This is what happens every single year two weeks bef year end.. hb clears his whatever is left of his annual leave.. i am 80% off duty as "Maria" simply cos we will be out and abt hehe.. i dont get to bake as much and we wud be busy doing our last min Christmas shopping.. i am happy to say that we finally got our tree.. abt 70% done with our christmas shopping and early tmrw morning right after subuh prayer we are off to Penang for 3 days with some friends and also sis Lyn and co.. sis wati will be joining us in KL on the weekend.. soo its gonna be fun.. so so nice to be able to just chill and eat our heart out heheh

So ok.. i had baked hb's fav cookies to be given to hb's family friends in Penang.. we see Kok Cheong almost every single time we are in KL and since we will be in Penang for the weekend.. we will be seeing him and his family in Penang instead.. so good stuff! This recipe as many hv tried and tested can be found in my previous post.. hv a good weekend peeps and see u guys in The Pearl of The Orient - Nasi Kandar here i comeeeeeeeeee :op
Wow seronoknya dpt cuti2 Malaysia :) I like.....I've only been to Penang once in my live :) teringat nasi kandar and papa burger yg sodapppppp....hehehez
Enjoy ur holiday.........weeeiiiiii
Waah, cuti2 Msia pulak ya? Since you gonna be in KL, pls feel free to hunt for the egg tarts, hehe.
Psst.. I've never been to Penang not even once. Kesian ek?
The first time i set my foot there was when i was only 2yrs old n sampai lah sekarang i tak pernah dgr papa burger.. Ape tu? Papa roti i ever makan.. Kita also not every year go penang one.. 2yrs once or sometimes tempat kita bermalam bef sambung gi phuket or bkk by car.. Susah owang yg suka ber roadtrip aka driving ni..
Cuti2 m'sia ni is all abt melant*k muahaha
Hehe itu lah niat ku cik som .. Haiz belum sampai macam2 kat otak nak makan ape haha
Penang is like only 3 hrs drive fm ur place.. Gi ah if ade kelapangan cik som :)
have fun in penang...owh nasi kandar...owh rojak owh sedapnyaaa ;-)
eeekk... y lah ur cookies looks much much nicer than mine? i like my cookies crispy n crunchy. typical melayu lah katakan...
i loved penang! ...and xmas!!?? i tak celebrate but ever since i went to uk, it has been part of my celebration too, tumpang sekaki dg kengkawan!
this cookie....didnt reach my guests during raya posa...umar and ibraheem heret sorang satu tupperware!
welcome to penang...how i wish to see u here but have to go back to my hometown this weekend :(
maybe next time if u come again i wish i can see u ....i teringin sgt2 nak jumpa u sis...
Have a safe journey Rima.
cik ain nak ikut tapi danish kata kalau cik ain ikut...kena duduk kat bumbung keter....sungguh tak patut!..ekekek..
enjoy the trip!! *ppsstt..tell my bro..jgn lupa oleh2 utk adik dia eh...tapi takmo belachan penang ok*
Since you are going to Penang, I wld like to challenge U to find and try this food. "Perut Ikan" yang HALAL ye. Perut Ikan is exotic food, actually.
I hv been to Png dozen times but still could not find it.I was in Penang last month, still could not find this food from any halal restaurant. Kalau U jumpa yg halal, you are really superwoman, supermom.
Jangan Ai mati mengidam perut ikan dah le. Hik...
Enjoy your cuti-cuti M'sia.
hai sis Rima...where do you get your valrhona cocoa powder in sg? which one you recommend?tq
sorry sis lupa nak into myself...i suri yg tanya pasal valrhona tadi..thx
kita tembak jg kk Rima ni...colet lagiiiii....umah Hana pun ada cokies colet....aarrr....tggu...kita turun sg, akan cari colet2.kalo tak lupa.hihihihi....
Papa burger.....jeng jeng jeng adalah,
Burger ramli yg tersebar yg I pernah mkn :) Ada dbl beef patties, chicken franks (tak ingat satu ke dua) di wrap dgn telur and served mcm ramli burger. Alamak yummzz yuummmzz sambil2 describe, air liur dah berkumpul dlm mulut....hahahaz tak senonoh kan :D
Harap2 masih ada jual lagi, so u boleh try....sedapppppp
I tak rela drive berjam2....3hrs one way equals to 6hrs return dah cukup terseksa lutut ku ini...hahahaz
Memang shiok if cuti2 m'sia ni.. tak habis2 makan.. kira macam bayar niat lah.. 2 minggu lebih kat europe tak makan nasi.. hari ni dah 2 kali makan nasi kandar haha
Alah Yan i am pretty sure urs also looks cantik.. even if it tak cantik sangat.. janji rasa nye sama kannnn
Lahhhh tahun depan cuba u sembunyi kan tupperware.. bila nak raya baru keluar kan hehe.. eh babe i forgot all abt the bundt pan dahhhh.. gulp.. mintak amponnnnnnnn
Ty Linda.. so ur hometown is not in Penang?? maybe someday we will meet.. insyallah..
Ty Sally.. u hv a good weekend ok :op
Sudah ku sampai kan pesanan mu itew wahai cik Ain hehe
Eh eh Melati.. perut ikan itew ape huh?? telur ikan i tahu hehe
Why u teringin nak makan benda tu?? if i am in Penang.. tujuan ku satu.. nasi kandar :op
Hi Suri
U can get it fm Sun Lik, Shermay cooking school and i think also at Kitchen capers.. i hv always been using valrhona and will use it till i am done with my stock bef trying out cocoa barry
Dont worry Anie.. I am pretty sure u will not lupa to go and hunt for good chocolate in sg next month hehe
Mintak ampunnnnn cik anie.. kusmangat.. macam mana nak telan tu hahahha.. harus bukak mulut besar2 yeee kahkahkah
Lucky ur not married to my hb hahha.. dia kaki roadtrip.. tadi it took us 9hrs fm my house doorstop to the hotel lobby..
sis rima...thx for the info...happpy cuti2 mesia..suri
hi Rima..
i made my way to KC ystdy aftnoon. Ada both Valhorna n Cocoa Barry. Yg blom pernah ke sana..kedai ni kecik je..HDB shophouse.
they hv a wide range of koniyaku jelly moulds n cute biscuit cutters...a few designs i tak pernah tngk kat kedai lain.
Diorg takde their own in-house brands coz they also carry a few items fm Redman n Ghim.
lupa psl itu mousse cocoa powder pulak..Hopefully kat SL ada coz i'm going there tdy nak beli those colored pearls which I had also
4goten to get fm KC.
BTW...takde ke gambo cuti2 Penang??
Perut ikan is exotic food originated from Penang. Sampai la cari tak jumpa. I have the resepi but I don't to cook it because I want to taste it first, then I will consider to cook or not.
If I not mistaken this perut ikan usually being serve in nyonya restorant and I was told it not halal. One chinese friend told me the taste more or less laksa but perut ikan lagi sedap.
Itulah pencarian makanan yang masih belum jumpa.
Salam Rima, wah sambung cuti kat malaysia pulak ya...seronoknya... pernah sampai putrajaya tak.... kalau ontheway nak balik nanti singgahlah putrajaya....boleh akak jumpa rima and family tapi kena bagi tau awal sebab biasalah akak ni pun tak dok diam kat umah heeheee.....asyik keluar gak.
Enjoy ur holiday
No worries Suri and tks!
Yep its a small shop and has wide range of cookie cutters.. i dont think u can find the mousse powder in SUn Lik nevertheless u can always ask her..
Ahhh ok.. tks for the infor melati.. nampak nye u kena cari lah benda tu cos the only time i drove down to town was when i nak makan nasi kandar hehe
Hehe Insya allah but kita ramai sangat lah nanti tak terlayan pulak.. one fine day we will meet ok..
Kak Rima, I dh tried this superlicious cookies..mmg sdap..my friend pun ckp sdap..n your tips yg ckp sroh keep this cookies overnite mmg btol..this cookies magic..sbb after baking, I ade munch this cookies sdap..tp esok nya bila I makan lagi sdap..magic²..hahaha thanks a bunch for sharing this recipe ya..tp I punya x scantik yours la kan...heheheh
Ye ke Anggerik.. sedap kan.. memang macam magic. dah 1 day old baru cookies nye sedap bangat! kita semua suka benda ni and my hb can eat the batter just like that.. he said tak yah bake pong tak pe hahaha.. anyway if u punya tak secantik mine tak pe.. janji sedap hehe
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