I am down with gastric flu.. I was all good in the morning till hb went out for his friday prayer.. My tummy hurt so badly... i was vomiting non stop.. i think the last time i had gastric flu was like 4yrs ago?? arghhhh.. the good news is.. I am now feeling a little bit better.. i cant stand straight cos my tummy still hurts.. Sonia has a temperature too.. so am keeping a close watch over my little one...sigh..
Hairi on the other hand is in Penang right now with his band group.. They were invited to perform somewhere.. i cant recall... not bad ey... all these years (6yrs to be exact) we sent him for guitar lessons paid off :o)).. well good luck guys and behave in other people's country!

Anyway we didnt do much today... I woke up very early to bake for hb hot cross buns.. last night he was telling me stories abt how he used to celebrate easter and that hot cross buns is a must in his household... I figure i am gonna surprise him(yes yes after all these years) by baking him not one but lots of hot cross buns lol
Got online... google a recipe... didnt know which one to choose.. was contemplating if i shud just use Alex Goh's recipe.. decided to get online again.. saw on LG's blog the recipe that she uses... dumped ingredients in my BM.. let it do its job... 2hrs later, my hb was sitting happily munching on his fav buns with a cup of coffee..

2 x 8g sachets dried yeast
1 1/4 cups (310ml) milk, warmed
1/4 cup (60g) caster sugar
4 cups (600g) plain flour (i used bread flour)
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground mixed spice
1 tsp salt
60g butter
1 cup sultanas
1 cup dried cranberries (i used mix fruits)
2 eggs
1 tsp bread softener (I added)
1/3 cup (50g) self-raising flour
1/4c (60ml) of water
apricot jam, warmed and sieved, for brushing
Whisk yeast, milk and caster sugar until the sugar dissolves. Set aside for 10 minutes.
Sift plain flour with cinnamon, mixed spice and salt into a large bowl. Use your fingertips to rub in butter.
Stir in sultanas, cranberries (craisins), eggs and yeast mixture.
Turn dough onto floured surface. Knead 5 mins. Put in large greased bowl. Cover. Leave in warm spot 3/4 hour. Punch down.
Knead until smooth. Shape into 12 balls. (i weigh 50g each and gets 30 balls) Put into 30cm x 20cm greased baking tray. Set aside 1/4 hour.
Preheat oven to 200°C.
Combine self-raising flour and 1/4 cup (60ml) water.
Pipe crosses onto the buns.
Bake for 10 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 180°C and bake for a further 15 minutes.
Brush buns while warm with jam. (i used melted butter)

Note: For topping i used 50g of flour with 1tbsp of oil, mix it first and add 60ml of water.. stir till pouring consistency.
Source: LG and Taste.com
Hi Rima...
The 1st bread I ever made was marbled roti pintal and this HCBun was the 2nd one (when I was sweet 19, ehem). Rasa bangga bukan main lagi pastu buat roti2 biasa aje.
P/S: I ni kaki merapu in cyberworld aje, percayalah ;-)
Wahhhh!!!! Tak aci!!! You used the same recipe but your crosses looke so so much better, hehehe.
I think I made mine too cair kot and it was quite runny and didn't stay there nicely :-).
Kira u start memintal n menghempas dough waktu usia muda remaja lah eh.... Woahhh sure waktu tu semua teruna nak dgn u.. Pandai bikin roti.. I only started a few years ago tu pun cos Hb I bought for me BM.. Kalau tak kerana tu pun I tak kuasa nak bake bread hehe
To be honest after u said ur cross turned out too light I terus use Alex goh punya recipe for the topping.. His pakai 1tbsp if oil bef u add the water .. Next time u try.. Sure tak runny one.. Anyway u wanna know what after my hb dah makan berlambak lambak baru dia kata mama dia tak pernah bake one.. Selalu beli aje!!! Lahhh the way he tell story, I thought mama dia yg bake hot cross bun tu!! Duhhh
Oh..no, I hope you and Sonia will be ok soon.
Hope so too SJB.. We took her to clinic this morning n my tummy still hurts.. Ouchhh
hahahaha...terus you dpt pangkat isteri mithali sebab baked the hot cross buns for him instead of just buying them :-)
mithali ?? Ape itu... Mushahahaa
Hi there...I was craving for portugese egg tarts, thus went searching for the recipe and somehow was directed to your blog. I spent a nice 2 hours reading your blog .. i find it very refreshing and am amazed by how talented you are at baking .. hope u don't mind i bookmark your blog for future reference :))
Hello Rima..
I'm backkkkk!! ha ha what a trip and kaki I pun dah kluar muscles from all that walking ;)
Happy 1st blogersary (albeit late one)..keep all the gd food coming..coz I sure them them & not to mention Sonia's adorable pics..
And another bread recipe for me to try my hands on...
Hi Pwincess
Hehhe Talented?? err not really.. i just love to bake and try out new recipe..
Of cos u can bookmark.. recipes are meant to be shared... hope u will gv some of the recipe a try.. let me know ok
Hi Yat
Ty ty.. Welcome back dear... hope u guys had a good one .. kaki sakit tak pe.. janji dapat jalan wokey heheh
Good girl for making hot cross buns :-)
I bought frozen ones out of desperation... haha
LOL Silcieo.. it doesnt matter if its a store bought or even frozen ones.. when ur desperate.. anything also taste nice hehehe
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