So its obvious that Mr "Aid" lost its virginity today... I didnt wanna do it but the temptation was too overwhelming .. where ever I go I caught him looking at me with that sexy looking eye, body and feet... I had to do it... I just had to do it.. its either gonna be today or never :op
I began to walk closer to him.. looking at him straight to his eyes... touching him.. eh ehhhh this is wrong... my blog is rated PG! oppsssyyy hahaha

Anyway for a start I decided to bake hb his fav cookies since he was generous enough to buy me THE mixer.. in a way its like I gv him the honour and paying him back for his generosity lol.. so here is the recipe once again..
250g salted butter,softened (i used SCS)
200g light brown sugar
1/4 tsp salt (i didnt add)
1/2 tsp coffee oil
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup oats,processed to bits in a chopper (i used nestum)
1/4 cup ground almonds
1/2 cup of your favourite nuts,chopped finely (optional)(i used whole cashew nuts.. toasted)
1 pack of Nestle Tollhouse semi-sweet chocolate chips OR chocolate chunks (ran out of Tollhouse - I used dark chocolate chip bought fm Bagus)
300g self-raising flour (i used plain flour with 1/2tsp of baking powder)
This is the most important step,at least 2 hours before,or the night before,beat the egg with the vanilla and the coffee oil to infuse or you can do this the night before,refrigerate it then bring it to room temperature before baking.
Preheat oven to 160C.
To the softened butter,beat in the sugar and the salt to combine. Beat in the egg and stir in the processed oats,ground almonds,optional chopped nuts and the chocolate chunks. Sift the flour and fold it in,this dough will not be too stiff but not too wet either.
For small cookies,place half-tsp of the dough,spaced slightly apart on the cookie sheet and bake for 9 to 10 minutes.
For large cookies, place rounded tbsp of the dough spaced apart on the cookie sheet and bake for 20 to 22 minutes.
Cool completely and let it sit overnight in an airtight container,this is for the flavour and fragrance to develop further.
Note: I baked mine for 10mins cos hb prefers the semi chewy type of cookie (If it was up to him he would say "no need to bake, just put the cookie dough into a Tupperware...")

Before I go let me just tell u girls that Mr 'Aid" hit my "G" spot.. hes young... hes smooth.. he gyrates swiftly in all directions and he knows how to mix it all up. I'm one happy, contented, exhausted woman who looks forward to seeing 'him' everyday .. wink wink .. muahahahaa
I would say this is one 'hawt' entry, ever.. muahahaha..
Congrats on your new baby Rima:)My baby Aid has been with me for a year now and hopefully, many more faithful years to come.By the way,i have never heard of coffee oil.Can i opt it out from recipes that requires it or is there a substitution for it?
Muahahhahaha somuffins.. "hawt" is Mr "Aid" middle name :op
Ooohhhh!!! gyrates in all directions eh?? I lurveee!!!ahakssss!!
ahaakssss.. who doesnt ey.. lmao
Thank you ZeeB.. coffee oil in this recipe is a must cos it brings out the flavor of this cookie .. where are u at? if ur in Sg u can get it fm SunLik..
rim, what is coffee oil?
Wa your en3 so sexy meh? That is still normal compare to Peterporn..he..he.
See I already expected..your desert will be much better and creative. Keep it up to make yr hubby loves you more than Kitchen Aid..
Coffee oil tu macam hmmm i think ya.. concentrated coffee essence kot hehehe.. if u cant find coffee oil u can try and use coffee extract if tak de jugak pi pakai coffee essence cuma pakai more aje.. maybe 1 tbsp but MUST pakai ok or else it will taste just like ur ordinary chocolate chip cookies..
Ape kebenda si peterporn tu.. i very the green one u know.. not yet cukup umur.. muda remaja muahahah
I am pretty sure he loves me as much but not as much as my love to my new "man".. maklum orang baru lah kata kan hehe
I will def try looking for it the next time i go to a bakery supply store.I am currently residing in San Diego.But kat sini,cekik darah sikit when it comes to buying baking ingredients stuff.Compared to Sg,harga quite melampau.When i balik Sg hopefully in a couple of months time,i will shop till i drop at the bakery supply stores there.I only know of one bakery store in SG(the one located at Sembawang mrt)I will definitely google for SunLik .Thanks for the tip.I have never came across coffee oil,only coffee liqueur(im still an amatuer baker lah)Have fun with your new baby Aid:)
Yes the baking ingredients kat sana memang cekik darah sikit eh and not many choices.. dolu dolu when I get to travel to the US.. i like to go to the supermarket to look at baking ingredients.. back then I ni pun bukan heran sangat bila i saw all the bundt pan kat sana.. kalau i tahu i beli seh cos nordicware is cheaper there.. Anyway when u fly back do check out SunLik and Shermay in Holland V.. u can of cos go to Phoon Huat yg kat ade just abt anywhere in our little island ni.. i prefer the one in Holland V cos besar sikit phoon huat kat sana.. ttyl
eekks..for info...Phoon Huat kat Sembawang mrt da takde...hehe..
*tumpang lalu* :D
entah lah Ain.. I dont go to Phoon Huat that often.. kalau nak dekat and desperate for something.. I usually will go to the one in AMK
Aiyoyo... where on earth la can i buy coffee oil in this small small town of mine? Kalau nak wat sendiri pun will take 4 weeks gitu. Arghhh.. http://www.ehow.com/how_4760731_make-coffee-fragranced-oil.html
Aiyoyo Yan.. 4 weeks!! Lupe kan saje lah.. U ade coffee emulco/essence tak?? Worst case scenario u use that lah cuma taste dia lari sikit.. Texture shud be the same..
Rima, thanks. I dah tanya pakcik google for coffee oil substitute, tapi dia kata takde sub pun. Nasib baik u pandai dari dia. ha ha... Kalo begitu, i akan guna coffee emulco la ek. Lari sket takpe la kut ek..
Hehehe I ni kan pandai pandai aje.. try ah.. dont letak banyak sangat ok.. nanti the coffee taste overpowering pulak :o)
sLm kak rima.. saya takde blog tapi almost hari2 tengok blog akak... yummy.. anyway nak tanya... saya dah try almost famous cookies ni .. jadi sedap yum yum.. tapi kan nape dalam dia tak garing sama macam kat luar ek.. ke memang macam tu? thank you for sharing such delicious recipe... fa
Salam Fariza
If u nak garing u lebih kan timing bakar.. if i want soft inside i will kurang kan time membakar.. and if i feel like having the crunchy type i will lebih kan timing dia.. cuba lagi ok
betui betui.. lagi satu pasal coffee oil tu kan .. ibuat sendiri takyah tunggu 4 hari pun ... few hours ja.. letak secamca kopi asli (bukan 3in1). mak i goreng kopi sendiri so dia ada bagi sikit i guuna yang tu.. then campur olive oil 2 camca besar bagi secamca kopi.. lepas tu tara jadi le coffee oil versi fariza .. bau memang best gileks
Oh ye ker?? heheh lucky we hv it here in singapore.. the only place where u can find a super duper good one is in sun lik tho u can find it in any other bakery supply shop hat sini pun
assalammualaikum kak,sy mmang minat sangat dgn resepi2 akk.mleleh air lio tgk biskut2 mcm2..teringin nk wat. tp kat malaysia ni saya da bjalan mcm2 tempat.tak jumpe pun kedai yg jual coffee oil.huhu..bleh kirim tak?
walaikumsalam.. wud be great if u wud leave down ur name .. senang i wanna adrs u properly..
Coffee oil tu memang tak de kat malaysia.. insyallah can kirim the next time i turun KL
Nama saya atheera. dari saya mengandung teringin nk wat n makan biskut choc.chip dari resepi akak.sampai da bersalin da pun..anak da 4bulan dah.huhu still belum jumpe coffee oil n nestle choc chip tollhouse. baby mleleh air lio same macam mama nye dah..he3..kempunan sudah
Hi, I have been following your blog for quite some time and I am really impressed with your work.
To obtain the crunchy cookie, should I keep the dough in the fridge for a couple of hours instead of baking it for a longer time?
Ty for coming to this humble blog of mine.. u dont hv to keep ur dough in fridge.. all u need to do is to bake it a little longer..
Hi sis, perlu tak i letak tepung jagung jadi cookie tu garing?
Hi Jina
Nope u dont hv to.. use nestum instead of roll oats and u will get a crunchy cookies..
hye sis Rima,
i'm Nadia...i've been addicted to ur blog ever since blog walking Kitchen Guardian blog...eventho i'm not the baking `rajin' type...but i can't help myself from visit ur blog everytime on9...aiming to try this cookie recipe and already put in my wish list hehehe...mnta halalkn d recipe ya...i've put the credit to u in my fb...keep on baking...if only u're my nextdoor neighbour,definitely i'll drop by evriday heee~~~
Hi Nadia!
welcome welcome to this humble blog of mine.. do try out the recipe.. sedap banget deh hehehe.. dont forget to infuse ur coffee oil the night bef u bake ur cookies yah.. good luck and happy baking!
waduh2...udah di bilang sedap banget tu...it must be a must in wish list....btw kt m'sia ssh nk cari coffee oil....who know's maybe u can be our supplier hehehe...btw...salam aidilfitri....happy baking to u too <3
Niat di hati nak put it in my blog.. dah ade pun berbottle bottle of coffee oil in my pantry.. tak de masa.. nanti i will hv it in my store ok..
In btw there is this girl yg kata kat ipoh ade jual coffee oil
hi Rima am new to ur site....tried ur almost famous amos choc chic cookies , my sons said like they r in heaven ...thx for sharing all ur yummylicious recipe with us...
hi rima, just asking. instead of using coffee oil, can i use coffee extract or something similar? coz i cant find it here in selangor. n what will it taste like if im not using coffee oil? is it better to just use coffee oil or i can use something else to replace it?
Hi dear, I came across your blog while goggling for Famous Amos cookie recipe. I would like to thank you for sharing! The cookies I baked using your recipe were well-received by my co-workers!
sorry for my super super late reply.. if u cant find coffee oil u can use coffee essence tho the taste is slightly diff... i saw coffee oil while i was in Yummie.. dont know why their coffee oil looks like oil.. not dark in colour.. hmmm
Hi Velma
ty for trying.. yes its my hubs fav too.. come to think of it.. i owe him one container of it.. welp!
Hi Rima, i cant get coffee oil anywhere in KL :(
for a substitute i think i'll try the "coffee oil versi fariza"..
but coffee tu serbuk kopi ke or something like nescafe, indocafe, etc
Hi Kak Rima
im lenny here i would like to ask the egg u used is one from the fridge, cold egg or we shldnt use cold egg ? and if i avoid the grounded almond ok tak kak ?
lenny chang
hope to hear from you the soonest
Hi Lenny
sorry i hv been MIA for the past 6weeks.. always use room temp eggs yah.. cookies taste best with grounded almond
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