Sonia has flu... I hv terrible headache.. why am i still awake? i dont know.. :o(

Hb is urgently needed in HCM tmrw morning.. so hes taking the first flight out and will be home in 2 days time.. sigh... i better be fit for the sake of Sonia..

- 200g margarine - add 1 tbsp butter ( I used 200g unsalted butter)
- 200g palm sugar
- 6 egg yolks
- 2 egg whites - whisk till stiff peak
- 200g flour
- 2 tbsp full cream milk powder
- 1/4 tsp salt (I added)
- 100g dark cooking chocolate - chopped (I used valrhona, 64%)
- 3 medium-size banana (600g) - mashed (i used 1 cup)
- 1/4 tbsp double acting baking powder (i used 1/2 tbsp)
- 3 or 4 drops of banana essence ( i used 2 drops)
- raisins, almonds, cherries or cheese for topping (I used sultanas and chocolate chips)
Preheat oven 175C.. grease pan
Beat margarine and sugar till light and pale in colour
Add in egg yolk one at a time and continue to beat till well incorporated.
Fold in sifted flour, milk powder and double acting powder
Gently fold in stiff egg white and continue to mix till well combined
Add mashed banana and chopped chocolate - stir well
Lastly add banana essence..
Pour batter into baking pan and sprinkle with currants or cherries or almonds or just cheese according to taste
Bake for 35 minutes or till done.
(I used a 8x8 pan and baked it for an hr)

Anyway, I hv baked this cake bef and am still loving it.. bake it and i am pretty sure u will love it too :o)
U not well ke? tis the season la, I think..every morning ujan aje..u take care aite..
everytime I tgk pic of ckae with crumbs...sure ai tringatkan member kita and her foto of the cake with the humongous crumbs..kihkihkih..err..marah agaknya member tu kalo taw ai cakap cam ni.. :)
I hope you and Sonia get better soon. Take care!
boleh try ni coz i have a big bunch of bananas nih ;-)
btw, what is double acting baking powder? is it not same as baking powder? uhhh, blurrr jap :P
anyway, get well soon to sonia n u too have a good rest ya!
yes! you gotta to be fit..hehehe.tanyelah ni orang yg laki dah dekat sebulan tak balik-balik ni..LOL.
Haah la Rima, we got lots of bananas at home from our own garden. When my mom ask to bake cake with banana i memang ingat kat u aje coz i always tot u ni suke banana. Ada 3 recipe u yg i tengah congak2 nak pilih. Anyway, take care Rima. Rehat cukup2 so sakit pala tu ilang & leh jaga Sonia yah.
Yes, we couldn't afford to get sick when we need to take care of our children. Take good care and get well soon. :)
Sorry to hear that both of you are not well..... Please give yourself a good rest, take care and get well soon...
Either that or cos its the time of the month where all the mood swing and segala macam sakit boleh jatuh ke atas wanita yg bernama Rima haha.. selalu cuma segugut aje.. ni siap dgn sakit kepala yg amat :o(
LOL u ni buat i ketawa lah.. dah ku ajar crumbs tu tak leh humongous kahkahkah... sorry ampunnnnnn CS!
Ty ty.. am hoping SOnia cepat2 baik fm selseme.. u know lah budak kalau ade selseme.. mak budak terpaksa lah buat kan diri sendiri baik or else siapa pulak nak jaga kita berdua
Ty Zarin..
Double acting kira bila gunakan dia.. cake u akan naik berlipat ganda hahaha
If u dont hv u add a little bit more of baking powder.. dont know if that will work cos i memang selalu harus ade stock double acting baking powder in my pantry .. cuba lah.. no harm done :o)
Ape nak buat.. suka tak suka terpaksa lah buatkan badan kita sihat and kuat kan diri walau pun dalam semua hancur berkecai..lodoh.. entah apa apa lagi lah muahahahha
Ty Yan..Terharu bila orang ingat banana orang ingat kita hehehe.. u try this one cos its melt in ur mouth type.. hampir hampir macam makan jemput jemput pisang hehehe
Ty belly good cooking... caregiver has to be in good shape in order to care for her kids ey :o)
Ty Mrs&.. will try to rest but as u guys already know me.. i mana tau duduk diam especially when my hb not in town.. ade aje yg nak dibuat
Gambar yang sungguh menggoda,
Menggetar jiwa dan raga
Oh daku tak rela
Tengok lama-lama.. hehe
Aduhhh Mama i dont know how to balas ahaksss
Pergi ke kedai beli gula gula
Kalau dah tergoda dan mula tak rela
Sila lah ke dapur main dgn gula
Lepas tu bakar dgn hati yg rela
Kahkahkah... ahhh hancur pantun 4 kerat ku ini.. hahaha
oh rima, for sengugut, roll hot water bag on your tummy ya. all will be well within minutes.
waaah!Rima akak copy resepi nya ya..sedap tul..always looking forward rima punya kek..pisang pun ada sikit lagi tu lebih buat banana crumble tu hari..
tempting gila ini kek....you take care..tok sah bake satu hari (boleh ka cacing kepanasan cam kita nih!?)...btw i made ano batch of macarons...and am ready to take orders, inshaallah...pi tidorq!
Hi! This is my 1st time visiting your blog and loves all your delicious creations and sharp pretty photos. I'm happy to follow your blog and hope to hear from you in the future :D
Hi Rima,
I noticed that you are using different types of flour for different types of cakes. If you dont mind, can share with us what is the difference between these flour and why u use them?
Ty Anonymous.. will try that if it gets worst tonight.. so far today has been alright :o)
Cuba lah kak.. siapa tahu kek ni menepati citarasa akak.. my mom likes it alot :o)
Tidor?? ape itew tidor.. merayap ade lah hahaha
Good on u.. kira ur investment on that silpat mat berbaloi hehe
Hi Zoe
Welcome welcome to my humble blog.. hope u are here to stay... pls feel free to try out some of the recipes in my blog
Will visit ur blog soon yah
Most of the time i will use all purpose for all my cakes.. i used hongkong flour for my layer cakes simply cos its a super soft flour.. if u need more infor on diff type of flour u can go to:
this looks so good as well as your other chocolate banana bakes..shall hop into your blog more often. Cheers!
Try and bake it if u hv the time yah.. u will love it .. :o)
salam Rima, misah here, sori 2 hear u n sonia r not well, take care ok...cepat2 baik so bole la cepat2 membaking lagi..hee3.. :-))
Salam n ty. Misah.. Sonia is better but i am still the same.. How to rest when no one is there to look after my little one.. Not in the mood to bake pun yesterday.. Haizz
Hi Rima,
Thanks for the link on prima flour info. I am using prima flour for baking as well. Usually, only plain flour and self raising flour for cakes. for cookies, I use top flour as it makes the cookies crunchier.
Hope Sonia is getting better today.
Hi Rima
Hope Sonia is better now....
I'm not a baker... baru nak jinak2 walau usia lebih sikit dari u... hehe. Semalam I cubalah buat marble chiffon... dia naik cantik tapi bila kluarkan dia turun dahh.. sungguh sedih! Tapi masih boleh mkn. Takpe, nari I try lagi.
Ahh ok.. i dont use Prima brand Sally.. i got all my baking needs fm flour to everything else fm Sun Lik.. no self raising flour in my pantry cos i hardly use em.. dont know why i am not a big fan of SRF.. i usually will just add baking powder to my flour :o)
Shes better.. tak rewel anymore.. ty for asking..
Chiffon cake ni ade cerewet sikit.. sama macam macarons.. it turned out macam kuih ke?? if so tu memang normal for a first timer in baking chiffon.. cuba lagi.. the way u fold in ur egg white is important.. dont let it deflate ok.. good luck!
rima, have you been using a new lense? bokeh itu sangat cantik! beli lense baru eh?
and hope u get well soon!
Bokeh itu ape edi?? No i hv not bought any new lens.. Been using the two lens that i got at home :)
looks so delicious, bookmarked it.
Yes it was.. gv it a go if u hv the time ok Jess.. :o)
bokeh tu yg image blur2 blakang tu.. yg bulat2 blur2 tu.. cant achieve that using lense biasa.. suke lah tgk gambar2 u!
ohhhh lahhhh tuan punya blog ni pun blur like sotong hahah.. for food photography i use 50mm
salam rima..wow mmg mengancam kek nih..leh cuba..dulu pernah try wat resipi chefwan punyer tp resipi nih nmpak lbh istimewa sbb guna palm sugar..masuk list dulu..hehe!! moga cepat sihat ye..klu x leh akak pos kan ubat..hahaa!!
K Ina
Yes doc! err part nak makan ubat ni ade weak sikit ah hehehe
Cuba lah kak.. siapa tahu u might like it :o)
hi, can u tel me what did u do to make the surface of the baked cake into small squarish shapes?...looks great!
Wud love to adrs u by name tho..
U meant the surface or the small square that was sliced?
Hi, Ashton here...yes the top(surface)...most of ur cakes has the small squared shapes on the cake after baking...how's that? Ash
Hi Ash
The lines or squares on the surface are due to the wire rack i cool my cake on :)
Oh...thank u...i'm green in this field....luv ur snaps!!!
Ty anonymous.. do leave down ur name so that its nicer for me to adrs u by name.. tks!
Boleh tak tukar full cream milk dgn bahan lain? like fresh milk k? i x ada stock full cream milk since none of us minum susu
Hi Feezah
Yes u can sub with fresh milk..
Hi Rima, I baked this cake, I must said is real delicious, I love it so so much! Thanks for sharing.
U did Jess? woahhhh i love it too... eh its been a while since i last bake it.. tmrw i do hahaha
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