A simple banana cake recipe that has that melt in ur mouth texture... I decided on this recipe simply bec lots have tried baking it and supposedly its Mba Widya Andra Brown best seller sweet cakes.. dont ask me why but dont u think my banana cake looks like lapis lengit? hahhaha... love the texture and the taste.. love the combination of chocolate, banana and raisins.. I hope u like it too sis Wati!

- 200g margarine - add 1 tbsp butter ( I used 200g unsalted butter)
- 200g palm sugar
- 6 egg yolks
- 2 egg whites - whisk till stiff peak
- 200g flour
- 2 tbsp full cream milk powder
- 1/4 tsp salt (I added)
- 100g dark cooking chocolate - chopped (I used Hershey chocolate chips)
- 3 medium-size banana (600g) - mashed (i used 350g)
- 1/4 tbsp double acting baking powder (3/4 tsp)
- 3 or 4 drops of banana essence (i used vanilla essence)
- raisins, almonds, cherries or cheese for topping

Preheat oven 175C.. grease pan (i used two 30x10cm brownie pan)
Beat margarine and sugar till light and pale in colour
Add in egg yolk one at a time and continue to beat till well incorporated.
Fold in sifted flour, milk powder and double acting powder
Gently fold in stiff egg white and continue to mix till well combined
Add mashed banana and chopped chocolate - stir well
Lastly add banana essence..
Pour batter into baking pan and sprinkle with currants or cherries or almonds or just cheese according to taste
Bake for 35 minutes or till done.
Note: Next time i will use 16x16x6cm pan to get a higher cake
Source: NCC - Banana week
Source: NCC - Banana week
My goodness!! You are really good.. thx for the recipe.. cheers!!!
No worries anasuki!
Hi Rima,
Thanks for the recipe. 1 Q though.. can the palm sugar be replaced with brown sugar?
Hi somuffins
Of cos dear... u can use light brown sugar even... up to ur preference..
mmmm rasanya cake banana ni yg paling sedap sekali yg pernah saya cuba. memang terasa pisangnya dan moist sgt. thanks for the recipe from kak aida.
Well done! Alhamdullilah.. Lembut n moist sangat cake ni kan.. Glad u like it as much as we did.. :))
kak rima, salam ramadhan & selamat bakal menyambut aidilfitri juga..
comment ni lambat tp tepaksa nk tnye gak. kek ni batter dia dpt byk tak? & bapa lama dia boleh tahan.. if kita simpan dlm fridge tahan seminggu tak?
Salam Aida
I got 2 cake out of this recipe.. i think the best day to bake it is 3 days bef raya cos cake ni is the basah and lembab type.. i tak pernah pulak simpan dalam fridge but i think any kind of cake if dibungkus betul betul and place in tupperware memang boleh tahan seminggu..
Hi Rima, i'm lynn and i have tried a few of ur reicpes and it turn out well!!! Thank you. Can u tel me how is it that ur banana choc cake and others have small squared dented lines on the cake after baking...how did u do that? Tip please?
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