Hi peeps... i know i promised ya tons and tons of pics of Sonia's school performance since last week .. with my busy weekend and my trip to KL.. i finally managed to upload all the pics and update my blog..
We arrived in KL safely last Sunday and are resting well.. lately my feet have been killing me.. so i'm looking forward to the foot massage which I will get later on today.. i took my niece along with me so that Sonia has someone to play with.. our days so far have been "fruitful" hehe.. all cakes and macs have been picked up.. Alhamdullilah.. ty Puspa, Azrina, Elmi, Faezah and also Yani for ordering.. it was nice to see some of u girls again!
So ok.. sit back and enjoy some of the pics that were taken last friday.. We had a blast and i think every parent can relate to what we experienced.. to see our kids' first performance on stage was just so delightful.. hubs and I are so proud of our little one cos shes such a gem!
We arrived early only to find out that the auditorium was already half full lol
Lots of parents.. some took along the whole family since that day was also the graduation for the K2 students who are abt to enter international schools..
Sonia spotted us!! haha.. all of them then sang "Working 9 to 5"
The 3yrs old... so so cute! The theme of the concert was abt jobs, work and "what I want to be when I grow up" and hence this fireman outfit! hehe
Money Money Money.. its a rich mans world... the Executives!
Flight stewardess and stewards... spot the shy steward? ... awwwwww (and he stayed like that throughout the whole song!)
Still shy-ing away lol.. poor boy!
Sonia's performance... Funky Ballerina..
Its as tho we had a private performance by little Sonia cos she wud dance and smile at us.. she was as excited as us lol
Supermodels... :)
Strike a pose!
The K2 kids performed Zumba... which reminded me of someone ahaks
Last nbr fm all the kids... my little Sonia was all high.. she danced and sang...
Reach for the skyyyyy... now we know why shes been singing that song non stop hehe
Some cried... some didnt even wanna dance..
That didnt deter my little Sonia fm giving her best on that day...
Well done dear! And here are the videos.. the opening song, her "FUNKY BALLERINAS" dance and finally the closing song... enjoy!
...yes.. the girl you can hear singing in the last clip is... Sonia...

hi Rima, am new here ...eventhough new but i'v tried a few of ur recipes including lapis legit choc...(white eggs only)...really adores ur lil princess ,she's so cute..the way she dance ,makes me smile dear....thumbs ups for ur lil princess....
Salam Rima, Misah here...wah!!! bersemangat sungguh cik Sonia kita tu eh, tkder stage fright langsung...well done..hope u r enjoying urself in KL Rima n have a gd rest as well..
Omg Sonia... U r so adorable... Nk cubit2.. Haha, Im in the exams hall. The law paper will start on 9.30am. Owh, I sucks in Law... Lets pray for the miracle.
Haha...cute kan budak yang malu2 tu, tapi masih mengendap siki2. And Sonia as usual, gorgeous!!..awww.haha
Sonia nampak excited. Bagusla kalau kecik2 dah comfortable on stage.. There sure be a next time kalau tgk gaya dia :D
She looks so cute and so adorable.. her smile tu hadoiilahh.. sweet sungguh!
Tapi the shy boy tu kesiannya... sampai ttp muka cenggitu.. hehehe
Tak boleh tahan tgk Sonia joget... melekek-lekek I gelak... she really seems to be enjoying herself, huh? Take care n have a safe drive back ya...
Suka la tgok Sonia..So cute.
Waaaaaaaa...grand betul majlis ni walaupun si cilik aje yang perform...Sonia tampak comel sangat2, seem so excited, berani laa.. I think she's above of all la Rima, tengok gelek dia kemain..menjadi...kira2 goyang Inul gitu..hahaha. Tapi kesian kat boy yg pemalu tu...dikelilingi gadis cilik yang mengejutkan jiwanya la tu kot...hehe
welcome welcome.. am glad to hear that u hv tried it... yep thumbs up for SOnia!
yep.. budak lain nangis .. dia steady ajer hehe
how was the paper?? huhu good luck!!
awwwww kelakar and kesian at the same time.. sampai habis that boy tetap shy shy hehe
Messy Mummy
she will be in this school for another 2yrs.. so every year ade lah performance fm every kids for K2 graduation.. ade chance lah dia tunjuk skill kat stage hehe
shes a gem!
hahaha inul kononnnn hahaha.. memang cute kan bila tengok yg kecik kecik perform.. thanks to the teacher lah jugak cos sabar mengajar budak budak niiii
i sampai sekarang also suka tengok her video.. priceless!
How adorable! Love her dance video. :)
Hi K Rima..
I've been reading your blog for months.. suka sangat!! bila outstation je.. sure tak sabar bukak laptop nak tgk blog K Rima.. sampai husband dah mcm suspicious.. ingat bukak email from bf.. hahah.. I love ur pics.. ur recipes.. ur stories.. and ur little Sonia.. sungguh comelest!..
Sofiyyah - JB
She's a brave kid, Sonia. Kids' performances always put a smile on me.
Rima, comelnya Sonia dengan outfitnya! Cute steward yg sampai sudah dok ngintai x nak perform! Teringat pula masa anak2 masih kecil. Skrg yg bongsu pun dah berjanggut!
sooooooo adorable lah!!!
Comelnyaaaaaaa.. She's so cute and adorable!!
morning masterchef Rima..cup cakes tu sungguh menawan terasa mcm nak try, sebab tu pagi2 lagi i dah shopping you punya bisou a toi store on line, especially the mac sheet, check the list please,
Suria Cyberjaya.
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