I am addicted to Pinterest.. i used to just browse thru Pinterest but now ever since i hv an acct there.. i have became an addict.. am addicted to pinning lol...
Happy midweek peeps... hope all is good .. ty to all who have emailed me regarding the Sacher Torte recipe... am still not done emailing to some as the only time where i can sit down and check my email is bef i go to bed... unlike bef... nowadays the moment i switch on my lappy... my eyes seem to switch off hehehe... so pls bear with me yah...
On a lighter note.. Sonia has been busy practising her school performance thingy... its all a hush hush thingy and shes not leaking anything out to us... every single time i try to dig something out fm her... she will say "no no no mama... its a seeeecret!" grrr.. oh well bottom line is... we are all pretty excited to watch her on stage again... it was only a year ago that she performed as the funky ballerina... remember? hehe
Alrighty.. last weekend i decided to bake a batch of macs for my family.. hubs had requested Ispahan for dessert which i gladly obliged and since i am already on it.. i decided to bake another batch of macs and colour em gold... yes yes... gold... why gold? hehe simply bec i saw it on Pinterest lol.. told ya i am addicted to it.. u can find just abt anything there... fm home decor to recipes to fashion to travel.. u name it... people pin it ahaks
So ok.. bef i go... once again... ty to all my readers who hv taken the time to write in... muchos gracias... am touched and Insyallah... i will keep my blog running "in the open".. as for the mac sheets... pre order will be closed in a week time... so to those that wud love to make a purchase... u can do so yah.. tks!

Assalam Rima
Lama I tak kacau you namun tetaplah intai2 dari belakang pokok pithang, hehe..
Hope everything is vavavoom with you n family.
Tengok your macs reminds me of my son's cobaan buat macs. Kalau you punya cantik bulat2 jer, dia punya dah jadi merebak cam benua Afrika kekdahnya, kihkihkih...
Good Morning Rima, happy to hear that you have decided to keep your blog going heeheehee.... and love the gold mac, so pretty!
W.salam CS.. I miss uuuu... Everything ok.. Same old... Macam rasa nak pi merayap but hv to wait Huhu..
Lol macam benda afrika? Hehehe harus lah pi beli Mac sheets.. Cehhhh promote nampak hahaha
Jess.. Ahhh.. I love it too.. Expensive look.. Will try silver next hehe
Oh my gosh, Rima welcome to the club LOL - I addicted to Pinterest too, forget about twitter or facebook. But now just do 5-10 pinning a day only, too much trouble.. ^_^
Is it true that when making macaron, it must be done in an aircon enviroment and is it a must to use food processor to mix the dry ingredients?
From blur angela :D:D
Such beautiful photos here, Rima. I always enjoying viewing your food photos, your bakes always come out looking great and your photos are no exception as well.
Nisa mom
Huhu pinning is one thing but to get carried away is another thing lol
Hehehe tak dapat beli Emas.. Dapat makan gold macs pun jadi lah haha
Hehe I've reply to u already on FB hehe
Ty Mel.. Sometimes pic do no justice .. Sometimes all it need 3 to 4 pics to get it right.. I wud say.. Depending on ones mood :)
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