and the smile and look in sonia's eyes when she's decorating the cupcakes and touching them is awesome - looks like she's following in somebody's footsteps soon? ;p
salam rima,
Happy belated anniversary ;) May ALLAH bless you and family always...
Really love your blog and keep on blogging hehehe
Semanis Madu
Ty Ida... am happy to hear that u enjoyed it.. keep on baking cos honestly i get all my tips and get to try out wonderful recipes thru onlne.. i even learn how to decorate thru online.. so we are like learning fm one another :o)
Eh eh teringat bau bollywood tu.. bukan main lagi dia on that day.. suka banget cos his dream to become bollywood actor termakbul on his big day hahaha.. ty for following my blog dear and ty for the wish.. my anniversary falls the same day i met him a decade ago.. hmmm dimana kah ku jumpa dia?? hahaha
i wud too and u know what.. a partner who doesnt cook all time is a partner who can actually cook hahahha.. he has to put up with my BS too SIL so we are even.. love u and cant wait to see u again.. say in 2wks time?? hehehe
Congrats on yr shop and wedding anniversary,so yr regular yang selalu tengok blog dapat discount tak? Hahahaha. Btw i nak buat brownies,shud i use baking or cooking chocolate? R they the same? Tks Rima
Sabaria :]
Happy Xth wedding anniversary!. Dirgahayu buk Rima, Moga bahagia hingga ke anak cucu.
I love urs too hehhe
Ty ty but kan that day i no dancing like hindi movie.. dah lama tak dancing dancing.. lutut lemah part gedik gedik ni hehehe
Ty ty.. budak kecik memang cute mute selalu hehe
Meh sini.. 10 akan ku beri.. tapi yg kecik kecik aje tau.. budak kecik mana boleh makan byk byk hehe
lucky u got stock or else sekarang jugak u nak pi godek.. but first harus keluar kan butter ahakss
Ty dear for the wish.. during that few days my phone tak renti renti ade sound bila ade msg masuk.. ketawa bila mak membaca.. hehe
Hope it's not too late to wish both of u,
Happy Anniversary!!!
p/s: I ingat you dah announce the winner. Manalah tau kalau I menang. hehehe Anyway, I bukannya jenis yg ada luck pun :( Tapi nak tau gak result utk tumpang gumbira for the winner. Have a nice day Rima!
~Aini, Pg
No worries.. cuba ok so that stock sourcream tu boleh terhabis heheh.. mine dah settle .. still termenung pasal si cream cheese tu.. ty for the wish.. much appreciated :)
Yes.. she loved it... dia selalu main game deco deco and bake bake in her iPad tu sebab tak habis habis mintak cuppies so that she can deco it ..
Ty dear.. much appreciated.. si SOnia macam menang lottery semalam.. she woke up fm her nap and terus papa dia took her to the kitchen.. mata dia terbeliak bila nampak everything dah siap on the table.. she ice it and then sprinkle it.. suka lah tu heheh.. alah token of appreciation tu is in cash and hb got the lucky envelope yg berisi the most cash in it.. kira that night kita feeling lucky lah tu hehehe
Salam Ayu
Ty for the wish and next time boleh lah join GA especially benda yg u tak de.. cuba cakap ape yg u takde.. semua dah de kannnnn hahahha
Online store tu actually my hb punya idea plus i received too many emails encouring me to hv one.. not fully up yet.. slowly ah.. wanna do more on baking stuff actually...
Actually he doesnt do it often.. most time its hb = ban fm my kitchen hahahha.. he told me that hes gonna whip up something and that i shud stay upstairs cos he doesnt want me to see the mess hahaha
Salam Wan
I guess selagi i bake selagi tu i will be blogging abt it... jgn pulak penyakit M melanda.. habis lah blog ku ini heheh.. ty for the wish... insyallah..
Hehhe wait for GSS.. eh no lah.. joking aside.. wll do a voucher type .. still considering ah..
Both chocolate the same aje.. what chocolate are u using by the way??..
Its our 7th actually.. ty for the wish.. insyallah..
Ty for the wish.. the thoughts that count heheh.. kita bagi suspense sikit.. tunggu ok.. siapa tahu nasib manusia.. betul tak.. GOOD LUCK!
Happy Aniversary to both of u.. moga kekal hingga akhir hayat..
with ❤,
Salam Rima,
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary...
Lupa nak wish both of u "Happy Anniversay!". Moga jodoh berkekalan dan sentiasa diberkati Allah.
Cantik cupcake, terima kasih berkongsi resepi and happy anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Rima, may your family be blessed with happiness and good health always!
Sonia is so cute, my granddaughter will also want to decorate whenever we make cupcakes.
I love your rosette swirl, wish I can learn how to make it look as pretty as yours!
Salam Kak Rima,
Am really new at baking. ive tried to make frosting a few times and failed miserably. Im not sure what I do wrong. Any tips?
Amateur Baker
salam kak rima.
nak tanya, kak rima guna nozel no berapa yer untuk buat swirl yg cantik atas cup cake tu.
i adore u. :)
Salam sis
Happy anniversary for both of you..Look like lepas nih Sonia boleh naik pangkat jadi asst.chef plak.:)I copy the receipe..nak cuba buat :)
ty for the wish yah
ty to u too!
ty and insyallah!
Ty for the wish and no worries.. recipe are meant to be shared anyway.. happy baking!
Ty for the wish and i am pretty sure u can do a nice rosette too.. its a matter of practice aje hehe
What kinda frosting are u referring to? if its ganache u hv to let ur ganache thicken bef u can even pipe it.. :o)
Ty dear! i use nozzle wilton 1M
if betul bagus jugak.. boleh tolong mama dia kat dapur heheh.. ty for the wish and good luck!
Hello Rima, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY FOR BOTH OF YOU.Ilove your cuppies so cute n Kaksal will try to make it.
Kak Rimaaaaaaaaaaaaa......
Owh....happy anniveesary sister....!! Moga Allah swt kekalkan kakak suami isteri kebahagian selamanya....OWh sonia....I think he has your chin.....so adorable.....tol tak? Soon I think she will fall in love in baking too, just like you do.
Maaf Ayu baru dpt bw....busy ngat....
Ty for the wish and bake jgn tak bake.. tengok lah pagi pagi also Rima boleh buat brekkie cuppies ni.. ish ish.. bahaya heheh
oppsss!!! terlupa pagi tadi nak wish "happy anniversary" to both of u & yr hubby.. semoga jodoh berkekalan bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat.. psst!! takkan sorang jer kut.. takkan sonia tak nak adik.. hehe
I miss u lahhh hehhe.. all dah settle ke.. busy banget kan ?? tak pe.. bila free boleh BW.. kadang i also no time to BW.. kadang nak update also no time except bila dah nak bobok heheh.. u take care ok and ty for the wish.. insyallah aminnn
ape diaaaa?? tak dengar.. cuba rephrase it again hehehe.. kita dah tua lah knor.. tak yah lah.. lagi pun masa Rima keluar dari bilik operation my hb dah kata. factory dia dah closed hahahha.. bukan factory kita yg close... dia punya pulak yg dah close kahkahkah
Ty for the wish KNor.. insyallah...
Hi Rima,
Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby. •Let your love never goes away, let your life will always be interesting and full of happiness!
Ms V
Happy anniversary to both, may you be blessed with wealth, health and everlasting happiness.
I ingat either Hersheys atau Van houten. Ok tak?
Rima..selamat ulangtahun perkahwinan, semoga dipanjangkan jodoh bersama keakhirnya...
Rima....knur dah bake tadi cuppies ni.memang sedap...hehe...semua sedaplah...cuma knur takde chocolate paste so I replaced with a tbsp of ganache.jadik je...seriously,memang very the very....yummsss...hmmm,after this kena detox dah body ni..haha..TQ dear
adusss mana nie keputusan GA nya... tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu... macam tunggu result spot TOTO pulak...mari kita lihat siapa yg kenaaaa.... btw happie anniversary k, semoga berbahagia dan dirahmati Allah selalu...
tangan siapakah itu sedang mengodek periuk belangga...hihihi.. sekali sekala man in the house take over the kitchen best gak kan..
Happy Anniversary to you both!!!!
Happy Anniversary Kak Rima,
May you and your beloved enjoy a blissful married life, insyaAllah...
Ms V
Ty for the wish
Ty ty.. :o)
Ok jugak lah.. valrhona lagi shiok hehehe
Ty and insyallah...
Gambar says it all ey.. ty for emailing it to me and so glad u liked it.. detox or no.. tu belakang kira hahaha
Sorry lah dear.. whole day keluar so tak sempat nak update.. result out and ty for the wish dear
kalau dah putih melepak tangan siapa lagi.. kalau tangan akak kau ni kira hitam si tampuk manggis hehehe
Insyallah.. ty :op
Hello Rima, Ksal baru habis bake cuppies tapi bila bake cuppies shrink kenapa?yogurt sejok ke? butter lembut n pukul telorngula tak pekatke?tapi cake memang sedap pls explain what when wrong? thank you from Kaksal....
hi, what is a substitute for chocolate paste? thanks
wud appreciate if u cud sign off with ur name...
u can use melted chocolate.. the colour and taste will not be so intense tho
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