OMG!! Perfect perfect chocolate chip cookies recipe so far!! we are so so in love with the taste, texture, sweetness of these cookies.. bake it longer if u wanna crispy type.. bake it for 10mins if u prefer a little chewy type.. either one.. this recipe is definately a keeper..

Well ok what are u waiting for?? go and bake it right now babes and you know what.. its much more fun to bake cookies if u hv a monster aka hb in ur kitchen who likes to munch on the dough and kept on saying it tastes like Ben and Jerry ice cream.. lol weirdo!! muuuahahha
250g salted butter,softened (i used SCS)
200g light brown sugar
1/4 tsp salt (i didnt add)
1/2 tsp coffee oil (obtained from Sun Lik, this is the one that gives the cookie its distinctive fragrance and makes prople wonder,hmm what is that? but they usually cannot tell what it is)
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup oats,processed to bits in a chopper (i used nestum)
1/4 cup ground almonds
1/2 cup of your favourite nuts,chopped finely (optional)(i used whole hazelnut.. toasted)
1 pack of Nestle Tollhouse semi-sweet chocolate chips OR chocolate chunks (don't use cheap chocolate chips,the flavour is compromised)
300g self-raising flour (i used plain flour with 1/2tsp of baking powder)

This is the most important step,at least 2 hours before,or the night before,beat the egg with the vanilla and the coffee oil to infuse or you can do this the night before,refrigerate it then bring it to room temperature before baking.
Preheat oven to 160C.
To the softened butter,beat in the sugar and the salt to combine. Beat in the egg and stir in the processed oats,ground almonds,optional chopped nuts and the chocolate chunks. Sift the flour and fold it in,this dough will not be too stiff but not too wet either.
For small cookies,place half-tsp of the dough,spaced slightly apart on the cookie sheet and bake for 9 to 10 minutes.
For large cookies, place rounded tbsp of the dough spaced apart on the cookie sheet and bake for 20 to 22 minutes.
Cool completely and let it sit overnight in an airtight container,this is for the flavour and fragrance to develop further.
Eat one freshly made and one the day after,there is a difference!

Source: Stefanie of KC
Im drooling sey .... hahahah
LOL Ilah.. stop drooling and bake it!.. i promised it wont be long bef ur off to get urself the ingredients hahahaha
i fancy these cookies..imagine the taste & smell ....but making cookies I ada pemalas sikit la...
hee hee ... coffe oil tu ruper dia camner namer ... tak pernah nampak pulak? ... with coffee oil wat else eh kiter boleh buat?
Rima, as usual I cant refrain from copying a good recipe, haha. Tq.
Nak tanya sket. How much does a 250gm SCS butter cost in Spore? or did you but it in JB? It costs almost RM9 in Msia.
Al-kisah, when I was 18 yrs old, it cost $.95-1.05 aje. What's the connection bet. my age and the price of butter? Hehe.. ;-)
I am just like u.. to me baking cookies ni consumed time sikit.. macam buat kek lapis but ah bila part part munching tu.. malas nak cakap ah lol
Coffee oil tu rupa nye macam vanilla essence.. u can use on lots actually.. coffee cakes ke.. or add to melted chocolate ke.. just abt anything actually.. if u tak fussy u can get it in ntuc but ah sun lik punya ade oomphhh heheh
Sebuku SCS cost abt $3.80 kat sini.. abt the same ah kat m'sia.. i think its a control price tak..
Hmmm I dont remember pulak SCS cost that cheap.. dulu dulu my mom if bake cookies or cake selalu guna butter cap tong or buttercup.. i started baking when i was 15yrs old.. butter sponsor by mother of cos hehehe
agak2 eh....on Saturday...ada harapan tak cookies ni masih ada??....ekekekek....
pssstt...Saturday got wat food?.. :D
lahhhh Ain.. lain kali mesti nak cepat chop tau.. nasib baik ade lagi 5 keping kat botol.. i keep for u ok :op
Wat food? u hv to cook urself leh if u want to makan hehehhe
So tempting... cuma kat sini di Melbourne takde coffee oil I think :(
If tak de coffee oil.. u try and use coffee paste
Hi Rima
This is really a recipe to keep and treasure! Tried baking them delish choc cookies yesterday and followed the recipe to a T! The result is simply so sedap and my children loved them.
Thanks for sharing this lovely recipe.
No worries Nurwin.. so glad u gv this recipe a try cos this is one of my hb's ahem shud i say.. this is our all time fav cookies.. :op
forgot to tell u, i baked this cookies last weekend coz i found the coffee oil at our bakery store. my kids sanggup waited til 11pm to taste it. satu rumah bau harummm....
Salam rima, am new to your food blog. hmm sedapnya tengok. Am a little confused here with the method. When to put the ingredients prepared the night before? thanks dear. :)
Salam Fariza
If u look at the method.. there i said after u hv beaten butter, sugar and salt.. u add in egg (thats the overnight ingredients that u dah prepare)
someone introduced me to ur luvly super duper yummy blog yesterday...and now can't stop exploring all ur recipes & stories with drooling eyes..this blog wud be my fav frm now on...tq for sharing rima..err..juz 1 silly question..err...how the ground almond look like?is it powder like or...?(so sori..'sy budak baru belajar' :p)
Welcome welcome Della.. hope u are here to stay..
Ground almond tu sama dengan badam kisar.. u can buy it off shelf or u can grind it urself yah..
Happy baking!
thanks rima ... i bakes for 30 minutes and get the nice crisp :)
nak tanya satu lagikan akak.. resipi cheesecake tu leh tak saya guna untuk wat cupcake.. kalau takleh nape ek
Good to know that and yes u can do it as cupcake too.
Oh i hope u know what i meant when i say cupcake kan..u hv to usually bake cheesecake pakai au bain marie so u hv to use muffin tray if u nak buat as cupcake ok..
Hi Rima,
I am just a silent reader of your blog. I really adore all your recipes, baked goodies, and blog stories.
Yesterday evening I baked this almost amos cookie. It was super duper yummylicious :) Thank you for sharing this superb recipe with all of us. All the ingredients are the same as yours, except I reduced my sugar to just 100g and I used the Hershey's semi sweet choco chips. I still find it sweet. Maybe next time I will try this again with valrhona chips :).
Ms V
Ms V
Ty for leaving footprints and am so so glad u gave this recipe a try.. my hb's fav cookies and yes its a little sweet but he loves it.. anyway i've tried using valrhona and its super uber nice too hehe
Salaaam K.Rima! How many gram is the choco chips? Tq!
Salam Hawa
I dont know pulak berapa gram is the chocolate chips.. next time i bake i will weigh it ok..
Salaam K.Rimaaaa!!!!
I did this cookies td pagi! Everyone who ate it said its delish! Im soo happy! Tq again... oH , I did the Donna Hay's cheesebrownies...itu pon sedap...everyone likes it! but I personally prefer the Marble cheese brownies more! What about u? which do u like?
Congrats congrats.. cookies ni memang my hb punya hot fav.. ni pun dah mintak lagi..
I like both but kan since recently i baru buat that marble cheese brownies masih boleh terngiang lagi kesedapan brownies yg tu
Heheee...MCB mmg sedapp! I x didnt hv the coffee oil! Out of stock in the shop so I sub to coffee emulco...It was really nice still! Next time I'll try wif coffee oil ...
Normally I like the crispy cookies but for this one I love when its less crispy so the taste it's just more....yummy n chewy!
salam kak,
How long do i hv to beat the butter n sugar n salt? Till butter white and fluffy? Thanks
Salam anonymous
Hmmm dont overbeat ok nanti cookies nye mengembang.. cukup till all dah incorperate.. maybe 5 mins.. next time i will time myself ok cos i nak kena bake it for my hb next week..
thank you kak cant wait to see ur next result :)
Salam Kak Rima,
It has been years I've been looking for awesomest choc chip cookies and tastiest one. And now I found one! Tried making this today.. and WALLA! Indeed, made all fuzzy feeling inside. Delighted. Happy. I found the recipe that I've been looking for! Thank you so much Kak Rima for sharing! xx
Lots of Love,
Salam Shee
Clap clap... good to hear that!! we love this recipe to bits n i hv to bake it for hb on monthly basis.. enjoy and happy baking dear!
I can't find any coffee oil here in KL, dah puas saya cari Shah Alam, Selayang, Ampang semua takde. Bagus only sells Orange oil and Lemon oil.I asked KG can i replace the coffee oil with orange oil. She said it'll be orange choc chip then. She suggested to replace with cappucino paste,i already bought it but I'm not sure how much to put.I feel like ordering it from you the next time you come to KL.Maybe you can pass it to KG so I can collect it from her. next time not now :).appreciate if you could advice. Thanks K.Rima.
Actually kan i had wanted to add coffee oil in my store.. dah ade pun cuma belum letak sticker ajer and bec i was so so busy sampai tak sempat nak update my store..
Coffee oil memang susah nak dapat kat sana.. will put up coffee oil in my store soon
Alhamdulillah, that's a good news to me :) tapi coffee oil ni halal kan? I risau betul sekarang ni, mcm2 brands detected non-halal. OK will check it out. Thank you and Selamat hari raya to you and family.
salam k.rima.terdetik nk post comment sbb ramai yg tanya pasal coffee oil kat kl. oleh sbb teruja nak buat biskut ni, i pun round 1 malaya cari huhuhu sapa2 yg dok ipoh, coffee oil ada jual kat kedai wah seng ipoh. oleh sbb teruja tgk coffee oil terus borong few bottles.
hehe.. there u go.. siapa yg tinggal ipoh boleh lah gi kedai si wah seng.. ty for sharing ya..
kak rima,coffee oil ni sama ke dengan coffee emulco?
cik tudung senget
actually tak sama.. but if u cannot find one u can use coffee emulco
since i 'bump' into your blog, i have been addicted and glued to tis blog..never a day passed without me checking on your updates - am not a stalker yer *lol* hope you are enjoying your trip back here..nak tanya, i have been trying most of your recipes tapi why when i bake cookies the finishing mine is bulat cantik but yours is so famous amos which i think is more cantik..any tips dear? Mine looks more like kuih raya but i want the famous amos look..thanks yer sebab sudi share all your recipes, tips and life..it's fun reading your blog! Anyway, all the best and can't wait to read more..till then, take care..
since i 'bump' into your blog, i have been addicted and glued to tis blog..never a day passed without me checking on your updates - am not a stalker yer *lol* hope you are enjoying your trip back here..nak tanya, i have been trying most of your recipes tapi why when i bake cookies the finishing mine is bulat cantik but yours is so famous amos which i think is more cantik..any tips dear? Mine looks more like kuih raya but i want the famous amos look..thanks yer sebab sudi share all your recipes, tips and life..it's fun reading your blog! Anyway, all the best and can't wait to read more..till then, take care..
Sorry for my late reply and ty for coming to this humble blog of mine.. hmm u pakai garfu tak .. u hv to use two forks in order for ur cookies to look rustic.. the round round tu macam tak cun sikit lah :o)
Hi Rima,
Please don't say sorry, reply jer whenever you can..alamak! How to use 2 garfu yer? You reckon i find it in youtube or joyofbaking? Aiyo, me clueless lah..
hehe u take one garfu on ur right.. another one for ur left hand.. dah tu cucuk pakai two garfu then u angkat and terus letak kat atas baking pan.. ahhh dia memang harus ade sememeh look baru boleh nampak like ori famous amos hehe
So size wise nanti lain2 lah yer? I think kena physically try then can know kot..*hehehe*
Hi Rima,
Kalau resipi ni i tak add baking powder ok tak? sebab i nak buat macam double choc-chip cookies punya shape and the choc topping.
Thanks for your reply.
hmmm actually if ur purpose of not putting baking powder cos u dont want ur cookies to kembang all u need to look after is when u cream ur butter? dont cream it far too long or ur cookies akan mengembang ..
Hi Rima,
Thanks for your kind reply and i will try to do it. I already try your bangket susu and its superb ! Do a second batch yesterday. Thanks for sharing great recipe.
salam Rima,
i dah try resipi ni....sedap tapi nak tanya camne actual texture cookies ni ye?
dia bersarang ke?
mine cam lembut and fragile tekstur dia...
wlaupun bakar lebih untuk crispy tapi bila gigit tu dalam dia cam soft
Hi Rima, your cookies look so yummy that I can't wait to try it out! but if I dont want to use ground almond can I replace with something else or leave it out? and u think I can cut down butter to 200g? bf doesn't like buttery smell/taste. yah, I know, weird right!? :p
thanks! -Jes
hmmm if u bake longer its more to crispy .. not soft type..
Hi Jess
I hv not tried baking it with lesser butter but i guess u can op the ground almonds and add more flour into it.. ground almonds gives it more taste while nestum gives it more crunchier..
Kak Rima, i wud like to try out this recipe but the coffee oil I see contains propylene glycol. Do u knw whr I can get halal ones?
If u cant find one in ur place.. u can replace it with coffee paste or essence.. i dont know where ur at but the ones in sun lik was said to be halal
kak rima, cookies ni kalau simpan dalam air tight container tahan berapa lama ya? -ili
lama jugak... my hubs kadang terlupa i baked him cookies and he letak kat dalam cabinet.. after a month baru dia perasan.. so am assuming tahan lama lah kan cos if i bake it untuk rumah.. benda nye tak sempat nak bernafas.. cepat habis hahaha
kak rima.. this recipe is definitely a keeper. sangat sedap! btw nak tanya.. kalau kita dah mixkan ingredients dia, blh tak kita simpan for later baking? cthnya adun siang, mlm @ after midnight baru bake? blh ke? simpan dalam fridge dulu? TQ :)
Salam Ramadhan Sis Rima...
Saya budak baru :)
Sis nk tanye, u juak coffee oil tu x?? Da cari 1 KL....xjumpe2 lagi.
of cos u can... leave it overnight and bake it tmrw.. no harm
anonymous i am only replying cos i know u wanna bake this cookies.. i hv seen it in kl but the colour is totally different.. mine is dark brown while the ones i saw in bangsar was white.. i do sell coffee oil in my store tho
Hi Rima Babe (photos say so),
I'm usually a lurker but couldn't resist dropping a few lines here when I saw this recipe.I love CCC and your recipe for the Amos clone is almost the same as the one I arrived at after numerous attempts trying to bake a decent tasting CCC. From experience I know these golden nuggets will end up addictive for all those trying out your recipe. Did you come up with your ideal formula through trial and error or was it based on an pre-existing one? Either way you're a big-hearted dame to share all your tried and true culinary secrets with us. Thanks for being so generous.
As slm k rima,
i've tried this sedappppp giler recipeee.hehe siap buat 3 adunan sekali harung.mmg gamble giler.tp the result mmg walllaaa.x sbr tunggu berbuka smlm nk rs the cookies.hehe.tq akak for the luvly recipe n yet simpe to share with us..coffee oil i berjaya beli di bakewell kat sri gombak.:-)
Hai aunty rima.errmm, satu adunan ni dpt brapa or it depends on size yg kita nak?
It depend on how small or big the size of ur cookies... tak pernah kira pulak hehe
Hi Rima,
Can I substitute the butter with margarine? If I use margarine, the measurement still the same?
N yes i found coffee oil here in KL :) but its in oil form. I mean, oil oil. hehe..
Thanks, Lia
Hi Lia
errr yeah but this cookies is best with butter.. so if u can.. stick to butter yah..
i hv seen it bef.. the coffee oil in malaysia is in oil form lol
Hi Rima, I would like to bake this cookies but I can't find both coffee oil & Nestlé Tollhouse semi sweet chocolate chips. I'm living Muar, a small town, all the baker shops here selling those chocolate chips without brand. How can I order from you?
Hi Rima,
Tried this recipe so many time.. memang marbeles n the taste memang mcm famos amos. Cuma i perasan famous amos cookies lagi airy. Sebab apa yer??
How to achieve this airy testure? By adding corn flour? or maybe adding 1 tsp baking powder instead of 1/2 tsp?
if you dont use coffee oil, what will happen?
salam.. saya dah try recipe ni.. tapi sy takde coffee oil.. so tak bubuh.. n choc chips pun takde .. so sy cincang2 jer almond hersyey's... mmg cookies nie sedappppppp! 2 hari dh licin.. tq for the great recipe!!
As Salam sis, nak cuba resipi ni untuk biskut hari raya. Leh tahu untuk adunan ni leh dapat berapa keping cookies ya? :-)
I really hv no idea how many pcs i can get with one recipe.. i usually will get lots..
Thanks sis for this recipe!
been tried lots of choc chip recipes since 4 years ago. Yours is the best I must say! Almost famous amous lah. Hee, but I used coffee emulco because I couldnt find coffee oil here.
I tried baking the cookies today, I'm going for the small cookies, left them in the oven for over 20mins but still the inner is soft.. Do you have any idea why it's not cruchy? Is it because the oat is over chopped?
I only started baking one day before raya.I made my own coffee oil!! 2 cups of olive oil n coffee beans!! PuT it in a slow cooker for 2 hours n stir constantly!! Sanggup k even thou it asked for 1/2 Teaspoon. N e turn out...waduhh worth it!thanks girl.
Hi kak rima!
Sorry i baru nak belajar baking. Boleh explain tak yg bahagian sift the flour and fold it in?
Thank u!
U sieve ur flour dulu.. After that u mix it to ur batter dgn spatula..
Dear Kak Rima,
I tried your recipe last weekend & the cookies turned out super awesome! It was crunchy & so sedap, my first time using coffee emulco in cookies. I am so grateful to you for sharing the recipe. Thank you!!!
Alhamdulillah glad u liked it!!! Ty for coming to my Dah sentap blog.. :)
salam. can i use nescafe to subtitute with coffee oil?
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