I am going to keep this short... its Friday and its time to play hehhe... I baked this cake for Raymond last night (I swear it was meant for u Raymond and stop rolling ur eyes!!) but unfortunately hb didnt go to workshop today.. so will hv to gv it to him on Monday... that is if this cake survives the weekend.. if not I will hv to bake it for him again next time.. Muahahhaaa I know.. I know u hv been waiting like forever!! I get the hint! You will get the cake latest by next week ok hahahha

And since the cake is still in my kitchen.. I decided to slice it.. ate a few slices.. ya know.. just "to be sure" and u know what?? Thank god i got to taste it cos this cake has that Melt-in-your-mouth type of texture.. super moist and tastes ohhhh laaa laaaa.. I dont think i need to say more... Thank you CMG for sharing this wonderful recipe... original recipe is fm Wendy Kor.
250g butter (i used golden churn)
80g condense milk
1 tsp mix spice
1/2 tsp vanilla powder (i added vanilla extract too)
80g golden syrup
15 egg yolk
3 egg white
120g castor sugar
80g superfine or HK flour
1 tbsp ovallete
20 ml cold water
a few drop of yellow colouring
150g pitted prunes (i used 250g hehhe)
Melted butter

1.Greased a 8x8x3 pan.. preheat oven 180C
2. Whisk A on high speed for abt 7mins or till thick and creamy.. put it aside
3. In another bowl.. Whisk B on medium speed for 10mins or till thick and fluffy
4. Add butter mixture (A) into egg mixture (B) and continue to whisk till well blended
5. Add in yellow colouring
6. Separate batter into 10 portions... abt 90g each layer
7. Spread a portion of batter evenly into pan
8. Tilt pan left and right to level batter or use back of ur spoon. Grill for 5 minutes or until golden.
9. Remove from oven and press cake layer to remove excess air. Brush layer with melted butter and spread another portion of batter over the cooked layer, tilt pan to level batter and arrange flattened prunes onto batter. Grill for 5 minutes or until golden.
10. Alternate step 8 and 9 until batter is finished.
11. Bake last layer using upper and lower heat for a further 10mins .. (use aluminium foil to cover the top so as to prevent the top fm turning to dark)

Hv a good weekend peeps!
Hi Rims...U know I read yr post beackwords..meaning I see the pics till the last one & croll upwards..when I saw the recipe wiith 3 egg whites..terus I teruja cam nak testing, then I saw 15 egg yolks...LMAO!! terus I terkedu...kihkihkih...it's okay my friend, I just look at the pics & imagine eating them slices ya???:)
lol Yat.. i hv recipe of lapis cake using only egg whites but belum dicuba lagi.. dont know if sedap or not.. anyway my friend.. u dont hv to imagine eating them... i boleh antar one tupperware lah hahahah
rima dear,
Thumbs up! rajin sungguh buat layer kek! do u know that over here a fren of mine selling 1kg of kek asam manis.... guess how much? ;o) RM90/-
just imagine all those cakes u bake u jual...hmmm profitable ek ;o) but i know u just love baking...hahaha...how i wish i can be like that too...
I love to see n eat cakes but bake hmm...bila ada angin rajin baru buat...hahaha
Have a great baking day!
n hugs n kisses to sonia from auntie yan!
Hi Yan
eh $90 ringgit consider murah tu.. Kat sini mahal sikit.. If u hv the passion for baking .. Insyaallah whatever u bake menjadi.. Safe alot plus u know what kinda ingredients goes into ur bake.. U get to use the best there is.. Butter, vanilla eg madagascar vanilla.. Chocolate eg valrhona etc etc..
Hi Rima,
Your Prune Layer Cake looks so delicious and professionally done. I will try to find time to do one myself. This Raymond guy must be a hell of a good looking guy to deserve this cake. I guess "Everybody Loves Raymond"
Good looking..??!! Hmmm raymond is that u?? Kah kah kah
I still didn't get to eat tis favourite cake of mine... *sob sob* but yet again hu noes I might be able to smell the similar cake somewhere... I wonder where... :) muaks--li lin!
Muahahahaa sis lyn.. U sure will.. Haha
Cake dah kasi raymond liao.. I'll bake it again soon.. For now makan tu cake walnut chocolate..
Salam Rima,
I tried baking this lapis prune and the result..disastrous..hehe..i think the cake 'bantut'. No cake texture but a kuih bakar texture...Just wanna check wif u, after we beat the butter(A) n eggs(B) separately, u mix A & B as in beat wif the mixer again or just use a hand whisk? cos i add A & B mixture using the mixer n the whole mixture just sank when I added the butter mixture. Hope to get it right the nxt time round..
Salam Roadz07
Betul u buat tu.. and yes the mixture will sink a bit due to butter mixture..
Yes u hv to mix A n B using mixer at low medium speed till dia campur betul.. when u beat ur egg.. did u tunggu till ur egg batter mengembang??
Is this ur first time baking layer cake?? it takes a few trial n error to know the texture.. if u dah biasa buat.. and if ur lucky u can get it right straight away.. cuba lagi ok..
Salam Rima,
Yeshh tis is my first time.. yes i did wait for the egg to kembang n when I added A to B the mixture terus sink so I tot I got it wrong during tat part..seriously dunno which part yg salah sampai tak jadi..I followed the recipe closely..hehe..just hv to try again I guess..anyway tks for answering my query..BTW bila I do the layering kan the batter become makin cair...not like after u just mix it..Is tat correct also..BTW how should the mixture be after u mix A & B? Tks.
No u got it right.. mesti sink a little cos of butter and batter makin cair cos kek u panas so of cos when u pour batter.. it will cair a little..
Mixture shud be slightly thick.. not cair at all..
Hmmm u are using grill aka upper fire right for every layer??
Tks for sharing..and yes I use upper fire for the layering.I will not lose hope n one of these days will give it another shot. Oh ya ..nak bilang u tat I tried one of the kek gulung recipe n yess..that one success and very sedapp..hehe..wish me luck on the lapis...
Hello Rima
Mmmm.. looks delicious! Will try this soon. May I know if your tbsp measurement is the 15ml or 20ml one? Thanks!
Hello Ananta
Sorry for my late reply.. my 1 tbsp is 15g/15ml
Good luck!
Salam Rima,
This is the second time i've been baking this cake...I've having the same problem as Roadz07....the 1st time i bake i thot because i'm using normal flour the texture become like that...but today i'm using HK flour the result also the same....i love the taste but i do not know which ingredient and method was go wrong as i follow closely ur recepi....my mum cakap macam makan kuih bingka....insyallah after this i'm gonna try ur lapis lengit economy.
Salam Fid
I am sorry to hear abt ur kek lapis eventho u follow my recipe to the T.. what i dah stated abv is what u shud be looking out for.. mixing of butter.. mixing of eggs.. mixing of both mixture.. u hv to really know the texture of ur batter to get a successful lapis.. I nasihat kan u cuba lagi yg ini cos ramai yg dah mencoba.. kek lapis legit pakai banyak telur so maybe u shud keep on trying to bake the ones that uses lesser eggs so if tak jadi hati tak sakit hehe
Anyway good luck and jangan putus asa ok
Hi Rima
I tried this cake and it turned out better than I expected. Was a little doubtful at first, seeing the comments from other readers saying how theirs didn't turn out great. I didn't have golden syrup so I replaced it by adding more condensed milk. And I didn't have a kitchen scale so I basically main agak-agak only with the flour. I may have added more flour than needed but it was still fine. Oh, I mixed everything by hand because my mixer died on me. Cannot tahan already, tangan gatal, had to make it asap. You have an awesome blog. Thank you for sharing your recipes with us!
Congrats.. congrats Sam.. am happy that urs turned out ok eventho u didnt use a kitchen scale to weigh ur ingredients.. and u mixed everything by hand?? welp i know i wud feel kaput by the end of the day if i hv to mix by hand hahaha
Anyway once again.. glad it turned out fine.. no worries.. sharing is caring :op
Salam k rima,
I used golden churn Butter masa first time buat kek ni.. Jadik alhamdulilah.. Thx to u for sharing the recipe n tips..
Tp sbb golden churn tgh ade issue skang, may i know the alternative Butter to go with this recipe.. Takut x jadik Plk kalaulah main taram pki Butter biasa.. Hihi
Pi masuk tido! hahaha
This year all my cake orders i pakai scs butter.. baik kek kukus sampai kan kek lapis.. rasa sedap and maintain ajer.. nanti on friday when i bake cakes for my mom i will use scs and wisjman butter combine..
Haha.. I stay up buat rayacookies.. Ni la akibat last minute.. :p thanks eh.. I buat ini hari pki scs..
Buat malam malam memang shiok especially sambil dgr lagu raya.. kira feeling habis ah hehhe
If ur using this recipe pls take note that this recipe will produce a short cake if ur using 8x8.. i hv tried using 6x6.. memang lagi better cos tinggi sikit
Today i managed to squeeze one cake for my mom and i choose this recipe.. i double it and managed to get a higher cake using 8x8 pan
Salaam Sis! Baking this cake like the 5 th time now! Lol! Memang sedap... It's just melts in your mouth ! Delicious ... Anyone who eat it , just love the taste.. Thanx for sharing and teaching me. Tq..tq..tq! Oh, and sis I wanna know do you press and brush with butter on the last layer too? Do we have to use aluminum foil to cover or can we use anything else..like another thin pan perhaps ? Tq in advanced!
W'salam Hawa
This recipe doesnt use lots of eggs but produce a moist cake.. Yes i will cover my cake with aluminium foil n yes i still press my cake..
Salam Rima. Ive baked few lapis bt not tt moist. Would like to try your recipe bt I hv a few questions. Will it be nice if I use salted anchor butter? For the melted butter for each layer, do I use salted or unsalted butter? Lastly, If I only hv 7 and 9 inches pan. Wch one is better to use? Appreciate ur advise. RH.
yes of cos u can use salted butter.. doesnt matter if u wanna use salted or non for each layer.. ur better off using 7" as this recipe is for a short layer cake.. i usually will double the recipe if bake this recipe
Slm sis...
I nk tau klau sis buat2 kek ni semua, pakai telur kecik atau yg bsr?
Yg A grade.. 60g
Hi Kak Rima..
Thanks Kak..Thank you so much for the recipe. I guna recipe ni setahun yg lalu. Hasil jualannya lumayan sekali Sis. You are my Kek lapis inspiration.. Muahssss
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