My bad.. its been a few days since i last updated my blog.. no specific reason.. i am feeling lazy at the moment tho i managed to bake a batch of mocha macs to be given away..
Last weekend was superb.. after dropping off my bakes i went to visit Ken to hv my hair cut. we later took Sonia home and called in our babysitters to sleep over at our place since we planned to watch a midnight movie with sis lyn n her hb.. long story short.. both my hb and lyn fell asleep while watching Rango lol
I woke up pretty early the next day eventho we only got home at half past 3 in the morning.. did my ironing and went out right after that.. had coffee at Vivo and by 5pm we were walking on the Sentosa Boardwalk hehe.. it wasnt planned and i wish i had taken along my camera.. was my first time there since USS was build.. didnt wanna enter USS either since it was already late so we ended up spending our time exploring our the newly revamped Sentosa island.. Sonia wasnt too happy when we told her that we were not gonna go to USS.. she kept on saying.. "I want to go Disneylandddd" .. poor girl.. my heart broke when she started to cry.. i promised her that i will take her there some day.. soon? pls babe.. pretty plsssssssss

Sunday was spent doing our typical cleaning in the morning and attended a wedding lunch of my ex SIL's daughter.. was good to see everyone especially mak and bapak.. got home early and thought of baking this tart but was too lazy.. so of cos for obvious reasons.. i decided to bake this tart today.. recipe is slightly different but its still fm Am-Flora..

1 egg
100g butter
75g icing sugar
200g plain flour
Using wooden or rubber spatula.. mix butter and icing sugar.
Once mixed add in egg and continue to mix till well mixed.
Add in flour and knead.. scoop 1 tbsp of dough and roll it.. using ur thumb press dough into tart mold.. prick a few holes using a fork.
Bake for 15 minutes at 160C
Cream Cheese
250g Philadelpia cream cheese
60g icing sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp lemon essence/ extract - i added
Beat all ingredients until smooth flat.. add in lemon extract.
Take out 1tbsp of cream cheese filling and add blueberry or any colour paste that u like..
Next arrange ur tarts in ur baking tray.. Spoon a little blueberry filling and pipe cream cheese filling to cover each tart.
Draw pattern on ur tarts and bake it again for a further 5 mins

I hope i will get my mojo back cos i had bought passionfruit, mango and lemongrass last weekend to bake this cake which i had planned to bake for the longest time!

250g Philadelpia cream cheese
60g icing sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp lemon essence/ extract - i added
Beat all ingredients until smooth flat.. add in lemon extract.
Take out 1tbsp of cream cheese filling and add blueberry or any colour paste that u like..
Next arrange ur tarts in ur baking tray.. Spoon a little blueberry filling and pipe cream cheese filling to cover each tart.
Draw pattern on ur tarts and bake it again for a further 5 mins

I hope i will get my mojo back cos i had bought passionfruit, mango and lemongrass last weekend to bake this cake which i had planned to bake for the longest time!

rima, those are one of the prettiest looking little tarts I've ever seen! Comel je ur cheese filling tu. How come my cheese filling always sunken mcm boat karam.. huwaa.. sedih sungguh
Hehe try and bake and i am pretty sure u will like it too..
Hmmm ur cream cheese must be place at room temp half an hr bef u whip it and when u pipe ur cream cheese.. u hv to pipe it to the rim ok.. that way ur cheese will look montot hehe.. cuba lagi ok.. dont putus asa
Oh K. Rima ku,
Pretty-nya!!!! This is when you have no mojo? Alahai when I hv no mojo, my kuih merajuk. kekeke I cannot imagine when you have your mojo back, yr baking jagi lebih ngetop sekali. Good job always!
Rima, tak faham "pipe it to the rim". Tolong explain sket cikgu!
cantiknya corak tu!pernah buat sekali..tp malas pulak nak buat sebiji2..tapi makan nak...haha
Kak Rima....cutest little tart I've seen.....mmm with this...nak plukan mojo gak ke....mcm dah outstanding pehh je....
Can't imagine what will be in your oven if the mojo returns..:)
Ayu dah wat eclair tu, but gone before the picture..tehee....it was yummylicious sis...
Psst: cume puff ayu tu...tak kembang sgt, y eik? Lepeeeer sket tak cantik mcm kak rima wat....nevertheless...sedap bangat!!!!
whoaa..Tart!! Glad you kembali bersiaran.. :)
Salam Rima
Cantek nya deco tart u...drooling nih..akak nak kena try gak ni, tart mould dah ada dah cuma masa nya tak sampai lg.
Recently, akak dah attempted marble cheese brownies ( no Valrhona so i used sepupu dia, nama Van Houten..hahaha) ..wow, anak2 sumer suka. At the end, kena bake another tray for my eldest to bring back to hostel. Tp, the choc part tu memang kurang moist ke? Or have i done wrong during baking it? Nak kata dry sgt tu tak lah..apa kata cekgu ?
nampak pun sangat sedapppp..
cantiknyaaaaa corak ituuu.... the purple color tu sungguh jelas sekali warnanya, eh, u pakai apa tu ye? cantik arrr
Comeii cheese tat tu....corak atasnya cantik, rasa nak kutip masuk mulut je...hi..hi!
as-salam,wahh... cute tarts...I love the blueberry swirl on top! marvelous..
Kalo aku duduk sebelah rumah U, aku siap teropong. Kuih/kek/tart/etc dah siap je, terus buat muka tak malu datang mengenden. Mesti U bagikan....
Cheese tart itu sungguh comel. Sekali ngap je kena pulak dengan kopi. Perrrrrrrgh...heaven..
p/s: aku masih lagi bersedih..
Assalamualaikum....Rima comel2nya ...geram kak cek tgk...bilala nak cuba buatnya ek...
sis.. how many cute tarts can get from this recipe? planning to do during by daughter besday nxt mth..
buat tersangat la tak rajin cistart ni, tp makan?? tersangattttttttt lah rajin.. meh post sket utk k.nor hehehe
This few rounds ku bangun pagi terus keluar kan butter but kan bila mojo tu mendap aje ku masuk kan balik butter ku kat fridge.. ni buat tart pong cos kerja straight forward..tak yah nak study recipe betul betul cos dah biasa buat dulu :o)
Ahakss i no cikgu lah.. cikge ade lah hahah.. u pipe it to the rim tu ibarat u pipe penuh penuh sampai kat gelangan dia.. jgn kau pipe sampai kat lekuk lekuk dia pulak hehehe
Ku hampir hampir capai acuan pie ku cos macam malas nak buat satu satu but pikir kan besok my hb boleh bawak gi kerja and gv it out.. ku terus keluar kan cetak tart kecik :o)
Actually kan any kinda puff ni ade cerewet sikit.. when u take it out kadang puff tu boleh jadi macam lempeng hahha.. nak keluar kan ade tecnique.. lepas tu nak kena buat lobang and then nak kena kering kan dia for a couple of mins kat dalam oven mu yg hangat hangat tu baru shape dia boleh maintain.. u look it up kat you tube ok.. u can get loads of tip fm there..
Memang sedap kan.. ni my hb asyik ask me to bake it again .. err nanti lah.. tak shiok nak bake benda sama so quickly ..
I am glad too heheh
Hehe Van Houten tu berbin sama tak?? heheh.. the chocolate part tu has a texture of brownie.. not as moist as cake of cos but not super uber dry either..
Memang sedap recipe ni.. tak sedar boleh masuk 2 in one sitting hehe
Eh all the sifu out there yg pakar buat tart ni lagi cantik leh corak they all.. ni aje yg termampu ku buat heheh..
Purple tu i used violet wilton paste
Hehhe i also feel like doing so now that all the cheese tart ku dah bagi bagi kan.. semalam dapat makan 2 ketul buat merasa..
Ty.. its not as difficult as it looks.. :o)
Eh ape salah nye.. ting tong aje.. akan ku bagi sepingan cos by the end of the day ku memang tak simpan what i bake.. i gv it out pun..
Why u bersedih?? baking doesnt help?
Kak Cek
Ape kata buat hari ni cos cuaca pun sejuk.. duduk lama lama kat kitchen also can hehe
I get 28 tarts out of this recipe.
hehhe if ikut kan hati memang malas nak buat benda ni but dah teringin nak makan since last sunday.. tu sebab ku merajin kan diri semalam.. post?? nanti by the time sampai trengganu hancur bederai tart tu hehehe
Welcome back. Ingatkan merajuk,lama takde berita/cerita. Hari2 i chk yr blog macam orang putus cinta bila tengok takde latest entry.Kha3. Can't wait to c more of yr wonderful works
Sabaria :]
S Rima,
time mojo takde nak buat baking, I slaluu blog hop sapai dtg blk mojo tuh..hehe tergoda tgk gambar2 food..
btw, i buat eclair tuh, tah camne, salah teknik kot, flat je eclair tuh haha minggu ni try lagi..
Very beautiful.. I like all that you make kak rima. Like a art piece. I've baked your red velvet cake. It turned out great. Thank you for sharing. I'll do more.
Heheh kadang kadang nak check email pun malas.. not bec merajuk pun hehe... bila email beratur macam soldiers baru lah i terkedek kedek nak reply to all the emails :o)
U try again ok.. go to you tube and u can see how its done.. if tak jaga silap silap u will get a flat eclair..
Ty Shiela..
Oh ye ker?? dah lama tak buat itew red velvet.. will bake it again for valentine day lah next year hehehe
Hi Kak Rima,
I've baked this. Do we need to put them in the fridge? Thanks!
yes of cos.. just like any typical cheesecake :o)
Thanks Kak Rima. But will it go bad if left outside at room temperature? Sorry for the many questions.. :)
Hmmm tak tahu pulak... its best eaten chill so maybe advisable to keep it in fridge.. :o)
salam.. hi kak rima.. lama dah jadi silent reader blog ni. ur dessert always looks sooooooooo perfect :) i've tried out this recipe & it turned out GREAT! suka sangat2 tapikan, bila dah buat baru tau, payah betul nak buat pattern atas cream cheese filling tu guna blue berry filling. dia tak nak dok diam & jadilah tart paling comot abad ni. haha btw, akak guna apa ye on top of cream cheese filling tu? cantik sangat2 akak punya pattern. kemas & comel.. harap sangat2 akak boleh share tips on how to do the pattern jadi kemas & comel.tqvm :)
Ty for coming to this humble blog of mine.. kadang tu tak ler perfect.. no one is perfect kan heheh.. the pattern tu actually u take like a spoonful of cream cheese filling and add colour paste to it.. nak draw pattern tu susah nak explain but recently Sue-hasue blogspot did a step by step photo on it.. u go to her blog ok and take a peep on how we do it..
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